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File: 33 KB, 350x353, Xbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8405257 No.8405257 [Reply] [Original]

Is an original Xbox worth getting?

>> No.8405262


>> No.8405286

No unfortunately. Xbox Live has been dead for over a decade and any good games are on PC or Dreamcast.

>> No.8405293

For Outun 2, Spikeout and Murakomo absolutely.

>> No.8405357

Yeah, very much so.

>> No.8405359

It's a shit console but it's also dirt cheap so sure

>> No.8405361

not really, xbox got thr best versions of multiplat for that generation, and a lot of games from that time period had atrocious pc ports

>> No.8405365

Do you really feel the need to go play NBA 2k whatever again

>> No.8405527

yes. I have one and I love it. It's modded though and I pirate tons of games on it

>> No.8405558

i disagree, its still the best way to play halo 1, ninja gaiden or splinter cell chaos theory

>> No.8405560

Probably, but if you’re wanting to sample stuff then the Xbone has a good amount of stuff on the marketplace. Try some of them before you take the plunge

>> No.8405571

>best versions of multiplat
Drop this fucking coping meme already

>> No.8405832
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Entertainment alue for money is pretty great right now. You can find these things for $20. They're easy to softmod. You can run the whole OG Xbox library and a number of emulators.

>> No.8405846

Makes a nice low res porn player.

>> No.8406603

i grabbed one a few days ago, keep this thread running for a week or two and i'll let you know

>> No.8406635

Yes, dont listen to the mentally ill snoys

>> No.8406656

If you can find one for cheap and are willing to mod it then yeah, definitely. If you'd like to play the best version of console multiplats on a CRT then it's probably a great avenue to do that.

If you have an Xbox One or later though, I'd really recommend starting to pick physical copies of those old Xbox games since the backwards compatibility emulation is so damn good and Xbox games are cheap as fuck. You can easily pick up good cheap console games like Crimson Skies, Dead or Alive 3, Destroy All Humans, Black, Timesplitters 2 and Future Perfect and have a great experience with them in higher resolutions and framerates. I actually prefer the backwards compatible version of KOTOR 1 to that new switch port, it runs and looks much better even though it doesn't have widescreen.

And for the more expensive physical games like Otogi 1&2, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Ninja Gaiden Black and so on, they're priced surprisingly well on the xbox live store.

There are a lot more great games for the system that never made it backwards compat of course, but for most the big heavy hitters I think you'd probably do better to just get a cheap Xbox One first and see how you like the library.

>> No.8406935

God yes. I hated this thing as a kid and bought a broken one as a project a few years ago. Turned out it worked fine. Thing has a ton of great, creative exclusives and usually the best multiplats by a landslide. Have to admit young me was wrong

>> No.8406942

It’s the truth m8

>> No.8406945

>Xbox Live has been dead for over a decade
Who cares just use Xlink Kai lol
>and any good games are on PC or Dreamcast
This is bullshit, and fuck faggots like you for making it take so long for Xbox emulation to take off.

>> No.8406993

Easy to softmod nowadays. I use mine with coinops 8 massive and it just werks

>> No.8407089

>If I repeat this on 4chan for several years straight it might become true
Show evidence or fuck off

>> No.8407134

Go try the Fatal Frames on both and report back, I look forward to your concession

>> No.8407161

>I can't
Thanks retard

>> No.8407228

Yes you can faggot just emulate the PS2 games. If you can’t get the Xbox games to work just buy one and mod it they’re like $20 or some shit

>> No.8407529

I was quoting you, dement, I asked for evidence and you said "no u", cause your shitty coping meme never existed just like Xbox exclusives.
>Just emulate the PS2
>Using EMULATION to talk about multiplat versions instead of the real thing
Now I know you're baiting, badly.

>> No.8407539

You can just admit you’re having trouble if you want some help man. What part of it are you having issues with?

>> No.8407724
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Overcome your denial and reach acceptance like your friends

>> No.8407743

I guess if you wanna cling to your own lies this desperately I see why you’d be hesitant to even look for yourself
>No I will not even compare a single one of them with my own eyes

>> No.8407841

If possible, try to test the Xbox before you buy it. If it was made before some point in 2004, the clock capacitor may have leaked out and fucked up the power and eject traces.
I like the 1.0s made in Hungary (yellow caution sticker) the best. They run cool.
You can get everything you need to softmod one for about $20 online.
Once it's softmodded, it's good to null the key on the HDD so that it can be easily swapped out if it dies, then upgrade to a 1-2TB HDD. Everything to do that costs about $50-70 depending on the quality of the IDE->SATA adapter you end up buying.
I have a 1TB WD Green in my Xbox and still haven't filled it up all the way. It has hundreds of games on it + massive romsets.
If SSDs were cheaper, I'd probably use one of them instead.

>> No.8407897

>null the key on the HDD
The HDD is linked by digital key to the console?

>> No.8407909

It will just break down on you. At least from my experiences.

>> No.8407910

If it's just for the few exclusive games, they do emulate quite well today.

>> No.8407951

Solderlet detected

>> No.8407968

Yes. It has a fantastic selection of games, best multiplats for the generation and some innovative titles put out by MS that people tend to forget about. Also, Rallisport Challenge and RSC 2.

>> No.8408084

More like red ringed cus the system is shit

>> No.8408115

Are the only home consoles currently worth getting.

>> No.8408117

Am I being trolled or are you genuinely this much of a zoomer

>> No.8408152

It's the only way to experience Halo CE in it's true glory. Other than that there is no reason.

>> No.8408168

Jet Set Radio Future

>> No.8408181

close. Nfl 2k5

>> No.8408186

This is the mindset of someone who hasn’t actually explored the Xbox library. I thought this when I was a child, too

>> No.8408732

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
Voodoo Vince
MechAssault 1 & 2
Jade Empire
Project Gotham Racing

>> No.8408742

I bought 2 xbox systems new, when they came out. Both lasted a short time before getting red ringed and not working anymore. Explain to me how the system is great, i'm curious.

>> No.8409041


>> No.8409097

RROD is 360, not the original Xbox

>> No.8409132
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phantom crash

>> No.8409135

DC doesn't have Mechassault.

>> No.8409192


>> No.8409195
File: 1.95 MB, 2355x3430, SMR NINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely. A modded Xbox is worth your time, and the exclusive games are really good. Plus the og Xbox is the ONLY place you can play 100% pure functional Halo CE and Halo 2 games with no compromise on graphical quality. The PC port of CE was fucked up by Gearbox and is missing a lot of graphical effects, and the Master Chief Collection only just recently updated to fix the graphical errors since it used the Gearbox ports as the base. Anyways, if you get an og Xbox, make sure yours is a 1.6 version or above. If you get a model that's below a 1.6, take out the clock capacitors. Microsoft cheapened out on manufacturing and the clock capacitors WILL fail on those models and it will eat away at the motherboard

>> No.8409203

>Og Xbox getting red ringed
Come on, bro. This is OG XBOX we're talking about, not Xbox 360. Don't try to bold face and lie to the guy you replied to. Know about what you're talking about

>> No.8409204

>Is an original Xbox worth getting?
i mean if you find one in a yard sale or a thrift store 100% definitely worth it. should you buy one in 2022? probably not. unless you have a really solid CRT setup you want to hook it up to and properly run the movies folder from your PC to your xbox it's simply not worth it. you can pretty much play it all on PC at this point and using the xbox is just for fun/nostalgia im drunk btw

>> No.8409208

Will we ever see a translation patch for Shin Megami Tensei NINE?

>> No.8409248

Listening you snot faced fucking zoomers, i ain't lying and don't give a shit if you believe me or not. Original xbox, 2 of them, lit up red and never worked again.I bought them new when they came out.

>> No.8409436

Yes. The HDD is locked and unlocked by an encryption key stored in the Xbox EEPROM, likely to prevent easy access to the dashboard files before exploits were found. If the HDD in an Xbox dies and the key is unknown, the only way to bring it back is usually by hardmodding. That's why it's nice to get it under control while the original HDD is still alive. There's a tool on Rocky5's Xbox Extras Softmodding disc called ConfigMagic that allows you to unlock the HDD, update the EEPROM to a nulled key, then relock the HDD.
Apparently, nulling the HDD to all 0s messes up a certain calculation that Live used to generate IDs and as a result Insignia won't work when that goes up. Nulling to all 1s fixes the problem.

>> No.8409460

I hope we can one day. The game is such an enigma and a part of what could've been the XBOX's sole MMO to play, but either Atlus or the company involved in the MMO portion of the game pulled out last minute and what you have is a single player SMT game that has obvious hub worlds with no actual online play whatsoever. Here's to praying that a English patch will be available one day

>> No.8409767

Didn't know it had any red led's in it. lol

>> No.8409853

>make sure yours is a 1.6 version or above
1.6s are the worst revision for modding, and they still have issues with capacitors, only they won't kill the board. If you don't know how to solder, 1.6s are actually worse than the earlier revisions since the caps that tend to die need to be replaced for the system to function, whereas the clock cap on earlier revisions can just be yanked out.

>> No.8409929

Just get a One

>> No.8409932

you cant be serious?

eveything or nothing
from russia with love
burnout 1/2/3/revenge
midnigth club 2/3
spartan total warrior
long list of sports titles
all miles superior on xbox.

>Show evidence or fuck off
fuck up you thick cunt, i own ps2 and xbox, xbox loads quicker, often has custom soundtrack, higher framerates, way less fframedrops, everything looks better, out puts at 480p, 720p, 1080i, theres fucking tons of youtube comparisons that prove it you fucking stupid thick man baby CUNT.

pay attention to the type of flashing and it'll tell you whats up.

i have a modded xbox bougth second hand for ages now no issues.

phantom dust
tomb raider legend 60fps
panzer dragoon orta
best versions of midnight clubs 2/3
pgr 2
rallisport challenge 2 (exclusive and one of best rally games of all time)

i havent even started either thats a fucking lot of good shit on xbox.

>> No.8409938
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Xbox was weirdly good for mecha games

>> No.8409941 [DELETED] 

>fuck up you thick cunt, i own ps2 and xbox, xbox loads quicker, often has custom soundtrack, higher framerates, way less fframedrops, everything looks better, out puts at 480p, 720p, 1080i, theres fucking tons of youtube comparisons that prove it you fucking stupid thick man baby CUNT.
Meds xboxytranny, your cope will never be real
>Spartan Total Warrior
>Capped at 60fps on PS2
>Somehow "miles superior" on Shitbox
Let me guess it's 120fps

>> No.8409943

It’s always been true.

>> No.8409945


>> No.8409975 [DELETED] 

fucking grow up you depressingly stupid man infant, its not a fucking tribal matter like some fucking playground wank, i OWN BOTH SYSTEMS, ps2 for 10 years and xbox for just over 1 and i'm telling you objectively that multiplats are superior on the xbox and i dont give a cows CUNT about your childish emotionally bias to your brand of choice due to marketing subversion, put your fucking nappy back on noodle arm bog eyed twat.

>> No.8409985

>>Spartan Total Warrior
>>Capped at 60fps on PS2
>>Somehow "miles superior" on Shitbox

takes 3 times longer to load each stage on ps2, 480i against xbox 480p, way less slowdown on xbox, better widescreen.

I own and play both copies side by side, now fuck off.

>> No.8409990

It does. If you like Phantom Crash check out the PS2 followup SLAI.

>> No.8410002

>The game is such an enigma and a part of what could've been the XBOX's sole MMO to play,
There was another MMO in development that got cancelled very late into development, True Fantasy Live Online by Level 5. It looked great and was incredibly ambitious.

>> No.8410005
File: 27 KB, 539x229, IMG-20211029-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the I "own both" the new coping mechanism?
Today, I remind them:

>> No.8410010

No its the objective fact based on being to compare both side by side in my room completely objectively.

If you learn what cope means you'd see it's you who is actually trying to cope with the facts, shit troll and fully fledged retard, go away,

>> No.8410016


>> No.8410024

I disagree with your mobile screen cap, and love all 6th gen consoles except the game cube which it and its fans are complete pieces of shit. Xbox has its strengths and the often solid state of multiplats is one of them, titles which miss the mark exist but are few and far between. Apart from some more fringe scenarios like Wreckless, Sphincter Smell, and a few smaller titles the difference between multiplats is usually not very interesting to discuss. It's a display of some platforms weaknesses, often of less desired control options (some of the xbox binds in GTA are horrendous compared to PS2.) but generally you're going to get a solid experience playing SSX, Tony Hawk, GTA, Burnout, Urban Chaos, Black, Nightmare Before Christmas, Spartan Total Warrior on any console it was available on. Unless it's the Game Cube, in which case you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.8410027

You have to be 18 to post in this biard

>> No.8410039

>I disagree with your mobile screen cap, and love all 6th gen consoles except the game cube which it and its fans are complete pieces of shit.
>Unless it's the Game Cube, in which case you're a fucking idiot.
Kek you casually dissed Cubefags just like that, based

>> No.8410170

nintendo in general was very skilled at marketing to a particular type of person, the same type who likes star wars at 40.

>> No.8410186

i was thinking about buying a cheap series S to play the original xbox games, can i just purchase the games on the store? or do i need the disk or some other bullshit?

>> No.8410259
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>> No.8410281

yep there it is, they did mcdonalds strats like happy meal of targeting the children and keeping them in that mindset ad infinitum literally breeding cringe under developed man infants so they keep chasing the feeling of the purchase of said companies products, star wars, nintendo both achieved the same shit and the ham planet cringe fucks who dress up at 40 and get emotional about non nintendo games still continue to eat it up oblviously.

>> No.8410286

Yes you can purchase digital games on the store

>> No.8410292

There are some good games that are disc only because of licensing reasons and such
Personally I wouldn’t get a gimped box just to save $100 but I already have a collection of Xbox and 360 discs so I might be biased

>> No.8410295

>Console warring 20 years later
Console wars are for children who have to pick one box to convince their parents to buy, in 2021 it’s just a difference of what program you use to open the game

>> No.8410302

If I get an xbox360 and mod it, can I play every original Xbox game with physical disk without worrying about if it is compatible or not?

>> No.8410306

>Is the I "own both" the new coping mechanism?
In the eyes of poorfaggots and zoomers who have never seen people almost giving those away in yard sales: yes. Otherwise no

>> No.8410382

>implying Nintendo fanboys haven't spent decades revising history to make it more favorable to Nintendo

>> No.8410390

No one cares which console you mom bought you in 2002 play game you have access to all three

>> No.8410393

Well, I guess I'll be softmodding my Xbox in that case. Thanks for the heads up, I'll get to looking into what I'll have to do.

>> No.8410408

>get a GC in 2008 when all the games were $3 at Gamestop
>enjoy them
>youtubers and influencers come along
>overrate Gamecube to absurdity
>game collection pieced together for $70 now worth hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars
>hordes of 40 year old men in Mario hats getting into fights with wads of cash over Mario Party 4
Forgive me for thinking it's silly, but it is

>> No.8411038

No, no you can't. Most of them WILL work tho, the emulator's really good.

>> No.8411131

>Halo 1
4K 120fps original version on Series X. The one or two effects missing from the PC version have been fixed. COPE.
>Ninja Gaiden
4K on Xbox Series X
>Chaos Theory
4K on Xbox Series X

>> No.8411332

Can confirm my Xbox died right around the time I got a 360 (which then RROD 9 months later).

>> No.8411487

Good luck. Another nice bonus from nulling to a common value is the ability to swap easily and find replacements. Maybe you have a HDD on the way out in an Xbox with a nice board, and a better HDD in one that's beat up and has cap damage. If both of them are nulled to the same value, their HDDs can be swapped. After cap damage to the motherboard, HDD failure is probably the next worse thing that can happen to an Xbox. You can usually bring them back to life with some soldering if the clock capacitor didn't do heavy trace damage. Otherwise some mix of a modchip and the right capacitors has a chance of bringing back the majority of them.

>> No.8411495

My man.

>> No.8411497

Anyone know where I can get the tools to homebrew?

>> No.8411586

>>hordes of 40 year old men in Mario hats getting into fights with wads of cash over Mario Party 4

lmao this

>> No.8411625

I'm not one to hard- or softmod my stuff, but ideally I want my Xbox to last another twenty years if not longer. I'm not sure if it's actually possible, but I could not find a clock cap on my board, and w\hen it is powered off I always have to set the time, so yeah. Either way I'm going to try and fix the HDD key issue. Thanks again Anon.

>> No.8411642
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If you have this chip in your xbox the clock cap isn't an issue. If you don't have it in your xbox, it is an issue and it is now at the point that the electrolytic fluid is damaging enough xboxes that it's hard to find a working one.

>> No.8411831
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Any advice on a good guide to softmodding the Xbox? Or should I do a hardmod and chip the device? I seem to have everything needed for the softmod aside from an Xbox to usb cable, so I wanted to ask before I fucked around and tried a random guides instructions.

>> No.8411903

Depends how much work you want to put in.

Decking it out with a TSOP/Modchip, larger HDD, optional RAM upgrade, and HDMI/Component cable solution will get you a deceptively capable emulation box. However the effort need to get there is a lot more difficult than simply buying a Raspberry Pi 4, so its up to you if native OG Xbox games is that important.

>> No.8412090

>Series S
That's a digital only console. The og Xbox games are available on the Xbox's store so you can buy them and download them since the Series S cannot take discs. The only game you'll miss out on is Blood on the Sand since it is backwards compatible BUT only the disc version is since Microsoft did not get the license to sell it digitally for whatever reason

>> No.8412091

>or Dreamcast.
lmao fuck off fanboy

>> No.8412095

Not him but Halo CE hasn't been fully fixed yet on the MCC. There are collision issued and some other small shit that hasn't been addressed yet, but it's mostly fixed. I'm not sure if the Custom Edition exclusive maps have been added to the MCC yet but that would be awesome if 343i put in the work to make it happen

>> No.8412114

What's a reasonable price for a working Xbox these days? Any idea? I have a sudden worry that I might want to buy a second Xbox for redundancy purposes.

>> No.8412124

Person who could afford every console in the 6th gen, plus a gaming PC*
Xbox is by far the least valuable of its gen.


Dreamcast ~ Gamecube


>> No.8412125

Unironically Reddit.
People swear by TSOP, but I just softmodded my 1.6 with a copy of the first Splinter Cell, then I replaced the stock hard drive with like a 250GB IDE (cloning the stock drive onto the replacement, of course) instead of opting for getting a SATA to IDE converter. Everything worked fine for a good while. I started having issues with running True Crime: Streets of LA. The game would kinda run choppy and sometimes freeze. Not sure if my iso was a bad rip, if my hard drive was having issues, or if the game itself was just buggy like that. I would sometimes slightly bang on the Xbox, and the game would start working a bit better. Then one time, I did it, and the Xbox wouldn't work anymore. It would boot to that one error screen with error messages in a whole bunch of different languages. And you could hear the hard drive clicking when it turned on. I knew my hard drive was dead. So, I put the stock one back in. Haven't bought another replacement HDD since then, cause I've been broke, busy with other stuff, and frankly, OG Xbox emulation is starting to get to the point where it works good enough to replace real hardware.

>> No.8412127

>Halo CE hasn't been fully fixed yet on the MCC
But he's not talking about MCC. He's talking about using the Series X backwards compatibility to play the original.

>> No.8412154
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>Oh no, manchildren bump up the prices of games for no reason!!!
What does that have to do with the Xbox library's quality?

>> No.8412175

Modded Xbox is the next console I want to get. Would get one now, but I'm set to move soon and already got several consoles I'll need to send over.

Mainly interested in playing Fatal Frames, SMT Nine, NGB etc. Maybe Halo. I played 1 and 2 on PC long time ago, but it might be interesting to revisit them as they're meant to be played originally.

>> No.8412252

Shadows of the Damned too

>> No.8412601

Rocky5 is standard now and uses all 1s when it "nulls" the key. Also just TSOP, it's so easy to do and no more worrying about locked drives and HDD key bullshit.

>> No.8412652

Give me Blades UI and I'm sold.

>> No.8412793

BLACK is better than halo, yeah i said it.

>> No.8412826
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Is it recommended to replace the thermal paste on the original Xbox? I went ahead and did it, but I'm not sure if it made any difference.

>> No.8412829

yes its a good thing to do but im not sure why you expect to see a difference?

>> No.8412836

I mean, the CPU temperature didn't change. It's still 42°C. It's hilarious how cool it's running compared to the Xbox 360.

>> No.8413058
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XBMC had a 360-style blade interface back in the day. I remember showing it to some friends back in 2007 along with some of the plugins - Youtube and later Navi-X to stream live TV feeds. The internet wasn't nearly as RAM hungry at the time so the Xbox was fairly usable as a PC if you had a keyboard, XBMC, and xDSL.

>> No.8413174

Yes. You shouldn't expect any amazing differences, but the concern with a device so old is the existing thermal paste is dried out and a hindrance rather than a help.

>> No.8413770
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I'm going to play Doom 3 on the Xbox yet again. Funny how the now retro port is better in every possible way, and far more true to the creators intentions than the BFG Edition that lacks shadows and has the stupid duct tape mod as a feature. Not to mention it has an awesome steelbook case.

>> No.8414537

I found RoE to be very playable and really fun on the Xbox. I think that's a better game overall despite its length, the levels are varied enough to never drag like the levels in the base game.

>> No.8414619

RoE is pretty good, yeah. The beginning in the mined out area especially. Overall I honestly prefer the gimmick gun in it over the gravity weapon in HL2, which apparently is the opposite of most others opinions.

>> No.8414632

The grabber feels great to use because it's more versatile than the gravity gun. The sound effects and kickback on the gravity gun are better but the utility of the grabber, snagging projectiles mid-air, picking up lost souls and killing them is so much better than picking up toilets and killing comboobs. I'm with you on that.

>> No.8415021

Was HL2 on Xbox any good?

>> No.8415159

Eh it was ok for what it is. I grew up on it. Once I got an actual comp I got to see what I missed out on (mods)

>> No.8415170

OST daily for the last 10 years.

>> No.8415396

Is it? I tried the PS2 version on my PS3 and it wasn't that special.

Maybe the Xbox version is better, I guess.

>> No.8415720

I happen to be an expert on this topic.
FF1 is very broken. The game does some very weird bounding box collisions which mostly work on PS2 but notably it gets you stuck on geometry and caught on doors with the defaults on PCSX2 and Xbox in identical ways. Suggests the Xbox port didn't correct for the rounding differences between PS2 FPU and IEEE754 FPU. The enemy AI is similarly blorked. The window for attacking is tiny, they well get right up in your face before giving you a chance to capture and they'll not back off after a hit like they are supposed to. This leads to them camping on your hitbox and you have to wait for the RNG to make them move away. This happens on any difficulty but naturally the 1-hit kills on Fatal mode make this especially janky and busted. And then when all is said and done, the extra fight in Fatal mode and the ending don't make up for how painful it is to get there. It also has dreadful slowdown that doesn't exist on the PS2.

FF2 is a far better experience overall. It still slows down more than the PS2, but most of the jank from FF1 is fixed. The extra content is functional this time and I haven't seen anything that makes it worse to play. The controls are slightly awkward because of the placement of the white/black buttons but that's really my only gripe.

tl;dr: FF1 = very bad, FF2 = good

>> No.8415775

xbox ruined gaming

>> No.8415796

Not then, not now.

>> No.8415808

Hey where do you guys get xbox isos? I only know of Vimm

>> No.8415826

I'm playing that right now. I'm impressed by the Xbox that it can run the game so well. Graphically it's a downgrade, but still prettiest game on the system

>> No.8415959


>> No.8415971

Oh yeah this looks great, thx

>> No.8417890

Not really. All of it's worthwhile games have better PC ports.
That's why, being a PC gamer in the early 2000s, I went for the PS2 instead

>> No.8417932

So you won't bother getting something like an SNES because you can play those games on PC?

>> No.8418498

I don't care for the original Xbox all that much but with that being said Jet Set Radio Future is my all-time favourite video game and its only on that system but I don't care for it much besides that game. If you like RPGs or 1st Person shooters I recommend it though since there's some critically acclaimed games in those genres

>> No.8418706

No. Why spend money in a console and cartdiges when I can play them for free on a PC or even a cellphone?
I care about the games. I'm not a retro purist autist

>> No.8419519

Yeah just dont buy any discsj
ust get one with a low hardware revision, clip the clock cap, tsop and change the thermal paste and you're set

>> No.8419632

Why would you not buy discs?

>> No.8419654

not him but the dvd drives are shit and you cannot replace them at all once they die.

>> No.8419660

>change the thermal paste
That's not exactly necessary if the console already runs at a low temp. It's often a lot of extra work for little gain. Getting them off can be painful (best trick for doing so is to let the Xbox run for a few minutes and get hot first to loosen the bond. Some of the factory compounds used are like super glue and are extremely difficult to clean off.
Cleaning the dust out from rest of the motherboard and the case (including the fans) tends to make much more of a difference.

>> No.8419695

Xbox DVD drives aren't as bad as they're made out to be. They tend to accumulate a lot of dust, and two of the drives have drive belts that infamously get stuck after losing elasticity (Thompson and Samsung). A good number of "dead" drives can actually be brought back to full working order without having to calibrate at all.
>clean all the dust out
>clean the old grease off
>apply new grease to the rails that the drive tray and laser assembly move on
>replace the drive belt
>clean the laser
I've experienced this first-hand a couple times, mostly with Samsungs and Thompsons. All the parts to service an optical drive are very cheap.

>> No.8420121

just off the top of my head:
>Battlefront I/II
>Splinter Cell series

>> No.8420298

You guys want to hop on Live and play some Mechwarrior? Mom went to grab pizza, so I've got some time before dinner.

>> No.8421591

No games

>> No.8421667

They're dead simple to mod so game cost is a non-issue, and the consoles themselves cost damn near nothing. It's certainly a better investment than trying to get a GameCube at this point.

>> No.8421787

I miss this dashboard, so much.

>> No.8422401

The most annoying thing about softmodding an Xbox, I think, is dealing with the HDD locking stuff.

Even now I don't feel like I understand it that well, although so far I haven't done any irreversible damage.

>> No.8423000

>They're dead simple to mod
Yeah that really makes it worth it. I'm playing pirated games every day on this thing over here and I don't recall ever being this satisfied with a console. Also I have the duke and I really love how well it fits in my hands, handlets will never understand

>> No.8423036

I ordered an original Xbox console from Amazon, and I've been told that I need to remove the clock capacitor, or the acid from the capacitor will ruin my console.

Is this true?

>> No.8423118

yes, and it's really easy to remove, so just do it.

>> No.8423376

Depends on the model. If you have a 1.6 you definitely do NOT want to do that. Not only is the clock cap in a 1.6 Xbox not dangerous but removing it will actually brick the system.

>> No.8423456

Goo Gone works really well on the old thermal paste.

>> No.8423592

i'll second this and yeah not necessary, but goo gone worked really well and the new paste dropped the temp by about 5-10 degrees for me

>> No.8423818

I’m a dummy, someone explain to me this harddrive thing. If the harddrive goes bad will it brick the console or will I just have to save to memory cards?

>> No.8423917

If your HDD goes out your data becomes encrypted because the HDDs have a unique ID generated by the console. If you softmod it you can zero out this key as part of the process, which means you can install a replacement HDD even if yours dies.

>> No.8423932
File: 1.04 MB, 763x960, 2218927-box_tork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to play Tork, but it's not on Game Pass or even emulatable for me

>> No.8423953

Yeah but what I’m asking is how bad is it if the HDD goes out

>> No.8423983

I used Goo Gone too. That yellow compound is particularly stubborn but if you seat the heatsinks upside down and let the compound soak in the Goo Gone for awhile it makes it 10x easier to get off

>> No.8424018

So long as you have your console's unique HDD key you can install a replacement drive and reformat it. Your HDD dying doesn't outright kill the console but can leave you in a seriously bad spot if you don't prep for it.

>> No.8424029

Worst case scenario you have a 1.6 Xbox with a dead HDD. Hard-modding a 1.6 is work.

>> No.8424771

excellent taste