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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8396575 No.8396575 [Reply] [Original]

Famicom collecting is still fun. There’s a huge library of games available for cheap, original consoles are widely available, and cartridges come in a variety of colors and shapes.
Of course, there are drawbacks: the boxes deteriorate easily, CIB games in good shape get pricey quickly, and there are certain games that are priced for collectors only. But it’s easy to put together a nice assortment of fun cartridges.

>> No.8396634

I've been collecting FC stuff since high school, they're the only carts I like having on my shelf due to the variety of colors and shapes.

>> No.8396657

I've seen Ninja-kun in too many screenshots. This game is stalking me.

>> No.8396672

Everyone with any Famicom games has at least one copy

>> No.8396676

I bought a AV Famicom a few months ago and got Megaman 2-4, SM3, Akumajou Densetsu and Kirby.

>> No.8396718

Can confirm, I also have it. And I think I’ve seen it everywhere I’ve seen Famicom games for sale.

>> No.8396724

Just checked and I do indeed have one as well.

>> No.8396791

Agreed op. Also a great means to get the stupid high price US releases for cheap.

But as mentioned in another thread, the biggest issue is replacing save batteries in them is not as simple as just taking out some screws.

>> No.8396805


Count me in.
But I have a weird problem with my Ninja-kun cartridge. Each time I plug it into famiclone, I can barely put it out after. I literally have to use brute force to de-attach it. Never experienced that with any other cart

>> No.8396820

I love Famicom games, anyone who owns an NES and collects carts but hasn't shipped their lockout chip and gotten a cheap 60 pin adapter is missing out heavily.

>> No.8396830

Some FC games have comically thick PCBs, and Famiclones are generally "tuned" for ultra thin chinese bootlegs.

>> No.8396864

So how did Nintendo differ their licensing details on Famicom vs. the US NES rules?

>> No.8396909

companies could manufacture their own carts instead of the US/PAL areas where all licensed games came from Nintendo's factories. Thats why you have different cart styles, sizes and gimmicks (Irem LED lights, clamshell cases for Taito and Namco releases)

>> No.8396913

The Famicom library is instinctively cooler, but the lack of an approval process meant that there’s a horrifying amount of shovelware, clones, horrible games and some than just flat out don’t work. The American approval system may have been super draconian but it also protected many innocent lives from shit like Stargazers or A Week of Garfield

>> No.8396978

>flat out don't work
Have some examples of this? I know there are some dogshit FC games, but I wasnt aware of full-on clones.

>> No.8397012

Nintendo really didn't trust western devs and publishers huh...
They were right of course.

>> No.8397013

Clones isn’t the right word. I mean more games that are extremely similar to each other, so basically waves of Mahjong, Go and Pachinko. As for unwinnable games, Ghostbusters on Famicom glitches out when you beat the final boss and fails to display the ending and credits and there’s stuff like Stargazers where glitches and the hideous design can basically lock you in place due to poor programming

>> No.8397015

After the crash, which was caused by that kind of crap, they were smart to have some kind of editorial control, even if they took it too far like Apple does.

>> No.8397045

>Stargazers where glitches and the hideous design can basically lock you in place due to poor programming
Also startgazers straight up doesn't have the good ending programmed into it so you always default to the bad ending.

>> No.8397054

I wonder why Japan avoided that trouble with their own markets though. LOTS of consoles and PCs, but less shovelware crap. Even on the Wii if you look at the shovelware, it's mostly western crap.

>> No.8397064

There’s tons of Japan-only shovelware that you never see. I think they avoid trouble because it’s easier to limit print runs and market to niche interests in a dense market like Japan

>> No.8397158
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I just bought a lot of 10 fc consoles that are untested for like $35. Sendico is neat.

>> No.8397431

>having a NES with a convertor to play Famicom games
>not having a Famicom with a conveter to play NES games

Are you even trying

>> No.8397447

Anon, there are 24 Mahjong games on Famicom. Because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.8397509

If I have to compromise in my collecting then I may as well just buy flashcarts and be done with it.

>> No.8397781

There's a good chance that all 10 will work. I've bought so many "junk" Famicoms and never had one not power on.
Mahjong games aren't automatically shovelware; many of the ones on Famicom are well done, a few are first party even.

>> No.8397790
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bro I LOVE collecting Famicom games!
Here is my MOST PRIZED cartridge!

>> No.8397837

knock yourself out, I have one too, but it’s not quite the same experience

>> No.8397840

I have an N8 Pro but still like to get games I enjoy on cart, and I enjoy the Famicom enough to not want to get rid of the carts I amassed prior to the EverDrive being a thing.

>> No.8397932
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That's my hope but I do hope at least one does not so I can fix it. I keep buying broken consoles to fix that ending up being totally fine. I block a switch with a shattered screen then ended up just having a shattered glass screen protector they came off in 2 seconds. On of the fc had a pierce missing on the case so who knows.

>> No.8398027

What the hell is this square buttons shit

>> No.8398053

I'm all about playing on real hardware, with the legit controllers or even the high quality replication hardware like the Analogue stuff. But i never cared for collecting the games, which i why i was a really early adopter of flashcarts. But, if i ever was to start collecting it definitely would be just for the Famicom and Super Famicom, simply for the aesthetics. All of it looks so great. I'll never understand why they changed the designs of the carts, boxes and box arts to be so much worse and boring outside of japan.

>> No.8398056
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The majority of mine are black. It just happens that the games I like don't often gets released in the fun colors.

>> No.8398062
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Woah, it that's a square button Fami in your bundle, just hang onto it. They are super rare. I got this brutal guy for under a dollar or something and it works fine except Controller II was dead and the reset button doesn't work. Cleaned up OK, I just removed the dead controller.

>> No.8398065

>not quite the same experience

>take cart
>push it into console with boot to last game setting if you hate the menu so much
>switch on and play
>turn console off and remove cart

literally the exact same experience

>> No.8398095

First production run of the Famicom had square, rubber buttons instead of plastic ones. Basically the action buttons were made of the same material of the start and select button. They quickly got changed to the standard plastic ones that we know today because the rubber would sometimes get caught in the plastic shell when it was pressed in.

>> No.8398105

This. Akumajou Densetsu's sound chip doesn't work on a stock NES due to how its cartridge slot reads data. You have to either, play it on a Famicom or mod your NES.

The only good Mahjong games are the ones involving waifus.

>> No.8398112

Yakuman Tengoku is far and away the best MJ title on the system.

>> No.8398114

>download a romset torrent with thousands of roms to sort through
>download individual roms from some virus-infested site
>transfer them to micro SD and skim through long lists of roms in the N8 interface and hope there’s not some glitch in this copy of the rom or incompatibility
>shop at used game stores or skim ebay and experience the thrill of discovery, and be able to pick from a small collection of chunky carts when deciding what to play, then stick it in the console and play
Not the same at all. If that doesn’t matter to you, then great.

>> No.8398230

Oh Shit I didn't even notice. Let's hope more than just that one is as well then.

>> No.8398347

>download a romset torrent with thousands of roms to sort through
you still have to spend the time to find out which games are a priority for to buy
>download individual roms from some virus-infested site
we both know that it ends at downloading a no-intro .7z from archive.org it's not 1999 anymore
>transfer them to micro SD and skim through long lists of roms in the N8 interface and hope there’s not some glitch in this copy of the rom or incompatibility
you do know you can sort them by for example their genre? or rating? or both? what "glitches" do you speak of? what "incompatibility"?
not to mention you have to sort even the physical carts somehow or do you just dumb them into a huge bin or something?
>shop at used game stores or skim ebay and experience the thrill of discovery, and be able to pick from a small collection of chunky carts when deciding what to play, then stick it in the console and play
oh yes the "I play only stuff that can be had under ¥500" trope enjoy not really enjoying the games then
this is like dedicating only a foot long shelf space for all your games so you can have the "experience" of your childhood when you lived in a cramped slum house

you are dumb

>> No.8398935

>you do know you can sort them
I do not care, I don’t want a spreadsheet
>this is like dedicating only a foot long shelf space for all your games so you can have the "experience" of your childhood when you lived in a cramped slum house
>implying this is a bad thing
I’m over the kind of maximalist “I must have access to EVERYTHING ever released all at once with the best filters and all of the extra options emulators provide”, because I’m over it and it doesn’t enrich my experience. I have a small CRT setup and I have fun with that.

>> No.8399163

supremely based, anon.

>> No.8399423

>nooo, im not going to compromise my collecting by buying imports, i want my localization butchered grey carts that cost hundreds of dollars!

>> No.8399435

how is buying games a compromise for one who collects games?

>> No.8399439

We get it, you dont comprehend the fun of building a collection of something. Its just like comics and collectible card games, the building of a collection is part of the fun for many.

>> No.8399470

I was collecting imports back in the early 00s. I've preferred them since when I was able to purchase them.

>> No.8399473

can people here dump their games. the no-intro romset is unfinished.

>> No.8399516

I don't have a dumper or anything rare, afaik. Only have ~75ish carts.

>> No.8399520

For which console? Famicom?

>> No.8399530

Unfortunately there isn't a good, common solution for dumping Famicom/NES games. I think CopyNES is the most complete in terms of mapper support, but I don't even know where you'd get one nowadays. The Kazzo is easy to get, but mapper support is pretty abysmal and you'll quickly run into unsupported carts.

>> No.8399536

RetroUSB still sells CopyNES:

>> No.8399542

Oh, huh, didn't realize that. Too bad the setup is probably more of a pain than most people are willing to fuck with.

>> No.8399573

You guys know, that we americans fucked over their retro gaming ecosystem (for lack of a better word) by buying their games and NOT selling them back in japan?

>> No.8399578

a lot of roms in no-intro are old ones from 90s BBS when bad dumps were everywhere. they aren't all confirmed good dumps.

yeah but I mean most no-intro sets are incomplete.

other options:
nt mini

>> No.8399581

oh and inlretro

>> No.8399731
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I've been importing Famicom stuff since 2006, prices really haven't gone up that much. The Famicom and Super Famicom in particular have way more supply than demand over there, even with a healthy retro-gaming scene. I'm not going over there and buying tons of shit wholesale to sell at twice the price in the states, I'm buying 5-10 99 yen Famicom games every once in a while from a Japanese seller who is more than happy to take my money. I think there is some merit to your statement in theory, but I don't think in practice it's actually that bad. No one says anything about PALers buying up our NTSC games, either.
I could give TapeDump a try, but I hadn't figured out how to convert the audio to an actual file, though I haven't tried in a few years.

>> No.8399752

>I could give TapeDump a try, but I hadn't figured out how to convert the audio to an actual file, though I haven't tried in a few years.
well it would be nice to get the ROM set properly complete. only needs a few people with big-ish collections to dump their games. you can find me on vg/emugen/ if you want dumping tips btw. good luck and have fun.

>> No.8399761

Nice thanks anon, I'll swing by sometime.

>> No.8399769

Yes, all those games that still go for under 10$ are really in high demand.

>> No.8400627

very tasteful choices,all those labels have great art too

>> No.8400634

Because a loose cart is not complete and is not the product you'd see on the store shelf.

>> No.8400636

Boo fucking hoo Mr Jap, I'm sure your copy of Mario Bros or Rockman is super rare

>> No.8400663
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>> No.8400937

it really isn't. buying stuff online isn't fun lol, and any local place that would have Famicom games marks them up. Only interesting to have if you actually got them while visiting Japan.

>> No.8400952

Amusingly, the first Rockman game (complete) is actually relatively expensive as far as Famicom games go.

>> No.8401297

You know they do the same thing, right? Obviously not on as large of a scale since there's way more people in America than Japan but there are absolutely Japanese sellers/game stores that focus on western imports.

>> No.8401313

I can tell you are a retarded zoom if this isnt a joke. Even when cart games were new, you could still walk into a store that took trades and find recent titles without the box for sale. Or pack in titles that were just the cart, is it not the same experience unless you get those complete in box with the console?

>> No.8401390

Since when is collecting about preserving the item as it existed as an untouched consoomer product? Is this some weird purity fetish? For it’s more about having the entire context present in the cultural artifact - box art, manual, etc. But it’s just as valid for somebody to have written their name in marker on the cart, because that’s part of the cultural context.

>> No.8402078

>Since when is collecting about preserving the item as it existed as an untouched consoomer product?
Im not sure exactly. Probably not more than several thousand years.

>> No.8402101

I don't much care for sealed games. I feel bad about opening them at this point, due to both despoiling something R@RE and because I'd be losing out on money for something I don't really care about owning. I'd be happier selling off the sealed game and buying good condition CIB copies, because I enjoy playing the original cart, having the manual out to flip through, and having the boxes to stack up on my shelves.

>> No.8402140
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no they dont, japanese people dont have a culture of hoarding as much as americans, and the few they do, are VERY VERY look down upon, like proto hoarders that keep it ''safe'' but never ever share cause DISNORABRE PILACY

>> No.8402142

Japanese are busy blowing their paychecks on virtual anime girls, they don't care

>> No.8402527

my thread is dead and cringe, so I figured I'd ask here in case anyone might know. Does anyone know anywhere I can buy premade famicom stickers to replace those on my famicom?

>> No.8402537

I'd like to know this too. Stickers would be nice, as well as a method of printing out an accurate box and manual. Yes, it could be used for counterfeiting, but I just want to have my own box and manual without paying a premium. Worst case scenario, I'd just make my own unique box and manual with my own designs. But I'd like accurate ones, too.

>> No.8402934
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Thought I only had the Wonderswan version, I didn't think I'd have it and would buck the trend. I was proven wrong and you may be right.

Thanks. The variety of styles and looks on display from various artists does give a nice joyous surprise. Even when most are black, they can still shine with the colorful labels.

>> No.8403465

I swear I saw someone with them on FamicomWorld.

>> No.8403480
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Need to have my wife arrange them by color again, they got a little out of whack, but I figured I should take a picture rather than just talking about my shit.

>> No.8404047

they shiny

>> No.8404184

your wife's son can probably do a better job.

>> No.8404383

lol if I had one you probably wouldn't be wrong.

>> No.8404616


Here you go. No clue one the quality as I've never purchased them.

>> No.8406634
File: 29 KB, 400x300, A748E0E9-8D28-447E-BC4F-AAD411058D10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody own any Namco clamshells?

>> No.8406769

I have a handful of the games, Splatterhouse, Megami Tensei I + II, Dragon Buster I + II, etc, but never had any of the cases.

>> No.8407586
File: 118 KB, 700x1050, we rack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we americans fucked over their retro gaming ecosystem (for lack of a better word) by buying their games and NOT selling them back in japan?

Good, maybe that makes things even for the Japanese buying up all of our Western Electric tube theater audio gear decades ago for cheap when it was being scrapped.

A circa 1930 rack like pic is like $100k plus these days. Search "western electric" on ebay, sort price descending and be prepared to be shock at what rusty scrap metal (even old wire) can be worth.

Turnabout is fair play.