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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8393485 No.8393485 [Reply] [Original]

Any Unlicensed NES game recommendations? Looking to play some obscure stuff for the console and want to know if there’s anything worth checking out despite it not having the seal of approval. I mean actual full fledged games and not stanky Taiwan multicarts or never ending disasters like Action 52.

Hard mode: No Tengen games, as I’ve already played a fair amount of them and they’re consistently of a high quality.

I will also accept any religious games

>> No.8393512
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>> No.8393517

I like the jank of weird chinese de-makes; Earthworm Jim, Boogerman, etc. The Camerica unlicensed stuff is european as fuck but Quattro Adventure is a great collection.

>> No.8393526

Yeah I was actually playing that just now and it spurred me to make the thread. Dizzy is cheap as fuck but it’s pretty fun and the music is really good across all four games

>> No.8393603

I hear HK97 is pretty good

>> No.8393613

Robin Hood is my favorite on there, I could never get into the Dizzy games myself. But yeah great euro chiptunes.

>> No.8393856

that's for SNES zoomie

>> No.8393860

I'll take the compliment! And yes i see OP was asking about NES only. Sorry I'm retarded.

>> No.8393861

The chinese "demakes" of FF7 and Warcraft are phenomenal all things considered, there are translations available

>> No.8393867

Honestly get you a Maxi 15, I don't ever see hardly anyone mention it but it's got a great mashup of Chinese jank from Sachen along with American stuff like Menace Beach and Deathbots and Chiller. It's got 15 games on it.

>> No.8393939
File: 691 KB, 497x680, Gaiapolis (Sachen) [!]-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely some of the best graphics on the system.

>> No.8394032
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It isn't retro since it came out in 2010 but Battle Kid is probably the best unlicensed game on the entire system.

>> No.8394112
File: 107 KB, 768x768, Micro-Machines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Tengen games, as I’ve already played a fair amount of them and they’re consistently of a high quality.

Those Tengen cartridges do look slick. But for me, it is Micro Machines. I also liked the Genesis carts, and I believe those were unlicensed too.

>> No.8394285

“Obscure new games” lolll

>> No.8394840

homebrews are retro, it says right in the sticky.

>> No.8394858



why does this run smoother than most 16 bit rail shooters jfc

>> No.8394875

Micro Machines on NES is amazing.
I don't know what they did but it has graphical glitches when using the Everdrive.

>> No.8395243

What? OP doesn’t say that

>> No.8395387

Just played this. I’m actually very impressed. Sachen are usually the kings of Chinese jank but this was surprisingly well made and fun. Easy as sin though and the music was awful but honestly with a bit extra polish that could easily pass for an official product

>> No.8395956

Contra 3


>> No.8395983

Shinobi 3


some amazing stuff in that list


>> No.8396459

Asder is solid, they made the Caltron/Myriad 6 in 1 games as well which are pretty too notch as far as bootlegs go

>> No.8396502

>But for me, it is Micro Machines. I also liked the Genesis carts, and I believe those were unlicensed too.
I think the first one was unlicensed but the others were official releases.

>> No.8396563

Yeah 6 in 1 is pretty decent. It’s nice to have a sort of version of Space Harrier on the console. For smelly bootleg Taiwan games, I’d say it’s up there. I have to wonder, the magic carpet game. I swear that’s also on dozens of other bootleg multi carts. Did Caltron or whoever the fuck made it push it out onto other bootlegs or am I misremembering

>> No.8396815

Pretty that just got bootlegged to hell and back by other manufacturers, it was on a ton of multicarts that had no other Asder games on it

>> No.8397203
File: 170 KB, 963x1080, Bee_52_-_1992_-_Camerica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I bought this eons ago, I thought I'd finally found a copy of Action 52. I was so mad. Then it turned out to be surprisingly fun.

>> No.8397267
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>> No.8397540
File: 5 KB, 256x240, Gaiapolis (Sachen) [!]_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was okay. Could have used better hit detection and better sound design.
Also 99 credits, really? They should have made it 5 or 10 at most

It's pretty neat how each character has different stats (HP, speed, etc)

>> No.8398076

Yeah there were a lot of layering issues that made things a bit hard to hit (or very easy to hit) in places. The 99 credits thing appears to have been a debug feature or something they used during development that they left in. But yeah, the game is pretty damn easy even with the 99 credits