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8385794 No.8385794 [Reply] [Original]

There's always threads about good fan translations people recommend. This time, let's do the opposite. Share bad translations people should avoid and why they're bad.
I'll begin with the Aeon Genesis translation of Shin Megami Tensei. The translator made up a lot of shit and purposely made one of the alignments look worse, supposedly so players wouldn't choose it. In fact the patch made getting that alignment's ending impossible and other people had to fix that with an additional patch.


>> No.8385804

>and purposely made one of the alignments look worse
Law was and always will be the worst path regardless of the game and retards attempting to cope otherwise by blaming translations are pathetic. The number of glitches though is pretty awful so you're better grabbing the alt translation when you can.

>> No.8385813

I don't like the law endings at all too, but that's not the point.

>> No.8385836

chaosfags everyone

>> No.8385839

The official iOS translation has been backported to the GBA version, so that's the ideal way to play.

>> No.8385874

>but that's not the point.
It is though?
No, law is just objectively the worst path in pretty much every game.

>> No.8385879

You don't have to be an edgelord here

>> No.8385880

>Fan translation from 2002 isn't as good as ones created with FAR better tools today

>> No.8385912

that's only scratching the surface,they added A LOT of changes to the script for no discernible reason

>> No.8385913

You know that law in SMT is far more based on Jewish ideas than Christan ones, right? So there's not even the case to be made that you're doing the 'morally right thing against those rent fre atheists' you rage about. Don't be a fucking retard, there's not a single mainline game where Law isn't objectively the worst path for everyone.

>> No.8385919
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That patch was absolutely groundbreaking at the time. Glitches aside, the level of quality was like nothing seen yet in a fan translation.
Sorry, law player.

>> No.8385941 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 612x765, Right Wing Translators.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when right-wing translators infiltrate your hobby

>> No.8385943

Can you give examples?

>> No.8385946 [DELETED] 

I love how much Christians try to divorce from the Jewish shit and try to scooch it aside like peas on their plate. Can't have one without the other, faggots. The old testament is in every bible.

>> No.8385948 [DELETED] 

>referring to oneself as a tranny
Easy to make assumptions about whoever translated that, yeah.

>> No.8385952 [DELETED] 

Eh, I have a trans friend that uses the word. Not everyone's a pansy about their own slurs. Some people are self deprecating or turn things into a term of endearment amongst themselves. I call myself an autist and a cracker all the time. Niggers call themselves niggas.

>> No.8385954 [DELETED] 

>in a goemon game

>> No.8385956 [DELETED] 

Shows how little you know of the Talmud. I'm sure your one of the retards that think only the Torah is the only sets of books in their bible.

>> No.8385960 [DELETED] 

I'll always remember this episode as the moment the romhacking scene set aside their differences aside and united together against a common foe.

I forget the names, but it was quite q sight, personally.

>> No.8385963 [DELETED] 

You worship a Jew. You worship a fucking Jew. The old, jewish testament, is in your bible, in every church. You will always be Judeo-Christian.

>> No.8385965 [DELETED] 

I never said I was a christian you retard.

>> No.8385971 [DELETED] 

Yes a series always played 100% straight and never anachronistic at all

>> No.8385972 [DELETED] 

Just saying, I find the desperate cope to divorce the two amusing. Yes I know about the Talmud, just saying Christians are idiots in this regard.

>> No.8385974

i remember not being able to find that ios version to do patching. it was like on wild goose chase on pajeets ios hacking websites and firmware apps

>> No.8385975 [DELETED] 

Yeah, keep making excuses.

>> No.8385976 [DELETED] 

I don't have to, and I don't care. Tranny.

>> No.8385978 [DELETED] 

>Fedora tipping at maximum force
>Can't understand the fine details that create the wide device both culturally and spiritually between the two due and WHY it is
You're far more of a brainlt then you allow yourself to understand

>> No.8385981 [DELETED] 

It's just how I feel. Give me the fucking fedora I'll tip it right now, with 90s JNCO pants and chains and all. Your life is a cope. My name isn't tied to this shit so even if I am, who cares?

>> No.8385986 [DELETED] 

Thanks for coming clean, at least.

>> No.8385989

>find myself arguing with polar opposite ideologue retards in one thread
I better just hide this.

>> No.8385992

Being anti law in SMT is not being an edgelord.

>> No.8385997 [DELETED] 

It's correctly translated, through. In the japanese game the character refers to herself with a derogatory term. People were mad because they wanted the translator to change/censor it instead of being accurate. They should have been mad at the devs instead of shooting the messenger.

>> No.8386004 [DELETED] 

Lots of excuses being made for the translator when he could have just used “trans.” He was oblivious at best

>> No.8386013 [DELETED] 

Since when is trans derogatory? There's no reason excuses needed, the translator did what he was supposed to do, translate it accurately. He didn't write the game's script. Get mad at the devs.

>> No.8386017 [DELETED] 

>He was oblivious at best
That's what he claimed. He said that he did not live in the US and was not aware of the current perception of the word. He was open for suggestions, but instead the hate mob had already built a guillotine for him.

>> No.8386149

Final Fantasy VI Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition. It's a mess, created by someone who had no clue at all about localization or japanese.

>> No.8386153

You could have just went to the SMT general thread. They have a pastebin with the roms

>> No.8386156

Bro stick to persona. You are too retarded 2into alignment

>> No.8386157


>> No.8386158 [DELETED] 

Is that version of the patch still available?

>> No.8386160

off the top of my head,using the official ios/gba translation as a point of comparison and based on what i've seen on my chaos playthrough
-gotou (speech included) and yama having their dialogue doubled
-"if you're hot shit then crush this rock with your bare hands" and other negotiation dialogues
-the gay man in shinjuku
probably more examples but wasn't paying much attention

>> No.8386162 [DELETED] 

Is a single word in the entire script so important for you that you are willing to sacrifice bugfixes from the later patches in its favor?

>> No.8386180

I remember seeing it, but its not there anymore

>> No.8386186 [DELETED] 


>> No.8386191

Looks like they upgraded to an actual website

>> No.8386193

Btw always get your roma from /smtg/. They will always have the latest versions on clean roms. Don't trust anyone else

>> No.8386204

Ah I see, under "Links and Information." Thanks.

>> No.8386213 [DELETED] 


>> No.8386220 [DELETED] 

You have weird views on artistic integrity, given that both translator and romhacker agree that using that word was a mistake.

>> No.8386221

>fucking retarded christcuck SMTfag desperately trying to delude himself that his beloved japanese Atlus is not mocking his religion in SMT by trying to deflect it on Judaism
many such cases....but if you didn't have a sub 80 IQ you'd realize law alignment in SMT is based on esoteric/mystic Christianity more than mainstream Christianity or Judaism
and no you faggot YVHH in SMT is based on your God from the whole bible not just the OT (another famous cope by christcuck SMTrannies)

>> No.8386232
File: 63 KB, 640x480, fuck off and scram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks I'll keep playing real Shin Megoomi Tensay games and picking best alignment.

>> No.8386267

Only time I've been tempted to go Law is to see what kind of bush Abdiel has under the metal bikini.

>> No.8386273

>imagine being such a miserable coomer virgin you end up lusting over a shitty ugly dyke looking whore designed by an equally shitty artist
also it's not retro you faggot

>> No.8386295

Nah man, coomer bait would be Idun or Cleopatra. I admire Abdiel for her uncompromising severity, piercing green eyes, golden skin, her nice ass... and uh...

>> No.8386329

it is from 2002 and all.
at that point it was just a bunch of people who barely had any idea what they were doing slapping together translations, yeah it's terrible, but it's kind of all we had, and that's true for a lot of fan translations of that time.

>> No.8386453

>barely had any idea what they were doing
Is it any better now?

>> No.8386482

there are still people out there that are barely starting out, but there are also people that have been doing things since those early days, and people tend to learn from what they do.
so even though we still get some shonky translations, there are ones out there that are near a good pro translation.

>> No.8386513

Yes. Mother 3 is great

>> No.8386613

I feel like i'm in bizarro world. OP gave the chance for this board to do what it enjoys the most, shitting on everything. And yet basically no one took it yet. You'd think you assholes would have plenty of examples to post too since everytime translation hacks are mentioned you retards sperg like crazy.

>> No.8386616

and keep in mind. this translation came out before smt3 even came out in the west. so no one had any experience with smt yet or persona, besides terrible persona 1 localization. so it was insanely niche for its time

>> No.8386627

I don't think the 1st game in Japan's number 3 RPG series is particularly niche.

>> No.8386641

it was basically unheard of at that point in america.
gotta remember that the first smt game we got was jack bros at that point.
i didn't even know persona was a thing until i found eternal punishment in EB games, and that was only a little before the SMT 1 translation

>> No.8386761

Given the context of the post, he means here in the states.

>> No.8387535

Needs Christ or it's not Christianity
If Christ did not dies on the cross than it's not the God of Christianity simple as

>> No.8387545
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>> No.8387550

Did you play the game? The Law path is pretty much portrayed as a group of deranged bible thumpers that can and will nuke everything that stands in the way of their autistic selective cult. Even the crazy social darwin anarchists that are the chaos faction manage to come off in a better light.

>> No.8387559

Just join their cult than, bro?

>> No.8387563

Law Hero deserved to fucking die after he dropped that bombshell of a line. How tone deaf

>> No.8387568

Their dress sense is gay and I don’t like it so no

>> No.8387920

The only SNES SMT I've played is SMT if..., but none of that seems like it really matters. I'm not sure what you mean about Gotou or Yama, but demon negotiations are basically RNG in like 80% of the games in the series and the dialogue for them is ridiculous and out of place in official localizations too. The demons talk like exaggerated cartoon characters in every single game in the series. I also can't imagine the gay guy in Shinjuku is anything more than an inconsequential NPC

>> No.8387995

FF6 Retranslated by hairy_hen resulted in this thread: >>8381889

>> No.8388001

Please Elaborate

>> No.8388009

This translation removes some little tutorial for a mechanic required to progress past this scene, which isn't something somebody could figure out on their own. The original English version of the game tells you which specific Street Fighter button combination you're meant to press and where to input it; Retranslated does not.

>> No.8388014

Oh shit... thanks for clearing that up. Damn

>> No.8388029

It's staggering how retards don't realize this about that patch. Really separates true ffvi autists from retards who just ride the wave of "but the original tl is bad!"

>> No.8388035

>s it any better now?
No. Nowadays we get eop retards doing either mtl or "copy pasted" translations from Mato's notes where they just grab a thesaurus and replace what Mato says and pretend that it's the same.

>> No.8388047

Hell youd be lucky to get a copy paste job from an actual EOP. Weve got ESL mofos like the guy behind FFVI retranslated that are ESL and somehow get all the praise. Easy when youve got multiple official and unofficial scripts to crib from and re assemble like lego bricks.

>> No.8388084

holy shit just kys faggot

>> No.8388090

this one was so bad it broke the ability to buy guns from the antique store gimping the MC for the early game

>> No.8388142

Law is literally totalitarian dictatorship under YHVH who in-game is a vain and narcissistic dictator. Chaos is also total dictatorship under Lucifer who despite being more reasonable than YHVH is a conniving and manipulative asshole who wants to see the world burn.

The entire point of SMT is that both God and Lucifer are cunts and humanity has to stop them both from destroying or enslaving humanity.

>> No.8388151

fuck off antichrist

>> No.8388161

Pull back my foreskin.

>> No.8388697

Thought it was weird that they were all whining in there when I was pretty sure I had done that part without issue as a kid

>> No.8388705

>putting words in my mouth to try and get a la epic NPC win
There's a reason I said the number of glitches made it not worth playing and that includes not being able to do the law ending, retard. I'm just pointing out that Law being shit isn't a result of the translation but just because Law is always the most shit path

>> No.8388731

Different people have different tastes, that's why there are choices. Some people like shit ends, negative ends... etc...

>> No.8388737

>nooo you can't make fun of me for having shit taste!
Half the time lawfags are even a thing is because they're too stupid to divorce their own real life religion from SMT's take on Christianity. Obviously I'm going to make fun of how stupid and sheep like that is.

>> No.8388748

It's a take on Judaism and Gnosticism, I don't know how many times you need to be told this.

>> No.8388753

Every alignment has good and bad endings. Anyone rigid enough to stick to any one throughout all games is a retard.

>> No.8388760

That doesn't change my point, retard. And hardly considering the lore of SMT is that god is just a figure head for the great will and that he's only the head guy because he's gamed the system and the great will actually hates him.
Imagine talking shit when you don't even know basic SMT lore.
Law has no good endings actually. Not in a mainline game

>> No.8388761

Yeah, in that patch the blitz dialigue doesn't see show in the Vargas battle for so reason. Small price to play since it's the best version of the script out there still.

>> No.8388769

retard, I've played through a lot of Megaten games and read the lore — you're the one injecting your Christianity memes where they don't belong; typical really.

>> No.8388781

You really are brain dead, huh? My point was that people don't care about what the big G in SMT is really like, they just think that it's Christianity therefor good.
Meanwhile if the retards knew the first thing about yhvh as a character they'd know that he's 1) fake and 2) super fucking heretical to the actual Christian ideals of god.

>> No.8388786
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>OP gave the chance for this board to do what it enjoys the most, shitting on everything
No, it was taken. It was just used to shit on each other instead.

>> No.8388790

Doesn't matter because the endings usually suck shit in mainline.

>> No.8388795

I like SMT 1 so why would I shit on it? The translation is probably fine as well, for the most part, but there's an objectively better one with bug fixes so obviously that's the one to use these days.
There's not much to really fight about beyond the stuff already said in the thread. That the translation doesn't somehow make Law unfairly come off worse because it's already the worst faction regardless. It might make Chaos slightly better, I don't THINK it does anywhere near as much as people are implying since I've read a few more accurate scripts here or there and didn't see anything super different but whatever.

>> No.8388827

Except the OP clearly wasn't about SMT1 you fucking retard. This >>8386613 dude got it right. /vr hates fan translations and can't shut up about how they suck when someone mentions one. But here we see how full of shit everyone here is, they can't actually name any bad fan translation when asked too, because they don't actually know, they just read someone saying they suck and repeat it like parrots.

>> No.8388849

why do you think the symbol of the Messian church in SMT is a cross you retard? you can even find Jesus armor in the first game

>> No.8388862
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>Except the OP clearly wasn't about SMT1 you fucking retard.
Are you blind or something?

>> No.8389024

Yeah, LAW seems to be messianic judaism, gnostic chrsitianity, all rolled into one.

>> No.8389264

Are you mentally ill? Or just a fucking idiot?

>> No.8389681

Bad fan translations?

There's that Fire Emblem Seisen no Keifu by Cirosan so bad that the team is redoing it without his "additions", he tampered with Mizzurna Falls so you're better off playing that with owl's patch...
Similar to that but on the opposite end of the political spectrum is Dynamic Designs which really need a closer look at their translated scripts and hopefully be fixed.

Biggest ones so far still not fixed are:
- Final Fantasy IV (SNES)
- Dragon Quest 3 (SNES)
- Dragon Quest 6 (SNES)
- Tactics Ogre (SNES)
- Front Mission 2 (PS1)
- Romancing SaGa 3 (SNES)

Most of those are buggy and glitchy in various ways, not just the translations themselves are of questionable quality. DeJap's Tales of Phantasia is solid programming-wise but really needs a second pass for every single move, and some of the translations (fucks like a tiger, etc)

Lots of NES games were only translated by J2E, those are trash too.

>> No.8389710

The middle one.

>> No.8389720

What retardation did DD commit upon the multimedia works they claim to love?

>> No.8389729

>DeJap's Tales of Phantasia
I remember I had a game breaking bug in that and couldn't finish it.

Not a translation but there is a certain rom of Landstalker that you can't beat because you can't get past an obstacle blocking the final door.

>> No.8389747

What bug?

>> No.8389814

In Sylph Mountain one of the walls or boulders wouldn't break.

>> No.8389883

I don't remember much of anything from Tales of Phantasia, but I played a fan translation that had one of the party members comment on another saying something like "I bet she fucks like a horse."

>> No.8389885

That must be the one I played because I remember getting stuck and no online guide I read could get me past some point.

>> No.8390147

I'm not even sure if the LAW ending being unavailable was intentional or just Gideon Zhi being fucktarded. I remember reading a walkthrough where someone's CHAOS playthrough mysteriously got switched to NEUTRAL near the end of the game.

Can't remember what game it was (Can't find it on the DD website) but I remember someone translating a SNES RPG and adding in a bunch of jokes about illegal immigrants and Donald Trump related conspiracy theories (in his favour)

I personally had a bug where GNOME would only resurface for a very short time making killing him practically impossible.
A shame as I was having fun until then.

>> No.8390157

Hey look, someone understood the OP

>> No.8390184

>There's that Fire Emblem Seisen no Keifu by Cirosan so bad that the team is redoing it without his "additions"
Didn't Cirosan work on Thracia 776 and not on FE4?

>> No.8390419

>"if you're hot shit then crush this rock with your bare hands" and other negotiation dialogues
that one is definitely in the iOS version as well but it's not as crude

>> No.8390436

nah it's just the guys who claim to know jap being assholes most of the time.

>> No.8390442

Never encountered that one. Final patch revision and everything?

>> No.8390461

>There's that Fire Emblem Thracia 776 by Cirosan so bad that the team is redoing it without his "additions"
You mean the Li'l Manster version, or something else entirely?

>> No.8390469
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Any fucking english translation that makes it ''LIKE MUH OFFICIAL WOOSLEY/WORKING DESIGNS LOCALIZATIONS''!

specially on games that havent gotten accurate translations!

>> No.8390473

probably most of them, especially the older ones.
you probably don't notice them since most of us played them as kids and were fine with what we could get, but if you go back now you can see how weird they read.

>> No.8390479
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not that official ones couldn't be awful as well

>> No.8390496

Kek, did the Japanese guy just use a dictionary and replace the words with whatever he found in English?

>> No.8390508

What do you mean? Like when a translation group adds in jokes/tweaks to the gameplay themselves?

>> No.8390529

so the namco x capcom translation is pretty bad.
the people working on the game didn't even translate it, they took someone else's translation from a gamefaqs translation from 2007, inserted it, and called it a day.
it doesn't seem so bad at first, then you start getting to characters and terms that have to do with specific games, and it all goes to shit.
the script was written by a Mark Neidengard, who you might know if you play SRW, the man does not seem to care about official names, he just goes with what he translates things as.
so you get stuff like reaverbots being called reapers and so on.
it pisses me off because they basically made it so that a good translation is unlikely because some assholes just thought shoving a bad script into the game is enough.
so yeah don't play it.

>> No.8390541

I know you're most likely some rando from /smtg/ but why do you troll? Is it really worth the small thrill?
Calling people NPCs and using obvious bait just makes me feel old. Would rather not see more /v/ leak in here. Maybe those anons do deserve their lesson and should just relax and ignore it, but it's admittedly a bit annoying seeing most of the replies to this thread being so low quality, friend.

>> No.8390596
File: 245 KB, 702x460, 1630400396826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped the SMT1 EN fan TL as soon as I saw Waruo shout about how the priests holding what's her face up during their ritual have "bigass" swords when in reality, the size of the swords is never mentioned.

>> No.8390601

Owl's patch is still sorta broken, isn't it?
I play with real hardware, so I'd be out of luck there. Or did it get updated?

>> No.8390619
File: 242 KB, 761x592, 1632379740818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's add in bigass and some fanfiction about him saying TAKE A GOOD LOOK
when it's like this you should know that there's other shit getting messed up and it's time to go learn Japanese

>> No.8390632
File: 5 KB, 512x224, 1601322846963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's at least one group I can remember which intentionally makes "what if" translations based on tastes and traits of 90s official game localizations, complete with extra censorship to keep games pre-ESRB family friendly. As a result there are two completely separate translations of Famicom adventure game Idol Hakkenden. One is a straight translation (or at least presents as such, idk), the other is a westernized hack.

>> No.8390649

That looks really fucking cool, anon. Having options is great, even if one is more of a silly fancy.

>> No.8390650

>nooooooooo you can’t use rude colloquialisms to carry the general intent of a line that is meant to be rude and full of Japanese colloquialisms
Never, ever listen to autists when it comes to their opinions on translations

>> No.8390653

I remember that now, I thought it was pretty cool.

>> No.8390671

I like when translators add their own jokes and change the script it's incredibly wholesome.
Just think you would be able to play it without them these genius's have learnt JAPANESE which is amazing and they can translate the script however they want my respect for them is through the roof!

>> No.8390692

>draws the attention of whoever is being spoken to "hey" "yo" etc
>"in the back" "behind"
>(rude) "them" "guy" "dude" "incel"
>denotes that the/a incel in the back is who is being talked about
>has a sword
>masculine sentence emphasizer
>topic is now about "we"
>copula "is"/"are"
>"absurd"/"rash"/"not reasonable" + copula+manly sentence ender
Given the context of the MC deciding he's going to try and save this girl,
>"Look! The guy in the back's got a sword! We've got nothing! You're crazy!"
>"Dude! That joker back there's got a sword! We're empty-handed! You're nuts!"
>"Behold! Yonder gentleman of ill repute carryeth a blade! We have but fisticuffs! Thou art mad!"
Bigass not found. Deal with it.
(oddly there's 2 of them who visibly have swords, but let's not imagine らs where there are none written here)

>> No.8390694

That recent Devil Children translation is really robotic. Not the worst translation ever, but it felt so rough that I actually had to put it down. Rather wait for something that doesn't feel like Data wrote it.

>> No.8390706

>Bigass not found.
Don’t care, cope and seethe. It carries the intent of the original line, regardless of your autismo.

>> No.8390714

You could say that bigass in English emphasizes the astonishment of the original announcement.

>> No.8390726

i hate transliterations

>> No.8390740

The post to which you're replying has no transliteration.

>> No.8390809

Reply no 111

>> No.8390912

>You know that law in SMT is far more based on Jewish ideas than Christan ones, right?
Anyone who actually understands scripture will, by definition, tend to have a more Jewish worldview. Jews are the ones who wrote it after all.

>> No.8390982
File: 207 KB, 485x512, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough then, as long as the japanese accurate one is, well, actually accurate or close enough, bonus points if the westernized hack isnt progshit, i am fine with having both options, but somehow i dont want to have prioritized the latter if that makes sense.

>> No.8391129

Cure your autism.

>> No.8393091

Why the fuck did they never put that out elsewhere? iOS is pretty much the worst place possible to get consistent business with how horrible compatibility is.

>> No.8393364

Jack Bros 2 when?
That freeware game for Deep Strange Journey was a step in the right direction.

>> No.8394590

Aeon Genesis also did this shit in Tactics Ogre at the beginning where Vice calls Kachua a "bitch"

>> No.8395318

Just because you don't like to see it doesn't make it a troll