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8382171 No.8382171 [Reply] [Original]

Tifa: Caring, introverted, loyal type
Aeris: Careless, extroverted, flirty type

Final Fantasy VII is the perfect example of "Clothes Make the Man" (or woman in this case)

>> No.8382213
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OP: Faggot

>> No.8382230 [DELETED] 

Dont both get knotted?

>> No.8382231

They’re both saints compared to Yuffie.

>> No.8382232

Neither of them are sluts, but the idea is that Aerith the flower girl in a dress is actually a bad bitch, whereas Tifa the titty monster with a sexy outfit is actually a retard.
This is important because Cloud's mental crisis affects his dealings with women. He left Nibelheim so he could impress Tifa by joining SOLDIER. Then he starts LARPing as this cool chad warrior because as a coping mechanism he has assumed the personality of his coworker who actually was a cool chad warrior. As a result, Cloud and Aerith have a thing, and Tifa gets jealous because she isn't a bad bitch like Aerith is

>> No.8382242

Disc 2, Cloud has a mental breakdown after realising he isn't a cool chad warrior but a retard.
However, Tifa unlocks Cloud's heart (xD) and these two hillbilly retards finally have their thing.
If you know that meme about "guys turn 21 and choose one of these to base their personality on", well, Cloud is 21. FF7 is the story about being a real nigga

>> No.8382246
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do you think Yuffies stuffs her cunt and asshole with materias and walk around like this?

>> No.8382254

Undoubtedly. What more could a girl want out of life?

>> No.8382291

Damn I don’t even like rpgs but now I want to play ffvii

>> No.8382305 [DELETED] 

Just know that the "remake" is a different (and very good) game. Without spoiling, the remake is very meta and requires having played the original game.
With spoilers?
Remake is a timeloop sequel

>> No.8382309 [DELETED] 

Just know that the "remake" is a different (and very good) game. Without spoiling, the remake is very meta and requires having played the original game.
With spoilers?
Remake is a timeloop sequel

>> No.8382314 [DELETED] 

excellent posting my liege

>> No.8382315

Just know that the "remake" is a different (and very good) game. Without spoiling, the remake is very meta and requires having played the original game.
With spoilers?
Remake is a timeloop sequel

>> No.8382319

I must seppuku for these dishonoraburu acts

>> No.8382320 [DELETED] 

Bravo, Nomura.

>> No.8382326

fpbp and /thread.

>> No.8382893


>> No.8382983 [DELETED] 

Ok incel

>> No.8382989


>> No.8383016

Final Fantasy VII is the perfect example of weebs being social retards who have very little contact with the actual world. Tifa is literally an athlete and slum bartender who walks around in what is essentially a bikini. Her being caring doesn't mean she won't have taken 400 miles of cock. Only the absolute most maladjusted retards would think otherwise.

>> No.8383128

They’re both Cloud’s hoes either way.

>> No.8383229

You weren't paying attention. Yes everyone wanted to fuck Tifa but the game shows her rejecting them. Aeris is clearly the one who took the most cock. She "sells flowers," can sneak out of her house like Batman, and knows her way around Wall Market.

>> No.8383234

The game shows Tifa rejecting some people, yeah. But anon... she grew up in a rural area and was popular and into athletics. Her cherry didn't see her 13th birthday. You're genuinely incredibly sheltered if you think otherwise.
I agree about Aeris, but that doesn't save Tifa.

>> No.8383246

FFVII is fiction so these type of "pure" girls can exist, no matter how illogical to how real world women behave (aka gigawhores).

>> No.8383429

>good game
No. Too much padding for my liking. I love FF7 because it is so fast paced. Whereas, in the shitmake, everything is slowed down to such an extent that an important event in the story will have no impact. Also, the combat is pretty shitty. Overall, the remake is just boring.

>> No.8383518

>into athletics. Her cherry didn't see her 13th birthday.
damn, Zangan did it

>> No.8383602
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Regardless of Aeris the idea of Cloud being any kind of an item with Tifa prior to the credits rolling is just abhorrent to me

Thankfully, if you don't play disc 1 like a total simp you'll get the low affection disc 2. Maybe in a year or two, Tifa, don't be so thirsty. Cloud is a man of God now. This is the way

>> No.8383656


lol, why does this make me so upset? nerd shit is gay lmao

>> No.8384208

Some of those chapters really did overstay their welcome. The sewers and train graveyard were especially egregious considering you're technically in a time sensitive situation.

>> No.8384236

Cloud getting with Tifa near the end works because he finally gains the confidence he's be missing the whole time. The real Cloud was a goober playing pretend badass and by the end he kind of accepts himself which is why he can be comfortable saying goofy shit like "Let's mosey."

Aeris was never even romantically interested in Cloud. She just liked teasing the shit out of him because she knew it made him uncomfortable. Like asking him to be her bodyguard. She proves she didn't need his protection. But the whole thing was like a big sister asking her kid brother to protect her. She was savvy enough to see through Cloud's bullshit immediately and spend the entire disc poking at it to see if she could make it slip.

One of the best lines happens on Tifa's date. It's insanely subtle and easy to miss. Tifa starts to say something and stops before saying "Aeris would know how to say this" or something to that effect. At the time you think she's angling for a love confession but in reality she's trying to call Cloud out on his BS and is acknowledging that Aeris is a lot more assertive.

>> No.8384239

Cloud, words aren't the only way to show how you feel

Something along these lines

>> No.8384242

Cloud finally embraces that he is a hillbilly retard like Tifa
Doesn't have to LARP as a gigachad badass going after high status women like Aerith

>> No.8384253

Who sticks her chest out after every battle again?

>> No.8384259

>local prostitute
>high status
Come on, anon...

>> No.8384272

Aerith is not a prostitute, she has respect

>> No.8384276

How do you think she and her mom afford that house?

>> No.8384490

shinra gibs

>> No.8384492

You don't get a nice big house by sucking dick

>> No.8384518
File: 260 KB, 850x1813, __tifa_lockhart_cloud_strife_aerith_gainsborough_and_yuffie_kisaragi_final_fantasy_and_1_more_drawn_by_shishi_kunou__sample-b98594f222dbfe6263b6caeb993c52f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clothes Make the Man

>> No.8384523

Cloud is made for Big Baret Cock.

>> No.8384535

Tifa is for BBC.
Cloud is for Don Corneo Cock.
Aerith is for Big Sephiroth Sword

>> No.8384538

Tifa is built for BBC
"Baby Blues" Cloud

>> No.8384541

Makes me wonder how they weren’t constantly being harassed or hated on by people in the slums. The idea that there was some bitch and her mom living in the nicest house for miles and getting exclusive protection from the government probably wouldn’t sit well with the other, largely ignored underlings.

>> No.8385067

aerith did right by her community though

>> No.8385116

>be ancient
>thanks to you powers you're able to grow flowers in a poluated megalopolis where nothing usually grows
>make tons of money thanks to this
>somehow sex depraved virgin dorks who play your game can only think of you as a prostitute

>> No.8385353

Blame Advent Children

>> No.8385423

She sells them for 1 gil. The cheapest item in the game is like 20 times worth that.

>> No.8385668

>make tons of money thanks to this
>She sells them for 1 gil.
I bet she sold another type of "flower".

>> No.8385698

Selling the flowers is the front to make it all appear above board. Its like how multi level marketing schemes will sell you a trinket. The real money comes later.

>> No.8385706
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Slutty Aerith and Pure Tifa

>> No.8385725
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tsubobot is fantastic

>> No.8385994

More like blame every piece of FFVII-related media, plus Kingdom Hearts. Instead of portraying their characters accurately, they've instead chosen to pander to fans' preconceptions.

>> No.8386000
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I unironically wish there had been more meaningful interactions between these two.

>mfw Tifa fixes Aerith's corpse's hair

>> No.8386279

Play the remake. Aerith and Tifa have more chemistry with each other than with Cloud.

>> No.8386425 [SPOILER] 
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>Play the remake

>> No.8386695

you know what i hate about your post? There is a recent doujin that depics that very scenario

>> No.8386772
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I need to play the remake. There was something I noticed when replaying FFVII, back in the day playing casually I felt like there was a romance triangle between Aeris/Cloud/Tifa. When I replayed 4 years ago and aimed for the Yuffie date route I noticed that when you're not up in Aeris and Tifa's grill all the time the two become best friends on their own

>> No.8386842
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Because those people, like FF7 shippers, never actually played the game in the first place. Most are teen fangirls who flick off to Cloud/Sephiroth yaoi and would never play the original game because it looks old.

>> No.8386871 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8387184

Did she? Considering her role as heroine I’m not surprised, but I don’t remember any explicit instances in which this was depicted.

>> No.8387596

Looked after the kids, have ppl flowers, came to help in crises, etc
And probably gave sermons at her church, so, based

>> No.8388409


>> No.8388580
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>> No.8388645

Different poster here, I agree with both of these I'll just also add that the real takeaway from the game (and lesson for Cloud) is that he WAS a badass chad all along. HE is the one who sent Sephiroth to his doom in Nibelheim (with a sword run through him no less) after Zack got BTFO.
Cloud had it in him all along.

>> No.8388681
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>Yes everyone wanted to fuck Tifa but the game shows her rejecting them
He doesn't know...

>> No.8388682

I will agree that Cloud is a chadtard

>> No.8388807


>> No.8388816

They are definitely one of the better Betty and Veronica types I've seen.

>> No.8388952

Right. Cloud was just suffering from crippling insecurity and Hojo doing his Hojo shit to him only pushed him over the edge. What's interesting is that Square nailed that someone like Cloud would have selective amnesia of what Zack was actually like. He ignored that Zack was pretty chill and friendly and instead opts for a hyper tough guy attitude. As much grief as the remake gets, listen to the dialog between Cloud and Aerith after the church while they're walking to Sector 5's slums. Cloud very clearly sounds like an idiot pretending to be what he thinks is badass. That overcompensation really comes through.

>> No.8388954

Johnny is such a loser its arguably a civil service to let Tifa fuck him once.

>> No.8388958

>Tifa fixed Aeris’ corpse’s hair

Damn, that’s some shit. Is there an actual instance of this happening? I want to feel the feels.

>> No.8388981


>> No.8389000

Whenever people complain about the Popeye arms this is good evidence supporting the decision. It helps these subtle moments read super clearly.

>> No.8389236

but OP is right though. You can cope as much as you want, Aerith's pussy has been stretched farther than a door gap and the based japanese knew that and just killed her off.

>> No.8389283

>implying she wasn’t pure
How else could she have summoned holy? You think just because she had a boyfriend that she fucked him? I dated a girl for 3 years and she only let me fuck her ONCE and then we broke up because of it. Aeris was pure as white snow and she had the mystical powers to prove it.

>> No.8389296

She’d only ever been with Zack.

>> No.8389445

He got a girlfriend by that point, shut up.
The point is that he turned his life around and having a chat with an friend. You're the loser.

>> No.8389448

Based. Women become less human the more men theyve been with.

>> No.8389485

I see that you've never encountered women

>> No.8389847

>I dated a girl for 3 years and she only let me fuck her ONCE
>Aeris was pure as white snow
he didn't know

>> No.8389857

When does it show Tifa rejecting anyone?

>> No.8390409

The flashbacks make it clear that all the Nibelheim boys were into her but she wanted Cloud. Plus there's Johnny.

>> No.8390425

Anon doesn't realize that his"girlfriend"was simply using him. It's a phenomenon you hear more and more about these days.

>> No.8390434

She was still writing to him 4 years later

>> No.8390595

I'm glad Johnny ends up happy.

>> No.8390969

Don't worry, he knows.

>> No.8391687

I always saw it as her stroking her hair and then her face, personally.
>Remake will fuck all of these reactions up

>> No.8391896

Agreed. One of my favorite subtle bits in the Remake is when Cloud does a big jump and flip off a collapsing bridge or something and Jessie gives him a big thumbs up and says "now that was pretty cool". Cloud just gives this little sigh and smile and it's almost adorable.
Not because he's into Jessie, because he's really not, but because someone is giving him his "proper acknowledgement" in his mind as a super badass.

>> No.8392112

>Remake will fuck all of these reactions up
Aerith probably ain't dying in the remake so there won't be a chance for that to happen. The game is about to go completely off the rails by design.

>> No.8392539


>> No.8392735

Even tho i haven't reached Disc 2 yet and still also finds FF8 to be my favourite it's truly worth a shot. Game's so approachable with its explaination on the mechanics that even someone that never played a single JRPG could get a grasp on it; I for example was afraid that i couldn't know how to use or find materia and that it'd be as complicated as FF8's junctioning, but after giving the game a shot the whole thing was so straightfoward to understand.

>> No.8392921

The reason Sephiroth killed her in the original game was to stop her from summoning Holy, which was supposedly the only thing that could stop meteor. It turned out in the end that she actually completed the summoning but it didn't matter because Meteor punched right through it. What actually saved the world was the dead Aeris directing the lifestream to intervene.

The remake heavily implies that both she and Sephiroth are aware that it's a second go around and have knowledge of the previous events. Sephiroth even weaponizes this by showing Cloud and co. heavily edited bits of the future in Shinra HQ to imply that they actually failed, conveniently leaving out that Sephiroth got his ass kicked and the lifestream stopped Meteor because Sephiroth WANTS Cloud to deviate. That's why he pestered him so early in the remake, to stop him from meeting Aeris, who was being harassed by the time ghosts to keep her put.

Aeris, meanwhile, knows that things will ultimately be ok so she has moments of resigned acceptance and is cool with the timeline staying as is. When they beat the time ghosts at the end and send the entire story off the rails it means everyone gets a second bite at the apple, Cloud, Aeris, Sephiroth, everyone. This makes Aeris the safest character in the game because Sephiroth A) knows Holy does fuck all, and B) will not want her pulling that lifestream shit again.

Barret is probably in for a bad time, in fact. His "death" in the remake kind of parallels Cait Sith's in the original, where it's quickly undone to lull the player into a false sense of security but now we're in "anyone can die" territory and the remake was really heavy handed with Barret and Marlene sentimentality, which is usually bad news.

>> No.8392937

It's gonna be a fucking mess, isn't it?

>> No.8392954

Well, it's basically Mortal Kombat 9 or Star Trek 2009. Its the exact same premise. The difference is that FFVII Remake did it on the sneak, making it the big twist.

>> No.8393075

Sounds like Eva Rebuilds to me.

>> No.8393245

>His "death" in the remake

>> No.8393403

Play it. It gets super meta.

>> No.8393513

Furthermore, Cloud sees a vision of Sephiroth killing Barret and Tifa. Sephiroth DOES kill Barret, but the Whispers revive him. But now the Whispers are gone...
Sephiroth didn't win in the original game, but neither did our heroes (Geostigma, and the end cutscene of the original with Nanaki's descendants which the Remake even says is a bad outcome). Getting rid of the Whispers allows us to secure a more ideal victory, but at what cost?

>> No.8393558

There's a theme that you're definitely trying to improve the outcome. The entire remake has a more upbeat atmosphere. Almost everyone survives Sector 7 because of the changes. But its a gamble because now the bad guy really can win this time. People love to shit on Remake but its shockingly good at playing with your expectations. All the little details that at first you're like "oh they changed this...and this...and that..." all turn out to be plot relevant. Like Aeris was in a calm state in the original opening but is startled in Remake. That's not just a random embellishment since its likely that her meditation over the leaking mako was the moment she received the future information in a Days of Future Past scenario.

>> No.8393595

The problem with the remake is that it isn't a remake but a timeloop sequel. Well, it's not actually a problem, but tards on /v/ constantly complain about the game because they are incapable of picking up on this despite the game's characteristically Eastern lack of subtlety in conveying this.
>"WTF why is this thing different???"
They didn't even play Remake and just spend all their time bitching about Tifa's (sexier) outfit. Btw the actual artists for both the original game and the remake recorded her measurements and her bust is like 2 inches larger now

>> No.8393608

What if final fantasy faggots talked about gameplay and things related to the game? oh shit, there is no game, just menu fights and cringe anime waifus with no depth.

>> No.8393619

You think this is a clever jab, we know better than anybody that the gameplay sucks (7R excepted). We like these games because if the story, aesthetics, and music
"Video games are not art, but they have art in them"

>> No.8393624

>characteristically Eastern lack of subtlety in conveying this.
I'd say what surprised me the most is that it actually was uncharacteristically subtle. At least at first before the twist took center stage. Even the title is sneaky as hell. When it was announced as "Final Fantasy VII Remake" I thought that was retarded. Like it was a working title they just left in. But it makes total sense after the fact since its a remake in-universe.

>> No.8393736

Yeah at first there is subtlety but eventually you get Tifa asking a billion times, "Aerith what are you not telling us?" I thought it was a bit on the nose in the Aerith church scene where the director makes sure to let the audience know like three or more times "hey Cloud and Aerith are meeting AGAIN heheh". Actually aside from these incidents I think you're right, Remake's unravelling of this stuff is uncharacteristically subtle.

I really liked Sephiroth's introduction after the first bombing mission. With all this talk of then versus now, it really implies some sort of reprise, and yet to a naive person it simply sounds like Cloud and Sephiroth meeting once again after the Nibelheim incident (instead of after FF7).

I also liked that in one flashback to the Nibelheim incident, Tifa says "I'm sick of this" instead of "I hate this" which might suggest this isn't even the first "Remake" in the timeline.

Also Aerith in general, she knows a lot of shit that she shouldn't know. Cloud being a merc, who Marlene is & that she resides at 7th Heaven, knows who Barret is and that he is Marlene's dad, etc. After helping the kids Cloud gives a hypothesis that Sephiroth is still out there and Aerith says something along the lines of, "oh, right..." lol. At one point Aerith says "I don't want to look back and wish I'd done it different". I think the conveyance of all this stuff works best for Aerith because she is supposed to have a terrifying amount of empathy anyways, so many of the things she says do not necessarily come off as advance knowledge.

>> No.8393932

>I really liked Sephiroth's introduction after the first bombing mission. With all this talk of then versus now, it really implies some sort of reprise, and yet to a naive person it simply sounds like Cloud and Sephiroth meeting once again after the Nibelheim incident (instead of after FF7).

This is one of those subtle tricks I was thinking about. I get the feeling that the writers had a shocking amount of self-awareness. Like they knew "hey, so we've always tried to shoehorn Sephiroth in everything. So let's shoehorn him in the very beginning of Remake but make it a plot critical moment on the sneak and let the players initially think we're just doing our typical bullshit for the first few hours of the game and making changes just for the sake of change." I honestly didn't think Square Enix had it in them to engage in that kind of narrative subterfuge.

>Also Aerith in general, she knows a lot of shit that she shouldn't know. Cloud being a merc, who Marlene is & that she resides at 7th Heaven, knows who Barret is and that he is Marlene's dad, etc. After helping the kids Cloud gives a hypothesis that Sephiroth is still out there and Aerith says something along the lines of, "oh, right..." lol. At one point Aerith says "I don't want to look back and wish I'd done it different". I think the conveyance of all this stuff works best for Aerith because she is supposed to have a terrifying amount of empathy anyways, so many of the things she says do not necessarily come off as advance knowledge.

Right. In fact, I'm pretty sure there are two Aerith's running around. The Aerith Cloud talks to on the "date" is very obviously the dead Aerith from the future. Not only is there a bunch of green shit floating around but she looks and sounds a lot more weathered and world weary. Her "you can't fall in love with me" is the future Aerith telling Cloud not to derail shit and just let everything be. Meanwhile Sephiroth is like "lulz fuck everything up plz."

>> No.8393945

>I'm pretty sure there are two Aerith's running around
FUUUUUUUUUUCK Well there are two Clouds running around so it's possible

>> No.8394398

the story got fucked by everything after 7 anyway, so im ok with a semi-reboot/sequel, but they should have made it more apparent before launch thats what it was. Me and many others just wanted a remake of the original and ironically the closest we get to that is that one fucking phone game.

>> No.8394482

1 gil a flower is 30 or so a bouquet
she sells dozens of bouquets per day
she was prett wealthy
also i'm pretty sure tseng made sure she had everything she needed as shinra was kinda looking after her and he was in love with her

>> No.8394508

>tseng in love with aerith
no ways

>> No.8394634

That's kind of a tough one because the trickery was a crucial element in making Remake work in the first place. There was an "oh shit..." component that hinged on the expectation it was a straight remake. In fact I'm pretty impressed they managed to keep it under wraps during development, playing the entire consumer base like a fiddle.

>> No.8395216

i guess it's like an mgs2 surprise sort of thing
But fuck I know too many zoomers who picked Remake for their first time playthrough, RIP

>> No.8396250
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>> No.8396613

I feel like that's been a running gag for years.

>> No.8396620

Sephiroth is playing the same game as Old Kain in LoK.
All of this time shenanigans brought people who not only they were supposed to be dead in the bad end timeline, but also gave them memories of the events.

A huge twist would be that Jenova was the key to save gaia, but she was corrupted by a parasitie feeding on lifestream and souls

>> No.8396931

Huge twist souls be that jenova is a milf

>> No.8397025


This propaganda song is enough to make me join Shinra.

>> No.8397283
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The pure maiden Yuffie of Final Fantasy 7???

>> No.8397716

>dress like slut with exposed midriff of half-unzipped pants

>> No.8397720

You just know she whores herself out for Materia.

>> No.8398000

you didn't play the game dont u?
if you go to Gongaga for the 1st time with Aeritshs in your team, you'll see it

>> No.8398004

>somehow sex depraved virgin dorks who play your game can only think of you as a prostitute

>> No.8398262

Aeris made my dick slightly harder than Tifa and that's all I really cared about.

>> No.8398307

I didn't realize it at the time and don't think the game itself even realizes it but Tseng was already an adult when Aerith was a prepubescent child. So he's actually a lot nastier a character than the game seems to acknowledge. I guess because he disappears after the Temple of the Ancients they didn't have time to build on it.

>> No.8398421

How old was Aerith when they show Tseng visiting her as a child? Like 6? Let's be generous and say Tseng was 20 when that happened. Aerith is around 22 when the game starts, so Tseng would've been like 36. It's a sizeable age gap, but it's not unheard of at all.

Unless, of course, he states something along the lines of "I've always loved you from the moment I laid eyes upon you" or something, then it definitely becomes nasty.

>> No.8398436

Its not the age gap that's weird, rather the fact that he watched her grow up.

>> No.8398438
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>> No.8398521

This thread convinced me to play remake that I cursed since day one. A remake would be pure trash but a timeloop sequel I can sink my teeth into

>> No.8398840

They didn't play the game. Also female fans will be drawn to the one they can relate with the most.

>> No.8398842

Yes because Yuffie is a retard.

>> No.8399198

Don't remember

>> No.8399571

There's some kind of love triangle going between Elena, Tseng and Aerith. Also with Rude and Reno, one of them is into Elena and / or Tifa, dont remember exactly

>> No.8399907

It was Rude who was into Tifa. In fact I don't think he'll even attack her in battles.

It's actually really weird how the Turks flip so quickly from callously blowing up Sector 7 and killing thousands to herp derp goofy gang.

>> No.8399914

Its the Bebop and Rocksteady effect, start as intimidating, and end like 2 idiots.

>> No.8400175

If he was a faggot he would have typed 'Aerith'

>> No.8400225

>I dated a girl for 3 years and she only let me fuck her ONCE
Who wants to tell him?

>> No.8400231

I don't think I've ever seen a more reddit post.

>> No.8400359
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He'll attack Tifa if the other party members are down.

>> No.8400650
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Opinions on short-hair Tifa?

>> No.8400656
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Don't like it. She should have long hair at all times.

>> No.8400698
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>Your face when they pop up in Remake Part 2

>> No.8400718

hate it

>> No.8401025

nigga what

>> No.8401046

Did you play Remake?

>> No.8401507

short hair and big tits is my most favorite thing ever
but it don't work for tifa

>> No.8401575
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>> No.8402529

Flowers in Midgard are a rarity. She's making bank.

>> No.8402557

I'm pretty sure he's implying she sells marijuana.

>> No.8403009

I liked that the remake had the dialogue to show you that Aerith sees right through his act immediately, but of course the implication of later events kinda ruins it

>> No.8403021

Pretty sure Elena was wrong, and Tseng cared for Aerith more as a child or sister than anything romantic.

>> No.8403027

why is ruined

>> No.8403034

There aren't two Aeriths running around, and there aren't two Clouds running around
The only character who has multiple versions running around is Sephiroth.

>> No.8403041

Dude in the ending of Remake we see clearly that there are two Clouds. An extra scene in intermission confirms that they exist in the same universe

>> No.8403067

No we don't. Why are you bullshitting? That's Zack you autist

>> No.8403090
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he's carrying Cloud with him you inept cunt. In Intergrade he goes to Aerith's church only to find not her (as she's en route to Kalm) but refugees from Sector 7

>> No.8403102

That's from another timeline you dipshit. Holy shit how dumb are you?

>> No.8403107

>That's from another timeline
He goes to Aerith's church only to find not her (as she's en route to Kalm) but refugees from Sector 7
>That's from another timeline
Then how did Aerith and Zack recognise each other's presence when the Whispers were defeated

>> No.8403608

Nope, he's definitively the groomer type. Woody Allen syndrome, look it up

>> No.8403742

Cloud clearly has a conversation with an Aerith that isn't the one trapped in Shinra HQ, though. And the visuals and overall atmosphere really seem to convey that its the lifestream version.

>> No.8403747

She even sees through it in the original. She would say things like "I want to know the real you" because she recognized he was pretending to be her dead boyfriend.

>> No.8403840


>> No.8403961

[Ruki Ruki EXISS (Fumizuki Misoka)] The Last Letter (Final Fantasy VII) [English] {Doujins.com} [Digital]
Find it in nhentai.

>> No.8403996

I mean dude that is obviously the ghost of Aerith. Otherwise you'd have to suggest whenabouts did Aerith have the ability to project holograms

>> No.8404004


>> No.8404039

>As much grief as the remake gets
the main reason fans of the original should play the remake is because what they did with the characters is amazing
who gives a fuck about the story, that's just a means for the characters to be themselves. and the remake handles the characters perfectly

>> No.8404058


>> No.8405340

99% of the shit Remake cops is because of some "ethics department" with no evidence of existing. Tifa's breasts are confirmed larger in remake btw

>> No.8406179

I bet half the time these things happen because a PR guy's job is to keep filling the air nonstop and when that's all you're paid to do you'll find something to say even if you have to pull shit out of your ass.

>> No.8406564

similar thing happens with sonic where most of the lore is made up on the spot in interviews because iizuka cannot not give an answer. Then they have to fuck up the writing for future games because he autistically doesn't want to retcon the retarded shit he ad-libbed

>> No.8406586

Post pictures of remade tifa tits

>> No.8406612

I thought they nerfed Tifa's tits in the remake.
Are there any nude patch for FF7 remake?

>> No.8406619

>I thought they nerfed Tifa's tits in the remake
that's what /v/tards who never played the game say. Tifa actually has canon measurements and her bust is 3 centimetres larger in Remake.

>> No.8406641

All right, what about the nude patch?
I'm not gonna play it until I found the nude patch.

>> No.8406647

it's coming to PC on the 16th, but it's Epic only. Inevitably there will be a nude mod

>> No.8406648

3 centimetres larger than what? advent children? because in the original her bust size changed depending on the different models, artwork, and even from cutscene to cutscene

>> No.8406652

larger than the original, 92cm vs 95

>> No.8406654
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to be specific

>> No.8406659

>Epic only
What do you mean?

>> No.8406660

the PC port isn't coming to Steam, it's only on Epic Games

>> No.8406667

I was trying to find a screencap of the cutscene where she gets knocked down by one of the weapons in the crater (you know the one) but I hate how the remake has made finding images of the original impossible

>> No.8406671

search by date breh

>> No.8406707

Which one has the tighter snatch?

>> No.8406726


>> No.8406998

This is kind of hard to quantify because the original game was a straight up cartoon with non-human proportions. Look at how long everyone's legs are in the OG artwork.

>> No.8407014
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Like people make fun of Aerith's "clown feet" but that's actually what a human foot looks like. Your foot is about the length of your elbow to your wrist.

>> No.8407652
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I want to watch them fuck.

>> No.8407660

I’ve always thought the “realistic” models make the characters look like cosplayers.

>> No.8407667

Tifa looks so fucking weird

>> No.8408302

not with all those Materia always stretching it

>> No.8408315

Don't worry, she puts all the materias in her bunghole.

>> No.8408326

God why can't real women be this cute

>> No.8408354

because 3dpd

>> No.8408906

>the comparison is literally 3d

>> No.8410824

Who did you prefer then and who do you prefer now?
I liked Aerith more when I first played, but Tifa is obviously better now

>> No.8410849

I always liked Tifa better. I hate how ugly she is in the remake.

>> No.8410856

Always been a Tifa guy

>> No.8410916
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Thanks, /sci/

>> No.8411936
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because the pic took the worst frames

>> No.8411939

It's profoundly wrong, reddit-tier taste.

>> No.8411941

It's nice they got her weird eye color right.

>> No.8411943
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>> No.8411946

Damn tifa is cute

>> No.8411951
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her profile is perfect too

>> No.8411953

I’m a fag but I’d totally rail her

>> No.8412170

It's true but I think that Remake bridges the gap as well as could be.

>> No.8412853
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I hate to say it, but even the Kingdom Hearts designs are closer to their original versions.

>> No.8413416

But that's still a cartoon though.

>> No.8413605

Ruined with the retroactive chinkfication. She isn't a wutaian.

>> No.8414805

Ironically copy Sakura Haruno.

>> No.8414830

Short-haired /fit/ girls usually do it for me, but for some reason, it feels absolutely haram here.

>> No.8415001

>Almost everyone survives Sector 7 because of the changes.
This is false. You are not counting people on top of the plate and only the "important" npc's make it out. Jessie's mother and vegi father are dead.

>> No.8415117

People on top get fucked, true. But you see a lot of people escaping the slums, not just the main NPCs.

>> No.8415142

Population of 7s slums is in the 1000s nevermind on the top 7 plate.
>Well you see more people get out
No way to prove that at all.
You also see in the original, before they go up the pillar Tifa tells everyone to get out of sector 7. How can you tell that by saying that she did not "get people out"? Technical limitation is a factor. So "because you didn't see it" is not an excuse.
I am also sure in the remake as you are going up the HQ some NPC in the offices say that there are 1000s dead and you see people trying to contact people who where in sector 7s top plate.
Nothing got changed at all, narrative wise. Shinra still did false flag a mass death event.
Quibbling about "well people got out" is pointless and changes nothing at all.
Every important event in Midgar happened the way it happened back in 1997. You are just asshurt about the wispers.

>> No.8415161

To back up my argument
> "Episode INTERmission", Reeve strongly objected to the President's plan in dropping the Sector 7 plate, citing that over 50,000 people
I did not 50,000 escape. At best i say 50 including Marle and the little girl and her father.

>> No.8415216

>Tifa tells everyone to get out of sector 7. How can you tell that by saying that she did not "get people out"? Technical limitation is a factor. So "because you didn't see it" is not an excuse.
Wedge surviving the fall was the difference. His intervention changed the events to some extent.

>> No.8415261

>His intervention changed the events to some extent.
Did it stop platefall? Nope. He even gets thrown from a window and is possibly dead anyway.
Every event till the end was beat for beat.
His survival at the plate only added the knowledge of the Deepground science labs, and not in detail to the main cast at all. It nodded to the compilation's extra stories but did not go in to any sort of detail.
Your assertion that the remake plates fall was somehow changed has been refuted. Thousands of people died. Shinra still did it, and still blamed AVALANCHE for it to the general population.
A big loss for the original is that nobody even mentions AVALANCHE or their "crime" of killing the people from sector 7 past Midgar. It all gets dropped. No other NPC's in the game know or mention it.

>> No.8415313

>Christoid thinks virginity = purity
American cuck

>> No.8415378

>Final Fantasy VII is the perfect example of "Clothes Make the Man"
Then both of them should be nothing, if you know what I mean.

>> No.8415550

The fuck does that have to do with seppos?

>> No.8415575 [DELETED] 


>> No.8415579

Is there anything more messed up than waifu posting? Imagine being so in denial about your own sexuality you replace your desire for actual women for safe non-existing women who only exist in your head. I can't even begin to grasp how fucked up someone's mental state is to post this kind of shit unironically. Damn.

>> No.8415609

>moogle shuffle
cait sith is the worst

>> No.8415625

>Is there anything more messed up than waifu posting?
yes but I agree it's pretty cringe

>> No.8415661

No srsly think about it, just really think about it. Instead of actual women it's just lines. Not real, not intimidating, perfect instead of flawed. Then these guys fall in love with this image in their head, unironically. Imagine how far removed these guys are from daily life and human connection. It's pretty sad actually.

>> No.8415726

It’s not like the original designs weren’t cartoony.

>> No.8415741
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>> No.8415746
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>> No.8415752
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must be insane to be gen z and having your whole concept of "weird shit on the internet" be confined to twitter and facebook where there's nothing comparable to ogrish and efukt.

then you turn 16 and discover 4chan for the first time in 2021 and get incredulous at people posting characters from video games.

>> No.8415753

>turbosperg is still going
is gen Z in the room with you right now? is gen Z saying anything to you?

>> No.8415764 [DELETED] 
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>>turbosperg is still going
>is gen Z in the room with you right now? is gen Z saying anything to you?

>> No.8415767
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>> No.8415772

>"I'm too autistic to even talk to a real person. Isn't fantasizing about it my only option?"

>> No.8416105

Retard I said "more people survived" not "the plate didn't drop."

>> No.8416115

The original designs were cartoons too yeah. What I mean is that if the goal is to bridge the gap to more realistic looking people then Remake does it about as well as possible. The characters certainly look more like themselves than they did in Advent Children.

>> No.8418270

They even nailed Cloud not being convincingly female. Square is based

>> No.8418632
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Their attention to detail was phenomenal. I love that they even nailed Cloud's pissed off face.

The one weird thing about Remake I noticed though was that during the makeover Cloud starts in his normal clothes and then magically is in the dress. Does that mean he was stripped right on stage? That logically would had to have happened for the two scenes to connect...

>> No.8419257

cloud got stripped in the remake yeah, so it wasnt like the original game where he got gangraped

>> No.8419280

Literally Jews

>> No.8419303

What makes people think he got raped in that hot tub?

>> No.8419432

The average final fantasy fan has never actually played a game, they are just secondaries animetards that came in with stuff like advent children (honestly many such cases in many popular japanese franchises).
All they know is she has booba and in their brains booba=sex=slut.

>> No.8419605

The Honeybee Inn in Remake is weird. In the original it was a pretty sad place that people down on their luck go to forget their problems. A bog standard brothel. Remake makes it a pretty wealthy looking fetish cabaret where I guess you can perform sex acts on stage? Like a place you release your inhibitions for an audience? But its also supposed to be in the slums where nobody has any money yet everyone there is dressed like they're at the Oscars. Its another one of those "things are happier this time around" things.

>> No.8419625

If you peek in one of the rooms in the original, President Shinra is literally doing medieval LARP with whores and his flunkies. We can infer that people from all walks of life go there to act out their weirdness. The performance bit isn't too outlandish... I don't recall anything about sex acts actually being performed on stage?

>> No.8419658

Maybe not outright sex acts but Andrea is dodgy about what services he actually offers. He really just talks about "making dreams come true" and shit like that. And if Cloud was stripped on stage in a feminization show they clearly go pretty far.

Frankly I think there's a ton of hentai or fanservice material that can be drawn from Remake's Honeybee Inn. Imagine what kind of shows Aerith and Tifa would be part of.

>> No.8419682

Which makes no sense. It’s like saying that Garnet is a slut because she wears that orange jumpsuit.

>> No.8419727

Official material confirms that the high affection scene under the Highwind is the canon scene, Cloud and Tifa is the correct option.

>> No.8419735

I don't think it's because they didn't play the game. It's probably because FFVII was a lot of people's first RPG and they played it when they were like 12 and either didn't fully get the nuance at the time or hadn't played it in so long their memories faded. The same kind of thing happened with Cloud's personality. A lot of people projected a lot of Squall's personality traits onto Cloud in the years following both games.

Honestly FFVII is weirdly underrated for such a popular game specifically because so many people miss out on what it was actually doing. It being a lot of people's first Final Fantasy caused a bunch of stuff to fly over their heads. If you play the series in order then FFVII's machinations really come through. It's all about undermining expectations. It seems quaint now after so many games have done "more" but in 1997 a player would just take for granted that the main hero is a badass warrior, the busty barmaid is sultry, the pink dressed white mage character is demure and pure, etc. The game then takes pleasure in pulling the rug out from under you. Tifa is actually a hopeless romantic who wants to be saved by a knight in shining armor. Aerith is streetwise, sneaky, and flirtatious. Cloud is actually one of the faceless mooks you've been beating up all game. It keeps setting up the cliches every RPG up until then played straight and then undermined them one by one. Even Cait Sith's "death" was a trick. He supposedly sacrifices himself at the Temple of the Ancients only to show up again 30 seconds later like no big deal. It lulls you into a false sense of security that there won't be any serious dangers to your main cast. Unfortunately if this was your first time playing the series, or RPGs in general, the misdirection doesn't work as well because you haven't built up the expectations in the first place.

>> No.8419802

this was my first RPG and FF7 is my favourite game for all the reasons you listed. It doesn't need to subvert RPG's, it only needs to subvert itself. It is ultimately a story about being a real nigga

>> No.8419815

i'll add, it is self-evident that it is a story about being a real nigga

>> No.8420339

Good post

>> No.8420578

I though I would hate it because "change" but the new honeybee inn scene hit me really hard because of an experience I had years ago that it reminded me of. Instant horny. Now I prefer it to the original which is really just a fetch quest.

>> No.8421224

Spot fucking on. About time someone else said it. It was not my first RPG when I played it (that was FFVI), but I was like 13 when I first did, and it's like you said: a lot of shit went over my head back then. Even after another playthrough a few years later, I don't think I quite got it still. It wasn't until much later (I wanna say about 7 years ago) that I really paid attention to the story (I was taking screenshots of my playthrough at the time, so that helped) and the character development, and it blew me away. And it annoys me off how much of the "fanbase" misses the mark and only remembers the dark and edgy shit, and SE, knowing this, chose to cater to the foggy image said fabnase has of the game and its characters, which is why we get emo Cloud, pure maiden Aerith, and a Sephiroth whose only purpose in life appears to be eternally trolling Cloud in the FFVII Compilation shit and Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.8421262

The rushed translation didn't help. My experience with FFVII was more or less how you describe, and even then I knew there were issues with it. People on here sometimes like to adopt this revisionist attitude and say that everything in English FFVII was actually crystal clear all along! but it really wasn't. Compare with FFX—a markedly worse story—which was given more care from one of the best J-to-E game translators ever. No one misconstrued anything in that game.

>> No.8421302

One issue with FFVII and especially FFVIII is that a lot of gameplay time happens in between a plot point's foreshadowing and its ultimate payoff. This tends to be a problem because its extremely easy to forget a seemingly random bit of background dialog in the 12 hours of game time, which can translate to days in real time, it takes for there to be a callback.

>> No.8422164

When does this happen

>> No.8422331

In FFVII it seems to happen with things like the "this guy are sick" fellow. The whole reunion thing seems to trip people up as one of the parts of the game that seems very convoluted even though it's really not. It's just that all the details are peppered throughout the game far enough apart from each other that by the time you reach that part of the game it's easy to forget a bunch of shit.

FFVIII it's obviously the GFs causing memory problems.

>> No.8422361

Another thing, and this is more a technical limitation than a story thing, but it took me a REALLY long time to figure out that the Sephiroth bodies you were talking to were literally becoming the Jenova boss fights. Since you don't see the transformation and Sephiroth just flies off screen, I had assumed that he was just running away like a Saturday morning cartoon villain and either siccing the boss on you as a parting gift or the bosses just happened to be there because of a generic need that end of dungeon=boss fight. This made it much harder to make the connection with the significance of the Sephiroth clones.

>> No.8423005

remake made this clearer with that sephiroth clone appearing in jenova dreamweaver's wake

>> No.8423253
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>> No.8423743

did you get feminised?

>> No.8423779

Fuck no. It wasn't even that related a situation. Its just my mind jumped to it and made a connection that now I can't let go. One of my sister's friends was getting married and they were using my house as a staging ground for getting ready. I didn't know this was happening when I came home from class. I ended up seeing a bunch of the girls in various states of undress and in a chair was one of the bridesmaids getting her hair and makeup done by the others but was completely naked otherwise but had perfect hair and makeup.

I think what happened was I took the Honeybee Inn scene and mashed it up with Aerith's makeover and imagined something like that happening on stage instead of in private where she's stripped and pampered and a finely dressed audience gets to watch her go from ordinary to elegant. And now the idea of the Remake Honeybee Inn gives me a boner.

>> No.8424614

Yeah I wish the original made some effort to give visual feedback like that so that story element wouldn't seem so obtuse.

Interestingly Chrono Cross seemed to overcorrect and just do a giant info dump of the entire story over the course of 20 minutes near the end of the game. Not an improvement.

>> No.8424657

Here’s what I’m still wondering, was Sephiroth in control of Jenova, or the other way around?

>> No.8424673

That's a neverending argument but it seems narratively silly to me for Sephiroth to not have had primary agency considering he's the last boss and all.

>> No.8425619

Sephiroth rips that bitch's head off

>> No.8426473
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>> No.8427323
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wot if

>> No.8427790

I think he just took its head because he didn't want to drag the whole body around.