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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8377065 No.8377065 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite NES games that can still be enjoyed today. No obvious choices/ NES TOP 50 GAMES OF ALL TIME, please.
So far I had an awesome time with:
Panic Restaraunt
3 Eyes
Zen Intergalactic Ninja
Power Blade 2
Doki! Doki! Yuuenchi

>> No.8377078

> that can still be enjoyed today

that doesn't mean anything to me, but my list there is a good start


>3 Eyes
you mean 8 Eyes? I tried that it looked like a very poor CV clone

>> No.8377084

A fuckload of them

Final Mission
Guerrilla war
Konami world
Robocco wars
Kick master
Batman + returns
Maze of Galious

>Zen Intergalactic Ninja

Man, this game is rad but it always scared me to shit with its time limits

>> No.8377089

Shadow of the Ninja
Journey to Silius
Gremlins 2
Moon Crystal
Kabuki Quantum Fighter
Vice Project Doom
Metal Storm

Just trying to think of good games that don't often get brought up on good game lists

>> No.8377097

Shatterhand is the tits.
I'll say Gargoyle's Quest 2, Bubble Bobble and Metal Storm.

>> No.8377106
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First game that came to mind.

>> No.8377129

I'm not autistic so I understand what people mean when they say a game has aged badly, but even then I think the NES largely avoids showing its age due to how simple its games are. Most action platformers in the system are as good as they were when they came out, and all the shovelware shit is as bad as it ever was.
But anyways, megaman, mario, kirby, all those are a given

>> No.8377138

Kyatto Ninden Teyandee (Samurai Pizza Cats)

>> No.8377153

>that can still be enjoyed today
Think of a zoomer that plays a lot of modern games. What would he like on NES? Responsive controls, interesting level design, or a very cool gameplay gimmick.
"Mitsume ga Tooru", this one. Did it even have an English release?
>megaman, mario, kirby
The list goes on...

>> No.8377157
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>"Mitsume ga Tooru"
Forgot the pic.

>> No.8377283

>Panic Restaraunt
is GOOD! I don't understand why I never see anyone talk about it so I am glad someone is finally talking about it. To me it is one of the best games on the NES and so weird it's never talked about. Guess that's because it is no Mario.

>> No.8377305

Konami waiwai world 2 and Parodius are great.

Also not technically retro, but Micro Mages is a great recent release.

>> No.8377457

If you mean hidden gem?

Crisis force
Isolated warrior

>> No.8377645

The game is fun, but it's pretty easy and short.

>> No.8377662

Little Nemo the Dream Master
The Goonies II
Pro Wrestling

>> No.8377673

Journey to Silius
Skate or Die

>> No.8377747

I love the translation hack for this game that attempts to emulate the dub's writing. Specifically the part where Kitsunezuka looks mad as fuck and the text says "I AM PERFECTLY CALM".

>> No.8378470

Great game and I'm glad to see it mentionned more often these days, but a more accurate translation would be
>The Three-Eyed One

>> No.8378479
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zoomer here, outside of star tropics, zoda's revenge, and pic related, i don't know any outside of the obvious ones. well also there was a puzzle game on switch online i played a bit of called fire and ice and that seemed neat. so thanks for making this thread :)
time to get some new roms
well maybe tomorrow it's like 3am where i am rn.

>> No.8378542
File: 75 KB, 400x305, 15897547888454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrecking Crew and Kid Icarus. I don't think those are too obvious, as I never hear good things about them here, even though they're well-known. Also (assuming they're not on top 50 lists) Banana Prince, Dragon Warrior 1, Metal Max, and Lagrange Point

>> No.8378546

>Lagrange Point

tell me more about this game, in exchange I advise to play Radia Senki

>> No.8378553
File: 308 KB, 1280x862, tumblr_p64k53xjhC1r7gehbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the cool rec! I search engined it which led me to remember I had already had the fan translation of it, but I also discovered that it has an unreleased official localization. Very cool!
>>Lagrange Point
>tell me more about this game
It's most well-known for having a special sound chip that gives its music several additional instruments, making its songs like halfway between Genesis and Master System FM quality. It's very cool. Otherwise, the graphics are good, it has a great sci-fi story and setting, and the gameplay is somewhat typical NES RPG but with more choices and lots of different characters to recruit. I haven't beaten it nor played it in a long time, but it definitely by many is hyped for a reason.

>> No.8378590
File: 5 KB, 256x240, Radia Senki - Reimei Hen (Japan)_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool I'll give it a shot at some point, a Konami RPG sounds intriguing

>Radia Senki official translation
I didn't know that, I played the fan translation and it wasn't too bad except from the use of swear words here and there. According to this gamefaq forum post the official translation also has gameplay differences like the moving speed of characters, I could have used that


I enjoyed the game a lot but couldn't help thinking it could have used a 2 players mode (or even 3, 4 players using the multitap) a là Secret of Mana. Even if the other players only control the characters during combat, it's what you do for most of the game

>> No.8378640

Where at? I couldn’t find it on the archive

>> No.8378646


>> No.8378821

Sugoro Quest
Guardian Legend
Space Hunter
Konami Wai Wai World
Magical Doropie for Megaman Fans
Moon Crystal

>> No.8378857

I still enjoy Bubble Bobble, Rainbow Islands, Metal Gear, Rescue Rangers, and (no joke) The Little Mermaid is actually a solid game

>> No.8378884

Capitan Tsubasa 2
Tag Team Match M.U.S.C.L.E / Kinnikuman

>> No.8379052

Jackie Chan Action Kung-Fu

>> No.8379093
File: 1.10 MB, 256x224, nes_time_zone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8379119

mad city
it's bayou billy quite literally, but famicom; and the game is actually fixed/good

>> No.8379130
File: 2.80 MB, 1024x960, madcity.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad City is actually pretty fucking impressive for 1987. The graphics, sprites during the beat em up sections specifically, are absolutely amazing for the time, that and the game has cutscenes including between levels, and this was before Ninja Gaiden. Too bad the controls aren't great, and a shame how they ruined the NTSC-U version because outside of the difficulty, it actually has quite a few improvements. Shame there isn't a romhack that resotres the Japanese difficulty in Bayou Billy to get the best of both worlds

>> No.8379138

ice hockey is some stupid fun with friends

>> No.8379535

>Moon Crystal
Damn, that game is good. I remember I was sucking hard at it and then my friend showed me how to beat it. I was amazed.

>> No.8380206

The game is fucking creepy.

>> No.8381339

Crisis Force makes me feel like I'm a Japanese kid in the 90's

and I'm not a weeaboo

>> No.8381359
File: 35 KB, 600x450, KidNikiRadicalNinjaNintendoNESGame-GandorionGames_113b0130-3744-4042-9470-1f05e919095d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8381839
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>> No.8381886

Adventure Island II
Air Fortress
Battle of Olympus
Bionic Commando
Bomberman II
Boulder Dash
Bucky O'Hare
Burai Fighter
Doki! Doki! Yuuenchi
dr chaos
Felix the Cat
Gargoyle's Quest 2
Godzilla: Monster of Monsters
Goemon Gaiden
Guerilla War
Gun Nac
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu
Kick Master
Kickle Cubicle
Kirby's Adventure
Legacy of the Wizard
Life Force
Little Nemo: Dream Master
Little Ninja Bros.
Mario Adventure
Metal Storm
Milon's Secret Castle
Rad Racer
Return to Silius
River City Ransom
Samurai pizza cats
Snake Rattle & Roll
Solar Jetman
The Magic of Scheherazade
Valkyrie no Bouken
Wacky Races
Wizards & Warriors 3
World Cup
WURM: Journey to the Center of the Earth

>> No.8381974

This is a pretty good list. Although i think that:
>Burai fighter
>Milons secret castle
Are pretty bad.

How is faxanadu tho? I have been itching to play that one

>> No.8382000

>interesting level design
Most modern games don't have that though

>> No.8382006

Is Lagrange referring to the French mathematician with the loli gf?

>> No.8382026


Godzilla is awesome. It's bad in some ways but it's awesome. I don't care about the other three though

>> No.8382338

Just to his discovery.

>> No.8382349

I love how your salty "list goes on" forced meme always adds an extra game name every time you type it out.

>> No.8382389

So pissed this and that other Konami game on disk system that was like a top down asian platformer, never got cart releases overseas.

>> No.8382921

I just rememb3r the bullshit timers and repetition with some enemies. But it may be a case of style over substance, sunce the game is pretty cool

>> No.8382923

Me too.

>> No.8382924

Does anyone actually like Kick Master? I find it to be so sloppy in every way

>> No.8383150
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I like Donald Land

>> No.8383789
File: 176 KB, 640x873, kickmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mission Impossible
Power Blade
MegaMan 5 (or 2, or your favorite, I probably won't mind)
Kick Master
Gremlins 2
Shadow of the Ninja (aka Blue Shadow)

>> No.8384457

Which one? His work encompassed fields as disparate as celestial mechanics to abstract algebra.

>> No.8384461

>Gremlins 2
Had this one growing up but never really played it (I sort of inherited my uncle's collection). It's that good eh?

>> No.8384475
File: 12 KB, 256x240, MV5BZGZjZGE3YjAtZGJjMi00ZDdlLWJhYjAtZWIzYjYyOWQ3MzY2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTk1MjA5MjM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has one of my favorite water level tracks of all time to boot

>> No.8384489

How embarrassing, I posted the wrong music

>> No.8384508

Well obviously to his discovery concerning the place where the opposing gravitational pulls of two orbiting are balanced out via centrifugal force, his aforementioned namesake. I'm no astronomy expert, just gave the article about that a cursory glance. I'm guessing the name of the game is due to its theme of frequent and libertine space traveling (including, namely landing at ports). Reminds me strongly of Outlaw Star. I wonder if there was either plagiarism or just is a common source between the game and that show.

>> No.8384513

*or if there is a common source

>> No.8385005

a bit short but great

>Mission Impossible

I've had this game for more 20 years and I've always loved it but I could never beat it, apparently I only ever made it half way through. It's hard as fuck.

still one of my favourite games on the system

>> No.8386647
File: 83 KB, 321x281, PFP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One NES game I personally enjoyed (as a 19 year old) that I can assure you will never find on any top 50 NES games list would have to be Gaiaopolis. It had some detailed sprites and fun combat but had some pretty gunky music. Best overall underrated classics would have to be Kick Master, Shatterhand, and Shadow of the Ninja.

>> No.8386713

>that can still be enjoyed today
I wonder if people on a retro game board like playing old games

>> No.8386725

Metal Storm and The Guardian Legend are my "hidden gem" recommendations for the NES. Just be sure to play a patched JP ver of Metal Storm, the colors were better in that version.
Also Little Sampson, but ironically it's rarity has made it quite well known in the last decade.

>> No.8386735

Zoomers do not. They like watching videos about them for Redddit points and then complaining about how 99% of them are too hard and therefore suck, here.

>> No.8386738

There's one thing you have to know: you start with zero lives. Buy lives as soon as possible in your first playthroughs or you will get frustrated very fast by early game overs. Don't try to cheese the game with save states, I guarantee you it'll only make things more frustrating.
Protip: break down what's going on on screen into simple categories: where you can walk, where you can't be, and where you can be, be only for a short while. It helps when they start animating tons of stuff on the screen.
Protip: shops have different stocks, you may decide to pass an option to pick it up in another level, you may ignore certain shops, and it's sometimes better to buy an health upgrade rather than an extra life...
Last protip: some enemies hit boxes take elevation into account, others don't. It's possible to jump and attack to reach enemies (if the projectile and enemy overlap in 2D, it's a valid hit even if it doesn't make sense in 3D).

>> No.8386745

Shit I had no idea about this. I always thought the colours looked like shit in Metal Storm, turns out they're fine in the original version

on top of this the original version has a kick ass intro which they simply deleted overseas. Damn.

>> No.8386751

>original version
Actually the Japanese version came out a year after NA if I recall. Which is why it's so much better. If you've never played the Japanese version it feels like playing the definitive version of a classic.

>> No.8386768

I love retro games. Doesn't mean I won't find a lot of them boring and dated.

>> No.8386771

Is the game that hard? The first level was easy as fuck so the game felt not fun.

>> No.8386774

It has cool ideas, but the game itself is rather slow and annoying.

>> No.8386775
File: 90 KB, 800x554, B21E06F2-91BA-4EED-B789-7AA425651B3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janky bootleg dirty pair is pretty underrated

>> No.8386787

What are the differences between that new ("reprinted") version that released a couple of years ago and the Japanese version? I heard the new version added something or something like that.

>> No.8386798

Yeah okay that makes more sense. For some reasons the entire internet is talking like the Japanese version was made first, but the release date is 13 months apart and I don't see any build date in the ROM that would indicate it was made before. I wonder if it's just bad assumptions leading to wrong information which then everyone proceeds to copy paste, I've seen this happen a few times already.

apparently it's a translation of the Japanese version, so it has the intro and all the stuff of the Japanese version. I wonder if that has been dumped

>> No.8386836

It's a NES-era Sunsoft game. Depends on how much you're used to that kind of difficulty. Once you get the trick, it's fine. But the difficulty does ramp up. There's also a lot of content in terms of setting, enemies, weapons etc. So it's worth playing at least for that.

>> No.8387236
File: 109 KB, 680x497, 5928_jp-Time-Zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neat ive never heard of this hidden gem thanks

>> No.8387875


>> No.8387908

Sure has been (check the thread in the following link for more cool dumped homebrews; there's even a pastebin listing a lot of them): >>/vr/thread/S6146554

Thanks for the kind qrd, anon!

>> No.8387913

Crap, looks like the link to Metal Storm 2019 is broken. I'll reupload my copy for you, give me a few, sorry.

>> No.8387974

Here: http://files.catbox.moe/v8kc36.rar

>> No.8387998

virus don't click

>> No.8388190

Well either way doesn't look like there is anything to see here. Apparently the ROM doesn't work on emulators without doing some fuckery beforehand, and according to this page the controls are reversed by default and if you look at the comparison screenshot it looks like the fan translation did a better job (at least imo)


so might as well just use the fan translation

It's not "easy" but it's definitely easier than other Sunsoft games. If the levels are too hard you can play the Japanese version in which they are easier (less pits and spikes)

>> No.8388559

>No obvious choices/ NES TOP 50 GAMES OF ALL TIME, please.
Why not, you stupid faggot? I'm not allowed to have favorite games that are popular?
Go fuck yourself, you contrarian pile of garbage.

>> No.8388606

You're allowed to have them as favorites, but not allowed to post them in this thread. Are you stupid?

>> No.8388618

Catbox isn't a virus site, but if you're afraid that it's a virus because it's a rar file, use this link instead, then: https://ufile.io/i60px3co

>> No.8388746

Neat, thanks.

>retro bit presents

All they do is translate 3 screens and they put their name first in the game, gee

>> No.8389143

>that first comment

>> No.8389150

Post them anyway.

>> No.8389245
File: 4 KB, 256x232, Lagrange Point (J)_019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really liking Lagrange Point although gameplay is a bit one-dimensional, but fights and lvling up is pretty fast. The game really opens up once you're lvl 20 or so.

>> No.8389254
File: 4 KB, 256x232, Lagrange Point (J)_035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graphics are pretty great for 1991, the story/setting is original (although I had to read some shit in a FAQ to understand the basics but I suppose they're told in the manual) and the musics sound rather unique

I said gameplay is one dimensional because you'll be hitting attack 99% of the time as there isn't much in the regards of spells; hence why the weapon customization system is really important, you need to take the time to build up strong weapons, it'll save time in the end.

>> No.8389265
File: 3 KB, 256x232, Lagrange Point (J)_030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other great thing about the game is how many party members there are and how you can go back to base to swap them any time you want. Although I find that you're pretty much committed to your initial choices for the most of it unless you want to take the time to grind the ones left behind.
I found 3 characters which work great together so so far I've had no incentive to change, though I might have to soon if the MC doesn't get a better healing spell