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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.64 MB, 640x480, dogslifeview.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8374898 No.8374898 [Reply] [Original]

Ah, Dog's Life. One of the least celebrated masterpieces on the PS2. the music, the physics, the levels - all perfect stuff here but I think the cover art killed its chances of getting recognized at the time.

Thankfully we know now not to judge a PS2 game by its cover. Have you played the worlds greatest sniff'n'shitter?

>> No.8375580

I remember reading on / v / the story of a dude whose mother wanted to offer the game on condition that he testified against his father in a divorce proceeding. Anon, if you are here, bless you.

>> No.8375601

this is the most American story i've read on /vr/

>> No.8375605

All I remember about this game was how the main villain's cat food factory looked weirdly grungy and bloody for what amounts to a kids game. Then the cherry on top being the villain falling into her cat food making machine and actually getting ground up into cat food.

>> No.8375638

The first 1:30 of this is the most early 2000s shit I've ever seen

>> No.8378240

i own this but have never played it

>> No.8378254

Play it, it'll blow you away.

>> No.8380471

Bump. I'm interested in playing it.

>> No.8380508

It is the Mizzurna Falls or Deadly Premonition of the ps2.

>> No.8380549
File: 2.90 MB, 580x442, dogslifeswim.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else is there to say? You're a dog and you live a life. Take shits, piss, outpiss other dogs, outdig other dogs, sniff butts, scare birds. So much of the game is down to the feel, where Jake swings his ass around and the IK dynamically animates him, you slip and slide on ice. The game is also surprisingly atmospheric, and it's a unique atmosphere. The music is clearly inspired by old Lynrd Skynrd hits and create a consistently lazy ambiance to almost every stage, it works. It's the kind of game you'd play on a chilly spring weekend morning until the warm spring sun creeps into your window to give you cozy ray. The frantic music for some missions give you a good beat to go off and manages to both be fitting and completely unfitting.


In this doggy dog world there's only one Dog's Life.

>> No.8380569

Holy soul batman

>> No.8380586
File: 25 KB, 341x256, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always loved this game, it's amazing
I wish there were more games where you could play as a somewhat normal dog/cat (as in no anthropomorphic shit)

>> No.8380598

its dog eat dog not doggy dog.

>> No.8380602

posts like these are a diamond dozen

>> No.8380605

There was a DC game that was based on that Stephen King novel Cujo. It allowed you to play as the dog for a pretty good section of the game as an unlockable.