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8373746 No.8373746 [Reply] [Original]

I've never played Dino Crisis. Which one should I play / is the best? I'll play on my Vita.

>> No.8373761

They're like 6 hours long just play them both you dumb faggot they're both great.

>> No.8373763

why are you so rude? :(

>> No.8373764

neat i just grabbed these for my vita as well

>> No.8373774

How much was it?

>> No.8373785

Not him but he has a point, this thread is near useless. Play both and form your own opinion. Anyways, first game is basically an RE clone except harder than the mainline RE titles. Good atmosphere, boring story, alright game.
2 drops the survival horror and is action oriented, still has tank controls, and an arcade scoring system but is arguably more fun than the first game.

>> No.8373808

DC1 has cool tech (fully 3D before Code Veronica) and the characters are funny as hell, but the game is meh

Never played 2

>> No.8373817


well this is the answer I wanted to get! I guess I am better off playing 2 then but what about 3?

>> No.8373895

Man I should really replay DC1.
I still remember when we were playing it at a friend's place and the T-Rex came bursting through the window.

>> No.8373915


>> No.8374619


DC1: Survival horror, neat stuff but some rooms are just metallic and boring. story is not deep but presented as a bit of a scifi thriller.

DC2: Straight up action shooter (even gives you points for kills) story is kinda stupid. but the look of the game has more of a lush jungle/jurassic park feel to it.

DC3: A mix of the first 2, the boring metallic room look of DC1 and the mindless shooting of DC2. story went beyond retarded. also its in spaaaaaaaaaace!

I'd say play DC1 first, its a good game. then if you want more play DC2, but ignore DC3 completely. (its an xbox only title, so doubt you can emulate that on your vita anyway)

>> No.8374724

DC1 in fucking garbage
DC2 might be fun haven't played it

>> No.8374789

>DC1: Survival horror
It's actually panic horror.

>> No.8375489

Can't put it better than this post. You can go play now, OP.

>> No.8375507

Its actually puzzle horror

>> No.8375596

>door crisis

>> No.8375980
File: 30 KB, 266x266, s-l300 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DC1 has cool tech (fully 3D before Code Veronica)

Dino Crisis was released July 1999, Code Veronica was February 2000. Nex Entertainment ported the game to the Dreamcast in 2000, they also made the Code Veronica game engine for Capcom. Nex Entertainment was owned by Sega, and functioned as a tech group. They even worked on Shenmue.

Dino Crisis[4]
Dream Studio[4]
Resident Evil Code: Veronica[4]
Resident Evil Code: Veronica X[4]


>> No.8375997


>> No.8376057

i was always creeped out by that upturned claw on the cover as a kid
also, i want to eat regina's butthole, i wonder if it has little red hairs around it

>> No.8376118

>by that upturned claw on the cover as a kid

now that you mention it, how is that even possible? did the Dino break it's toe?

>> No.8376125

my thoughts exactly, i have no fucking idea what's going on there and it's bothered me since 1999

>> No.8376238

some people don't have that much time to play videogames and making an informed decision on which game to play is very much a normal thing
when you've got other hobbies, you just wanna get a good experience and not spend too much time testing shit out

>> No.8376281

12 hours for both dino crisis games is nothing, there's modern games that are easily 5x that length. It's like watching a movie, pop it on, if you're not feeling it, stop watching, that's casual.
People need way too much spoonfeeding these days and are worse off for it

>> No.8376528

>i wonder if it has little red hairs around it

I can assure you it does not, for the simple fact that she is a (crude) 3D computer model from the late 90s and not actually real.

>> No.8376859

I've started playing 1 and this game is great!
why did nobody tell me before?

I was annoyed by resident evil because of all that back tracking. i hate back tracking.
this game seems to be very linear which I enjoy way more.

I also thought the tank controls would put me off because I remember how I've hated them in Grim Fandango back when it was released but I really have no problem with the controls here, it plays just fine.

only problem I have is that I can't pick up enough items but I suppose that means I do have to back track eventually.

>> No.8376864

2 over 1. First game is a really bad Resident Evil clone. Second game is more of it's own thing and really fun.
Watch boomers who haven't played both since christmas 2000 defend the first game

>> No.8376867

Stop bragging about being a neet who has no life and no job and thus shit load of free time.
I have 1 hour for video games every day so I rather not waste it.

also what's with that
>just play every game
crap? if we go by that logic no more game recommendation threads.
just play every game out there, you will find the right one.

>> No.8376874

DC1 takes survival horror to its logical conclusion and is the best game of the genre mechanically.

>> No.8376879

Lmao, the projection. I also have limited time I can play vidya but that doesn't mean I need a dissertation on what order to play a game series in. Your time can't be that valuable if you're replying to me.

>> No.8376886

>really fun

Zoomie zoom zoom needs his instant gratification. Bing Bing Wahoo! 100 points! 500 points! 1000 POINTS! Yaaaay I feel validated!

>> No.8376887

both of you arguing here only means you got more free time than you fucking deserve

>> No.8376893

you literally grew up with that in the arcade times you stupid senile boomer. If you want some feelies walking through some aesthetics you do a better job looking for that in modern indie games. I bet some weird ass youtuber with nose piercing just got the right one for you in a top 10 list.

>> No.8376901

>First game is a really bad Resident Evil clone.
It's better than RE though, and I love RE. If you don't like DC1, you're not a survival horror fan. Simple as.

>> No.8376910

Are there any significant differences between the Dreamcast and PS port other than resolution/graphics? I only ever played the DC version

>> No.8376915

RE has way more formats, super weapons to unlock and lots of interactive NG+ elements that incentivize replays and re-runs. DC1 doesn't do any of that and even DC2 fails tremendously in comparison. I can replay most RE games out of fun. Something i can't claim about DC1

>> No.8376927

The only reason you're hating on DC1 is because you can't handle the fear, your generation gets scared easily because you grew up with non threatening cartoons in 2005.

>> No.8376939

>RE has way more formats, super weapons to unlock and lots of interactive NG+ elements that incentivize replays and re-runs.
Sure, but DC1 is the peak of resource management, which is the root of the genre.

>> No.8376958

I can give you that. But a game is more than just one feature. Imo the RE games nailed every component perfectly and make it really pleasant to go over that whole ordeal several times more.

>> No.8376963

videogames aren't that big of a deal to be upset about "spoonfeeding" people about what games are bad lol
you just take vydia too seriously
and no, 12 hours isn't nothing
if your standard is built off knowing that there's 100 hour games out there, your perspective isn't of an adult that has a wife and a kid

>m-maybe you shouldn't have a kid then

that wouldn't be your business though right? your business would be telling him which dino crisis game is worth playing, or not responding at all

videogames aren't that serious of a matter
also, you trying to use movies as an example isn't working out in your favour that well

since you just used an example of "BRO IT'S JUST 6 HOURS, FAG, JUST TRY IT" while trying ot use movies, which are almost never over 90-100 mins, isn't exactly the same
aside from that, for most vydia you need at least 1-2 hours to get anywhere within the central game loop, while usually you'll know if you like a movie or not within the first 30 minutes, if not 20

you're a self-important shmuck with the perspective of someone that's going way past their bed time
so you're either too immature or irresponsible for your age, or you're filthy rich

>> No.8376989

motherfucker you can assume whether or not you like a game before you even start it 90% of the time based on the genre/developer. Again, if you were pressed for time you would not be writing paragraphs on an underwater basket weaving forum. Why are you all so butt blasted dedicating time to this hobby yet you'll shitpost all day long?

>> No.8376994

>First game is a really bad Resident Evil clone
Felt like I was hallucinating when I was finding that game to be rather mediocre
2 is better.

>> No.8377067

Protip: It's not pronounced Die-know-cry-sis, It's pronounced De-knock-ris-iss.

>> No.8377280


I am replying while I am on the shitter at work.

>> No.8377290

Yeah that's from that one trailer right? was on some sort of RE3 disc??

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IwVPARGng0 (0:46)

of course this one says DYNO again..

>> No.8377359
File: 503 KB, 1220x704, deeno crisis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8377575

Dreamcast or not at all

>> No.8377603

I think it's supposed to be the upright claw on a velociraptor

>> No.8377607

Beyond mispronouncing dino, the way he says the title in general in the first trailer is just bizarre.

>> No.8377724

The full 3D effect was impressive for the time. Amazing what they could do with such limited resources. I often wonder just how far they could push the tech we have now if they pushed it as hard as people did back then.

>> No.8378838

in theory, a dinosaur RE should be awesome. DC1 is not awesome. It's not bad, but it's also not great. Every RE on PSX is better than it

>> No.8378861

Yeah they kinda fucked it up, you'd think RE but with Dinos would be easy.
But most of it ended up being "Raptors in a metallic corridor"

>> No.8379972

That's kind the point. You're suppose to evade them and find ways around directly fighting them because survival horror not blast them like they are fucking chickens.

>> No.8380760

Great. You are wasting time at work.

>> No.8380772


>> No.8380779

DC1 is good but easy as fuck, the puzzles aren't particularly hard either, they're just kind of stupid at times. But it's a great looking PS1 game because of full 3D environments. Also weird stuff like QTEs.
DC2 is proto-RE4, with a focus on combat and combos that reward you with points you can use to upgrade your stuff and buy new weapons. They used pre-rendered backgrounds for some reason but they look pretty good, the jungle atmosphere and soundtrack are honestly 10/10, and it's really replayable

>> No.8380783

Anon is doing his part to fight the inherently exploitative capitalistic system he is being victimized by. He should be commended for his stunning bravery.

>> No.8380784

Dead Aim is proto re4, the protag even has the same hair and clothes as Leon

>> No.8380931

If they did push it to surpass everything then it would probably end up like when crysis came out,most people wouldnt be able to play it on theyre machine and wouldnt run on console so less potential sell to rentabilize it.