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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 512x60, NA-PAL_Touhou_Project_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8370668 No.8370668 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do people like this series?

>> No.8370672

Music and gameplay
>B-but the waifus....
With that art? Nah

>> No.8370673

cute gurls
breddy gud musics
easier than arcade bullet hells

>> No.8370678

fun bullet hell
nice occult/Shinto atmosphere

>> No.8370682 [DELETED] 

pick one

>> No.8370684
File: 918 KB, 848x1200, __hong_meiling_touhou_drawn_by_matsuda_matsukichi__84159c55104f7427b55173e1957365f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the game itself is not the selling point anon...

>> No.8370687



>> No.8370690

ZUN himself said the games are just glorified music players for his songs.
Don't be a secondary, play Pocky and Rocky instead.

>> No.8370691

Good music and it's a comfy bullet hell shooter that even people new to the genre can enjoy. Mushihimesama is visually overwhelming, Ikaruga's very steep difficulty and gimmick sets a rather high barrier to entry, but Touhou's gimmicks are either nonexistent or so straightforward you barely have to think about them.

>> No.8370696

someone said once that touhou is MLP for japs

>> No.8370698

I'm not sure I understand your point, you should post more images of meiling in lingerie until I get it

>> No.8370704
File: 47 KB, 200x200, 1638056281628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uohhhhhhhh!!! Raymooo armpit so erotic!!!!

>> No.8370709

>don't really care about the game because it's just a music player for my songs
>need a dumbshit genre any retard could make a game for without much effort
>RPG comes to mind but that's too much writing, what's the next laziest?
>ah yes, SHMUPS

>> No.8370713

>draw european phenotype character
>call it a chinese person

>> No.8370714
File: 319 KB, 842x1191, Mars Matrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go play Mars Matrix...

>> No.8370721

Most people like the music and characters. Not big into the bullet hells myself but I love the first game. Anything resembling arkanoids in any way of destroying or flipping tiles is fun.

>> No.8370741 [DELETED] 

I really like this image

>> No.8370823


>> No.8370978

TouHou 1 is a neat breakout kind of game, it can be dumb at times but it's an over all really fun game. I can't comment much on the bullet hells personally, but 1 is simply a comfy game for me

>> No.8370981

let's see your bullet curtain patterns. post 'em since you're such a genius

>> No.8371092

the guy who makes touhou does also like shmups and bullet hells, so that's why he made them

>> No.8371101 [DELETED] 

>draw animu girl
mutt's law

>> No.8371150

There are way too many factors involved, you'd have to have been around back during its years of reign to really understand.

>> No.8371159

What is the appeal of any shmup? It's purely audio-visual and the memorization-based gameplay is secondary.

>> No.8371264

Shooting things is fun. Plus it makes you look like a gaming god to your casual friends when you show you can dodge rain.

>> No.8371309 [DELETED] 

how is that mutt's law? he didn't mention any BBC

>> No.8371326 [DELETED] 

It's a corollary that logically follows from the rule. The proof is left as an exercise to the reader.

>> No.8371339

It's a pretty good bullet hell series with a large assortment of female characters with striking designs where the man who created it allows literally all kinds of derivative works from it, leading it to become the Japanese otaku cultural juggernaut it once was. It still kinda is now, but nowhere near as much.

>> No.8371340

Girls in funny hats

>> No.8371724

Cute girls and music and overwhelming amount of fan material, pretty much. Most people suck at the actually shmup aspect of it, but it does a lot of its own things too.
But the lore and setting is genuinely interesting and there's a huge amount of side material to get lost in.
>nice occult/Shinto atmosphere
So unironically this for me.
I kinda wish Embodiment of Scarlet Devil wasn't the series' big comeback because 20 years later people still focus on the vampires and mage and western mansion as the start of the series when everything is so specifically Japanese and Chinese

>> No.8371745

I think another appeal of touhou was the very doujin nature of it. It was made by a guy "just like us", not a corporate product, and he allowed anyone and everyone to make their own fanworks of it and sell it.
>>RPG comes to mind but that's too much writing, what's the next laziest?
The dude has been writing for almost two decades and the lore is ridiculous
There are also several official fighting games for Touhou and trust me, fighting games are not an easy thing to make.

>> No.8371749

I loved EoSD but after you play one of the games it feels like you've played them all

>> No.8371750

That's the thing I find funny, when Cave 'caved in' and realised they needed to start adding anime girls to their games to get them to sell, they ended up doing a way better job with the art (well, maybe not DOJ, but that was the first time they did it), not that I like waifu stuff in my shmups, but still.

>> No.8371760

Well of course they would have better art, they are a professional company. Zun is just one dude shitting around

>> No.8371769

One of the weirdest things to me is that apparently ZUN's favourite shmup is Darius Gaiden

>> No.8371782

Yeah, but if it's such a central part of what makes Touhou what it is, you'd think he'd eventually find someone to draw better art for him if he can't do it himself or something. I guess he prides himself on doing everything himself which is cool, but still I don't really get it, I mean sure there are some cool bullet patterns in Touhou and stuff but graphically the games are so simple, seems like the whole waifu thing is a big attraction to the series, but then even that aspect seems kinda half assed, I dunno, I just don't get the appeal I guess.

>> No.8371794

>but then even that aspect seems kinda half assed, I dunno, I just don't get the appeal I guess.
That is part of the appeal of doujin shit in that it is half assed home made games/manga/music etc made by amateurs. It is a bit of a stretch to expect professional quality from hobbyists

>> No.8371807

Yeah, you have a point there. Didn't he make quite a bit of money from the series though? You'd think he might slow down and be like "hmm, maybe I should take more time with the games and make something truly great and timeless instead of pumping out releases one after the other"

>> No.8371859

iirc the dude was still working a day job as a network engineer. I don't think he's making copius amounts of money from 2hu because he doesn't really monetize it as much as he could. He was getting paid from the official manga that were running, but from the games themselves he can't be making that much

>> No.8371897

Ah I see ok. Not hating on Touhou, just trying to understand the appeal. I like Cave's bullet hell games because it really feels like they made something to be played over and over pretty much endlessly, something very dense with content whether thats good gameplay or graphics, whereas I feel like the 2hu games have a slight 'disposable' quality to them overall, at least from an outsider's perspective. I mean, there's just so many of them. And it's kinda annoying when you try to talk about bullet hell shmups with somebody and they're just like "Oh, you mean like Touhou?". I feel like Cave is still massively underrated, and that they deserved more support, but it could also be that they just didn't make enough of the right choices to keep being able to make new games.

>> No.8371925
File: 1.78 MB, 1680x1050, reptileplayingsomeMK1 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the games are fun
the fangames are fun
the memes are fun

>> No.8371941

This. He has clearly spent a lot of time thinking about those topics

Unexpected but a very cool choice

>> No.8371954

Yeah I'm not a Touhou fan, but I have to admit he has good taste when it comes to the shmup(s) that inspired him. Darius Gaiden is one of the top 5 shmups ever made IMO. Taito's shmups deserve more love in general. Playing something like Darius Gaiden, Rayforce, (maybe G Darius) is an experience you can cherish for the rest of your life. Metal Black is a really cool shmup too.

>> No.8372001

Aren't all action based games audio-visual though?

>> No.8372003

What's the origin of this meme?

>> No.8372045

search Cave Tribute on youtube.

>> No.8372053 [DELETED] 

YIKES. I can smell the s oy from your post. Definitely won't be searching that. Guaranteed its all anime weeb music with lame shumps and zero Raiden.

>> No.8372054

Damn, that's some funny shit, no idea how I missed that until now lol

>> No.8372073

Why do people use this as an abbreviation when it’s pronounced toe hoe

>> No.8372079

Lurk more

>> No.8372096

no, you stop making excuses for never explaining pointless ancient obscure injokes

>> No.8372098

It's funny and really old and standard by now
There is no further explanation

>> No.8372153 [DELETED] 

Europe is full of mutts, anon. It's called Islam.

>> No.8372159

>I can smell the s oy
Sounds like you're already addicted to it.

I always thought it was due to some post a long time ago mistakenly thinking the "ou" parts were pronounced like "uu".

>> No.8372638

It's basically the kantai collection of the 2000s (or whatever shit mobile game is popular among nerds). "Cute" girls and people don't care about the mediocre games.
If it first came out today it would be unnoticed because the market is saturated now, but in the early 2000s there weren't many franchises like that with girls that you could easily play on your potato computer. Being easy to pirate also helped, many people in the west legit though it was freeware, so it was really easy to pick up and play (to be fair, buying the games back then was too much of a hassle if you're a westie).