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File: 161 KB, 720x720, Contra v Slug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
836923 No.836923 [Reply] [Original]

Time to settle this. Which series has your allegiance? Are you a Contra guy or a Metallic Slug guy?

>> No.836925



>> No.836926

Metal slug for sure.

>> No.836927
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>Pic related as arguably the best in the series.

Contra, in this day and age, has little more than nostalgia working for it. It's fun, has some good tunes and is challenging as all hell, but the top spot for the run and gun king belongs to Metal Slug.

There's very few games that take advantage of such a simple and somewhat linear style of gameplay and install such a massively replayable game into it.

From the branching paths and the creativity of each boss, to the variety of weapons, and humor in the games design, it brings a whole new dimension to the 2D Run-n-Gun genre.

That's something that none of the Contras were ever able to bring to the table. The Alien Wars/Probotector was the best in that respective series due to the fact it brought such variety to the game, but it still pales in comparison to Metal Slug in all respects.

>> No.836929

Metal Slug baby. I spent most of my middle school/junior high years participating in somewhat large sprite comic roleplaying games called Sprite Wars, everyone had an army or would just have fun as a solo runner. Most folks characters and armies were Metal Slug edits. Some of em were actually really good.

>> No.836939
File: 175 KB, 220x312, Contra_-_Hard_Corps_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contra but only for this one

>> No.836949

I dont need no tanks or ships to take down my enemies

>> No.836963

I was always a Contra guy but i really like Metal Slug too, but i would go with Contre for the memories

>> No.836965

To be fair not even the recent metal slugs were able to recreate what they did with 3 and X.

I do love the combat school mode of MS7 though.

>> No.837090
File: 192 KB, 250x355, Contra_-_Hard_Corps_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From the branching paths and the creativity of each boss, to the variety of weapons
You are forgetting an entry in the Contra series.

Though in all I like Metal Slug X the most out of all Run N' Gun games, and the Metal Slug series in general.

>> No.837165

The only Contra game to ever come close to reaching the quality of the Metal Slug series is Hard Corps.
So my vote is for Metal Slug.

>> No.837168


>> No.837174

Metal Slug...I think I played Contra once in my entire life...But I love Metal Slug.

>> No.837178

You can't really compare these.

I don't know but I feel like there's a difference in action in both games. Contra is more about reflexes while Metal Slug is more about knowing the stages.

>> No.837181

Metal slug games never change their artwork

>> No.837184


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

>> No.837191
File: 2.69 MB, 200x133, 1337702272194.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say it was a bad thing.
It's why i like the games.

>> No.837193

I just love the animations and level of detail that went into Metallic Slug, so I'm going with that. Contra is great too though.

>> No.837194

>Saying the full name instead of just metal slug
Aren't we fancy

>> No.837198

Metal slug, but to be honest I never found shooting aliens as satisfying as shooting the commu-nazis of the first game.

>> No.837203


>not calling it metallic shell-less terrestrial gastropod mollusc

>> No.837205

Well now you're just showing off.

>> No.837467

Are you sure you don't have that backwards? I'd say Contra is heavier on the memorization.

>> No.837471

I don't know, there aren't as many projectiles in Metal Slug.

>> No.837498
File: 253 KB, 1200x800, 1351475808320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I love Metal Slug, I have to side with Contra. Better music, balls to the wall action more focused on keeping everything the hell away from you.

>> No.837509
File: 14 KB, 256x224, 66103-contra-iii-the-alien-wars-snes-screenshot-cruising-in-a-tanks[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd still take one if it were offered.

>> No.837553

I love Metal Slug's art, but mechanics-wise I'll always side with Contra.

>> No.837569

Metal Slug games feel like unbalanced quarter munchers to me. Contra all the way.

>> No.837672

Contra, because it runs at double the framerate.

>> No.837681


>> No.837685

image please

>> No.837686

What's the deal about 30fps, I can't tell the difference at all.

>> No.837701
File: 110 KB, 400x400, 1316680841668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got you covered.

>> No.837702


>> No.837717



I never got why 3 gets all the love, aside from that stuff in outer space, the bosses seemed like total bullet sponges and I hated that submarine shit. My vote goes for X.

>> No.838808

I will go with Contra. Metal Slug looks nice, has some good humor, and is still fun to play. But Contra has it beat in terms of gameplay, and that's the main category that counts. The characters are a lot more agile, able to somersault through bullets, and it's a lot faster paced.

Metal Slug throws a lot more guys at you at once, so if you're playing to win you have to (or I always felt I did) go slowly and clear them out or you'd get swamped. The characters are a lot more rigid in how they jump so you have to know what to expect because it's not as easy to evade streams of bullets.

>> No.838820

>I never got why 3 gets all the love
Released on: PS2, Xbox, XBLA

>> No.838984

Or maybe because it has the most branching paths, tons of enemy variety, some decent gameplay variety, more crazy stuff just for the hell of it like that zombie level or those giant eels or the Elephant Slug or that that entire last level, and so on.

>> No.838996

Maybe you are mentally disabled in some way. Do you enjoy JRPGs?

>> No.839449

Gotta be Slug.

Like other anons said the only contra that can come close is Hard Corps (whcih I love)

>> No.839667

I thought MS3 was good up until the final stage. It was just too long. It feels like it takes up half the game. I will never be able to beat the game because I just get slaughtered during that last stage.

>> No.839679

if i could only play one game for the rest of my life, it would be Super C for NES.
everyone hates that one, and luckily i can actually a few more than one game for the rest of my life

>> No.839706

Gotta go with Contra. Metal Slug looks great but Contra III's gameplay is way better.

>> No.839762

Everyone hates Super C? I had no idea. I think it's awesome. I loved the overhead levels instead of the behind-the-back ones, and the flamethrower is a lot better too.

>> No.839760


>> No.840056


No no no. Everyone hates Contra Force, not Super C. I've not heard of one person who hates Super C.

>> No.840092

Fair. I really enjoyed Hard Corps.

And whatever that 360 Arcade Title was that was like the spiritual successor to that was pretty fucking rad also.

>> No.840120

>Contra 3

Saying that is a fucking deathwish around here. Everyone has gone revisionist and keeps saying "YEAH WELL HARD CORPS FOR THE GENESIS IS BETTER EVEN THOUGH IT'S AS MUCH OF A CONTRA GAME AS CONTRA FORCE", or how the N64 is unanimously considered to be better than the PS1 these days. People have actually defended the GameCube, as well, so this oughta tell you.

>> No.840121

Is it wrong that I think the Genesis iterations of Castlevania and Contra are far superior to their Snes counterparts?

>> No.840134

tbh, those non-sidescroller stages really kick Contra III down a notch. They're just not fun at all.

>> No.840147

Don't really see anyone defend the N64, on the contrary people always bitch about bad framerates, shit smeared bilinear and texture fill rates.

Hard Corps is just used for penis waving, if you can beat it legitimately you're really good at videogames.

>> No.840156

They weren't bad per-se (they could've been good), it's just that they were really boring. They could've been less of a maze and more of a traditional follow the route type stage like in Super C. Or maybe an actual 3D base due to how Mode 7 works.

>> No.840171

I see, like the invasion stages from Contra 1.
That would be cool.

>> No.840178

Hard Corps' not even challenging, it's just basic pattern recognition for each boss, then move on to the next and repeat.

>> No.840192

Ain't all videogames just like that?
Plus it moves really fast and is really unforgiving.

>> No.840194

Yeah, instead Konami had to make those mode 7 stages literal gimmicks. Could you imagine how could it would've been to go through those stages, and they were designed to be more linear and less repetitive?

>> No.840216

Metal Slug 1 is the best in the series.

>> No.840343

I never understood that thing. It only shows up at one point, you ride it for 10 seconds, and you never see it again.

>> No.841850

Bullshit. Hard Corps is as challenging as any Contra. Also, there's several different paths. If you think one of them is easy you may be right. But I defy you to beat the path that ends with the battle aboard the rockets with no cheating, and no pansy Japanese 3-hits to die mode. That's a real challenge.

>> No.841857

It's just one of those things to make you say "Oh cool!" and break up the pace. It must have worked. Because it immediately comes to mind any time I think of Alien Wars.

>> No.841859

I'm a Contra guy, but I have no beef with anyone who prefers Metal Slug. Both series are quality.

>> No.841884

No it isn't, I am the same as well.

>> No.843043

I agree. MS1 had a nice WW2 theme going. Then suddenly in 2 it got all wacky with space aliens which 3 continued, 4 I don't remember, 5 had that supernatural magic mask thing, 6 was those weird earth creatures, and 7 was an army of invading time travelers. What happened? I just like the cute/funny war atmosphere.

>> No.843108

Metal Slug

>> No.844657
File: 2.35 MB, 3722x4757, ms3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.844669

4 went back to the roots, even the backgrounds were lifted straight from Metal Slug 1.

>> No.844701


>> No.844703

Metal Slug looks great, has charm and humor, has good weapon variety but despite all that I think I'm gonna go with Contra.

>> No.844739

both have my allegiance
they're not at war

only blanket chewers are

>> No.845126

metal slug here!

>> No.845154

What? NIGGA?

Once you get the spread shot in Contra (talking about 1 and super c) then the rest is just memory.

Super Contra- once you get the exploding rockets, it's all about memory

>> No.845250

>y can't turrican shoot up?

>> No.845842

With someone in such a bad ass metallic suit he'd be worried that he would smite God himself if he even attempted to shoot upwards.

I really only like Turrican 3 though, and most fans hate that one.

>> No.845880
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>> No.845893
File: 34 KB, 300x309, RageFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to beat the 2 and 3 with only one coin, 2 without dying once.
whats your excuse?

>i fuking hated MS1 cuz i could never finish it with one coin

>> No.845915

Gunstar Heroes is the only one for me. Try so hard to make you see.

>> No.846057

Me neither. The last stage of MS1 is brutal.

I can make it all the way to the final stage without losing a life though.

>> No.846061

Harder than 3? Really?
I'm honestly surprised, the last boss from 1 even shows up before you take off to space in 3.

>> No.846063

I'm actually a different anon, sorry. I have virtually no experience with 3. I'm only that good at 1 because we had it at my job.

>> No.846064


3 is just fucking nuts
I think that I will never be able to 1cc that because it's so fucking long