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8368695 No.8368695 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get a quick rundown? Pros and cons compared to other emulators?

>> No.8368716
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Pros: it's good
Cons: Stenzi isn't handling Android spics well

>> No.8368727

Can't imagine how big of a fucking loser you have to be to care or even know about what emulation devs do online. Just download and play your games lol

>> No.8368735

When you think you're a cool sicario... but in reality are just a spicario.

>> No.8368740

Why do people keep asking this? Am I being memed? Just try it out for yourself.

>> No.8368746

I just downloaded and tried it, and it's pretty good. But I see endless insults to anyone posting about it and I'm curious if there's something off.

>> No.8368756

You could've just used the emulation wiki instead of making a thread but I'm feeling generous so I'll spoonfeed you anon.

(+) Just werks
(+) Isn't particularly performance intensive.
(+) Supports .chd
(+/-) Has the best upscaling and warp correction features out of all of the current emulators. (not really a pro or con, just something Duckstation does well if you care about upscaling)
(-) Limited shader support. Stenzek has already stated that he won't bother implementing proper shader support because he doesn't believe in shaders.
(-) Internal runahead is actually garbage.
(-) Developer has already stated that he doesn't care about emulation accuracy. Doesn't address accuracy issues or does them in a per-game hack basis if you bring it up.

(+) Most accurate PSX emulator. Has a high compatibility list.
(+/-) No hardware renderer.
(-) Isn't potato-friendly if you're making something like a Raspberry Pi build.
(-) No .chd support.
(-) No runahead.
(-) No shader support.

>Beetle PSX
(+) Has all of the accuracy benefits of Mednafen.
(+) Has .chd support.
(+) Access to all RetroArch shaders.
(+) Can use RetroArch's runahead.
(+) Can use ReroArch's variable refresh rate setting to get perfect framepacing and reduce input lag even further.
(+/-) Has a hardware renderer that is less accurate, but it exists if you want upscaling or if your CPU is ass.
(-) Receives infrequent upstream updates from mednafen.

(-) No.

>> No.8368784

>Stenzek has already stated that he won't bother implementing proper shader support because he doesn't believe in shaders
As if he wasn't already enough of a nigger nobody likes to work with.
>Beetle PSX
(-) Is stuck with retroshart

>> No.8368790

Is this supposed to mean something? Maybe you should post this shit in /v/

>> No.8368791

Just that you'll never count as white.

>> No.8368864

That's Portuguese, you absolute retard

>> No.8368865

Same difference.

>> No.8368869
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Uncultured faggot.

>> No.8368872

>But I see endless insults to anyone posting about it and I'm curious if there's something off.
The philosophy of the emulator seems to be making the graphics fancy without any respect for the authenticity.
The duck makes basement chudlectors seethe themselves to sleep.

>> No.8369480

>The philosophy of the emulator seems to be making the graphics fancy without any respect for the authenticity.
Where the fuck do you get this from? For sure it's not as accurate as Mednafen/Beetle PSX but by all accounts it's pretty decent.

>> No.8369485
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>> No.8369492

I barely notice input delay on mednafen. Everything runs very smooth.

>(-) No .chd support
Is it important to use .chd? Can you elaborate on how thats really relevant?

>> No.8369534

It's because tons of threads have been made on /vr/ over the last few months advertising it for no reason. This thread was still probably even made by the same person, it just happened to go less well than he thought it would. Notice the aggressive shouting-down posts that point this out get.

>> No.8369596

Pros: best emulator even for potatoes
Con: SCHIZOtek

>> No.8369625

> Internal runahead is actually garbage.

Why’s that?

>> No.8369693

Well it's because you need to smoke some crack, faggot.

>> No.8369845

Because .chd is a convenient format? It's reversible, lossless compression and it allows you to clean up your ROM folder by combining bins and cues. Pretty much every disc-based emulator supports .chd, except mednafen. It's annoying since mednafen is best at emulating PC Engine CD, Saturn and PS1.

>> No.8369853

It's too much of a performance hit compared to RetroArch's runahead. It just isn't optimized, and it gets rid of the one of the benefits of using Duckstation, which is its low system spec usage.

>> No.8369865

Personally I don't use runahead that often but as stated in >>8369853 you'll get more performance out of using the Duckstation core on RetroArch and using RetroArch's runahead. The only problem there being that the Duckstation core doesn't get as many upstream commits from standalone.

>> No.8369871

What's runahead lol

>> No.8369879

Lurk 5 more years before posting

>> No.8369881

Why would anyone do that?

>> No.8369885

What exactly is wrong with that statement? He's doing it for free in his spare time, people have no right to harass him about it being "abandoned" just because it's not being released on someone else's schedule.

>> No.8369889

Not authentic doesn't mean it isn't decent.
In fact fuck authenticity, anything but original hardware on a CRT will look like shit if not tweaked.
This anon mentions the approach the developer uses.

>> No.8369893

You can swap discs on the fly and it works well. Mednafen is probably the better choice but that requires doing some text editing and other weird shit to sort out aspect ratio/image quality/discs, etc

>> No.8369903

>Developed by a retard
>Main target audience is retards

>> No.8369904

>I don’t want to help people because I’m a lord of the flies dickass

>> No.8369910

Running a frame, saving a state, running even more frames in speed up to get to the rendered image ahead of time, then loading the state back to get inputs.
Runahead reduces input latency at the cost of needing to go through all those extra frames in the span of one frame.

>> No.8369916

You could literally just Google what runahead is, or read any emulator documentation. Does this look like a q&a forum?

>> No.8369920

>hey I was just wondering if you're still working on this because I'm really interested in this project and think you're doing a good...

>> No.8369995

Duckstation desperately needs a decent interpolation shader like pixelate, native res is a shimmering mess without it and the available sharp bilinear is still way too blurry.

>> No.8370149

It looks fine but not something to die about. I have no issues with separating each game by folder.

>> No.8370154

No problems for me so far. Great performance, perfect accuracy, amazing featureset.

>> No.8370164
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literally playing this rn and works perfect you faggots should stop bitching

>> No.8370194

that's not what either of them said you flaming homosexual

>> No.8370204

>no reason
Wanting to talk about it? For the sake of discussion? We don't get new emulators that are as halfway decent as this one every day. I don't understand why this makes some people seethe so bad and I really don't think that they do either.

>> No.8370303

>nothing to die about
Unless your entire collection is already in .chd

>> No.8370317

Wait until one of the games you like has broken textures or audio and you look up what other people said about it on the github.

>> No.8370319

>In fact fuck authenticity, anything but original hardware on a CRT will look like shit if not tweaked.
I just use a CRT TV and native resolution, even though I use Retroarch from PC.

>> No.8370329

>perfect accuracy

>> No.8370343

Not even different models/revisions of PS1 have "perfect accuracy" between each other
Good accuracy would be more accurate

>> No.8370359

It's a meme just like how it's cool to mock Retroarch but everyone loves it in reality. I wouldn't give it any more thought. If it suits you, use it m8

>> No.8370405

Advertising isn't "wanting to talk about it", it's advertising. The topics were previously all about why Duckstation is somehow perfect and the best and claiming all others inferior. That's not even the pretense of a discussion like this one.

>> No.8370424

yeah why bother to talk about emulation functions when we can discuss a dev's github comments and calling others spics

>> No.8370452


>> No.8370674

Duckstation, it runs.

>> No.8370764

give me 1 reason why i should not use ePSXe
like really you download the iso
you download the program
you open the iso with a program
it works

>> No.8370771

You're free to be retarded if you want. No one is stopping you.

>> No.8370783

no really i want to know, i know that ePSXe HAS some inaccuracies but removing the technical mumbo jumbo out of the way if i were to play spyro on ePSXe and then on this duckstation what ACTUAL difference would i see or feel?

>> No.8370786

Because it's a shitty solution and your pointless preference for it makes you subhuman. It doesn't make you interesting or anything, just subhuman.

>> No.8370807

But WHY is it bad, i have been using it since i sold my ps1 in 2013 and i fave been feeling no difference (aside from playing ps1 on pc) so why is it so bad??

>> No.8370808

Because its a plugin-filled mess? Because the frontend itself is unstable? Because its closed-source and developers have already stopped maintaining it? Because it's 2021 and we already have emulators that have far surpassed it? This like trying to argue why you shouldn't use ZSNES in current year.

>> No.8370813

When you think you're a cool sicario... but in reality are just a spicario after all.

>> No.8370814

Its like using VBA or zsnes in 2021
duckstation has a better gui and the relevant enhancement options you would want

>> No.8370815

whats worng with znes it has very nice ui it reminds me of amiga

>> No.8370820

Because you have darkness of skin.

>> No.8370821

Oh fuck off you shitposter. You played your hand too early. No more (You)s for you.

>> No.8370830


>> No.8370848

>it reminds me of amiga
Fuck no

>> No.8370864

Chd format saves a bunch of space too. I've got over a hundred games in my ps1 folder and I'd say it's probably saved me like 20 GB at least.

>> No.8370883

+great features, great accuracy generally, great availability (also on Android), PGXP texture correction and upscaling is easy to set up and makes 3D games look awesome
-compatibility can be dodgy with certain games, bugs (usually involving audio), and needs reasonably powerful PC to take full advantage of its best features

+excellent accuracy, 2D games play especially well on it
-no built-in GUI, doesn't support upscaling unless you use Beetle Retroarch cores, moderately high system requirements

+very high accuracy like Mednafen, also fully-emulates PocketStation features
-can be tricky to get working properly since it's Japanese and the UI is awkward

+very low system requirements and reasonably good compatibility, should play most PS1 games on shittastic toaster hardware
-very dated, inaccurate emulation, upscaling looks like shit

+can potentiallyl prove to be a decent alternative to ePSXe on low-end Linux systems, ReARMED fork is very good for raspberry pi's, low-end gaming handhelds and cell phones, etc.
-woefully obsolete, Windows version is a buggy, unstable pile of dogshit that crashes all the time and comes with outdated plugins from like 22 years ago by default and finding good stable ones from recent years is a fool's errand, PGXP is buggy and inferior to DuckStation's

>> No.8370886
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chd format is a pointless novelty
retvrn to tradition

>> No.8370893
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Spic here, Stenzek is right, there's nothing wrong here, and is perfectly understandable.
Pedro can eat shit and anyone that takes offense to this.

>> No.8370896

How is ePSXe better than PCSXR?

>> No.8370916

when i was a little shit i wrote a guide on psp-hacks that used similar tools to backup PS1 games and convert them to PBP/whatever the psp eboot format was

>> No.8370940

It's way more stable and easy to set up than PCSX-R, at-least on Windows.

PCSX-R is a lot more trouble to configure since it comes bundled with shittastic plugins from that can't even output beyond to 1080p by default, crashes all the fucking time, and has higher system requirements if you want to use PGXP at which point you might as well just use Duckstation instead. At-least ePSXe comes bundled with reasonably-optimized plugins and *just werkz* out of the box as long as you have the BIOS.

>> No.8371226

Got a Chromebook (bless my moms tech illiterate heart, thought it was a good laptop deal) on black Friday for my Christmas present, wasn't savvy on emulation for Android and downloaded it since it fell in the "just works" category so far on my pc. Haven't had any issues other than some music slowdown when changing areas in Persona but lasts like half a second.

>> No.8371272

Android emulation wise, Duckstation is so much better its not even worth discussing.

>> No.8371286

So far I've tried it out for a while and I like it.

+ Handles upscaling the best out of all other emulators I've tried. It gives you no-nonsense aspect ratio options and a choice for integer scaling etc, so you can make sure everything satisfies your personal autism about displaying old games.

+ Runs CHDs so those ISOs you legitimately acquired by backing up your personal copy of the game and had the fucking .ECM and APE audio files and a fucking CUE file you had to edit yourself to get the sound working fffffffff you don't need to bother anymore. Just run chad format.

- It's not 100% accurate, so if you care about shitty games running authentically as shittily as they did on 25 year old hardware you'll have to use mefagen

TL;DR it's just really nicely streamlined and has all the features an average use would want an emulator to have. If you're a faggot accuracy autist why do you care about emulators anyway, who gives a fuck.

>> No.8371295 [DELETED] 

Heres an actual response to your question. Ignore the retards.

DS pros
Has widescreen hack
Can upscale resolution
Organise your games
Save states
Easy save system
Runs pretty much all games

DS cons
Widescreen hack wont work for every game.

>> No.8371305

I don't understand emulation autism, it's already emulation, therefore inherently different to the original experience. Why split hairs about which one is least worst. Some have features others don't, everyone will have their own preference.

Do you think regular people who just want to download some Pokemon on their phone or play Final Fantasy on their laptop give a fuck about accuracy or whatever? Do you think they keep up with the latest exciting developments in the emulation scene?

This is literally worse than the UDMF/Boom format autism in the Doom thread.

As for Duckstation it's probably the nicest PS1 emulator around right now. It's not perfect, but it's the best all rounder in a market where the competition all have pretty significant drawbacks.

>> No.8371306

Was right up till he shits on espxe

>> No.8371315

>Do you think regular people wh-
Normies have low standards, why would I care what they do?

>> No.8371350

i didn't even know that playing psx could be complicated.

I'm fine playing psx as eboot on my vita or on my PS3, still the best option, right?

>> No.8371362

Its great for those devices. a modern android chipset could probably get you better results but considering you're basically using an emulator from sony from 2006~, it holds up extremely well.

>> No.8371391

Give me one reason why you should use epsxe over mednafen or duckstation.

>> No.8371415

>Do you think regular people
I don't care about regular people. You're posting /vr/. Most people here, even hardware purists, keep up with emulation know-how.
>This is literally worse than UDMF/Boom format autism
No? People already know the most accurate way to play Doom using sourceports. People use inaccurate sourceports like GZDoom out of their own volition to have mod support.

>> No.8371516


>what's the point of being so autistic about [thing]?

>because I'm an autistic retard of course, duh

>> No.8371517
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>> No.8371527

>People already know the most accurate way to play Doom using sourceports. People use inaccurate sourceports like GZDoom out of their own volition to have mod support.

Which is no different to choosing an emulator because it was the easiest to use, or they already had it on a hard drive from ten years ago, or they like a specific feature.


>> No.8371536

>I don't understand emulation autism, it's already emulation
Imagine having a copy of a real car. Different copies have different types of wheels depending on how accurate they are to the real one. Do you want a copy that has triangular wheels or one that has octagonal wheels?

>> No.8371545
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My point was that its not comparable. You gain something tangible by using GZDoom instead of PrBoom+, you trade accuracy for mod support. By using something like Crispy Doom, you trade modern conveniences such as resolution scaling and modern color palettes for 100% accuracy.

Meanwhile, you don't gain anything tangible by using ePSXe over superior options. ePSXe is arguably more complicated to properly setup because it has a bunch of retarded settings turned on by default, such as bilinear filtering and widescreen hacks. Meanwhile, Duckstation just works and is objectively better, mednafen is even better than both but has a higher learning curve since its terminal-based. (even then, you could just use a frontend like mednaffe or Beetle PSX)

tl;dr, you're a retarded contrarian. In the amount of time you spent typing up all of this retarded drivel, you could've just downloaded Duckstation and enjoyed your vidya. Now kill yourself for good measure.

>> No.8371558

>Do you think regular people who just want to download some Pokemon on their phone or play Final Fantasy on their laptop give a fuck about accuracy or whatever? Do you think they keep up with the latest exciting developments in the emulation scene?
I don't think about that at all because I'm not an autistic fag who has to worry about acting normal because I actually AM normal.
Actually caring about something is such a foreign concept to you lol

>> No.8371570

At least nobody's ecm'ing their games anymore, right?

>> No.8371571


You type all this out but you're entirely missing the point: A lot of people don't care what they're getting/not getting by having X Y or Z, they have (get this)- Different priorities to you.

It's that simple. The only reason you cannot into this concept is because you are autistic.

>> No.8371575

It seriously just werks. Even on default settings I've had zero issues with any games I play.

>> No.8371579

Y’know I used ePSXE as my first emulator and I honesty assumed I had just lost the taste for PS1 games because I wasn’t enjoying anything in there. It runs that badly. As soon as I switched emus I fell back in love.

I bet over half of the people who claim old games have aged poorly are just playing on bad emulators. Like ePSXE.

>> No.8371580

If you don't care what you get just take all the labels off your home supplies and leave other people alone while you live your inept non-distinguishment philosophy by yourself, you mouthbreathing imbecile.

>> No.8371586

Why the fuck should you care about what other people think? I'm not going to use ePSXe for the sake of other people. Your logic is actually retarded, how do you function in society if the opinion of other people drag you down so much?

>> No.8371594
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holy fuck just kill yourself

>> No.8371917

>It's a meme just like how it's cool to mock Retroarch but everyone loves it in reality.
almost got me

>> No.8372051

>Retroarch pros:

Good run-ahead
Good cores


Everything else, specially the UI

>> No.8372067

never had an issue with anything else about retroarch, UI least of all

>> No.8372097

not him, but it took me a good while to really appreciate how much retroarch can actually do. I remember being enraged with it in like 2015, but now I use it all the time, and trying to convert my friends to RA. Unfortunately, trying to walk them through the setup is a goddamned nightmare.

>> No.8372103

I never bothered digging into the esoteric features. I just download retroarch, download core, select ROM and it just werks.
The only thing I didn't like OOB was the xmb gui but I swapped it for rgui and then all was good.

>> No.8372105


Not him or him but what exactly is the benefit with RA?

From what I can tell it's just the fact it's on like every single platform, so whatever retarded late 90s palm PC you're trying to run emulators on will usually work. But other than that it just plays games like anything else, and is a pain in the ass to set up.

What's the deal Anon, sell me on it.

>> No.8372118

portugal was part of the roman province of Hispania

>> No.8372130

>Maybe you should post this shit in /v/
You say while looking in the mirror...

>> No.8372202

It doesn't bother me that people aren't sold on Retroarch, that's a problem that the devs need to address. It took me a lot of google and youtube reserach but I have it running the way I want it to. The things I use and like include
>runahead on some cores
>CRT switchres for my CRT monitor
>AI translation
>full-featured android app
>everything (mostly) in one place

I create playlists when I use RA on my android phone. On my desktop PC I use the Big Box frontend overtop RA. There's also achievement support in RA which people seem to go crazy for. I personally don't care for them and think for retro games they're pretty dumb, but they're completely optional.

I will say it's annoying having to manually download and paste the new RA files every time they release a new version. They got rid of the automatic update, or they broke it in recent builds.

>> No.8372401


>> No.8372409

Because you have no standard and you list people who have even less standard than you doesn't mean you should bring everyone else down with you

>> No.8372632

>(+) Access to all RetroArch shaders.
You do realize DS has a perfectly functional RA core, right?

>> No.8372681

Sure, but if you're using RetroArch to begin with then you should just use the superior Beetle cores. Also, the Duckstation core isn't as maintained as standalone, which is a problem since Duckstation is relatively new. This isn't even mentioning the fact that stenzek has already tried to actively sabotage the RetroArch fork by threatening to make Duckstation closed-source. There's just too much drama involved with it.

>> No.8372939

I couldnt (didnt knew how to) use the mouse to configurare RA; library scan, for some reason, wouldnt add every game (i dont mind it but its the type of feature i wouldnt expect to go wrong); you have to map controller inputs for most arcade games you run (thats an annoyance you’re not getting with consoles i would guess); i couldnt/didnt knew how to configure gamma settings on fullscreen mode, i had to reduce brightness manually on my monitor; for some reason my computer would change monitor refresh rate to 60hz (i got a 144hz model) whenever using it.

Its probably bad luck on my side but the few times i used RA (on linux and windows), i had a plenty misfortune. I am fine picking specific emulators for each console, serves me just fine.

>> No.8372963

>download DS
>pop in rom
>press play
>don't worry about any of this autistic whining going on and just enjoy the game
i suggest you all do the same.

>> No.8372965

I think that the ui is just too fucking clunky/slow. Traditional style uis might look boring but they are very efficient.
I also feel like we could easily end up in a sort of a "all eggs in one basket" situation with every emulator being pushed to being just another retroarch core.

>> No.8372967

This desu. I doubt that any of you actually enjoy these inane flamewars.

>> No.8372985

The biggest pro of Retroarch is hardcore mode which disables all savestates and rewinds. It makes it feel way more authentic when you have no temptation to save state.

>> No.8372995

I switched from Mednafen to Duckstation and I like it better so far. Only encountered bugs on one game (Granstream Saga).

>> No.8373313

Duckstation has this too. It also has achievements you can earn for most games if you connect a retroachievements account.

>> No.8373629

Interesting breakdown. Now I'm torn on whether I should use Duckstation or Beetle PSX.

>> No.8374706

>download DS
>pop in rom
>press play
Just tried it for the first time.
Couldn't play from my disc, so had to rip that first.
Then it does the same shit that retroarch does where you have to use it's shitty interface to find your file rather than use file explorer.
Couldn't play because you need to go get bios.
Had to use that same shitty interface to set the bios folder.
Once again use that same shitty interface to open my file.
Result isn't any better than playing on PS3.

It flunked. If I'm not on original hardware or handheld, I'll stick with PS3, or use EPSXE if I wanna tweak visuals.