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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.35 MB, 703x1000, MegaMan2Box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8365314 No.8365314 [Reply] [Original]

damn man, this is good

>> No.8365537

yeah I loved the extremely twitchy control it makes the game seriously epic for hardcore gamers like myself

>> No.8365546

This isn't an MMX thread

>> No.8365564

Literally the worst classic Mega Man

>> No.8365572

The contrarian website

>> No.8365606

which is the best classic megaman?

>> No.8365609

No, that's Quickman.

>> No.8365662

I never realized this but the bad guy is actually doctor robotnik in this game.

>> No.8365663

Hell yeah

>> No.8365667

Crashman you are so weird.

>> No.8365717
File: 33 KB, 264x324, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, its quick man.

>> No.8365729

>high resolution
there were lower resolution games on NES?

>> No.8365764

That's not MM1.

>> No.8365778

>drill man points his weapon at his own ally while his creator frantically tells him to attack the blue one

pretty much the entire mega man series desu

>> No.8365794
File: 445 KB, 1536x2048, FEAwCAIXEAAQpcp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, some years ago I started to feel like hating it... but I just can't; It is not as refined* as 4, 6, IV, 9 or 11; but it is such an iconic game, It will always be.
* refined as in standarized, not as in best.

>> No.8365806

>high resolution
Always kills me to see this on games and adverts from the 80s and 90s.
Not that I don't adore pixelated art and games, but that's the entire charm is very simple resolution with very good art design.

>> No.8365870

it is a great game

>> No.8365890

Yeah it fuckin is
Good taste OP
This soundtrack is eternal

>> No.8365894

Gonna need some sauce on that, chef.

>> No.8365895

honestly, once you find it, you're gonna love it. trust me, it was real easy to find :)

>> No.8365930


>> No.8365940

>It's a trap

>> No.8365947

The not retro answer? MM10
The retro answer? MM4 unironically. It's not perfect, but it's the most consistently well designed

>> No.8366927

It is the best one of all megamans. 4 is close, but is ruined by gimmicky mechanics.

>> No.8366958

It's only gay if I'm taking the dick, not when I'm giving it.
Thanks m8.

>> No.8367131

Compare the looks of Ice Climber, SMB1 or Zelda 1 to Mega Man, and you can see even with the limited tech, objects and Mega Man himself are better defined.

>> No.8367383

>gimmicky mechanics
like what?

>> No.8367456

Metal Blade is ridiculously overpowered and barely uses up any ammo, it breaks the game and renders every other weapon pointless.
The physics are improved from 1 but still a bit off compared to the perfect tightness of the next games
Crash Man stage is shit
Heat Man stage is so shit that people skip 80% of it
Wood Man fight is shit
Air Man fight is shit
Quick Man fight is shit
The room cannons boss is shit
The other room boss shaped like a vase is also shit

Undoubtedly one of the most overrated games of all time

>> No.8367526

So, uh
Why is Dr Light is hiding behind Crash Man (who looks like one of those workers from YMCA music video by the way), and why is he tells him to attack Mega Man?

I always thought that Light is an actual jerk of the series but it still doesn't make sense

>> No.8367763
File: 128 KB, 650x488, timthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the charge and slide is le bad!


>because.... It just is okay!!!

Do 2fags really...?

>> No.8367792
File: 321 KB, 580x420, 1445460782257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wily 4
Hope you like riding item-3 cunt.

>> No.8368010

I always thought he was telling Crash Man
>See that blue guy over there?
>You can't beat him, you handless nigger

>> No.8369289

I finished the first 6 games first time a couple of months ago, I think the reason i liked Mega Man 2 over the others is because of the OST.

>> No.8369330

Awesome, another thread where faggots pretend Mega Man 2 isn't good just because it's popular. Let me know if you guys ever stop sucking cock.

>> No.8369339

Why is 2 better than the others?

>> No.8369371

i only played like 5 minutes of the first one and got annoyed with the ladders. is this a good one to start with or does it have an overarching story or summit?

>> No.8369732

1 is probably the worst game to start with. Story doesn't really matter in classic Megaman.

>> No.8369735

i like the slide but i dont like charging because i want to be able to shoot niggas immediately and in succession of my previous shooting of the nigga. Charging takes time and the only way to balance it is to inflate enemy HP

>> No.8369742

> i want to be able to shoot niggas immediately and in succession

this isn't the charge's fault per se, but the fault of long enemy i-frames. The enemy i-frames are perfectly reasonable in MM4 for instance which has the charge, same with 10 and 11 really

>> No.8369771

Nintendo of America has to have made their box art shit on purpose, there's no other explanation.

>> No.8369806

What does a gimmicky stage in Mega Man look like exactly? You're almost always dealing with the same 7 things in a level getting rearranged in increasingly tougher configurations for variety.

>> No.8369854
File: 25 KB, 527x527, DB-RM4-NAME-12[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charge is incredibly braindead.
>infinite ammo,
>powerful shot
>that rips through everything it kills
It's far more practical for nearly all situations compared to special weapons. It gets even worse when you factor in the stupidly long boss i-frames plus basic enemy i-frames in MM5 and larger HP pools for normal foes, you are conditioned to always start off every battle with a charge shot at the ready.

Sliding will always be based, but I don't use it constantly and prefer the walking pace for general traversal.

>> No.8369869

Dunno about MM4 exactly but MM5 has that water bike section and MM8 has tons of gimmicky shit

>> No.8369909

Charge shot is cool and fun to use. The only actual problem with it is the noise can get annoying.
Anti-chargeshot fags conveniently ignore that 1 and 2 have the elec shot and metal blades, which basically replace the buster anyway.

>> No.8369932
File: 7 KB, 256x240, boobeam trap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8369951

Slides and charged shots obviously. Slides are okay, but really not necessary for a good gameplay. Charged shots are described above, they caused the enemies to became more tanky, and that is not a good thing. Music and robot masters are also better in 2. 4 still a great game though with the best level design. Enemy tankiness became absurd in 5 completely ruining the pacing so it doesn't feel like a MM game at all.

>> No.8369967

Water bikes in 5 is exactly the useless gimmick. Bubbles ascend just before the bikes is pure soul though, with a "wow, you can do this on NES?" common reaction.

>> No.8369981

This. 2 is a good place to start. Just play 1 before 5. Also a caution on 3 - it was rushed and badly optimized, has severe lags because of this and needs to be played on inexact emu with increased cpu cycles.

>> No.8369987

I dislike the charge because the noise drowns out a channel of the music all the time, and you're incentivised to always be charging. There's no reason to have it when enemies can just be designed to die without it and remove this annoying element.

>> No.8369991

There was a funny excuse from otherwise okay artist, that nobody told him that Megaman has an arm cannon

>> No.8370094

also why did mm3 and onwards fuck with the boss i-frames?
mega man bosses would be shit until Zero tech

>> No.8370137

2's got some warts, though they're not as obvious as 1.
It's not a bad place to start. Leaving aside some questionable level and boss design chocies, it's a solid game that gives a good gist of Megaman.

>> No.8370147


>> No.8370347

Slides allow you to dodge projectiles and slide under enemies where it would otherwise be impossible to avoid damage, it also helps with speedrunning. Charged shots allow you to do more damage to bosses, but if tanky enemies is your issue then you need to use the special weapons more. The special weapons are designed to one-shot a lot of enemies and are good for tackling specific situations in levels. If you're saving special weapons to use only in bossfights and whining about the buster not killing enemies fast enough, then that's on you. Robot master designs are pretty good in 4 I think, and I like the boss fights a lot more as well. Music is definitely better in 2 I agree, but 4 still has some awesome tracks throughout.
5 sucks not because of enemy tankiness, but because the special weapons also fucking suck and have almost no use to alleviate that problem.

>> No.8370350

To add onto this, Mega Man 4 has a very good weapon selection which is why it's one of my favorites to play. I used every weapon in my playthroughs and found use for all of them.

>> No.8370352

>helps with speedrunning
that should not be in your opening sentence.

>> No.8370356

In 4, the charge shot is not as busted as in future games and the special weapons are honestly better to use a lot of the time.

>> No.8370363

Whatever man

>> No.8370370

They should design it like in fangames and have the charge sound fade out after 2 seconds, but Capcom unfortunately didn't think about it at all.

>> No.8370372

>a non-stupid answer
MM4 is the first one to not have janky bits. People who don't like it were probably burned out from the previous games which all play relatively the same. 4 did introduce the mega buster though, so you can't say it didn't innovate at all either.
MM4 haters are fags, simple as.

>> No.8370373

it's okay. most everybody likes going fast

>> No.8370381

Also, fellow 4fags actually like MM1,2, and 3, while 2fags don't like anything that came out after 3 because they don't have nostalgia for them.

>> No.8370386

I'm not for this sort of shitflinging but I will say that anyone who praises 2 as the best is probably not a real Mega Man fan

>> No.8370397

>It's far more practical for nearly all situations compared to special weapons.
That's because the buster, charge or not, is more practical 90% of the time. It's not that the charge shot is unbalanced, it's just that the weapons are generally not really useful outside weaknesses.

>Slides are okay, but really not necessary for a good gameplay.
This statement doesn't really say anything of substance. All I'm getting from it is that you don't like the slide but can't find anything bad to say about it.

>> No.8370401

Honestly I'd have a lot to say but I've stopped bothering to argue, anyone who puts MM4's charge shot in the same bag as 5 clearly doesn't know shit

>> No.8370516

Nintendo had nothing to do with this, this is Capcom of America's fault. Rockman Corner has a video interview with the artist behind the MM2 cover.

>> No.8370521

Of the few true posts in this thread, this the best one.

>> No.8370527

The weird thing is that bad in the old days in forums like Planet Mega Man, all 6 NES Mega Man games wete beloved and thought as a consistently solid series. It probably got retconned once Miranda Paugh wrote on mmhp.net "Mega Man 3 is the last game in the series to feel solid" despite how rushed and unoptimized 3 is.

>> No.8370531

MM3 is the least solid lol

it's glitchy and has debug features left on the 2nd pad for christ sakes. We literally got a beta version

>> No.8370538

IIRC her saying that is still on her website in the MM3 walkthrough.

>> No.8370982

>2fags don't like anything after 3 because muh nostalgia
>the developers are even bigger 2fags who don't like anything after 2
>remove mega buster and slide but make wily saucer the final boss of 9 just like every game since 4
So 2 was the perfect game, it was just missing a MM7-inspired wily saucer fight

>> No.8371074

It started in 5

>> No.8371127


>> No.8371140

oh yeah my bad

>> No.8371318

>Metal Blade is ridiculously overpowered and barely uses up any ammo, it breaks the game and renders every other weapon pointless.
All I'm reading here is that it's awesome and extremely fun to use.

>> No.8371323

The whirring sound it makes drowns out the soundtrack + it trivializes robot master fights, making it so you don't have to sniff out their weaknesses anymore which is lame and gay

>> No.8371331

i dont think OP posted megaman 5's cover art anon.

>> No.8371346

>it trivializes robot master fights, making it so you don't have to sniff out their weaknesses anymore
The charge shot didn't do this, Capcom simply made the boss ai more easy. In mega man 2, a few of the robot masters have undodgeable attacks, 4 only has one (not counting Toad Man whose rain flush can be prevented). Beating bosses buster only is more fun anyway and still takes longer than using the weaknesses in 4.
Agreed on the whirring sound though.

>> No.8371351
File: 569 KB, 737x1014, Burnerman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example, try beating Burner Man, Dynamo Man, or Astro Man (MM&B) with just the mega buster and come back to me about how the charge shot "trivializes them".

>> No.8371372

Sorry, Mega Man games past 6 don't matter to me

>> No.8371381

And neither does your argument to me. Take care.

>> No.8371390
File: 489 KB, 627x1013, Pirateman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn I love the MM8/MM&B robot master designs.

>> No.8371393

Based as fuck. Pirate Chad is the greatest design in the series.

>> No.8371457

>these games would make my argument even more wrong so they don't count!
Incredible logic.

>> No.8371464

For me the best one was always 3 (even with some bad lag in spots) but 2 is a great game.

>> No.8371471
File: 43 KB, 488x512, 75eced6195855402bf1a558136b869356aa61f07v2_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iku zo.

>> No.8371480

Mega Man 2, followed by 4 and 1

>> No.8371491

>Slides allow you to dodge projectiles and slide under enemies where it would otherwise be impossible to avoid damage, it also helps with speedrunning.
You're fucking braindead. Sliding's good because it feels good

It's not like a game world with enemies existed and the developers had to come up with a way for Mega Man to defeat them, you absolute retard. And I haven't even mentioned the speedrunning thing

>> No.8371598
File: 159 KB, 532x680, Darkman4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what were they thinking

>> No.8371618
File: 117 KB, 640x929, 1611962696915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Dr. Light want Mega Man dead in that picture??

>> No.8371768

Am I the only one that thinks 4-6 feels like a separate trilogy from 1-3? It's far deeper than just charge vs regular buster in my mind. Bear with me on this:
1-3 felt like standard NES series progression: each game developed upon the last, and felt different. Overall physics for movement, hit detection, art direction, music, and introduction of new mechanics. Even little things, like shooting an invincible enemy; in 1 the shot just stops, in 2 it ricochets off but continues in the same direction, in 3 the shots bounce back. Each game felt /different/.
Now, 4 continued this trend of change/improve, but I don't feel like 5 and 6 did. Sure, there were changes to how the charged shots behave, and little quirks like Rush, but the games didn't actually feel different anymore. It's like Capcom felt that they finally nailed things like the art direction, musical direction, and overall physics engine with 4, so they stopped changing it. There was no more room for core improvement, if you will. Reskin, instead of rebuild.
Now, that's not to say that 5 and 6 are bad because of this. 4 is my personal favorite of the classic series. I guess an analogy would be comparing MM 1-3 with Street Fighter 1, 2, and Alpha; but MM4-6 is like playing the different iterations of Street Fighter 3.

>> No.8371778

i remember being very dissapointed with 5s darkman after darkman, then the braindead bosses.bigpets is the name of one i think? was way too easy and kiddie

>> No.8372104

Anon the most optimal way to play in charge MM games is to still use the turbo button. Charging is only a convenience to take out smaller enemies in the way or to stock up on shots while dodging. You just don't like it because you have autism. Thanks for ruining MM9 btw

>> No.8372123
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, Fire Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numero uno

>> No.8372125

Yes they do, sadly. Most of their love of it is based in nostalgia, as well as in redddit upvotes and soijournos commanding them to like it.

>> No.8372494

Mega Man 6 is my favorite but i think Mega Man 4 is the best

>> No.8372497

Never said it was better than the others. Just tired of contrarians hating on it for no good reason.

>> No.8372502

Any of you play Mega Maker?
Did they add an option to make a stage select screen yet, that would make me really happy.

>> No.8372625

Not yet

>> No.8373110

9 or 7

>> No.8373116
File: 4 KB, 195x186, AB577E30-7249-417A-9AC5-937940F06D8C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice shot

>> No.8373120
File: 388 KB, 674x719, Ringman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad people see that 4 is, even if not the objective best, the most well-rounded and polished one in terms of level design
Also, this guy is the hardest initial robot master in the entire series
Never got the appeal of 7 to be honest, trying to find the right places to have Rush dig in is stupid

>> No.8373137

The slide is amazing, but my one problem with the charged shot is having to fucking hold it, it hurts my thumb :c

>> No.8373159

Ringman's stage is literally the only memorable part of MM4 lol

>> No.8373160

Can you explain why that’s the case? Obviously it’s your opinion but to me 4 always felt kind of boring, overlong and bland. I really don’t know what it is but 4 gets on my tits for some reason. The whole thing just feels agonisingly slow, yet 4 seems to be going through some kind of resurgence in popularity here

>> No.8373176

I'm not sure how to explain, but to me it just felt like the most balanced game in terms of fairness and difficulty, it's perfectly fair with almost no real bullshit moments, you have ample time to react, think, and strategize, and it's not super easy like 5 and 2, and doesn't rely constantly on other weapons and upgrades like 6, I'd have to play it again to form a deeper opinion, though, could be nostalgia talking idk

>> No.8373201

Its the least janky and most competent game of the NES Megaman games without any huge gimmicks. This makes it the best, but not the most memorable or even the most fun, since those come from flaws and experimentation.
Theres also the fact most people played 1-4, not that many played 5 or even 6, so that also is maybe why

>> No.8373293

>trying to find the right places to have Rush dig in is stupid
In most cases it isn't hard to guess because they're screens/platforms that seem completely pointless otherwise.
You can still buy all the stuff that you don't find from Auto anyway.

>> No.8373348

Fair enough, thank you for being honest

>> No.8373465
File: 40 KB, 527x527, DB-RM4-NAME-56[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of raw damage, maybe. But he's one of the many bosses that always fights the same way based on your actions. You shouldn't be taking hits from such a predictable foe.

>> No.8373516

how the hell do you dodge his projectiles? they're too fast!

>> No.8373593
File: 1.26 MB, 1904x790, af9ad96eac3aad9eb9e7e8516f31e6c3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a really simple rhythm to get into.
>short jump over the low ring, then immediately short jump back over it as it retracts
>let the high ring retract, then jump over Ringman as he charges... slide once to get a little distance away
>repeat till death
He might do a counter attack if you shoot him during his charge, but other than that it's a frantic yet fun fight to clear without damage.

>> No.8373692

Played through every classic game more than twice and 4 is still my favorite of the NES titles, but not my favorite classic mega man. That's between 7, MM&B, and 9.

>> No.8373980

Man, I kinda miss having my shit kicked in when playing these games for the first time. I should try a buster only run of 1 or 3 someday.

>> No.8373986

Jump over the throw and return of the forward attack, then jump diagonally over him. Pattern repeats. Hard to do if you're on a version with a lot of lag, though.

>> No.8374371

i can get people behind people saying 4 is best. I'm more partial to 6, 7, and 11. But I see the argument.

>> No.8374381

Needle Man and Quick man filter me hard.

>> No.8374885

I thought Mega Man was always a robot? That's just a fucking guy in a suit

>> No.8374926

They managed to make gay purple look like cool purple. Awesome.

>> No.8374929

They said they would never do that.

>> No.8374960


>> No.8374971
File: 75 KB, 944x842, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay i've done three levels as of now and holy shit thanks for givin this one to me game lol. he was kinda rough, i was expecting him to be a joke although that's mostly due to the silva gunner memes and him being a literal tree.

>> No.8374987

also what do the blue balls (heh) do? i thought they refilled your powerups, but it doesn't seem like it. either that or it just doesn't refill crash man's.

>> No.8374993

You have to equip the weapon you want to refill

>> No.8375010

oh that makes sense.

>> No.8375364

you can't really do buster only for 3

>> No.8375753

3 has the harder bosses (Gemini, Needle, Shadow, Hard, anything Doc Robot is basically impossible)
1 has the harder stages (little roomba things, respawning missles and penguins, big fuck you stomping things)

>> No.8376083

Well, as much as possible, I should have clarified. You can't in 1 neither because of the magnet beam I'm pretty sure.

>> No.8376091

For me, it is 3.
Had peak soul.
And slide changed everything.

>> No.8376384

That's the reason why I just don't use the charge shot.

Simple as.

>> No.8376404
File: 204 KB, 960x935, 8ku08kwvv5201[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 is the first game that you can fully buster-only, without any support at all.
Every other one has either platforming needs, boss immunities, or both.

>> No.8376431

you can do buster only in 5, and in 6 the only thing you need is the jet armor which doesn't count as a weapon

>> No.8376536

Best part

>> No.8376543


>> No.8378106

alright, i'd like to make an announcement gentlemen. fuck quick man's stage, fuck heat man's stage when it gets to the blocks used a lot, and fuck me for not realizing you can use flash to stop the lasers on quick man's stage until the second to last life.

>> No.8378114

I don't get why but I've always liked 1 and 2 way more than 3-6. A lot of levels in the later NES mega man games feel like they were purposefully made to be as annoying as possible. Everyone complains about shit like medusa heads in castlevania but normal mega man enemies can be just as bad, especially when your buster is ill-suited for dealing with them.

>> No.8378119

also am i just retarded or the powerups mostly useless? flash is nice when the level starts to get annoying and occasionally you might need a mobility powerup to get an item but if you're fighting a boss your peashooter shoots so fast and three bullets at once that other shit just can't compete.

>> No.8378159

The lasers in Quick Man's stage are easy, just stay close to the edges of the platforms. Use item 2 (you get it after beating Air Man) to get past the Heat Man block puzzle.

>> No.8378163

idk i always seem to get hit on the second way down on the second screen and after that the screen after the life. granted, practice makes perfect. thanks for the tips though, probably would've never thought to use item 2.

>> No.8378165

I also suggest beating Metal Man as soon as possible to replace the mega buster with the metal blade

>> No.8378176

i only have quick and heat left, i think i beat metal man halfway. does that do more damage than the buster? because idk maybe i just suck at bosses but they don't seem to be that useful (see >>8378119). just gettin up in their face and blasting em seems to work, although granted if ya don't have an e tank some might fuck ya like crash man.

>> No.8378391

took a two hour break but in hindsight not using the powerups wasn't the best idea. i figured out how to do heat man after wasting all my saw blades on him, which apparently you can use three of like the blaster, and it seems quick man was immune to it but he was really easy anyway. and ye just practicin and flashing halfway through got me to quick man. time for whywii and his badass level music.

>> No.8378412
File: 50 KB, 960x838, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this part sucks ass. it's obvious what to do, but you can't jump too high or you won't reach the platform, but do it too low and you won't reach the ladder. it's not that bad since there's a grinding spot at the bottom of the ladder and those peashooter knight robots aren't really hard to deal with but fuckin' hell mang.

>> No.8378434

the trick it to make sure you're at the very edge of the ladder and of each platform when you spawn a new one

>> No.8378442
File: 167 KB, 500x375, ah hah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can spawn a new one right after one disappears
i shiggy.

>> No.8378465

I actually [Spoiler?] state saved [Spoiler?] here and haven't played over this part in over 2 years

>> No.8378471

that's fair, it's just a bitch to go back and refill if not too hard exactly. i'm just glad these games don't have a timer. wouldn't really be too bad on most levels outside heat man without the trick and this but still. also for future reference it's [/ spoiler] with the space removed. or just control+s if you're on a computer.

>> No.8378472
File: 24 KB, 871x469, some retarded website.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh goddamnit. it's this okay.

>> No.8378560

Imo that is what makes it a good obstacle! Not hard really if you practice.

Great series but I only played mm 1-3 and x so far. Need something to do over Xmas

>> No.8378626

The metal blade fires in 8 directions and practically has infinite ammo. It shreds through levels. Don't just save the weapons for the bosses, a lot of them have uses in specific situations. When you get to Wily 3, use the bubble lead a lot.

>> No.8379137

I have to give it to 2fags, refilling aside this part is great.

>> No.8379862

It's really not. The NES mega mans are full of awful level design and bad controls.
Mega Man X was an improvement but the NES ones are shit.

The NES has dozens of superior run/gun/platform/shooty games.

>> No.8380004
File: 3.22 MB, 498x379, ah shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when i said it was obvious what to do? well eventually i just looked up a longplay and guess what. i was using item 2 when you're supposed to use 1.

>> No.8380008

name 2

>> No.8380029

whichever one you don't like the most.

>> No.8380446
File: 11 KB, 944x836, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there it is :)
had to look up how to beat stage 4's boss (i knew you needed the crash man powerup from an earlier level, i didn't know how to conserve the usage of it. turns out it was just a weird jump) and it is a little odd to have lava drops that take out 1/3rd of your health right before the final boss but he himself wasn't too bad so maybe that's why. the seasons/changin suits for em was really neat too.
thanks for the help mang

>> No.8380521

Now play a good mega man game like 7

>> No.8380582

Hope you enjoyed it. MM2 is a good game but it has some pretty bullshit moments that can take first time players off guard.

>> No.8380960
File: 123 KB, 947x839, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did. surprised i never did it sooner, i knew the music/some of the spritework was really good from newgrounds flash games as a kid and i love sci fi so ig i just never got around to it.
i'll get around to it after the nes ones. doin a hack of 3 that fixes the lag/adds some old sprites back and adds an intro atm, and then i'll do 1, and the rest in order.

>> No.8380989

oh damnit they added the slide. only wanted to do 3 first because i heard it doesn't have that and i don't wanna get used to it until needed. well whatever the charge shot isn't in it seems and i was more worried about getting used to that.

>> No.8381170


>> No.8381420

MM6 had such a great soundtrack

>> No.8381789

It’s not the same experience unless the screen becomes a strobing mess and the wily castles are laughably easy

>> No.8381817

Charge shot sucks because it devalues special weapons. Without charge shot, if you ran into a tricky enemy in a level, you'd switch to a special weapon and use it (if you had one), but you had to be careful to conserve ammo.
With charge shot, you can just spam charge shots on tough bad guys and not have to worry about weapon ammo, and then you get to the boss and just spam its weakness because you'll always have full ammo on all your weapons. It's just dumb and gay.
No charge also makes you have to think more tactically about what level you choose to start with, because if you choose one with a lot of tough enemies that you really need a weapon to get through, that's not going to work out for you.

>> No.8382507

That's bullshit. 90% of the time you either use the buster or that one broken weapon like the metal blades. No one went around fighting enemies with bubble lead. Go play MM&B and tell me the weapons are useless there just because you have the charge shot.

>> No.8382664

"we have some extra room on the ROM, and we have the code from 2 laying around. it would kinda cool to see old robot masters in three. we don't have enough room to store their graphics, but the code fits just right."

>> No.8382721

Wrong game

>> No.8382740
File: 80 KB, 662x372, 44F80D5C-3B2A-4E3B-96DC-424993BF9B30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s Dark Man. You’re thinking of Doc Robot

>> No.8382803

Of course you'd think so, you made it yourself.

>> No.8382831

This is only true for the games that don't give you good weapons/make the charge too useful such as
8 (especially with the arrow upgrade)
Most mega Man games with the charge don't make it the most broken weapon, especially not in 4 where it has a smaller hitbox anyway and the weapons you get are actually good and better to use

>> No.8382852

2fags don't understand that you can have a perfectly hard mega man game and still have the charge shot. They don't know how balancing actually works.

>> No.8382862
File: 6 KB, 256x240, Rockman4MinusInfinityOpeningScreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example

>> No.8382929

That’s a romhack though, anon-kun

>> No.8383040

Is there difficulty options burred in a menu? I remember it being casual fun times.
In addition to it's great weapon pool, it tweaked the chargeshot to pass through shit and leave you vulnerable. Very different than how it is in the real games.

>> No.8383045

Boss weapon weaknesses are the easy mode of the Megaman games. Finish one with only the buster (even in bossfights) and you'll see why the charged shot exists.

>> No.8383052

Capcom was a pioneer game dev that managed to give a black outline to it's sprites thanks to a clever programming trick that bypassed the 4 color limit per sprite (3 visible colors + 1 for transparency) and this allowed for better, more detailed graphics.

>> No.8383056
File: 156 KB, 1029x1019, MMpalette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8383062

the black is one of the 3 colours (+ transparency)

What Mega Man is use several palette for a single object, in this picture Mega Man uses two palettes and so do the enemy; but by itself that's nothing extraordinary and I very much doubt they were the firsts to do that

>> No.8383064
File: 179 KB, 991x991, 1634779156115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game actually requires you to think and plan your actions beforehand
>filters everyone

>> No.8383087

Finally, if they're actually referring to something specific (I'm not sure they are, could just be bs marketing tech talk), they're probably referring to the use of mappers, which allowed to swap background and sprite tiles between stages and thus have a much more varied and detailed look. As opposed to old NES games like Kung Fu and SMB1 which had to fit the entire game's graphic on the PPU without ever being able to change them

>> No.8383101

That's besides the point.
Yes there are difficulty options

>> No.8383107

>Very different than how it is in the real games.
But it shows that the game can be balanced around the charge shot. The people in this thread want it gone altogether and think the mere idea ruins the game, ignoring the fact that in mm4 vanilla it doesn't break anything. It depends on how Capcom balances the game as a whole.

>> No.8383552

You can take one look at the boss and figure out how to do it/how to conserve shots. It requires virtually zero strategy. The main issue with the Boobeam trap is that it slows the game to an absolute fucking crawl. It’s an annoying little boss already but the game dipping into slow motion and the Crash Bomber also taking ages to detonate before you can fire it again makes an already not very fun boss absolutely hellish.

>> No.8383641

honestly maybe i will and i'll do this one later, what the hell why not. the screen becomes a strobing mess in 2 though when you fight the wily stage bosses, namely the tank and the dragon and wily himself (first two phases not the third). glad i don't have epilepsy

>> No.8383649

Not to mention you're fucked if you show up without enough ammo. You either grind pickups from the walker joes or force a game over.

>> No.8384285
File: 7 KB, 256x224, polished game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I am begging you anon, can you please fix the screen tear on the stage select?

>> No.8384584

doesn't seem like it sadly. it's in the stages now too if you look at the screenshot a little closer. well maybe it always was, i wouldn't know but i doubt they somehow made it worse.