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8354051 No.8354051 [Reply] [Original]

Is it even possible for a JRPG to have LESS gameplay than Persona 3? I was hyped to begin the series since I love the genre, but after five hours of talking to randoms to max out social links with only five floors of the dungeon visited I'm starting to question my sanity.

>> No.8354082

can you walk around and explore at least?

>> No.8354102

Yes but the areas are tiny and not very comfy unless it's daytime, which you almost never get to experience anyway.

>> No.8354104

that's unfortunate, I was hoping it would be more like other jrpgs

>> No.8354106

why would you hope for that

>> No.8354113

I mean with the map being more open to walk around and talk to people.
Not in any other sense

>> No.8354169


>> No.8354187

When I played this game I just went to drink coffee or eat ramen alone and then the game at the end tells me I played it wrong or some shit. Don't lecture me Japan, I do what I want

>> No.8354487

This game and it’s antecessor is one of the primary reasons I didn’t want us to adopt 6th gen

>> No.8354583

You are literally still in the turorial retard.
Its a 90h game.
There will be less talking once they explained everything and the gameplay loop starts.

>> No.8354589

this game actually has too much gameplay. tartarus is the only dungeon and it's the most monotonous shit imaginable. by the end you will genuinely wish you could just skip going through it.

>> No.8354597

Alright, I'm gonna ask in this thread even though I have my answer (release order).
I want to play some Persona games. I've finished MT, KMT, SMT1 and 2, the first Last Bible game, and I'm about halfway or so through a single route of SMT:If...

So, should I play Persona out of order or skip any games?

>> No.8354598

>but after five hours
>with only five floors of the dungeon visited
you're still at the very, very beginning of the game my guy.

>> No.8354601

I played the whole thing to completion, and liked it at the time, but I know what you mean, OP. For me, big part of playing jrpgs is the exploration aspect, here in this game you get the same randomly generated dungeon until the game is done. The only variation is that the theme changes after a long while.
If you like the day-to-day aspect of the game, then play till completion, but if you are waiting to see breathtaking views, then this is not the game to play.

>> No.8354602
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There's a town hub, but it's not interconnected, you teleport between areas like the dormitory, the arcade, the school etc. You can walk in a 3D space and talk to NPCs provided you're playing the PS2 version

IMO the actual gameplay parts are the worst. There's literally just one dungeon in the game and you're supposed to go through literally 300 floors of randomly generated layouts that arr rook the same.

Unironically play Persona 4 first to get hooked on the series and then go back to P3. P4 is a very similar game made on the same engine but much more polished and immediately appealing, so you don't have to suffer for 10-20 hours before the Stockholm syndrome kicks in.

>> No.8354606

There's a P3 throwback chapter in P4 where you visit P3's city and some of its areas and meet some of the (minor) characters from P3. I guess that part would be more enjoyable if you have played P3 first.

Otherwise it's basically like Final Fantasy, no real connection between the games.

>> No.8354621

Play them in any order you want. P4 definitely has the most going on from the get-go. I played P3 then P4. Someone redpill me on Personas 1 and 2.

>> No.8354629

I would recommend you play Digital Devil Saga instead.
If... Is the best persona game. Honestly the series is not that great, it really is baffling how P3 blew up. But it funds more SMT content I guess.

P1: Had some interesting changes to the SMT formula with it's grid based combat, but overall this game is just not very fun. Battles take forever, and negotiating is akin to pulling teeth unless you go out of your way to recruit a certain party member. But good luck doing that blind. If you play make sure you do a second run for the Snow Queen route

P2 Duology: the game is easy with skill combinations, and entirely boring and drags without. So damned if you do, damned if you don't. The story "insists upon itself" as family guy once said, although the utter insanity of some of the plot twists makes it enjoyable. If you want gameplay, skip this game. Also, Extreme homo characters, not sure if that bothers you or not.

P3/FES/P3P: the problem with the game is the AI controlled party members (this is fixed in p3p). Why the fuck would I want to only control 25% of the gameplay? What a retarded concept. Also the story went from over the top schlock in P2, to generic power of friendship shounenshit.

P4: Interesting premise, but in the end reverts to more power of friendship shounenshit.

P5: easiest fucking SMT game in existence. More of the same P3/P4 shit

>> No.8354645

>Otherwise it's basically like Final Fantasy, no real connection between the games.
P1 characters show up in P2. And each P2 game is a respective half to the whole of P2.

>> No.8354646

Also, the protagonist of SMT if... shows up in P1

>> No.8354647

>P3/FES/P3P: the problem with the game is the AI controlled party members (this is fixed in p3p). Why the fuck would I want to only control 25% of the gameplay? What a retarded concept.
Just play FES with the full party control hack (even works on OG hardware if you're a hipster). Portable is too much of a downgrade.

Full Party Control:

Full Party Control + No Stamina:

Save the raw file as 94A82AAA.pnach and put it into PCSX2's cheat folder. For real hardware you're going to need Gameshark.

>> No.8354652

>he problem with the game is the AI controlled party members
It was? It's been way to long since I played it on the PS2, but I seem to remember that you could just set it up so that you could choose their commands, it's just a little hidden. But maybe I'm getting my memory mixed up.

>> No.8354656

It requires cheat codes on the PS2. Only the PSP had it fixed as an actual feature of the game.

>> No.8354657

Fuck that. I'm not putting 100 hours into that game again. I did my max sl run more than a decade ago on FES and on Portable, I have no desire to play that shit ever again.
But thanks for looking out, I honestly did not know that the game had hacks besides the undub

>> No.8354660

P4 had free actions, not P3

>> No.8354665
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What did you expect? The game (and series) are just escapist fantasies for fat weebs to pretend they're popular Japanese teenagers, complete with their own harem of girlfriends. Almost any other JRPG has better gameplay, barring total garbage like Jade Cocoon 2.

>> No.8354674

lmao ok

>> No.8354774

>Extreme homo characters
the only thing Tadashi loved more than self-inserting is his homolust writing

>> No.8354787

persona 3 unironically ruined jrpgs for me. it was my first one back then, and i enjoyed so much the dating sims elements that trying to branch into other games has given me mostly disappointments

>> No.8354803
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>> No.8354814
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>> No.8355259
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I never got this meme. Persona 3 has plenty of the standard RPG format gameplay. It just also has VN sections.
There's still assloads of combat, talking to randos, doing side quests, buying and selling shit etc. etc.

>> No.8355264

Not retro

>> No.8355274

First off portable is hardly a downgrade and what is removed (mostly anime cut scenes) are made up for in extra content and difficulty modes
Second off direct AI control completely wrecks the balance of Persona 3 and frankly if you need it you're retarded since even hard mode is fairly easy.

>> No.8355293

Thankfully retards like you are good for free bumps.

>> No.8355295

I don't think the game needs it from a difficulty standpoint, but to give you something to fucking do. Battles are fucking boring watching your team flail around and fall down for 2 minutes before you even get your turn to input a command. The game is retarded. Nocturne and DDS are so much better

>> No.8355304

I don't really agree. Were you just playing on normal mode? Cause managing their tactics and such is vital for a lot of the boss fights and can get fairly intense.
Nocturne and DDS do have the better gameplay though I wish the former didn't have so many cheap deaths (not that p3 can't have them but it's much more common in SMT 3) and DDS is amazing but goddamn I wish DDS 1 had a hard mode so it wasn't so easy.

>> No.8355309

The actual rpg gameplay in this entire series ||except 5|| is really subpar, but most people don't really mind since managing your time is so engaging, I wouldn't overlook it if you are judging the game's gameplay.
You shouldn't be playing this if you don't care about story anyways

>> No.8355315

I try to play every megaten game on the hardest difficulty available on my first playthrough. The only one I did not do so was DDS2

>> No.8355317

Still not retro. Keep crying.

>> No.8355319

Keep posting until it hits bump limit.

>> No.8355328

>The actual rpg gameplay in this entire series ||except 5|| is really subpar
Compared to most RPGs? I'd so no if only cause it's pretty easy to die in Persona 3. I feel like a lot of people who claim this just straight up compare it to SMT 3 or something without actually looking at most JRPGs out there where it clearly outshines most of it's competition.

>> No.8355334

Yeah play 4

>> No.8355335


>> No.8355337

Sure, it's good if you compare it to the average shovelware jrpg but compared to the other big name RPGs, even the ones from it's same franchise it ends up coming short. No dungeons, character growth is completely linear exept for the protagonist and the game is designed around your ai partners tarding out most of the time.

>> No.8355803

They're all kino. Trust me. Gameplay wise they all have like 100 hours of gameplay.

>> No.8355928

>I was hyped to begin the series
>Persona 3

>> No.8356269

The first two games are so different that it might as well be a new series. I also doubt OP knows what If... even is.
It's pretty fair to say that Persona, at least in the sense of what the series had become, started with 3

>> No.8356313

Does this work on the PS2 Classics version of the game on PS3?

>> No.8356354

People will tell you to play the game for the story, bit the story is fuckin shit. The game is a weeb simulator. Play P2 of you need a persona game with story

>> No.8356368

No, PS2 or PC emulation only.

>> No.8356372

>Play P2 of you need a persona game with story
2 cuck are so fucking obnoxious. Your game is a huge pile of shit. Stop trying to trick people into playing it and turning them off from the entire series.

>> No.8356378

3 cuck are so fucking obnoxious. Your game is a huge pile of shit. Stop trying to trick people into playing it and turning them off from the beginning of the series.

>> No.8356384

P3 didn't have power of friendship, that was P4.
>everts to more power of friendship shounenshit.
that's all P4 was from the start. They made it even more so in the Golden version with the extended ending.
Characters in P3 are kinda dicks and it's an all around downer that completely kills any desire to play it more than once.
I think he means popular within the setting, which the P3 protagonist really isn't. The P4 protag is supreme gary stu.

>> No.8356389

>says the loudmouth being obnoxious

>> No.8356390

>P3 didn't have power of friendship
Did you even play the game retard? How the fuck do you think they sealed away the last boss

>> No.8356398

Welp. Guess I'll dust off the ol' PS2.

>> No.8356403

The protag was a designated messiah and sacrificed himself. The core theme is that humankind collectively wants to end themselves.
Also keep your hair on, you don't need to insult people you don't agree with.

>> No.8356412

door-kun died for your sins and everything that you're saying right now. But day erebus will reveal itself and you suffer under its wrath for all eternity.

>> No.8356423

make sure you don't hurt no body

>> No.8356426

You can play patched PS2 games as usual if you use PS2 Classics GUI to turn them into a PKG (with HEN anyway), just don't forget to grab the config file if necessary.

>> No.8356434

Most annoying music of all time.
The female protagonist in the PSP version has some nicer sounding themes.

>> No.8356450

mommy's not here gotta fight
for my life
>t. i never felt like

>> No.8356457

You only get to do that because of max social links. The game tells you that you are getting power from your friends to perform the seal

>> No.8356471


>> No.8356486

Damn I forgot those. They felt more like a game thing than a story thing.

>> No.8356507

I feel like I fucked up my playthrough of P3 by going to Tartarus at every possible opportunity early on, thereby making it impossible to have enough time to make progress in a lot of social links and also being overleveled for basically everything. Even harder bosses were only that until you figure out what persona/party to bring with you. I got 75hrs into it and just burnt out on traversing further and further up when I was just BTFOing everything in my path, I already smashed the girl I wanted, and it was far too daunting of a thought to restart. Maybe one day, it is honestly pretty good. I just started playing P5 but it's not giving me those same good feelings so far, hoping it gets better.

>> No.8356553

I don't mind reading. I love MGS but man, Persona 3 dialogues aren't good.

>> No.8356556

The only way to max SL in P3 is to spend only 1 day a month in tartar sauce. It is notoriously unforgiving in the allotted time you are allowed to engage in social links. And if you mess up on your answers during your social outings it can fuck your run up by setting you back a few dates

>> No.8356560

They're just disguised menus. Everything in Persona games are menus in disguise.
Also this game is the bane of my existence because I feel forced to 100% it and finishing every single Social Link in a single run is fucking autistic beyond belief.

The mainline SMT games are still the best experience.

>> No.8358205

2 will never be good and you'll never be a real SMTfag for trying to shill it

>> No.8358638

3 will never be good and you'll never be a real SMTfag for trying to shill it