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File: 30 KB, 316x294, nes-maker-la-herramienta-para-hacer-juegos-para-nes-ya-esta-lista-y-arranca-con-un-super-concurso-nes-maker-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8353437 No.8353437 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on nes maker.

>> No.8353507

From what I understand, you're basically limited to making NROM like games, music capabilities are limited (no DPCM for one), I'd imagine the code would be somewhat bloated, leading to potential slowdown. If you want to make a game for the NES for shits and giggles, go for it, otherwise either learn to program entirely in assembly or have someone else do it, possibly as a commission.

>> No.8354916

Never played it, but the crowdfunding campaign seemed ridiculous and the movie that the guys were trying to make was retarded.

>> No.8354919

Basically it's a game engine for NES with a graphical GUI to help you make games. Imagine something like Game Maker for NES. There's a few different cores which are used for making specific genres. If you just want to make a simple game it's not terrible but if you want to make something big and ambitious you would be better off doing it in assembly. Some of he cores aren't complete so look into that if you're planning to do something specific.

>> No.8354967

Why not just make NES looking games on game maker instead?

>> No.8354971

will they run on my nes mini?

>> No.8354984

Because those can't run on an NES. This software is for someone who specifically wants to make a homebrew NES game.

If you could release a version bundled with an emulator, you could give players the choice of playing the game on either NES or modern consoles like the Switch.

>> No.8355058

A lot of non-programmers have fun with it and it still is receiving quality feature updates. But you will only be able to make about the same shit as every other non-programmer. A programmer can take it and push the engine to its limits to make something more unique, especially if using it to jump headfirst into learning assembly. There's a pirate copy out there if you want to try it, but nobody seems to be actively cracking it so you're stuck with old versions unless you decide to buy a copy.
There's nothing preventing you from rewriting almost the entire engine yourself. You are given complete access to the game engine's assembly code. At that point the GUI may not work with your game anymore beyond certain uses, but you could still technically say it was made in NES Maker just like one of those RPG Maker games that were totally rewritten to the point people can't tell it's an RPG Maker game anymore. NES Maker was built with this sort of usage in mind.

>> No.8355229

That's really cool, I knew it was a very capable tool but I didn't realize it was THAT powerful. That's great, so you really can do whatever you want with it. I was actually planning on using it for a project (just waiting for an everdrive to come in the mail first) so that's good to know.

>> No.8355404

It works and there's nothing else like it out there. If you dont want to learn assembly then this is pretty much it as i understand.

The workflow and gui are absolutely nuts to me, though. Im sure some of its eccentricities are necessary and i dont mean to be too critical of the author. However, there were conventions to the design system which I found unbelievably annoying and hard to work with.

Mostly i found it difficult that there was no system to save a game as a template. You can't design a game to a certain point of sophistication, and then make branches of it to have version 1 and version 2. You have to start from scratch every time... if theres a workaround for this, I couldn't find it. The community didn't seem to have a solution either.

In music, you set your template up with all your settings, all the assets ready to go, so that when its time to be creative you can just write the music without futzing with technical stuff.

With NESmaker you can't do this. The project permanently points to a specific set of directories and always will, so editing the assets for your branch breaks all other branches of it the template its based on.

What this means is that you cant follow the tutorials (only way to learn) to a certain point and then change directions to make the project your own (custom music and assets) unless you want to start from scratch next time.

Also the guy updates the program with fundamental redesigns which mean you have to relearn large parts of it which are now new.

Also im really not a programmer so im not sure if this is common but the location of features is really not intuitive at all, things are located on menus which i dont think should be grouped together, just strange organization.

Altogether not horrible especially considering what you can do it with it, but i wound up deciding to use various gameboy editors instead and never ever looked back.

>> No.8355406


Yes but only with the right emulator. It uses a mapper which doesn't exist in nature- so the games will never run in many emulators and i think almost all flash carts.

>> No.8355441
File: 27 KB, 895x503, picard-facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just learn assembly language you lazy fuck

>> No.8356148

It's specifically for the novelty of having that kind of game on an actual Cartridge. If you're just gonna play your NESmaker game on PC tho, yeah just do gamemaker at that point.

>> No.8356228

Be careful assuming youll be able to run it on an nes, you need a special thing to implement the goofy mapper

>> No.8356232
File: 208 KB, 1440x1080, 1634789741321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8358276


>> No.8358320

Kind of. Mapper 30 is supported by flash Carts but you need hacked firmware. The reason for this is Mapper 30 is used by bunnyboy in his homebrew, so flash cart makers like krikzz and.... Bunnyboy have been hesitant to officially support it.

>> No.8358418

Are there any official games that use mapper 30?

>> No.8358447

what nes emulator do I need to play game maker studio games?