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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8352636 No.8352636 [Reply] [Original]

post thing that never make a game better, they're at best neutral or make the game worse
>underwater levels
>escort missions
>hard puzzles in non-puzzle games

>> No.8352640

"""actual roleplaying"""

>> No.8352641

Bonus levels/bosses that are unlocked by collecting stuff

>> No.8352642

hard mode that is only unlocked upon beating normal mode.

>> No.8352646

Extremely good graphics, if that means shitty gameplay or graphical glitches, like the gta trilogy, remaking the graphic just made the game actually worse

>> No.8352673

Hard difficulty/true ending hidden behind loops

>> No.8352675

Dialogs and tutorial screens on an fast paced game.

>> No.8352679

The underwater dungeon in Mega Man Legends 2 is great

>> No.8352686

>breaking the 4th wall
>locking out beginning of game/unreachable content at some point

>> No.8352691

text that isn't displayed instantly but instead is slowly appearing letter by letter
fuck text-heavy RPGs that do that

>> No.8352695

JRPGs that hide items behind "wrong" dialogue choices.

>> No.8352724

Underwater levels MIGHT be fun if it introduces some gameplay variety without crippling the player. I know, I've been to a pool or the sea, your mobility underwater sucks. But I don't play games to remind me of the limitations of real life.

>> No.8352729

Big ass instruction text on what you have to do. I prefer to figure out everything myself.

>> No.8352740

Trying being less stupid and almost no puzzle will be 'hard'. I'm guessing you're bitching about a zelda tier game though.
More options are always good.
They encourage replayability and increase the longevity of a game by giving you more to do.
>breaking the fourth wall
Depends on the game. Sometimes it can be done well.

>> No.8352745
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>> No.8352748

No bait in my post, friend. Sorry you're too retarded to come up with a counter argument though.

>> No.8352749

>They encourage replayability and increase the longevity of a game by giving you more to do.
Okay, but just having the different modes already does that. I shouldn't have to play it on an easier mode if I want a challenge. Especially because half the challenge in video games is learning the mechanics/maps/patterns/etc and so hard mode after playing normal mode is going to be easier than when you play normal mode blind in the first place.

>> No.8352751

Well we're on /vr/ where most games tend to be pretty short. So in that case unlocking harder modes gives a sense of progression and makes you feel more rewarding as new ones unlock. Also prevents you from being overwhelmed right away.
If you're talking like in a 60+ hour JRPG then I agree.

>> No.8352753

>missable content that you cant go back to after a certain point in the game
This shit always made me have multiple saves for every little progress I made.

>> No.8352767

The whole "unlock hard mode after beating normal" thing was more common during 5th and 6th gens. Most 3rd-4th gen games didn't even have save files in the first place. And 5th-6th gen is when games started getting longer as well, not just JRPGs. It's a minor gripe I have with series like Resident Evil and Metroid, for instance.

>> No.8352768

Bonus points for games that ONLY auto-save at every opportunity. (Epic Mickey is a primary offender)

>> No.8352778

I've never seen any really hard puzzle in a non-puzzle game.

>> No.8352790

No RE or Metroid game should take you more than like 10 hours at max to beat on a first time playthrough. After which the harder modes, the ones not custom tailored by the creator, are unlocked as a reward so that you can furthr progress and show off your skill.
Think like how Ninja Gaiden (for the xbox) does it where harder modes straight up change enemy encounters and shit as a good example that encourages you to play the game fresh again and again

>> No.8352791

You're missing the point I laid out here >>8352749

By already having played through on normal, it makes hard mode easier just from repetition since you're already familiar with the game. I want my FIRST EXPERIENCE with the game to be challenging, not merely something extra to do after beating the game.

>> No.8352792
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>> No.8352793

Damn, this anon.

>> No.8352795

Your point is stupid frankly.

>> No.8352796

not an argument.

>> No.8352801

>having to traverse narrow walkways when the controls aren't built around it

>> No.8352806

orchestral-style music

>> No.8352809

>More options are always good.
"actual roleplaying" isn't about giving the player options it's about constraining them to a specific set of overly verbose multiple-choice dialog options or it's about constraining the player to one specific character build they must commit to before they even begin when they know fuck all about how the game even works.

>> No.8352810

now that I think about it I actually like the underwater levels in Crash 3, so I should cross that off my list

>> No.8352812

I don't think they're bad normally, but trying to get the Platinum Relics for them is a pain in the ass.

>> No.8352816

Back then before the 2000's orchestral music was actually used properly, unlike now.

>> No.8352838

And in the context of this thread, the point is that when a game dev is a wannabe tabletop DM it leads to lots of "no fun allowed" game design in the name of roleplaying like hiding arbitrary mechanics from the player or forcing the player to guess what some intern writer decided was the "correct" answer for some lame dialog miniagme.

>> No.8352840

problem isn't orchestral music the problem is soulless dissonance tracks.

>> No.8352846

Goddamn how can someone be wrong on all accounts in one post? You kinda sound like a pussy, anon

>> No.8352848


>> No.8352871

>forced minigames

>> No.8352873


>> No.8352948

>unskippable cutscenes
5th gen games are major offenders in this regard, it really brings the replay value of some games down.

>> No.8352986

fully voiced dialogue

>> No.8353018

Or maybe you just have to get gud

>> No.8353526

>you are dropped into sewer/underwater/escort mission
>commander Main Character to H.Q., sewer/underwater/escort missions suck! Come on, we are not on some fucking video game, are we?
Those are the worst. I just see the dev rolling his eyes making "lol who doesn't hate those things am i right fellow players hashtag gaming moment" face every time that happens. Yes, as a matter of fact, everyone hates that shit, so why do they feel obliged to put that in?

>> No.8353803

Timed levels or sequences.

>> No.8353808

Underwater levels can be the best in a game if done right.
Sewer levels, on the other hand...

>> No.8353815

No win fights in RPGs. Like thanks for making me waste my fucking items and magic on this boss only for the game to not tell me you intentionally have to lose. Fuck that

>> No.8353829

Escort missions


>> No.8353836


>> No.8353847

>points of no return
>ice block puzzles

>> No.8353861

heavily disagree. i really enjoyed Yoshi's Island bonus levels that you get for 100%ing other levels. They really felt challenging and to me were more memorable than the rest of game.

>> No.8353868
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Special move limiters.

>> No.8353939

There's a whole side dungeon locked away in Shadow Hearts. And you only get it by picking the first option 3 times during the torture scene.

>> No.8354287

Autoscrolling stages in platformers. They're even more annoying in 3rd person titles.

>> No.8354293

>underwater levels
>escort missions
Earthworm Jim proves otherwise.

>> No.8354567

>>hard puzzles in non-puzzle games
These are called "glimpses of greatness"

>> No.8354569

Water levels that play with fluid dynamics puzzles get a pass from me. Not as great as ice sliding puzzles, but close.

>> No.8354740

breakable equipment

>> No.8354870

>things that never make a game better

>> No.8354931
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>sewer level
It's never fun, the environments look like shit and repetitive, why do you continue to put this shit in games, you have total control of the story and environments and you still decide to set it in a fucking sewer, Christ.

>> No.8354996

Are you unironically defending this crap:
the contrarians on this board never cease to amaze

>> No.8355014

>escort an NPC through an underwater sewer level and you can miss parts needed for the extremely hard puzzle at the end. And there's an unskippable cutscene every time you fail.

>> No.8355021

Andy Asteroids is the bad one

>> No.8355123

True ending behind loops was done perfectly in 999 and made the game better as it tied in so well. It's the equivalent of the playing on two screens mechanic in TWEWY - it's not as good without it as it's integrated into the world of the game itself and the story isn't as good without it. Not /vr/ though, granted.
Disagree, story is fun. Just make cutscenes skippable or add a fastforward.
Just make tutorials easily skippable.
>Skip the intro
Love this option everywhere it shows up.
>You know how to play, right?
If a first time player accidentally says yes there, it's their own fault for being ADHD as fuck so they can take the punishment of having to reset instead of punishing a replayer for wanting to jump right in.
I like it but only when you can skip it. It's when you can't that I want to fuck whoever made that decision with a rusty pipe. And unfortunately 99% of the time it is unskippable.
I like minigames but I understand why people don't every time I come across one that I can't git gud at or one that is so shitty it's boring or near impossible.
I like this on nip games just because it makes reading easier when playing in moonrunes and allows me to autocorrect the shitty localized text in my head when playing in English. At the same time though I prefer no voice acting as listening takes more time than reading, and games could have more content with smaller budgets if not for VA.
Only if you don't get to save beforehand or if there's no autosave, but that's generally how it goes.
This one is the real deal. You should always make it possible to win and reward the player if he's so good that he manages to overcome such a boss fight. Railroading is gay. Also don't do "But thou must" bullshit. If the player doesn't want to do something have another ending prepared at least for some laughs or don't give the option in the first place.

>> No.8355385

>Disagree, story is fun. Just make cutscenes skippable or add a fastforward.
No, dialogs are boring and breaks the pace on a fast-paced game. If the game is made for action, the player needs "to act", not to wait and watch a cutscene. Even by skipping you still lose your time and momentum in-game.

>> No.8355387

Get gud. It's one of the best levels on the game and it's nice to have a challenge from time to time to break the monotony. I remember rushing in adrenaline when I played this level as kid and I loved it.

>> No.8355780

>this crap:
You've never played it. Battletoads also has a good water level while we're on that subject.

>> No.8355831

It literally isn't even hard. Just don't rush through and carefully steer instead of just trying to rush like an autistic sperg

>> No.8356004

I have. I quit on that level.

>> No.8356720
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Any level or game mechanic that acts as strategy guide bait (pretty much every Sierra adventure game). I'm so glad the Internet killed that scam.
Also, old copy protection schemes. Enter this phone number/dial a pirate/match this block to some random city's population. Or worse... dongles.
Makes me think of some recent ripoff of TTD. Soundtrack sounds like someone's cat walking across a keyboard.

>> No.8356882

>played rom once
>got to level 5
> dies
Had you not been a scrub you'd have beat the game and realised its one of the better stages

>> No.8357560

Has any game that's done "invisible enemies" had that be a fun time? Like completely apart from difficulty, let's include absolutely baby-easy invisible enemies like in Metroid Prime or Metal Gear Solid as well as intentional difficulty-adding instances like invisible enemy mode in RE. Has anyone actually enjoyed this element, any time it has ever appeared in a game? If so, what made it enjoyable?