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8337118 No.8337118 [Reply] [Original]

What badly received game do you consider a masterpiece?

>> No.8337127
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Shadow The Hedgehog, but it was only badly received by trannies and people who had lower test than me at ten years old.

>> No.8337131


>> No.8337132
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The Simpsons Wrestling

>> No.8337136

None because I'm not a contrarian hipster faggot.

>> No.8337430

>tacitly admitting trannies and low-Ts have better taste in games than you
Well, that backfired

>> No.8338406

Mad Dog McCree

>> No.8338416
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Dracula XX

>> No.8338418

not sure how accurate the arcade machines were, but the more recent wii port is pretty inaccurate. funny games though

>> No.8338434

I appreciate this amount of overconfidence and it's how I imagined to talk himself

>> No.8338440
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Racing Lagoon

>> No.8338450
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It’s not a masterpiece at all but it’s charming and funny as hell

>> No.8338451

Mega Man 8. It gets memed because of the voice acting and JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE but it's a legitimately good MM game, fuck the haters.

>> No.8338470

Did it ever get bad reviews though? I seem to remember it got solid scores but people just complained about it being another mega man game

>> No.8338473

while not a masterpiece I thought land of the dead road to fiddlers green to be a terrific zombie game. any fan of the original romero trilogy should play it. very fun and campy in a great way.

>> No.8338486

I had it for PC as a kid and it was probably dogshit. I didn't know better and played it endlessly. Loved that game.

>> No.8338697
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I wouldn't say masterpiece but I thoroughly enjoyed Codename 47.

>> No.8338706

Certainly not any "casual normie made-by-committee AAA auto-aim shooter"

>> No.8338713

this wasn't badly received at all at the time.

>> No.8338753
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critics loved it and players hated it.
regardless of that, I enjoyed it even when I was playing on an underpowered pc that could barely run it (though I remember getting better parts while I was halfway through the game).

>> No.8338780

You mean from back in the day? No idea, I never looked at things like video game magazines or whatever. I'm just referring to general sentiment I see online about the game.

>> No.8338790

They made the mistake of making a second ancillary game based on the same events, which mucked up the timeline. Great game.

>> No.8338796
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A lot of people shit on it but I enjoy it. Yes it’s not seiken densetsu 3 but it’s still a decent game. Good soundtrack too.

>> No.8338890
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>> No.8338897

Super Hydlide

>> No.8339205

actually hitting shit is incredibly hard on the wii port