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8336364 No.8336364 [Reply] [Original]

What did /vr/ think about Pulseman?

>> No.8336372

Doesn't GameFreak have to literally beg new employees to make ANYTHING that isn't Pokemon?

>> No.8336389

That’s that robot what dislikes water ain’t he?

>> No.8336398

Looks like Mega Man official art

>> No.8337185

The India stage's music is still sick after all these years.

>> No.8337223

He is a man who I believe pulses

>> No.8337246


>> No.8337391

>"Water can DESTROY Pulseman!"

>> No.8337394

Thanks for including a longplay so I can discuss the game without having played it. :)

>> No.8337431

he looks like a net navi

>> No.8337435

Sega's Megaman theme-wise, basically. I noticed it even when I first played it as a kid.
Good game though.

>> No.8337437

Great game. I understand that pokémon is the thing they have to make, but Gamefreak could make awesome games if they wanted to

>> No.8337479

Is it me or are half of levels flashing lights and trippy colors that could cause epilepsy? It's funny cuz other Game Freak product is the one that would get in problems for epilepsy.

>> No.8337490

Are you an epileptic? I am, photosensitive, and Pulseman never caused any trouble for me. Sonic Jam’s Sonic World did, though.

>> No.8337520

No I'm not. I watching a playthrough just now after not touching the game in years and idea just came along.

>> No.8338779

Huh. To be fair it’s a pretty common for people to think flashing lights and patterns like those in Pulseman would cause seizures over something like Sonic Jam.

Is it different for every epileptic person?

>> No.8340003 [DELETED] 

It was considered a classic among my friends back in the day, thanks to chink bootleg copies being sold here.

>> No.8340035

They have to beg the old employees for that. Masuda is an absolute faggot, and Tajiri has been AWOL for almost two decades.

>> No.8340039

Pulseman is complicated.
He's not exactly a robot, but as I recall the son of a human character (who becomes the main villain) and a digital woman, which is how he can move between the real and digital worlds.

It's a pretty solid game, by today's standards maybe a bit stiff but has solid mechanics and a pretty unusual soundtrack.
One particular boss battle theme could pass for Pokémon battle music.
It's pretty well known by this point that a number of things in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are subtle references to Pulseman, like Pikachu's Volt Tackle move, or Rotom and being able to enter electronics.

Retroactively, I'd love to see Rotom's concept of possessing electronics to take on new forms passed onto Pulseman in a new game.

>> No.8340632

Every time I replay this I only get up to the 2nd stage and lose interest. Not sure why. It doesn't really have good level design I guess. GF were never good at vidya, even after Pokemon. Drill Dozer and Tembo was okay at least.