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File: 60 KB, 642x350, marge-simpson-rabbit-ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8335247 No.8335247 [Reply] [Original]

I've always found the The Simpsons arcade game being a snapshot of the early development of The Simpsons as an expanded franchise to be interesting, with scrapped elements (like Marge's rabbit ears), unusual characterizations (evil lunatic Smithers), and even the downright bizarre (the boss of Moe's Tavern is seemingly based on some random, inconsequential background character from the series).

Any other examples of licensed games like this, which appear to feature content based on early plans for the franchise as a whole that were never fully developed or were perhaps scrapped entirely, making their inclusion in the game seem strange as a result?

>> No.8335250

Okay, but how do you know which part of that was sticking to the source material and which part was completely made up / guess-worked by the devs?

>> No.8335254
File: 960 KB, 960x1425, Screenshot_20211116-031259_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you don't, so I guess I should add instances where the lack of source material led to decisions by the development team which became amusing in hindsight, once the related elements were fleshed out later in the source (quite possibly what happened with Smithers).

Anyway, the Rocko's Modern Life game was apparently developed concurrently with the first season of the show.

>> No.8335263
File: 354 KB, 1176x1500, 915FDVXmJ+L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is a weird mix of 1987 cartoon and 1984 comics aesthetics

>> No.8335269

The South Park N64 game is only based off of elements from Season 1

>> No.8335278
File: 84 KB, 640x631, 11593_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw an early build disc of this game which still featured the Empire in the Sun name on it, so development seemingly started before they settled on the final name. Granted, I doubt it would've been too dissimilar from the final product beyond being unfinished, since the actual early iteration of the movie was named Empire "OF" the Sun, while In the Sun was used when the movie was going to be like what was released.

Still could've had earlier designs, but sadly we will never know, as it sold quickly and the buyer was apparently backdoored.

>> No.8335285

>still feels the need to have ugly CG on the cover for absolutely no reason
Fucking PlayStation era cover art

>> No.8335287

Turtles comic sucked. Cartoon is life.

>> No.8335329

>The South Park N64 game is only based off of elements from Season 1

N64 Game: NA: December 21, 1998
South Park Season 2: Start: April 1, 1998, End: January 20, 1999

I think the N64 game was in development while Season 2 was still airing, and the bulk of the gags are based on season 1 episodes. But I think there may have been a few season 2 gags as well?

>> No.8335450


>> No.8335453

Wasn’t this exclusively an American thing

>> No.8335475

I don't think that is CG. It's some weird airbrush art, that they for some reason went with over the actual art from the movie. Maybe it's meant to look 3D?

>> No.8335485

might just be my head canon but I think this might be the case pretty often. Properties will get most of their merchandising in the first big explosion of popularity while it's still a new fad, by the time the series has established itself fully the merchandising will have usually tapered off somewhat.

>> No.8335490

Dalek Attack is pretty funny from a modern view of the franchise. A Doctor Who game as a scrolling shooter.

>> No.8337654

Obviously the earlier SpongeBob games for Playstation and stuff were based on the first or maybe second season
Now there's over 20 years of the show and it's gone through at least five distinct eras
>Season 1
>Season 2-3/Movie
>the time in season 4 before it became shit
>the time between season 4 becoming shit and creativity kicking back in
>the nu-Spongebob that isn't anything like the old show but at least they're trying again

>> No.8338025

I dread to ask but in all the many many seasons since, did this rabbit ear marge idea ever get referenced at all?

>> No.8338030

Think if it had I would have heard about it by now

>> No.8338052 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 500x500, Life_in_Hell_%282%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dread to ask but in all the many many seasons since, did this rabbit ear marge idea ever get referenced at all?

That idea was probably veto'ed out by the other Simpsons viewers. Weird that marge was suppose to be a lagomorph of some kind.

>> No.8338060
File: 65 KB, 500x500, Life_in_Hell_%282%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>8335247 (OP)
>I dread to ask but in all the many many seasons since, did this rabbit ear marge idea ever get referenced at all?

That idea was probably veto'ed out by the other Simpsons producers like James L. brooks and Coeh. Weird that Marge was suppose to be a lagomorph of some kind. But I guess it fits with his Life in Hell series.

>> No.8338067

The show itself was very grounded in Season 1 so I'm not sure how an apparently normal human turning out to have giant cartoon rabbit ears would work. It's just tonally wrong.

>> No.8338080

>The show itself was very grounded in Season 1 so I'm not sure how an apparently normal human turning out to have giant cartoon rabbit ears would work. It's just tonally wrong.

Maybe it was an idea that Groening had for the original Tracey Ullman Show shorts? It may have also just been an inside joke, and was never meant to be expanded on. I would imagine that the idea was filtered out by the other show producers.

>> No.8338105
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories had a really weird out of character Isis. They also gave Kaiba the Millennium Rod. Atem's entire back story is different too.

>> No.8338134

Think the game came out years before this part of the lore actually got fleshed out in the manga itself

>> No.8338165

Not quite the same thing, but most Transformers games were made after the franchise was already big so they tend to focus on later year characters as those were the then-current toys to shill at the time. Mystery of Convoy, despite the cartoon elements, is blatantly a game about advertising the 1986 toys and characters of Season 3 of the cartoon. In fact, the title screen song is the Transformers 2010 theme song


That's also why none of them have playable Optimus Prime. GI Joe has a similar thing, which is why you get things like the NES games having franchise anomaly Golobulus as a boss fight, or the arcade game having your iconic GI Joe cartoon characters... and Metalhead.