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8335236 No.8335236 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the best flashcart to buy for a GBA?

>> No.8335237


INB4 you can't thread your own post
fuck off newfag

>> No.8335291

What even is the differences between flashcarts anyways?

>> No.8335296


>> No.8335349

ez flash omega definitive edition
ignore krikkz shills

>> No.8335437

i usually prefer everdrives
but i have an easyflash and probably wont upgrade it works fine although i basically just leave it in my gamecube player

>> No.8335623

Everdrive 5x Mini easily
Ignore these ez flash omega shills

Also Ez Flash is known for wiping your saves.

>> No.8335632

They’re about the same price, what does the ezflash do better?
I know the everdrive uses less power

>> No.8335692

Everdrive also doesn’t wipe your saves.

>> No.8335717

Everdrive wipes your ass

>> No.8335726

bonus features!

>> No.8335730


>> No.8336305

>They’re about the same price
No the everdrive is 2x more and has fewer features.

>> No.8336312

EZ Flash Omega Definitive Edition is the best one. Ignore the fake FUD.

>> No.8336313

none, just install .cia files on your CFW'd 3DS

>> No.8336324

A $5 bootleg with a save battery soldered in.

>> No.8336332
File: 60 KB, 699x485, pepe pondering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do everdrives cost ~100+ but the GBA/DS flashcarts I and everyone else used back in the day no problem only cost like 30?

>> No.8336336

Modern flashcarts do more. The flashcarts you used in the day only ran patched ROMs while all modern ones can use clean ROMs for example.

>> No.8336341

chink efficiency

>> No.8336363

I own an EZ flash Omega, what does the definitive edition do that the regular one doesn't?

>> No.8336371

It won't drop your saves.
It uses less power.
There are several other miscellaneous features like rumble, DS linking and DS RAM expansion, and more NOR memory.

>> No.8336381

krikkz tax.
and the fact that fags suck his dick all day so he can put whatever price he want and they will buy regardless.

>> No.8336390

>omega wiping saves
how much of a smoothbrain do you have to be to not read that you have to wait 5 seconds after you save?
ez flash omega writes directly to the sd card once it detects you saved.

>> No.8336395

desu the old way of writing saves to SD card on next reboot was fine so I don't know why it had to be changed

>> No.8336419

I can think of two reasons.
>battery last longer because it only needs to power the rtc/can cheap out using sram instead of fram
>more convenient, you don't have to power cycle or reset to retrieve your save and copy it somewhere else

they eventually went back to the older system with the definitive and used fram instead of sram so the battery doesn't wear out faster.
but the og omega had the right approach but poor implementation.
ds flashcarts for example save directly to the sd card without any problem.

>> No.8336426

>>battery last longer because it only needs to power the rtc/can cheap out using sram instead of fram
Old flashcarts used less power and also used battery backed SRAM.
>ds flashcarts for example save directly to the sd card without any problem.
DS carts use a serial protocol for saving anyway so it's not hard to implement that.

>> No.8336451

You can play the movie Shrek on it

>> No.8336476


>> No.8336489

whatever you say, fag. I've never had any issues with my R4 DS flash cart.

I can at least understand it for niche shit like carts for 30+ year old systems that were around before the concept of flash carts. If you want to charge boutique prices for that, whatever. But for things like GBA where there's a long history of flash carts going back to when the system was current? Come on now.

Also I take issue with the shit where he discontinues old versions that were more reasonably priced, then only offers the "upgraded" versions for a much steeper price. And they might have some extra frivolous features, but I don't give a shit about that and just want a reasonably priced cart to play old games.

>> No.8336498

>DS flashcarts = GBA flashcarts

>> No.8336596

Ever drive is about the same price as the definitive edition also what are the features?

>> No.8336602

>Also Ez Flash is known for wiping your saves.
Not the Definite Edition. DE fixed the save bug.

>> No.8336626
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omega DE is cheaper and has more features.
omega regular is even cheaper and has the same features as the everdrive x5 mini, if you don't mind waiting 5 seconds after you save before powering off your gba.

>> No.8336692

It has a rumble motor in it for Drill Dozer.
People have been able to romhack the Rumble data that some games used when on the Game Boy Player to also rumble when playing on the GBA with the Definitive Edition https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/6256/

>> No.8336727

Wtf? There's an eBay seller selling these for £50.

>> No.8336731

> omega DE is cheaper
Not if you factor in shipping
Still haven’t got an answer for what more it has than the x5 mini

>> No.8336738

As good as everdrives are ezflash is the superior option here and always has been

>> No.8336763

EZ Flash has always been a reliable brand. The 3-in-1 is the best cartridge of its type to this day.

>> No.8336765

>It has a rumble motor in it for Drill Dozer.
totally worth it

>> No.8336768

You can get an EZ Flash for much cheaper than you're showing. The price is the main thing, because the additional features of the EZ Flash aren't very important.

>> No.8336769

>EZ Flash has always been a reliable brand.
*ez-flash omega (original version) destroys your save-data in your way*

>> No.8336780

Not the definitive edition
Also the krikzz one lasts a couple of hours longer from what I’ve seen

>> No.8336794
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>Not the definitive edition

It could be true that the battery life is better though, got a comparison?

>> No.8336801

Btw that's international shipping

>> No.8336807

And I get free shipping with Amazon so it comes out the same price

>> No.8336835

If you're inside the US you won't pay those international shipping charges. If you're outside the US you also have domestic options with domestic shipping. This one is $70 delivered.

>> No.8336837
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>> No.8336838

It says 90 not 70

>> No.8336842
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there is a spreadsheet with percentage compared to retail cart (4chin didn't allowed me to post the link).
if my math is correct then:
>ezflash omega lasts almost 11 hours (10 and a half if you install a led)
>ezflash omega de lasts 12 hours 15 minutes
>everdrive x5 mini 13 hours and 45 minutes
all of that taking 15 hours (the gba lasts that many hours as stated by nintendo) as the base value.
it isn't that big of a difference if you ask me. but you need to factor in for your own mods (ips or 101 mod and all that).

>> No.8336846

Excellent info, thank you.

>> No.8336853

I bet that’s not the DE

>> No.8336859

Same seller has the regular Omega on a different cheaper listing. I got mine there without any issues.

>> No.8338085

So uh, which do I get?

>> No.8338129

This except also is there a $60 or less option, I'm a goddamn millenial living alone why do you freaks think I have all the disposable income in the world

>> No.8338135

+Less power consumption
-Most expensive

Omega DE
+Extra features like rumble
~Middling price
~Middling power consumption

-Will lose saves if you power off too quickly
-Highest battery drain

Make your own decision.

>> No.8338137

Maybe you can find a cheap old EZ Flash IV but you get what you pay for. I wouldn't consider it unless you are severely budget constrained.

>> No.8338138

All 3 price points have an everdrive

>> No.8338142

I'm only familiar with the Everdrive GBA x5/mini, are there other ones for GBA?

>> No.8338164

X3 and X5

>> No.8338169

The ED-GBA x5 is the same except for being smaller. I'm pretty sure it's discontinued.
And there is no ED-GBA x3 as far as I can tell. There's an ED-GB x3 but that's for the original Game Boy

>> No.8338215

one has a rumble motor the other doesn't
that's it

>> No.8338235

No accelerometers?
I would prefer that

>> No.8338237


>> No.8338239

why is that? I haven't had a problem with my GBA Everdrive. is there something I should watch out for?

>> No.8338252

Like was previously stated they are of similar pricing save for some under cutting like here >>8336837

>> No.8338253

As has been discussed in this thread already, the price is the biggest difference. The other features of ODE are pretty niche so you're probably not interested. If you already have one there's no reason to switch.

>> No.8338254

So I'm guessing there's no getting around the $100 price tag unless I want to risk it on some shady 3rd party seller (which I won't)

>> No.8338265

Nah there are the options with less features, there is also emulation

>> No.8338283

Is this a meme or did I never had a problem because I'm using the simple kernel?

>> No.8338284

From what I read they use a different ram that’s more stable

>> No.8338289

You never had a problem because you didn't power off immediately after saving. The window is quite small.

>> No.8338290

Well, I've been playing mostly games that autosave, so maybe that's why. But even when playing Pokémon I did count until 5 and then turned it off instead of being an impatient autist.

>> No.8338292

Yeah, Omega uses SRAM which dies as soon as you cut the power. Omega DE uses FRAM instead which lasts essentially forever.

>> No.8338493

Neither have that.

>> No.8338496

Omega DE is perfect but /vr/ can't cope with that

>> No.8338498

So what exactly are you supposed to do to not lose your saves? Is this something you can easily adjust to like hitting reset on N64 Everdrives or is it an actual issue

>> No.8338514

no such thing, it would need to have 100% compatibility without need for hacks

>> No.8338517

What games need hacks?

>> No.8338518

You just wait 5 seconds before powering off the console. If you know the problem exists, you are unlikely to be affected by it.

>> No.8338524

warioware twisted
all the Boktai games

>> No.8338525

Oh, I see. Wasn't there also a Yoshi game that had a motion sensor?

>> No.8338526

there's also the e-reader games that I know is not great but yeah

>> No.8338529

Save hacking should enable ereader content, no?

>> No.8338531

right, but like I said, without need for hacks

>> No.8338603
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yes, yoshi topsy turvy or yoshi's universal gravitation in europe.
the only other cart with gyro and one of the special carts missing from my collection (I'm also missing boktai 1 and 2, but I don't care much for the series).

>> No.8338621

I remember playing WarioWare Twisted for the first time on emulator with a hack that mapped movement to the d-pad
Most soulless shit ever. The real game is so fucking satisfying to play

>> No.8338653

same here bro.
but I didn't knew it was patched, so I was very confused I couldn't pass the first boss microgame.
some time later I got the cart and man, that game is awesome.
and now that this thread reminded me of yoshi's gyro game I went and bought it through ebay immediately for $55~. the prices aren't too crazy yet, so go buy it now if you want it.

>> No.8338681

also Drill Dozer

>> No.8338692
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false. drill dozer only has a rumble motor.

>> No.8338761

Play it on your phone.

>> No.8338786

They're https://retrogamerepairshop.com/collections/gba-accessories/products/ez-flash-omega-definitive-edition?variant=37738821517484

>> No.8340214

The old R4s required you to patch any game with piracy detection on them. Spirit Tracks comes to mind because it would disable the train UI and essentially softlock you

>> No.8340326

And the new r4s have timebombs to try and get you to buy a new one every year

>> No.8340332

And middle R4is are kino switch no restrictions

>> No.8340843

wasn't that softpatched at boot? that's why they had to update the firmware with every new game.
i never had to manually patch anything back in the day with my dstwo. at worst i had to disable the in-game menu.
i have an original r4 lying around that got years later along with a ds lite, but i'm too lazy to test if the same is true.

>> No.8340878

My original R4 works fine on my Lite

>> No.8340880

I've had a DSTwo for like six years and never encountered issues

>> No.8340885

I think the only issue with DSTwo is battery life

>> No.8340914
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All these years I thought the New 3DS was just a piece of shit with no battery because Nintendo are incompetent. My world has changed
Also it was seven years I guess

>> No.8341401

works on my machine, cope

>> No.8341493

Should I drop 300 canada bux on an everdrive and a gba sp?

>> No.8341497

What the fuck the Omega is only $65USD off ez flash website. What fucking site is this?

>> No.8341502

If you have to ask if you should spend money on real hardware, just emulate

>> No.8341543

My dstwo still works perfectly, although has a weird fit in the 3ds. Switched to that one because at the time it was one of the only ones that could play snes and gba games.

>> No.8341548

Yeah, it's got extra hardware packed into it so it draws more battery life. My only complaint is the bulkiness sometimes causes a game to freeze when the cartridge gets nudged too much.

>> No.8341559

lmao snes emulation
Is it actually workable? I've given it tries before but it just seemed like shit
The GBA emulator is kinda meh but I beat MMBN1 and quite a few other games on it. Lotta hours clocked there alone. Just convenient, really
It does have a weird fit but I don't think I've experienced it freezing like that many times

>> No.8341567

>Is it actually workable?
Yeah, works perfectly for the most part. I think the worst issue I found was it somewhat fucks with the text in some games, but you've got display options to alleviate it.
>It does have a weird fit but I don't think I've experienced it freezing like that many times
It doesn't happen too often, but sometimes my hand will get tired and I'll hold it wrong causing the game to freeze. Sometimes it's a pain in the ass to get the DS to register it's even in the slot. It doesn't happen too often, but often enough for me to constantly save

>> No.8341772

You can just change the kernel on those to avoid the timebomb.

The flashcart I used had an anti-anti-piracy mode that didn't require cracks like that.

>> No.8341781

The original Omega wrote its saves to sd card immediately upon saving. The issue with that is the game says it’s done saving the Omega was still writing the saves to the sd card so people would shut the system off before the Omega was done which is what lost saves and corrupted as cards. The DE doesn’t write the saves until rebooting back into the menu which is how previous generations of EZ Flash carts worked before they fucked up with the original Omega.

The only things the EverDrive has over the DE is better power draw, so better battery life, and hard gold cart contacts which will hold up longer than ENIG.

I would recommend the DE over the EverDrive to anyone.

>> No.8341785

> The DE doesn’t write the saves until rebooting back into the menu which is how previous generations of EZ Flash carts worked before they fucked up with the original Omega.
Is this speculation, or do you get a popup on reboot informing you that it is writing the save to the SD card?
I did own an EZ Flash IV back in the day which has a popup, but I don't own a DE.

>> No.8341792

So the original Omega is fine?

>> No.8341793

yes, you get asked if you want to save.
you can enable autosaving so you don't get asked every time.

>> No.8341797

interesting thank you

>> No.8341803

The original Omega is fine if you can handle the extra battery drain and don't shut your console off too quickly.

If you don't want such a footgun, buy a DE.

>> No.8342057

This. While I think the build quality improvements and extra features are worth the upgrade to the DE, if you really don’t want to spend the little bit extra you can get by with the original just be sure to wait after saving and you should be fine.

>> No.8342263

>mod IPS screen into GBA
>use ez flash omega
>eats through modern AA batteries
it's really comfy but jesus

>> No.8342268

>DE has the ability to pretend it's a GBA game for ultimate Gen 3 to Gen 4 Pokekino
>move shit from rom hacks to Gen 4
>apparently be able to experience a DS Rumble Pack for the first time ever
This shit sounds fucking based

>> No.8342276

You could do the same things with the EZ Flash 3-in-1. That was really cool at the time.

>> No.8342312

So get rechargeables, whats the problem.

>> No.8342369

I've had the old EZ Flash IV and an EZ Flash V for 3-in-1, and both of the physical build quality is complete shit. The V stopped working unless the pins were li ned up just right. The IV is coming apart on the side.

>> No.8342382
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>The IV is coming apart on the side
what did you do to it?
I have 3 ezflash iv with the old white shell and both are still in perfect condition.

>> No.8343905

Any old school flash cart that can be programmed to basically be a repro is based as fuck. Pokemans is the most obvious use but there are a lot of other things you could do with them. There was an adapter that lets you use them for GB/C. 20 years ago. lmao at krikzzcucks.

>> No.8345657

dont know if thats related to the flash cart itself or maybe the modifications i did to my GBA or maybe even the ROM itself but i had multiple crashes and glitches when playing summon night swordcraft story. havent encountered anything since.
also out of curiosity, the stoneagegamer site for the GBA everdrive says "allmost 100% compatibility with GBA games". allmost means theres some exceptions, i assume thats for special cartridges that had shit like gyrometers or solar sensor in them?

>> No.8345745
