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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8334118 No.8334118[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's so bad about discovering games you never heard of from retro gaming YouTube channels?

>> No.8334125
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>Learning about games on Youtube from Zoomers who weren't even alive when the games originally came out
>Not booting up an emulator and trying every game on the ROM list to find new games

>> No.8334132

Ah yes the "hidden gem" that everyone and their mothers knew about.

>> No.8334135

How many people honestly care that much? Retro games still appear rather niche anyway. I think the thing people shouldn't do is talk about a retro game, or any subject, without having some experience with it. In the case of retro games, that mostly means playing the game for yourself. Some purists would probably argue buying the hardware and all that stuff instead of emulation, but that can be difficult.

>> No.8334138

That game was based so nothing is wrong with liking it.

>> No.8334145

why do you care about what people from fucking 4chan think
I personally despise ecelebs but idgaf if they recommend or bash some game, it's their opinion and not mine

>> No.8334165

Discussion being reserved for the in-crowd = quality.

>> No.8334168
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You show that you are worse than us who came before because you need someone else to spoonfeed you. I imported from japan many games when I was but 16 and have since then because I didn't need someone to tell me. Hanging with my crew we discovered things together. Japanophiles shit on weebs every day, go fuck yourself.

>> No.8334179
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I had Ranger X when it first came out and anyone that just started to like it now is fine in my book.

>> No.8334198

>zoomers reading wikipedia articles to other zoomers who never read or did a bit of research on their own

>> No.8334212
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I agree with this guy >>8334179 I found it randomly in a pawn shop and was love at first play. It doesn't matter how Ranger X comes into your life, just that it does.

>> No.8334226

Because every faggot with a YouTube channel sells you some overblown opinion one way or another and then people come and parrot those opinions back. If retro YouTubers could just make a video and be like "hey, this is actually a pretty decent game, it's worth a play" that would be one thing. But instead every retro YouTuber is some basedfacing faggot and their videos are always "NINTENDO'S FORGOTTEN SACRED GEM" and then it's just some queer talking about StarTropics and acting like it's a top 10 game ever made when it's actually just a decent game. Same goes for the opposite end of the spectrum where they'll act like something like Yoshi's Story is the worst thing unleashed upon man when it's actually just mediocre and then some faggot will come here and shit up the board with "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING" threads for 3 months. I doubt most people here that make these threads have even bothered to play any of the games in question so the most they can do when it comes to threads is just post "lmao imagine liking this" and it makes it basically impossible for real discussion to take place.

tl;dr invest your time into the hobby for yourself so that you don't look like a fag

>> No.8334227

This. Those who do their own research to find games instead of waiting for their notifications of a new video from a greasy boomboom, usually means they are finding stuff more cultivated to their tastes rather then being triggered to do so because "HIDDEN GEM GOOD, GO BUY NOW".

Notice how retro gaming didnt really get overrun by fair-weather fans until youtube started kicking off.

>> No.8334228

People finally stopped sleeping on EX-RANZA? Since when?

>> No.8334234

tl;dr whatever channel it was got him to check out an awesome game and end up having good fun.

What else really matters?

>> No.8334235

Since never, OP was probably bait.

>> No.8334295

Serious answer there’s nothing especially wrong with it, but it creates really annoying situations for people who have been in the scene a long time

>A bunch of new players in the market all want the same game at once, driving up the price
Retro games are also bought and sold by speculators, so prices rarely go down and never at the rate they go up. This is good if you’re a speculator but bad if you just want to play games

>Discussion of said game is now filled with tons of people parroting things youtuber said as if they had always been agreed-upon fact
A lot of YouTubers are just randos with opinions, many of them bad opinions. Kids dismissing other opinions because it’s not what X YouTuber said in 2021 is annoying shit

>If you want to discuss the game, you are now seen as one of the youtube crowd
I’ve liked Ranger X since I got it as a ten year old child

>People who only know games YouTubers recommend are useless—you wil never learn about cool new games from them
Here’s an obscure game I bet you haven’t heard of: [lists beloved classic]

On the whole I’m actually really glad retro games are a thing with the kids, it makes me glad that people are looking back and seeing what came before. But people who learn about games by exploring the libraries on their own or by talking with other fans on a peer-to-peer basis rather than getting opinions handed down from on high are mich more useful members of society

>> No.8334301

>I think the thing people shouldn't do is talk about a retro game, or any subject, without having some experience with it.
Oh, also this, this is the worst. Some subset of people decide to go have opinions on shit they’ve never played, which is especially obnoxious when it’s a game you could emulate on a pocket calculator for free

>> No.8334424

I heard about it here just a few years back and I was a Genesis Chad growing up. It needs more recognition that's for sure.

>> No.8334442

Poster >>8334168 here, I heard about it when I was doing research in to wolfteam games when I was playing import Tales of games back in the early 00s.

also, agree. retro game shit was fucking over when the majority of zoomers got their hands on a smartphone

>> No.8334730

Almost all retro channels are 30 and 40 year old silent generation gamers.

Snesdrunk is late 30s, metal Jesus and game chasers are 40s, str1ka is a portogese dude who's in his 30s, etc...

Who are you even talking about?

>> No.8334734

silent generation?? the fuck are YOU talking about?

>> No.8334736
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>1 million videos, never shows his face
>just calmly says, "yeah this one is pretty cool"

>> No.8334743
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>> No.8334773

Besides what people said above, it's only really annoying when the game is obscure enough that the e-celeb manages to create a name association with the game. For stuff like e.g. Silent Hill it's not a problem because that series is too big to get a monopoly on, but with smaller stuff you can sometimes feel the influence of a youtuber on the discussion.

Anyway the idea of people taking some e-celeb's opinion on games as gospel instead of just exploring for themselves is super irritating. I know it can be intimidating exploring for yourself, but if you know what emulation is you have no excuse.

>> No.8335203

>youtuber uses music from old game for his channel
>comments for the song get flooded with hundreds of retards saying the same in-joke

>> No.8335246

Nothing at all. This is an amazing channel practically dedicated to that for PS1. He’s covered over 50 games, and I think I’ve only ever played 1 of them (Tiny Tank).


>> No.8335251

he showed his face a million times including drinking "gags" etc
he should face the wall too

>> No.8335257

Take your own advice or crawl out of your rectum and accept the reality you haven't tried every /vr out there or are able to catalog every good game from every classic system.

>> No.8335292

It's all just dick measuring bullshit. Humans want to feel superior to each other in any way they possibly can because it helps us feel a little less worthless.

>> No.8335418

Ex Ranza is amazing

>> No.8335476

I agree, but you gotta admit Scott the Woz is pretty based!!

>> No.8335619

Hello fellow sega lord x watchers

>> No.8335625

He's very hard to watch and the flow of his speaking is jarring. He sounds like he constantly needs to stop to take a breath.