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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 15 KB, 263x192, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8330004 No.8330004 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: retro franchises that should have gotten a retro licensed game
Starting with pic related
>tfw no Rainbrow Brite famicom game developed by TOMY
feels bad bros

>> No.8330114

were you a fuckin candy raver in your teenage years

>> No.8330278

the movie was pretty cool

>> No.8330381

>tfw my sister had that album

>> No.8330440


>> No.8330450


Let's all rock out together, anons.

>> No.8330463

When I was little-ish my friend used to refer to the final upgraded tank gun in Blaster Master as the Rainbow Brite gun because its shots used a rainbow palette-cycling effect. I still think of it as that.

Anyway there PROBABLY should have been a Saved by the Bell dating sim (made in Japan, with h-scenes).

>> No.8330472

Muppet Babies definitely seems like something that would've gotten a Konami platformer if it had come out a few years later

The Littles would've been pretty good too, tiny character in a big world levels are always fun.

>> No.8330578

I have never watched anything Rainbow Brite, but listening to that whole song was really great. Is there a more soulful generation than the 80s, bros?
t. born 91

>> No.8330589

If its anything of worth, this did a few years back get an officially licensed nes homebrew release you can get. It even got a standalone release on a throwback 80s Colecc table top game. Its kinda like a zelda game.

>> No.8330627

Did you get a rom for it or know where to find a dump of the rom, anon?

>> No.8330640

the 80s/early 90s really was probably the best era to be a kid. Lots of soulful and quality cartoons, toys and video games. Plus the whole world was in this weird limbo of post-modernism but not quite as decadent yet, just at the very edge where you could have some edgy stuff but it was all in great, innocent fun at the same time.

>> No.8330656


many of these weren't around during the prime of the NES to get licensed games, which is around 1989 onwards, not before.

>> No.8330659

JEM and the holograms

>> No.8330660


>> No.8330712


The cartoons were largely crap but their INTROS, oh how delicious.
Just listen to this amazingly groovy song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev1aBt-_Zs4
I wanna link ten more but this isn't /tv/ so I guess I won't. Young anons who haven't watched the old Thundercats intro should go search it up however. Also He-Man, that music is so catchy.

>> No.8330719

no idea where the rom is hosted. im a buyfag so i actually ordered this cart version since I was getting something else from this site anyway.


>> No.8330724


Well they coulda just done it on the SNES or in the arcade or whatever then. OP's topic encompasses that too.

>> No.8330774

Thread doesn't really specify NES though, and isn't all of this just more "what ifs" than anything else?

COPS was 89 (I think?), feels like that should've gotten something. For me specifically, I would've killed for a Dino Riders game. Fucking loved those toys, one of the best Christmases I ever had.

>> No.8330805
File: 231 KB, 1200x872, Rainbow-Brite-Cromy-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit was so well designed and the stickers were so good looking with all that shiny print effect it had, and it smelled incredible, too, like they were perfumed stickers.
Cromy was on another level during those years. The story of that company is really wholesome, it was a family project. I think it was the owner's wife and daughter who designed the pages and all the art direction in those albums. You can tell it has a quality but very home-made feel, which is what gives them the soul.

>> No.8330808

Hadn't seen the Silverhawks since it came out. Damn.

>> No.8330814
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He deserves a game of his own.

>> No.8330920

The poddington peas should have had a speccy game. I mean fuck, Trap Door got one ffs.

>> No.8330990
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>tfw no pre-rendered claymation Mr. Go game

>> No.8331232

Speaking of COPS, there should've been a shitty GTA clone for the PS2 that G4TV would've commissioned during the COPS reruns saga. They're airing episodes for something tangentially video game related!

>> No.8331502

Talking about the cartoon, not the "reality" series. Although yeah, surprised it never got some shitty GTA, Police Quest Swat, or NFS: Hot Pursuit clone or something.
I mean, Worlds Wildest Police Videos of all things got a game. Wasn't half bad either.

>> No.8331936

My respect for buyanons. I hope this gets dumped (since there are apparently only 2000 copies printed), if not only for my cheapskate ass, but for preservation and based OP's dream.

>> No.8331941

Fucking this. Is he playable in any pre-2000 vidya?

>> No.8331975

there was a Pokemon show
They should do some games based off of that

>> No.8331989

they did a couple on the Sega Pico, but its an obscure ip so wouldnt sell outside japan

>> No.8332341

My god. The wave of nostalgia that just hit me. I'd completely forgotten about this movie, let alone this painfully campy and dated pop theme that rolled across the end credits.

>> No.8332478


Anon that's not how you rock out. Maybe you need your song appreciation gland calibrated? Here is a punchable song for you to feel pain during: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uq9-qWYnuQ
Did they have a game? It looks like they had multiple ones actually. Probably all lame ones.

Here's one that's maybe 40% awful and 25% awesome, for your calibration purposes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANG4VzBuoZA
Did they have a game? Probably not.

And here's one that should just make you feel really uncomfortable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EplI3P7yJQk
I don't think they had a game...

Okay now I'm just tumbling down another memory tunnel. I think I actually hit one for OP though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx6Hcn5JRm4
Think Little Nemo - that was a solid game right? Capcom or whoever could have done something with this. Haha "and not directly on the book itself" indeed.

>> No.8332535

Sailor Moon had many games but this specific song needed to be in DDR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnkxOqMfxt0

>> No.8332869

nigga they made a giligan's island game

>> No.8332973
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Its interactive VHS' are technically videogames, but the franchise would have been ideal for console and home computer games.

>> No.8333419
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>> No.8333424
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>> No.8333456
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>> No.8333460

Puzzle League was based on the show.

>> No.8333473
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Popples had a cute intro. I used to watch the vhs tapes. Could have made a good scotformer.

>> No.8333805


Well thanks for directing me to that cartoon.

>> No.8334272

I was always super disappointed we never got an Invader Zim game. He shows up in the crossover Nick games (even being the main baddie in one of the GBA ones which is based), but never his own solo game.

Funnily enough, Alien Hominid plays and even kinda feels exactly how I imagine a good Zim game could have worked.

>> No.8334548

holy fucking based!

>> No.8335021
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>> No.8335049
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They got the others of the Disney afternoons but skipped out on Gummi Bears. Figured they could do something with a bouncing mechanic.

>> No.8335271

What do you think of Tailspin, marble counter anon?

>> No.8335358

>Gummi Bears
I was never a huge fan, but I'd be lying if it doesn't bring me super nostalgia.

>> No.8335365

Nostalgia'd hard. I only ever got as far as the magic house as a kid.

>> No.8335439

Surely there could be something cool based on Fraggle Rock?? (Clap clap)

>> No.8335479

Rock & Rule but you play as the fat drummer and the entire game is confined to the dance club scene (victory upon finding the people you're looking for, bonus points for stylish dance moves and for accidentally feeling up as many weird bouncing animated boobs as possible)

>> No.8337313
File: 473 KB, 1187x843, MV5BM2E2YzRlMGEtZTM2Zi00MTM2LThjY2YtODBmNmEwNWE0ZTUxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTY2ODM3NA@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Clave de Sol dating sim

>> No.8337325
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I remember they kicked off the series with a 2 hour movie event (with commercial interruptions). The sky thing gave me the vibe of Laputa which is one of my favorite Ghibli films which I was nostalgic for and sort of wished there were videogames of as well. The sky pirates and sky surfing in a sea of clouds is a great setup for a setting. The Tailspin game is an alright shooting game. Capcom did great with the Disney license.

The setting does lend itself well to what Capcom did with Willow and Three Wonders. It was the first show bumped off that block of programming as it was the lead show way early, followed by Ducktales, then Rescue Ranges, then Tailspin. Once Darkwing Duck entered, it just shifted everything earlier and bumped off Gummi Bears in my broadcasting affiliate.

>> No.8337334

I LOVED Captain Power and would watch and play that religiously with my best friend.
Miss you, Ashley.

>> No.8337710
File: 2.95 MB, 2100x1537, Pop'n_TwinBee_-_Rainbow_Bell_Adventures_-_(EU)_-_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the 80s pastel vivid neon colors.

>> No.8337920

The only person I ever met that knew about this show and liked it was a literal boomer woman, strangely enough.

>> No.8337925

Kek, that filename.

>> No.8337941

>/vr/ thread about a bunch of guys talking about how they like cute girly shows
fucking based

>> No.8338217
File: 131 KB, 640x480, vintage sticker album inside (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no early 90s stickers-inspired collecting game

>> No.8338227
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>> No.8338231
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>Animage from 1985 has a feature on US-commissioned Japanese animation, prime example being Thundercats. The phenomenal opening sequence, animated by Masayuki (Macross Plus, Evangelion) used 1500 cels for 70 seconds. Typically, a 21min episode of anime would use 3000.

>> No.8340176
File: 329 KB, 1920x1080, O7YDB3WKD5FZTDQVG4AQ4RA42Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Chavo adventure game
>no Brazilian bootleg Chavo game
Well, at least we got some El Chavo cartoon games.

>> No.8340187

apparently there was a nausicaa game for japanese computers and it was so shit that ghibli forbid any other games of their movies

>> No.8340190

That's fucking rad man. Hope you kept touch with that old lady.

>> No.8340209
File: 302 KB, 1909x1438, BCBoomerPolice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we Bubblegum Crisis boomer posting now?

>> No.8340227

She looked kinda like your pic, too.

>> No.8340229

Haven't. She was my best friend's mom, but he sporadically moved to another state where his dad lives and back, so that I haven't seen her since middle school, 16 years ago.

>> No.8340439
File: 160 KB, 1024x768, QMEGMVZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nostalgia bomb also pog collecting. I never played paper mario sticker star it doesnt look very fun.

>> No.8340516
File: 105 KB, 460x622, bx3905-uu3lXujtSS6M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no game about this movie
I guess wind waker is close enough, but still

>> No.8340593

I'm surprised Rainbow Brite never got popular in Japan

>> No.8340596

>he never played street chaves

>> No.8340613

Did they do the Silverhawks opening as well?

>> No.8340920

Not official.

>> No.8340932
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>tfw nobody ever has nostalgia for Tazos

>> No.8341020

It was partially animated in Japan.But I think it was moderately successful there, (which is still pretty impressive considering that the series was started and owned by a family-owned American company) http://www.nichima.co.jp/new_item/entry/2988.html

>> No.8343020


>> No.8343053

Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors is my favorite. I've never seen a single episode. Apparently they fight intergalactic space aliens on distant planets in the far future with the power of WHEELS.


>> No.8343072

Fuck you bitch, this cartoon turned me into a transvestite.

>> No.8344056


Haha it's a space alien future thing but they have a wizard on their team?? What a silly show. It could make a good video game!

>> No.8344169

I think at best, Rainbow Brite would have gotten some 8bit computer game.

>> No.8344195

Which is funny because it's one of, if not the only, Pokémon game to NOT see a Japanese release.

>> No.8344202

You don't want to know how many times I've jacked off to that Robot Chicken sketch where she farts

>> No.8344207

>this cartoon turned me into a transvestite.
that's how you were all along anon

>> No.8344220

>Dressing up as a female over fucking Rainbow Brite
Why couldn't you have done it over Sailor Moon, like everyone else?

>> No.8344226
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Because SM sucks dicks

>> No.8344231

That's just your opinion.

>> No.8344629

Forty-one percent yourself.

>> No.8344848

Shoe people platformer by hudson on the famicom

>> No.8344853

nothing "turns you trans", it just makes you realize you were trans all along. look up what an egg is

>> No.8345339

Mike & Angelo on the Philips CDI. We were robbed of that.

>> No.8345412

Trans is a lie. You will always be either XY or XX. Stop off-topic posting, sodomite.

>> No.8345491

yes hello based department

>> No.8346003
File: 48 KB, 480x480, f7252e2e092464417e8404064b57d9bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissyfur game by Capcom for SNES and Genesis.

>> No.8346128

I wonder if there was a Spartakus game? I wouldn't be surprised if some french studio put one out in the day.

>> No.8346189
File: 115 KB, 600x900, wZV8HC4v8nNHSmx8BEBj5ZbtkUi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furshit was so popular in the 90s. I could have sworn there was an american rabbit game.

>> No.8346191
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>> No.8346693

The best thing is that furries were totally unknown and this kind of stuff wasn't marketed to, or made by them, it was just anthropomorphic cartoons for kids.
I hate how sexually frustrated adults ruined this kind of cartoons eventually

>> No.8348562


>> No.8348968

I wish Capcom had gotten the license to JoJo's earlier and held onto it longer.

I would've killed for a Battle Tendency platformer in the vein of Aladdin.

>> No.8349001

this song goes very hard

>> No.8349017


>> No.8349164


>Places that you thought were dreamlands
>Turn from dreamlands to believelands

That is my favorite line.

>> No.8350627

More like some really bad shovelware like the Beethoven game, perhaps published by Hi-tech Expressions.

>> No.8352414

harder than it has any right to, certainly

>> No.8352416

I'm guessing this would be an adventure game similar to Monkey Island?

>> No.8352563

Soulful, anon

>> No.8352972

What the hell is a candy raver?

>> No.8353031

For what is worth, Golden Wing was near its conclusion in 98 when Capcom released Vanilla Jojo (Jojo's Venture internationally)

>> No.8353295

Mini game collection.

>> No.8353684

These are born by sexually frustrated adults who are incapable of finding a mate. While their genes may have died with them, their fetishes (let's call them that) have survived, and spread like a virus, hurting future generations. No, it's not normal to be aroused by a girl who doesn't like you at all, or to want to fuck a cat that stares at you with contempt.

>> No.8353786

Eh, I'll take it, better than nothing. To be honest, Tom & Jerry on NES and SNES by Hi-Tech aren't that bad.

>> No.8354790
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Sumo Dudes fighting game by SNK

>> No.8355483

Heman should have gotten a beat em up like Golden Axe

>> No.8356898

>the only he-man game is a shitty C64 game instead of a Konami console/arcade game

>> No.8357880
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Masters of the Universe beat 'em up is something we were robbed of

>> No.8357918

I am sure there was a M.A.S.K game but was there only one?

>> No.8358920 [DELETED] 

There is one.

>> No.8358930
File: 616 KB, 914x480, VQnADom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one made with Openbor

>> No.8359857
File: 391 KB, 2124x1420, 5d3478fa-b9eb-4bed-b936-ded35ecc5b1b-XXX_E_DINO_FLINTSTONES_19_ECOV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a flintstones beat em up would have been cool

>> No.8359870

At least Flintstones got some really good platformers by Taito

>> No.8360749
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>tfw no NES adaptation

>> No.8361562

holy shit, nostalgia bomb.
I miss dinosaur movies.

>> No.8362018
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They anticipated us!

>> No.8362023
File: 196 KB, 640x641, gba_care_bears_care_quest_p_4skyrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care Bears and Gumby really deserved better than shitty GBA shovelware.

>> No.8362489

US themesong a shit.
Italian themesong a best.

I guess it was never made because girls don't play video games or some shit. As implied from above, I'm from Italy. I always thought Pastel Yumi (Sandy dai mille colori in Spaghettispeak) would've made a good game.

>> No.8362531

hey since you're italian im curious, was the ankha song actually well known over there, wikipedia says that it was #5 over there

>> No.8362534

How does it feel having such mediocre taste? That Italian one sounds like a non-charting mediocre '80s song, while the US one at least sounds like a unique TV show theme.

>> No.8362553

Sho'nuff wuz.

Say that again m8, I'll smack ya in the gob, swear on me mum.

>> No.8362694

Italian guy again.

If you don't like Italian Jem, what about Italian Sailor Moon?

>> No.8362705

did carebears have a comeback in the 2000s or what?
It's like Mighty Max getting a game for Xbox 360

>> No.8363176


That's pretty good, though I doubt anybody can defeat Germany. I liked the Jem one, myself.

>> No.8363431

Better, but it still makes me want to fall asleep. Seems better fit for a credits theme or an AMV.

>> No.8363485

Me too. Jurassic Park fucked us out of them i'm afraid.
And all the games they could have spawned.

>> No.8363615

oh god a konami game of that shit would have been so cool

>> No.8364724

>thread active for nearly two weeks
>no mention of Frasier
I'm surprised, Anons.

>> No.8364773

>Sho'nuff wuz.
Really? Shit, I guess it must be weird seeing a bunch of coomers associating the (seemingly popular) song with a wacky dancing cat.

>> No.8365418

Literally who.

>> No.8366329

Yeah, it's like, JP1 was so good, everyone else stopped trying.
I love JP1, but I hate it at the same time because of that, it "concluded" dino kinos.

>> No.8368374
File: 7 KB, 276x298, Game Boy GBC - Looney Tunes Collector Martian Alert - Foghorn Leghorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looney Tunes Collector: Martian Alert, I believe.

>> No.8368389
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He's also on Acme Arsenal. And pretty buff.

>> No.8368817

I would play the fuck out of a Courage the Cowardly Dog survival horror game. I imagine it being a lot like Clock Tower only far sillier.

>> No.8369007
File: 220 KB, 347x306, zWh6Sp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

return the slab

>> No.8370257

>tfw no Eureka's Castle fighting game by natsume

>> No.8370316

Ronin Warriors would make a good game.

>> No.8370321

I'm still salty that we never got a good action Saint Seiya game back in the 90s. We got several good Sailor Moon and DBZ fighting games, but the only games for Saint Seiya were the Famicom RPGs.
I know in modern times there were some musou-style (or something) SS games but I tried them and it was meh. I mean something akin to Super Butoden 2 or the SM fighting games on SFC, but for Saint Seiya.

>> No.8370341

Never played the SNES/SFC SM fighting games but I had one for Saturn or Playstation back in the 90s. Was pretty good, as I recall.
The odd thing is that while Saint Seiya never got a game fucking Kyattou Ninden Teyandee did. Like... didn't that only have a single series? FFS, they may as well have made a Harebuta video game. Actually, that might actually be good. Imagine being the weather lady and continually breaking the fourth wall to fuck up your opponents. Plus, playing as kid Nabashin would be nifty, if only for the novelty. Eh, lemme be honest: it'd prolly suck hard. Still, tho. I've now talked myself into wantng a Hare Tokidoki Buta video game.

>> No.8370425
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I wanted to say this, but it turns out it actually got some edutainment trash in 1995.

>> No.8371420
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>No cococinel shovelware for the Speccy or Amiga
why live

>> No.8371915

I vaguely remember this being a forgettable 90s movie.

>> No.8372652

Doogie Howser MD