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8329626 No.8329626 [Reply] [Original]

What's worse: bad game design or stale game design?

>> No.8329641

TP is good.

>> No.8329642

TP is 'eh'.

>> No.8329645
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 1636908342027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of wish the game came out earlier in the GameCube generation and had an artstyle similar to a higher poly OoT and MM, like the Spaceworld demo. I like that early CGI look.

>> No.8329665

Depends, they're not really mutually exclusive. Bad AND stale is definitely worse than either on its own, but just stale is likely to be better than just bad, as the latter implies at best a missed opportunity.

Or from another perspective, a stale game could be just so just for people familiar with the derivative gameplay concepts involved; but a bad game would be a bad game for anybody, period.

And anyway, I'd say /vr/ of all boards will most likely understand the value of the comfortably familiar. There's an audience for products that are basically just the same old thing with slightly updated trimmings.

>> No.8329672

>I want a Zelda that looks like an early 2000s Blender tutorial

>> No.8329679

Stale game design, because you can still be interesting while objectively not being very good. See: Killer 7. But stale game design just elicits boredom.

>> No.8329686


>> No.8329734


>> No.8329743

I'd say stale. A game like Lords of the Shadow is just so fucking bland, but it's not a "bad" game.
At least bad can be more interesting than stale.

I liked TP better than OoT desu

>> No.8329745

I enjoyed this game.
OP is a fag.

>> No.8329748

what about boring game design, that's what tp is
i can't get to the second dungeon even though i've tried multiple times because i get so goddamn bored i can't stand to keep playing
i'm not even shitposting
has to be a better game than skyward sword though 100% no doubt

>> No.8330082

>What's worse: bad game design or stale game design?
Wind Waker is worse

>> No.8330086

I guess stale, in a way. Games like Superman 64 are so shit they become funny.

>> No.8330437

nintendo game design for sure.

>> No.8331582

TP is both.

>> No.8331681

Did you see the floppy ass cheeks on that nasty little monkey?

>> No.8331803

TP is the second best zelda

>> No.8331892

At least it gave us Midna.

>> No.8331897

I always wanted a game that continue the adventures of the Hero of Time post Majora Mask

>> No.8331918


absolutely, I love how rough 6th gen models look

>> No.8331924

Oh fucking boy some generic shortstack monster. Who cares

>> No.8332706
File: 2.09 MB, 2016x1512, A_stranger_for_imp_Midna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I bought her game ... frequently.

>> No.8332709

Extremely soul.

>> No.8332720 [DELETED] 

I don't really see how TP is "bad" game design but it doesn't do anything fresh like...at all.

>> No.8332732

I’ve never even completed the first dungeon. Farthest I’ve gotten is the scene with caged npc and some monkeys. Absurdly slow start. I thought oot and mm were bad with their snail pace text boxes but tp is at least 30x worse. I wouldn’t mind it if it had engaging writing but it’s literal toddler storytelling.

>> No.8332750

I don't really see how it's bad but the argument can be made that it's stale. It's color-by-numbers for a Zelda game.

>> No.8332873

Is it even a real question?
What the thesis behind bad being better than stale?

>> No.8334000

The duality of man.

Also, my dick cares.

>> No.8334014

Stale is bad so N/A

>> No.8334030

I liked TP. But stale game design is far fucking worse. Just look at the state of the fucking Far Cry series. With the exception of 5 because you could throw shovels, everything past 3 was the same shit copy and pasted.

>> No.8334061

If I wanted to play TP, first time since at launch, should I Dolphin it? Or try the 'remake?'

>> No.8334067

Remake has quality of life improvements. Not sure how it works on emulation though since it relies on the touch screen for the QoL stuff.

>> No.8335870
File: 286 KB, 620x457, tpp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely not, Twilight Princess looks fantastic and both the detail and art style is lightyears beyond the Gamecube tech demo. Wind Waker is also a great looking game in its own right. It worked out ideally how we got both.

>> No.8335886

TP is amazing.

>> No.8335891

I’ll be real with you chief, I hates the graphics of the spaceworld demo and I’m infinitely grateful that it was skipped with cel shaded tricks. Sorry bro it just looks bad. Pretty impressive how good TP managed to look on the same hardware though

>> No.8335902

Please for the love of god tell me how people enjoy playing this game, I want to know how to get anything out of it

>> No.8335910

The remake is good. There are some nitpicking complaints but if you are playing on an HD screen, it will look better than forceably upscaling the original. What you must understand is that TP is often an ugly brown game and nothing can make those textures look better without going against the ~original vision~ of the developers.

>> No.8335924
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>> No.8335960

It could have been worse. Its only real problem is that previous titles set the bar high. WW suffers from that in the same capacity.

>> No.8336270

>Who cares
My 9 year old cock cared.

>> No.8336276

Why? I normally don't jump on the hate the note guy bandwagon but why do you need that many copies.

>> No.8336291

The four best games in a row in the "couldn't click" tier. You indeed are a pleb, fuck you.

>> No.8336574

The only time I heard people talking about "stale" in the context of video games it was just people bitching that the newest game in a series didn't do enough to shake up the already successful formula. In short, the game was fucking great, but they already played other games like it, so magically the game is bad. I don't follow that logic. There's also this weird bullshit logic gamers use where they feel every single game or sequel must be designed with them in mind. Nintendo fans can be the worst for that kind of thing. No, the newest Mario game does not have to be designed for hardcore veterans of the series. It's perfectly fine for it to be a kid's first experience. Half of the reason modern games suck is because the devs are always trying to appeal to the largest market possible.

>> No.8336697

I don't get how you can love Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild but Twilight Princess didn't "click" for you. Also, Skyward Sword is an extremely flawed game but it isn't terrible or possible to dismiss as just "bad." The jury is out on why you liked Link's Awakening but can't say the same for the Oracle games, and ditto for Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.

>> No.8336778

For the record I didn't mean to come across like an asshole here. It's your subjective taste in video games. I'm legitimately curious as to your reasoning given your experience with them.

>> No.8336854

always kind of wished the SNES got more than one Zelda game. LTTP just feels so barebones compared to even something like fucking LA.

>> No.8337660

>Also, Skyward Sword is an extremely flawed game but it isn't terrible or possible to dismiss as just "bad."
I would definitely dismiss it as bad considering that the core gameplay and combat is badly executed and the game constantly recycles content. Also the Sky sucks. Everything about the game is worse than one of the 3D Zeldas that came before it. Also did nothing positive for series lore, but that's not really important.
>The jury is out on why you liked Link's Awakening but can't say the same for the Oracle games
You know they aren't the same games just because they're all on the Game Boy, right? All three have distinct design directions. Two of them don't click with me.
>ditto for Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.
I still replay PH from time to time but I've never wanted to go back to Spirit Tracks. One of the first Zeldas I dropped because I just wasn't having fun.

>> No.8337665

Missed one
>I don't get how you can love Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild but Twilight Princess didn't "click" for you.
I don't know, I'm just a person reacting to the things he plays. What exactly do you want me to say here? I don't enjoy playing TP.

>> No.8337678

TP is both bad and stale lol. You can thank OoT for being really popular despite being dog water. Link's Awakening is the last good Zelda.

>> No.8337681

Wind Waker exists, yes.

>> No.8337693

First time someone didn't shit on PH, and honestly that's based.
It's a decently good game and the Temple of the Ocean King was a pleb filter.

>> No.8337704

Wind Waker literally looks better than that. Just take a close look at that fucking cringe derpface and gay earring. You really want that?

>> No.8337709

>Just take a close look at that fucking cringe derpface and gay earring. You really want that?
Hell yeah dude. 2002 GayCube graphics realistic Zelda sounds turbobased. Would have been good to have in the early GC days too when there was jack shit to convince you to get one if you weren't a Mariofag

>> No.8337726

There was Metroid Prime, which unlike that cringy ass Zelda demo, actually had decent 3D graphics that didn't look like they came the French TV version of DKC.

>> No.8337787

It was literally a tech demo slapped together in the year 2000 to impress the gaming press ya dingus. The finished product obviously would have looked better. As if the tech demo was ever intended to become a full game to begin with

>> No.8340315
File: 1.25 MB, 1235x1281, Just_like_the_flash_game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was just a strange set of circumstances. I got the game when it was on sale for cheap but never got around to it because I couldn't afford the console, thus it was left sealed. One day I saw a used copy for $10USD, so it was worth it to have a playable one and leaving the one I got sealed. I got a Gamecube bundle with another copy of the game for $20USD, which is how I ended out with the 3 US versions. Everyone at the time was really into Xbox and 360, so the games were cheap.

>> No.8340337

i got twilight princess on my wii but haven't played it yet. cause i beat wind waker and after wind waker. i didn't wanna play zelda anymore. i'm gonna go back to it

>> No.8340848

I asked my mom to get me WW and she got me both WW and TP at the same time out of the kindness of her heart, wasn't hyped at all to get TP though and barely played it kek

>> No.8340894

TP was fun. Would be on par with OOT if it wasn't for the tears of light sections. Wolf link was kind of boring though, should have added some more mechanics or something. I had more fun as human Link

>> No.8340959 [DELETED] 

The truth
Anyway nice /v/-tier thread, take it back there

>> No.8341248

I’ll respond with another question
Would you rather play TP or The CDI trilogy

>> No.8341379
File: 2.79 MB, 3840x2160, Cemu 2021-07-19 00-49-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolf is cool with the extra dungeon in HD.
Also, targeting multiple enemies and talking with animals was kinda neat.

>> No.8341394 [DELETED] 

>Anyway nice /v/-tier thread, take it back there
go back to redd1t. no matter how many times you call things /v/ or call epople zoomer youll never fit in.

>> No.8341602 [DELETED] 

You projecting, faggot? Do everyone a favor and bury your shit thread and then yourself

>> No.8341637

I really wanted to like TP. Midna is a great sidekick, I love her sassy attitude but I was so annoyed by the game trying to be "OoT but more." Hey, remember the boomerang? Well, now you can lock on to MORE targets! Hey, remember how cool it was to use the hookshot? Well, now you get TWO of them! It's so lame. Those new abilities don't really change how you interact with the dungeons compared to OoT you just have to press more buttons to achieve the same results. Some people complain that OoT wastes your time with chest opening animations but holy shit everything about TP is there to waste your time.

>> No.8341654

You chuds can't even get your anti-ww arguments consistent.
This shit >>8329645 looked dated and awkward not even one year later after the tech demo was shown, and even claiming it ever looked good at all requires /vr/'s mental gymnastics and S O U L memery firing on all cylinders.
Wind Waker had a perfectly realized art direction even when considered today; it just happened to be extremely misguided, as the classic anime inspiration went over everybody's heads, even in Japan.

>> No.8342241

>I got a Gamecube bundle with another copy of the game for $20USD
holy shit that fucking bargain, I'm so jelly.

>> No.8342257

>bad game design or stale game design?
bad obviously, what a retarded question

>> No.8342421
File: 221 KB, 1024x659, TP Manga set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the last good Zelda before Fujibayahi killed the the soul of the series with his awful fanfiction in SS. Anyway, read the manga it shits on all the Zelda games.

>> No.8342446

my main problems are there is not Ganondorf until the end the wolf parts and not much sidequest but the dungeons are enjoyable BOTW kids will never beat City in the Sky

>> No.8342448 [DELETED] 

how is this a /v/ thread? fucking try hard newfag

>> No.8342451

>BOTW kids
fuck off retard

>> No.8342510

uhh did you not read the rules? if you dont complain about zoomers then youre not allowed to post here

>> No.8342513

I dunno but Twilight Princess is the worst Zelda game

>> No.8342518

Nah, Skyward Sword is.

>> No.8342538 [DELETED] 
File: 2.23 MB, 360x294, 4chan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to gaia you tranny cope deethe an hero hho OOOO DISK ERROR DISK ERROR ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ59$^%$^^^^^^^$#* BEEP BOOP

>> No.8342671

And the crazy thing is, in some ways the functionality of those items is actually nerfed. The boomerang in previous games could kill small enemies and stun bigger ones, but Gale Boomerang does neither. And while the clawshot is cool once you get two of them, the Ocarina hookshot allowed you to hook onto ANY wooden or grated surface, whereas the clawshot is much more selective and mostly only works on specific targets. So they're not even wholesale upgrades.

>> No.8342673

There shouldn't have been a Ganondorf at all. Or if they had to have him, make him the villain from the get-go, not this bait-and-switch bullshit where they ended up writing themselves into a corner and murdering Zant's character to make way for Ganondorf at the last minute.

>> No.8342679

>but Gale Boomerang does neither.
Except it does stun them tho. And makes for a bomb launcher.

>> No.8342685

For like a second, and it looks more like it's annoying them rather than stunning. OoT boomerang stunned them a good while, and TWW boomerang, while somewhat nerfed, also stunned them a decent amount.

>And makes for a bomb launcher.

Why would you bother with that once you get bomb arrows?

>> No.8342810

Those are both good games, the real answer is Phantom Hourglass

>> No.8342817 [DELETED] 

>Bait thread about a wii game
How the fuck isn't it?

>> No.8343193

This post is just talking about Wind Waker

>> No.8344325

I can agree with 80% of this. Good job.

>> No.8344331


>> No.8344345

The same way people enjoy OoT. If you enjoy one you will enjoy the other. If you try to deny that you will look like a retard.

>> No.8344348

I'd give it an eh/reh

>> No.8344356

>If you enjoy one you will enjoy the other.
That anon here, I like OoT and TP bores me to tears. Why do people keep telling me this bullshit lie?

>> No.8344365

Back to /pol/ with you

>> No.8344370

TP and it are the same game on top of TP being it's sequel.

>> No.8344373

Should've bought a gamecuberino when it was a heccin hidden gemerino

>> No.8344380

>Please for the love of god tell me how people enjoy playing this game, I want to know how to get anything out of it
I have tried and been unable to understand how to have fun
I don't need to attempt to understand why people would enjoy playing OoT because I already do
Just saying it's the same game doesn't magically change my experience being bored

>> No.8344389

Tell us better what turns you off it. And it better be something good instead of your feelings. Because objectively they are the same.

>> No.8344392

>Because objectively they are the same.
I'm just getting memed at this point so I give up. You won.

>> No.8344397

Let me guess you're from the group of people that think OoT is somehow different from ALttP too right?

>> No.8344405

Oh, okay, you aren't even talking about gameplay, just themes and story and other superficial stuff. I get it now.
Anyway, I'm not a retard so no, thing being similar to thing I like thematically doesn't automatically make it something I'm going to also like, especially when they're two different video games which play different since they aren't the same video game and they have differences in the way they play. Understand now?

>> No.8344676

is this bait or do you just mean visually? wind waker and ocarina are more similar. ya gotta get the three goddess macguffins, then the master sword, then do some more dungeons+triforce padding, and go beat ganon. with twilight princess it's just that ya happen upon the master sword and happen upon ganon while getting other macguffins to beat zant.

>> No.8344705

>I want a early 2000s Zelda demo that looks like it's from the early 2000s