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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 73 KB, 800x616, MiSTer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8328370 No.8328370 [Reply] [Original]

MiSTer FPGA. Cool.

>> No.8328402

Ah the ladyboy of emulation.

>> No.8328409

worst thread
best device

anyone got the cps1(2) cores running?

>> No.8328414

Yeah, just needs the sdram.

>> No.8328427

I've been seeing this pop up here and there, but I'm still confused on what is the benefit of this thing over normal emulation.

>> No.8328434

It's dedicated hardware towards emulation instead of your PC using its RAM, CPU, GPU,;etc. I guess.

>> No.8328452

It implements the semiconductor logic in an FPGA, essentially becoming a hardware copy of the system. Result can be perfect copy of retro hardware, although not in all cases and emulators are now also very good.

It's kind of neat as old silicon dies off.

>> No.8328454

>essentially becoming a hardware copy of the system.
^this is what software cultists in denial say

>> No.8328530

>It's dedicated hardware towards emulation instead of your PC using its RAM, CPU, GPU,;etc. I guess.
I know what it is, I'm asking what is the benefit of that.
>Result can be perfect copy of retro hardware
Do you have examples of this where its more accurate than what a computer can emulate?

>> No.8328549

>, I'm asking what is the benefit of that.
So you can use your PC for porn. Duh.

>> No.8328556

There is no benefit. Can't even play Playstation games. My phone can play Playstation games.

>> No.8328604


>> No.8328623

It’s just one more thing for people with more money than sense.

>> No.8328719

Why do you take that as a challenge? Both FPGA recreation and emulation are very accurate. Don't use FPGA if you don't see the point nobody will force you to.

>> No.8328732

wtf are you on about? hes asking what the benefits are over standard PC emulation.

Why should i pay for this instead of just using a proper PC?

Are there any videos of it being more accurate than an actual emulator? or having features that make it more enticing?

i.e. "hardware copy" so it can use an old link cable and trade pokemon with an actual Gameboy Color!

>> No.8328739


>> No.8328884

stop with the reddit spacing you massive homosexual

>> No.8328887

>Are there any videos of it being more accurate than an actual emulator? or having features that make it more enticing?
>i.e. "hardware copy" so it can use an old link cable and trade pokemon with an actual Gameboy Color!
You can use original peripherals like light guns with it.

>> No.8328893

Can you use a link cable?

>> No.8328894
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No. It isn't.

>> No.8328910

Yeah, orrrr he could just get a PS2 for next to nothing and be able to play all the lightgun games for it and the PS1 for free with easy softmods. That's most of the good ones. Fuck your meme device, you don't even use it for lightguns anyway, you dumb larper. Show your lightgun collection and CRT MiSTer setup.

>> No.8328971



>> No.8328973

fox and grapes every mister thread
its all so tiresome

>> No.8329167
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>> No.8329169

Software emulators can do this too. Anon wants to know about linking with a real GBC.

>In order for this very impressive two-player setup to be possible, both cores had to be stripped of any extra features to be able to fit into the FPGA. As a result, two-player support will never be part of the main GB/GBA cores, simply due to size.

>> No.8329175

Jesus christ misterfags can't stop losing, literally everything I read about this makes it sound even more pathetic. Why is it shilled so often here? I never hear about it anywhere else.

>> No.8329202


>> No.8329298
File: 170 KB, 490x322, Screenshot 2021-11-14 at 17-08-28 MiSTer-GB-Link-Adapter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, if you have an adapter.

>> No.8329386
File: 94 KB, 845x843, 1593743152157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wtf

>> No.8329472

>Don't use FPGA if you don't see the point nobody will force you to.
but I want to see the point. That's what I'm asking. Everyone just keeps saying it's hardware emulation but WHY use hardware emulation? What is the benefit?
That's a pretty neat benefit.

>> No.8329510

It can be much more accurate than a regular emulator can. Although, that depends on who wrote the core.

>> No.8329513

Sorry, I’m waiting for the Mister 2

>> No.8329514

Right someone already said this and I asked for examples of when mister is more accurate, but no one will post any.

>> No.8329515

it's just more accurate in general, framerate, sound, slowdowns etc. for arcade stuff this is a huge deal as most games in mame aren't very accurate, and for console stuff it's pretty much the same as the real thing.

>> No.8329518

>most games in mame aren't very accurate
lol oh okay Mr. Mister seller.

>> No.8329521

I heard that some of the arcade cores are ports from MAME, and that they carry over some of the same bugs because of it.
Is this true? I agree with >>8329514, I want to know where exactly it's better.

>> No.8329525

Unironically this. Once there's a platform with a large enough FPGA for 6th gen consoles as well as cores for them, I'm interested.

>> No.8329528

it's the truth you clueless retard, even the popular stuff like the cps1 has very inaccurate slowdowns in mame, just compare the busy parts in final fight

>> No.8329529

>Can't sleep.... Reddit is going to eat me...

>> No.8329545

No, dummy. I own an arcade and you're just making shit up.
Seethe, lil buddy.

>> No.8329552

t. clueless retard non-player

>> No.8329557

Your jealousy can be felt.

>> No.8329568

>i must reply even when i'm retarded and have no argument
i know

>> No.8329592 [DELETED] 

Dunno about the older stuff but the CPS1/2 and System 16 core are better than mame at least.

>> No.8329601

Yeah I own an arcade too

>> No.8329618

get a better PC :˄)

>> No.8329624

Generally when people complain about inaccurate slowdowns, it's that they aren't present when they're supposed to be.

>> No.8329649

Don't play them on MAME then? There are other CPS emulators.

>> No.8329652


>> No.8329656

based retard
other cps emulators are even more inaccurate

>> No.8329658

Which are even less accurate than MAME. Jotego’s CPS cores are objectively better than everything else.

>> No.8329684

This is interesting, but how does it materialise in gameplay?

>> No.8329720

frames and slowdowns, which is pretty noticeable.
pcb: https://youtu.be/dcfk3aTXSy4?t=854
mame: https://youtu.be/5mNR_iFniy0?t=676

>> No.8329735

That's not a comparison with mister though.

>> No.8329746

can't find a mister replay on youtube, but it's pretty much the same as pcb.

>> No.8329751

>mame32 0.106
This is an emulator from 15 years ago.

>> No.8329756

same issues in modern mame, cope

>> No.8329757

it's also probably running on some discarded office PC or worse a RPi

>> No.8329761

source: my ass

>> No.8329769

Yeah old versions of MAME are commonly being used and maintained on the raspberry pi because of its low performance requirements.

>> No.8329772

source: hundreds of hours in final fight
...vs some dumb non-player

>> No.8329783

yeah well I have thousands of hours :^)

>> No.8329784

doubt it, you didn't even know about basic mame inaccuracies

>> No.8329787
File: 100 KB, 1200x675, ps4nadcf85c41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A classic MiSTer thread on /vr/ as usual. Zero proper gaming discussion, 100% throwing feces at the opposing team.

>> No.8329806

Inaccuracies that are only relevant to outdated software? You are the one who is ill informed.

>> No.8329809

because some copefags seem to think it isn't emulation, when in reality ANYTHING that isn't the original consoles is emulation

>> No.8329815

Can I play Simpsons and C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa on this?

>> No.8329828

how so? anti-misterfags are the only ones with 0 knowledge about the games/emulators here.
>circular reasoning
pathetic, if you played final fight even once you'd know it has the same problems.

>> No.8329836

oh I can't
it can't even play TMNT
why are we even talking about this and arcades in the first place?

>> No.8329843

because quality > quantity, unless you are a plebeian, konami beat em ups like violet storm or metamorphic force have tons of emulation problems in mame too

>> No.8329860

>>circular reasoning
You don't even know what that means, it has nothing to do with this situation.
I don't know why you're refraining from showing proof for what you say if you're so confident of it.

>> No.8329862

No I played it more so I'm right

>> No.8329865
File: 467 KB, 598x678, Furrtek on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet. Currently the TMNT arcade game implementation in mid research. I would expect other licensed Konami beatemups to follow soon after that.

>> No.8329867

Forget arcade machines, this thing doesn't even play Playstation games. It's way too premature currently.

>> No.8329870
File: 7 KB, 768x38, Screenshot 2021-11-14 at 18-57-45 Mister (disambiguation) - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfff playstation
that thing doesn't even have a wikipedia page lmao

>> No.8329873

>this thing doesn't even play Playstation games.
Oh, but it will eventually - using Duckstation.

>> No.8329874

You can download it literally today and play PSX games on the unfinished core.

>> No.8329881


>> No.8329885 [DELETED] 

see >>8329783
>You don't even know what that means
it's exactly what you're doing here, retard.
>I don't know why you're refraining from showing proof for what you say if you're so confident of it.
why would I waste my time with some clueless non-player with no actual rebuttal? you are the one making the fake assumption that modern mame runs final fight better.

>> No.8329886

Rome wasn't built in a day.

>> No.8329889

ok well let me know when it actually works maybe then it will be worth a shit

>> No.8329893

see >>8329784
>You don't even know what that means
it's exactly what you're doing here, retard.
>I don't know why you're refraining from showing proof for what you say if you're so confident of it.
why would I waste my time with some clueless non-player with no actual rebuttal? you are the one making the fake assumption that modern mame runs final fight better, where's your proof?

>> No.8329896

Leave me your contact information so I can actually reach you when the news hit and not just shittalk on an anime website.

>> No.8329901

why would I waste my time with someone who thinks an emulator a decade out of date is relevant at all? or a person who desperately shills for something without being able to justify it?

>> No.8329904

>no argument
I accept your concession of defeat.

>> No.8329905

Nice larp fag

>> No.8329906

>no evidence
no u

>> No.8329908

No really I have played it more than you. I know because I'm right and you are wrong

>> No.8329913

takes 15 minutes for you to check out the mame problems i'm pointing out and "prove me wrong"
of course a retarded non-player can't even do that.

>> No.8329916

then it'll be super easy for you to do it right

>> No.8329917

see >>8329784

>> No.8329928

it is, you're just not worth it.

>> No.8329930

I had a mister but sold it a week ago and I miss it already. Sold it complete for $400 cash locally. It was very cool but I wanted a 12700K more.

>> No.8329968

Might as well just start a business selling them to retro zoomer retards, seems like easy money.

>> No.8329969

He actually sold it 100$ below market price

>> No.8330074

>results in a perfect copy
Not really, results still lie in the knowledge of the programmer and how documented is the emulated architecture.
And yes FPGAs are still emulating, just in parallel and lower level, its not like the gate array magically transforms into the software.
Also, the FPGAs themselves are prone to hardware bugs and proprietary architecture as well, its good but definitely not a magic bullet.

>> No.8330076


>> No.8330093

An FPGA at least makes it much easier to precisely replicate the original behaviour, given accurate documentation. That lower level of operation is why.

>> No.8330108


>> No.8330124

I dont think we're ever going to be able to fully FPGA a ps2 or a ps3.
Anything past ps1/N64/DC is probably not going to be possible due to the absolutely dismal documentation and complexity of the hardware involved.
Even the saturn seems like it'll hit a wall when it comes to the other chips in the system and thats just the beginning.

>> No.8330136

Isn't there already a Saturn core booting games?

>> No.8330142

this whole thread summarized
>why is an fpga worth it?
>it's hardware emulation, and it's more accurate
>ok, why does that matter and do you have any examples?
>well...it matters because....umm some examples are......uhhh....IT'S JUST BETTER OK?!

>> No.8330147

I said it would hit a wall, same as normal emulation which is not what you're looking for when you get an FPGA.

>> No.8330152

Latest update from November 5th.

>> No.8330154

idk it seems like the documentation is there. Current emulators suck at platforms like Saturn and PS2 because their hardware doesn't work the way conventional hardware does, not because it's poorly understood.

>> No.8330163

by the way how futureproof is this?
is the code able to run on newer FPGAs?
how long will Intel continue to manufacture the DE10-Nano?
Isn't the Cyclone V already like 10 years old?

>> No.8330185

>newer FPGAs
I want to know about this too, do FPGA run VHDL or something like that?

>> No.8330192


>> No.8330194

>do FPGA run VHDL or something like that?
Exactly that, or other HDLs you can use for fabricating a chip.

>> No.8330197

What's the best light gun for it? Will I need any adapters?

>> No.8330198

does it run on any other boards besides the DE10-Nano?

>> No.8330217

You can use SNAC adapters like >>8329298 to connect original lightguns to use with appropriate cores, i.e. Zapper with NES core. You need to have an I/O board. Using original controllers with wrong cores (i.e. NES adapter with Genesis core) is not supported.

>> No.8330229

I've seen it multiple times since you keep repeating it. Doesn't change the fact I've played it more than you and therefore I am better

>> No.8330237

So there is no source then. Got it.

>> No.8330242

And that's why I can't stop shitposting in this thread, the mister owners' salty tears of frustration are glorious

>> No.8330249

>newer FPGAs
Won’t happen. Intel’s buyout was to extinguish something they viewed as a threat. There won’t be any new model Cyclones

>> No.8330250

Porting MiSTer cores to other dev boards isn't very difficult, it's just a question of another one coming out at the same kind of price point that offers more logic elements, which will probably take a while.

If you want PS2/DC/etc, consider waiting, but it might be another decade. Personally I think all the later systems are incredibly cheap to hack and run everything off solid state, so I don't see much point in FPGAs for them yet. Older systems are where FPGAs shine, lots of shit video output and expensive flashcarts/ODEs.

There's no AIO solution for light gun stuff yet, sadly. The guy who did GUN2IR had a prototype a while back for just hooking up a guncon, but I don't think he's released anything yet. You're basically stuck collecting guns for the systems you like via SNAC, and some of the guns are both pretty expensive and have mediocre software support.

>> No.8330260

>Personally I think all the later systems are incredibly cheap to hack and run everything off solid state, so I don't see much point in FPGAs for them yet.
In the PS2's case, I don't agree because there's no ODE and software solutions have a host of problems.
Xbox, DC and GC are all sorted however.

>> No.8330274

>You're basically stuck collecting guns for the systems you like via SNAC, and some of the guns are both pretty expensive and have mediocre software support.
That's pretty lame. It seems like if you own the peripherals you should own the consoles anyway.

>> No.8330296
File: 159 KB, 1188x2168, Screenshot 2021-11-14 at 21-21-27 Intel® Cyclone® FPGA and SoC FPGA Devices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8330306

A network adapter is 20 bucks, and converting IDE to SD costs about 10-15 bucks. It's cheaper than a GDEMU, although you do need FreeMCboot too though.

Eh, I'm the kind of guy who likes playing everything with the "right" controller so it doesn't really bother me, but yeah, it's a shame. I imagine the guncon solution will come out eventually though.

>> No.8330310

The problem isn't the expense, the problem is the functionality. Some games need compatibility tweaks and some don't work quite right regardless.

>> No.8330334

I feel like the number of games that don't work with OPL is very minor these days, a quick look shows there are maybe 20, and all the major ones have fixes.

It's not perfect, but I've never really run into any issues. I've had more trouble with Nintendont, honestly.

>> No.8330348

Deus Ex would always crash after a certain amount of loading screens. Also a lot of these compatibility lists are poorly maintained.
What issues did you have with Nintendont?

>> No.8330409

Not sure why so much butthurt over FPGA, but the reality is that recreating the logic in theory will always result in a more deterministic and accurate reproduction than software emulation. Of course in some cases the emulation is very mature, for instance VICE is very accurate and has been in development for several decades.

But in some cases like NEOGEO the FPGA is indescernably accurate. Anyway it's a worthwhile project to document these classic platforms both in emulation and FPGA.

>> No.8330416

Nice. PS1/Saturn is probably the pinnacle of 2D gaming, along with some classic primordial 3D. Getting these running on FPGA means that every classic 2D system is reproduced, and later systems are for fags.

>> No.8330424

>Of course in some cases the emulation is very mature, for instance VICE is very accurate and has been in development for several decades.
This is the cause for the "butthurt". The promise of perfect reproduction is appealing of course but for a lot of platforms it's hard to see the improvement compared to software emulation.

>> No.8330451

Well if they're both perfect they're both perfect, but ultimately only the FPGA can interface directly to a CRT and native controller, so will always have the potential to be more accurate in playing.

>> No.8330456

It isn't hard to get software emulators outputting to a CRT with an accurate image, although the timing won't be accurate so you won't be able to use stuff like light guns with it. I think using those original peripherals is one of the most consistently acknowledged advantages of FPGAs.

>> No.8330465 [DELETED] 

see >>8329784
>i'm a retarded and can't refute
i know

>> No.8330469
File: 38 KB, 792x799, 3o1qjohuwsq71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How well does this work with a VGA CRT?

>> No.8330470

see >>8329784 again
>i'm a retarded and can't refute
i know

>> No.8330473

there's nothing to refute you haven't even demonstrated anything

>> No.8330476
File: 173 KB, 750x1026, 5nyue56uej7k6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image
Where is the booba, brother?

>> No.8330478

>you haven't even demonstrated anything
you are the one making bullshit unproved claims here, schizo, don't shift the burden of proof.

>> No.8330481

no u

>> No.8330489

retard, so low iq that you think mame emu is perfect lol

>> No.8330490

If you just want to play games it's probably overkill, but from an archival point of view having an FPGA representation is important. That period of 1977-1997 was an incredible amount of change, every year was a massive leap in capability and game design. Since then systems and games have been fairly incremental.

>> No.8330491

still hasn't shown that it isn't 4 hours later

>> No.8330494

>he thinks mame emulation is perfect
I was just joking but it seems you are actually retarded

>> No.8330503

Anything that improves preservation is worth having in my opinion. But yeah for the average joe I can't see this presenting a substantial enough improvement to be worth it.

>> No.8330509

you keep saying it but you could just show it

>> No.8330549

cps1/2, 90s konami boards, pgm + lots of lesser known boards suffer from visual, performance and/or sound issues, only a clueless retard would think mame emulation is perfect lmao

>> No.8330562
File: 11 KB, 364x208, CAT-cuvW8AAvuu_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay but maybe you could just demonstrate that

>> No.8330575

sure give me 5 secs
this clueless retard didn't even know mame emulation is flawed lmao

>> No.8330601

Does this game have an FPGA core?

>> No.8330607

maybe I'm retarded but what am I supposed to see here

>> No.8330621

only a matter of time, quality > quantity
background and transparencies are completely fucked in mame, i think the games in that board have wrong sound mixing too.

>> No.8330630
File: 32 KB, 298x403, Waiting-Skeleton[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only a matter of time

>> No.8330637

mame has been around for decades and still is very flawed, sunset riders had a game breaking bugs until just a couple years ago. compared to that i'm fine with fewer games but much better emulation.

>> No.8330643
File: 471 KB, 1080x1080, 0EB3F79E-634E-4B69-913E-E908350A18B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna kill a thread for this. should i pull the trigger on a satiator? or is it worth waiting for the core on my mister?

>> No.8330646

I can't see any MiSTer core that will run that game, either.

Wanting better emulation of fewer games is fine but which games are those?

>> No.8330648

Fenrir is better

>> No.8330657

already stated, all cps1/2 games, system-16 games, lots of 80s arcades, very accurate console emulators etc.
keep coping and goal shifting like he pathetic cuck you are though.

>> No.8330662

It's interesting that you don't show any of those platforms, but bait and switch to talk about consoles unsupported by MiSTer instead.

>> No.8330687

>consoles unsupported by MiSTer instead
arcade boards* you retarded fuck
and I posted those videos because to prove you wrong about mame emulation being perfect
you are such a dumb ignorant cunt, can't even properly keep a discussion nor educate yourself, just kill yourself lmao.

>> No.8330695

it isn't about mame emulation being perfect it's about mister emulation being better

and 5 hours later it remains to be seen

>> No.8330730


>> No.8330745

No, it's not fpbp. It's FPGA!

>> No.8330760


1. This game is from a Konami board. As far as I know, MAME considers its emulation imperfect and warns the user about that when booting the game (unless the warning is disabled). No false advertising there.

2. Wasn't the talk about CPS1, not Konami? IIRC, FBNeo claimed to have fixed CPS1 emulation.

>> No.8330764

Lol whilst I see those posts don't forget to see mine that proves I played more hours than you and therefore know better :)

>> No.8330771

Still hasn't realised he is being wound up either

>> No.8330775

Imagine getting this angry over video games

>> No.8330941

>it isn't about mame emulation being perfect
except that was literally your point before I proved you wrong: >>8330509 >>8330491 >>8329806, pathetic backpedalling cunt
>it's about mister emulation being better
it is better, again: slowdowns, framerate, colors and other details are much closer to the arcade, quick proof:
pcb: https://youtu.be/8S945gREC4k?t=3864
mister: https://youtu.be/Q-Yh7DiamOg?t=3364
mame: https://youtu.be/L0rhvjWVCVM?t=2832 (no slowdown whatsoever)
>muhh bajillion hours!!!
can't keep with a double digit iq shitter 24/7, sorry.

>> No.8330951

even games that run "well" in mame have noticeable issues.

>> No.8331279 [DELETED] 


>> No.8331291

The fact it works with real light guns is very impressive. I'm a real hardware guy myself but really like that stuff like the mister exists for when these consoles become too cost prohibitive to keep going

>> No.8331313
File: 508 KB, 2048x1853, E0Fb9IzWYAE56lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But in some cases like NEOGEO the FPGA is indescernably accurate.
Why do people keep parroting that FPGA recreation of Neo Geo is flawless? Yes, it is based on decapping original SNK chips, but the dev made several mistakes in code which he personally acknowledged and the core still shows some noticeable minor glitches. Instead of pointing at advantages of recreating platforms through HDL people twist it into "neogeo is 101% perfect, i'm glad i sold all my mvs games!!!1! xd". I love my MiSTer but misrepresenting its actual capabilities through hyperboles and misunderstandings does nothing to create a positive image of the project, especially for people who buy into those claims and find out the truth later. Hype culture does a lot of damage in the modern world, we should be better than that.

>> No.8331368

Still more accurate than emu. :^)

>> No.8331401

Seems like a weird bet. The longer the bet goes, the worse your odds.

>> No.8331609

PC Emulators are good, but not better than just plug-in the MiSTer to a CRT and play with original controllers.
Flash Cartridges/ODEs - also had a lot of bugs.
I was a coomlector and like a real coomlector I bought everything I can, so the MiSTer was no exception,
but after I bought the MiSTer I quit being a coomlector, being a coomlector just doesn't pay off. The MiSTer is just like a mini console - just plug-in and play and I can use original controllers, like light guns, arcade sticks and so on.
Nintendo, SEGA, Sony video games was so boring after 10+ years of collecting and I don't like to play same video game hundreds of times, Neo Geo, PC Engine, Arcades are too much expensive. So, if I wanted to buy a new video game for coomlection, that video game price was hundrends so I given up.
Right now my setup is pretty comfy - just a CRT, the MiSTer and a full bag of original controllers and a armchair. I don't need anymore shelfs, I don't need anymore to think how to organize, I don't need to search deals and I don't need anymore to clean. Thanks, MiSTer.

>> No.8331676

It's so much more convenient than the real thing, comfy playing all those CD games I missed out on too they cost way too much to IRL then and now.

>> No.8331832

I love OPL but I have spent hours trying to get the first Xenosaga to work and it refuses to. Can't find anyone else having problems, tried multiple isos I found online and the other 100 games I've tried all work.

>> No.8332365

I'll probably buy it when there's more arcade shidd on it, definitely good potential.

>> No.8332396

another quick example:
arcade: https://youtu.be/gSZ99Uew4bU?t=2533
mister: https://youtu.be/D9pbczeKTG0?t=2851
mame: https://youtu.be/B4QlAmoEnKI?t=3004 (slowdown gone)
anti-misterfags on suicide watch

>> No.8332625

Hey, I know this YouTube channel. The guy tweaks his emulator to remove slowdown, I play like that, sometimes. Anyway, if I have the time tonight, I might check if the Gildiss fight slows down on an emulator with default settings.

>> No.8332832

>Hey, I know this YouTube channel. The guy tweaks his emulator to remove slowdown.

Only gameplay videos on his channel.
Okay whatever you say...

>> No.8332930

>The guy tweaks his emulator to remove slowdown
cope https://youtu.be/IPxXanbt25E?t=471
can't even imagine how inaccurate cps1 games are on 4p co-op.

>> No.8333039

>Flash Cartridges/ODEs - also had a lot of bugs.
More than any sort of emulator? That I doubt very much.

>> No.8333048

I'm just glad you finally showed some proof. It's all I've been asking for the entire thread.

>> No.8333156

wouldve fared better if you didn't act like a retard pretending mame is perfect.

>> No.8333164

Anything to get you to make the case.

>> No.8333197

>only pretending to be retarded
okay, at least you conceded in the end.

>> No.8333474

Other anon here: I've definitely played more hours than you

>> No.8333572

post provable play time or gtfo

>> No.8333620

What game were we talking about again?

>> No.8333668

I'm pretty sure every single mister core will have console accurate audio latency, where as youre pretty much always stuck with some audio delay in software emulation solutions. Youre also getting console accurate input response, which again you don't really get with software emulators (though runahead and retroarch largely mitigate this issue)

In that sense then yeah, its more accurate . You can also get it to work with light guns assuming you're using a crt

>> No.8334147

The combination of FGPA and emulation technologies are important to preserve this history. Probably there was no other point in human history where technology made so many leaps in just a few decades.

>> No.8334225

Too many shills in the thread for an evolution of the NOAC famiclones.

>> No.8334330


>> No.8334370

you can get better from a literal $230 Ryzen 5600g cpu/igpu. Fuck mister and fuck retards who think this is actually worth sinking money in to

>> No.8334569

>poorfag chimes in

Friend I have a Ryzen AND a MiSTer. :3c

>> No.8334750

Dunno why fags got so butthurt about it, keep with your retropi if it does the job but good to see some alternatives.

>> No.8335037

typical retard
>hurrr you have to be poor because you don't want to waste money on useless trash

>> No.8335042

mister sisters... we are finished

>> No.8335090

You can emulate more platforms but the accuracy is worse.

>> No.8335132

With mister there is a variation in the quality of the systems. The reason is there are 2 ways to make a mister core, 1st you use this sort description language that looks a bit like c, the program then compiles it into a list of connections in the fpga.
The 2nd way is to trace out the chip and then put each connection into a big list which can then be loaded into the fpga, this should be pretty identical to the original system but there would probably be some differences in timing on some systems because of the difference in technology.

>> No.8335651

>accuracy is worse
cmon now

>> No.8335759

Least you can actually do it

>> No.8336680

It's cool because you can easily interface with RGB display and native controls, with low latency. The USB controls and HDMI are really good and low latency as well.

>> No.8337331
File: 102 KB, 598x524, Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In minor news, the PC Engine core is completely purged of reported bugs.

>> No.8337360


>> No.8337543

PS1 and Saturn are coming though.

>> No.8337585

Shit's gonna be tight!

>> No.8339731
File: 290 KB, 750x1000, image_2021-11-17_225812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me you can't afford a MiSTer without telling me you can't afford a MiSTer.

>> No.8339735

anyone can spend $300 they just don't need to do it to play snes games

>> No.8340062



>> No.8340230

Tell me you're coping without telling me you're coping

>> No.8340794

its $150 you cant stop buying pizza for 1 month?!?

>> No.8341498

MiSTer got me to sell my entire game collection, consoles and all. I feel free and I have no regrets. I've played and beat more games since I sold off than the 3 years before.

>> No.8341728

Can't play 3D games ergo it's rubbish.

>> No.8341734

You must have had a shit collection before. The best consoles aren't even supported by that thing.

>> No.8341765

The only consoles that aren't easily emulated are also not supported by this thing. I guess there are arcade machines though.

>> No.8341930



>> No.8341935

This is /vr/, British cigarette.

>> No.8341941

Retro includes more than SNES, basketball american

>> No.8341942

yes, and many /vr/ consoles aren't supported by this.

>> No.8341964

Try not to wet your diaper.

>> No.8342049

Where the fuck are the Midway cores?

>> No.8342271

>n64 kid

Nobody's making you buy one, just leave.

>> No.8342291

I understand that you mean T/X/Y/Z/Wolf Units. No developments yet.

>> No.8342296

Sling some coin at devs to get some love.

>> No.8342342
File: 60 KB, 1080x604, 1632576521087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying THIS much for emulation
shiggy diggy

>> No.8342362

If I didn't want to play something with bad emulation like N64 or Saturn, why would I care about this?

>> No.8342460

That says more about you than the consoles
You needed an emulation device before you felt motivated to play games

>> No.8342470

It’s like I’m reliving 5 years ago when the RPi’s were circulating

>> No.8342475
File: 469 KB, 1680x2370, fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grapes taste like shit anyway

>> No.8342492

you're the one making excuses about why it's okay not to support certain consoles

>> No.8342523


>> No.8342528

PS1 core progress update : Boot from cdimage is working


>> No.8342531

>superior reproduction of classic systems

That sure is some mental gymnastics. I'll continue to enjoy a combination of emulation, FPGA and real hardware for my retro gaming there is no silver bullet, fag.

>> No.8342571

it's only superior if it has it

>> No.8342651

>sour grapes

>> No.8343229

If it was reasonably priced I'd get one.

>> No.8343354

Price isn't so bad, you can get away with just the base DE10 for a lot of the systems, add the 128MB SDRAM and you can play everything. You don't need the IO board or case even but the USB hub is recommended.

>> No.8343360

I didn't say it was bad, I said it was unreasonable.

>> No.8343505


>> No.8343538

It's reasonable if you would be owning all the platforms it supports otherwise.

>> No.8343565

yeah but the product itself is like $20 to make and selling it for like $200 seems kinda scummy

>> No.8343574

>but the product itself is like $20 to make
How do you know that?

>> No.8343598


>> No.8344058

source: dude trust me bro

>> No.8344061

>he doesn't trust random anon

>> No.8344092

So is the fagSTer the best way to play cps1/2 hooked up to a CRT or would a raspberry pi 4 with retroarch do the same job for a much cheaper price?

>> No.8344101

raspberry pi is pretty underpowered, I doubt it could run an accurate emulator if it even exists

>> No.8344116
File: 240 KB, 4112x2464, neogeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8344253

>opinion of internet person

>> No.8344309

Anon pls

>> No.8344314

PS1 and Saturn cores are in development.

>> No.8344408

Why does the anti-fpga crowd have such a hard time coping with their fomo

>> No.8344416

how can it be fomo when the interesting cores like saturn aren't even ready yet

>> No.8344451

Not sure if this has been asked a lot, but could someone tell me how to pronounce "MiSTer"

>> No.8344669
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Spanish Secessionist casually teases Mortal Kombat.

>> No.8344675
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>> No.8344680
File: 5 KB, 384x239, FoE-IntroFull_page_0053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, what an amazing crop!

>> No.8344992

he deleted system32 folder because anon said to

>> No.8345493

>he didn't
not gonna ma

>> No.8345934

Please, don't use that utterly imbecilic "meme" template from Twatter. Have some fucking self respect, both of you!

>> No.8345959
File: 340 KB, 1244x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to have a MiSTer, but not to play games. I'm more interested in exploring old home computers (Apple //, Commodores, the Atari 8-bit family, etc), and the jew prices vintage hardware is fetching are obscene.

I'd need, then:
>a DE10-Nano
>an I/O board of some sort
>a keyboard
>a CRT

>> No.8345967
File: 152 KB, 915x688, Ice Cream Maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard here, when I play gba on my pvm the picture is always super tiny for some reason, does anyone know a solution to this? Only seems to be gba so I didn't want to fiddle with settings and fuck up the other emulator's display.

>> No.8345982

Analog output produces GBA's native 240x160 resolution inside a 240p frame. Other handheld cores have a similar issue (GBC's 160x144 is even smaller). You can use a built in scaler to resize core's video output but it's a bit tricky and the image quality will suffer if you scale it unevenly.

>> No.8346016

Thanks for the explanation anon, appreciate it.

>> No.8346093

You don't need the IO and CRT, they are nice to have but you can do just fine without them. Main thing is the DE10 and add SDRAM, use any USB keyboard from the trash.

>> No.8346095

Yes what this anon said, cores which wouldn't be used with a discrete display generally don't work well with a discrete display.

>> No.8346741

It's breddy gud.

>> No.8346751

RPi 4 no, I think it has issues with CRT
I think 3b+ is the best one for CRT use and as far as I’m aware it has no issues with CPS 1/2

>> No.8346798
File: 170 KB, 486x358, 1634838305589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have 4chan at home Flan, please come home.

>> No.8346941

MISTer is frame accurate, that's the best way to describe it.

>> No.8346946

Nope, many emulators are frame accurate
It’s more to do with cycle accurate but that really has no bearing on gameplay

>> No.8346949

I think what he means is that the video output is frame-by-frame, pixel-by-pixel accurate to the original machines.

>> No.8347043

Mate he's also teasing PGM and CPS3 which is far more exciting than MK. PGM would also mean more Cave games with DoDonPachi DOJ, Ketsui and Espgaluda.

>> No.8347045

Now we're talking.

>> No.8347054

Ah wait, those games used custom PGM hardware

>The CAVE IGS PGM Hardware is a custom IGS PolyGame Master hardware used by Cave for three titles.

>This hardware differs from the standard IGS PGM by its use of a custom BIOS. The custom BIOS prevented the games from being ROM swapped onto IGS PGM cartridges for use on a normal IGS PGM system. Because of this, the games were only released as single, custom PCBs.

>> No.8348057

I think the most siginficant contribution of FPGA is that the chip reproductions can be used to keep legacy hardware alive.

>> No.8348069

Can FPGAs be used as pin-compatible replacements for original chips?

>> No.8348082

Yes many such cases.


>> No.8348156
File: 369 KB, 1600x996, FPGA SID replacement for C64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an actual available product

From my perspective, these solutions are a better idea than to be cannibalizing old computers, or looking for overpriced new old stock parts.

>> No.8348239


Yes many such cases. In some actual cases parts have a shelf life, like the VIC chip in the VIC20 has a capacitor in it which goes bad, resulting in paddles being unusable.

>> No.8348512
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>> No.8348574

>If you don't have a second SDRAM available
lol pathetic not having multiple MiSTers in different configurations.

>> No.8348590

When they talk about perfection they're talking about response time and graphics. Most of the remaining problems with the MiSTer Neo Geo core are sound related. They will get fixed eventually.

>> No.8348616

>If you don't have a second SDRAM available, I fear you have some days to wait

Nice selective reading there dingus.

>> No.8348627
File: 90 KB, 803x1080, no-mister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-MiSTer copers would rather stick with NeoRAGEx.

>> No.8349053

>I personally don't see the need for such a device
>therefore this device is shit and everyone who likes it is a shiteater

>> No.8349157

Or just FBNeo

>> No.8349339

>in 5 years time
We are just about to release an update that finally fix all the bugs in the neogeo emulator.

I'll use my real hardware in the meantime, works fine.

>> No.8349619

When you need replacement parts for that NG you'll be happy projects like mister exist.

>> No.8349626

Or you know, he can just replace the caps

>> No.8349678

FBNeo is less accurate than Mame for Neo Geo

>> No.8349843


>> No.8349856

> discord mods continue to be soulless robots about the dual ram issue

>> No.8349860


>> No.8349869

Kitrinx keeps going off on how CRTs are for retards and Sentient is telling people that bought analog io boards to go quit bitching and buy dual ram instead.

>> No.8350415

i thought jotego said cps3 wouldn't be possible because of memory latency or something?

>> No.8350464


>> No.8350476

Jotego in his rebellious fashion is not targeting MiSTer alone, he ports his cores to many less known FPGA platforms as long as they work. A few months ago he found out that an obscure ZX Spectrum-centric device had a super fast RAM which had not been used to its full potential yet. If MiSTer can't cut it, Jotego will work with other platforms.

>> No.8350497

What are some of the more popular ones after MiSTer?

>> No.8350517


Nice larp.

>> No.8350549
File: 207 KB, 1280x723, 68747470733a2f2f692e706f7374696d672e63632f726d7972444e6b772f494d472d32303139313032372d3030303235372e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no popularity data, but Jotego actively supports two additional platforms: the original MiST and SiDi. The former is an old device which was eventually forked into MiSTer to adapt it to a more powerful board, the later is a newer board designed to be a cheaper unofficial alternative to MiST.

>> No.8350558

Sorgelig got interested in this whole thing to comfortably play old games on an LCD display. He probably looks at Analog I/O board popularity with an absolute bewilderment.

>> No.8350812
File: 21 KB, 1152x300, Forum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile on the forum Azum asks people to cease panicking.

>> No.8350837

I blame sentient stoking the fire as always.

>> No.8350950

I'll never understand the point of MiSTer on LCDs. Wouldn't it be far easier to just build USB adapters for every controller you want to use? Or is the 5 seconds of loading in RA too much to bear?

>> No.8352109

Sounds like he's going to try now that these e-beggars sent him the board.
I'll be impressed if he can get PGM working.

>> No.8352119

It's a well known fact that the DE-10 Nano is heavily subsidized and sold at a loss by Terasic. Its intended usage is for education, I'm surprised they haven't been more strict about limiting who can buy them. They've even posted on the MiSTer forum about all the retards frying their boards and then asking for warranty replacements.

>> No.8352129

Always wanted one of these just for having a nice emulation box in my living room. When the PS1 core comes out, will it require any kind of extra hardware? I've really been waiting for that to come out before I pull the trigger on one. If it'll just run on the current configurations that people use for other systems, I might just get a Mister now in case fucking YouTubers doing videos on the PS1 drives demand up.

>> No.8352182

I doubt it's actually sold at a loss. They probably make a slight profit at retail, and break even or make a slight loss when they sell to students.

Worst case it might need an extra SDRAM, but it probably won't even need that. Buy all the extra boards and shit from China, local resellers price gauge the fuck out of most of them. Some stuff is still cheaper from the local places though.

>> No.8352214

While on the topic of Analog I/Ocaust, I ran into one of the friendly merchants on facebook claiming to be involved with the Saturn core and stating "additional bandwidth will be needed, I won't say more". Take that as you will, don't quite buy it myself yet.

Get the DE10-Nano now, that's the core and the specs won't change. There's no reason to rush for the rest, chances are revisions will be out by then. And yes, it is just lego, you can't fuck up as long as you follow really simple instructions

>> No.8352220

>Get the DE10-Nano now, that's the core and the specs won't change.
Unless you want to play the relevant consoles

>> No.8352224

Read the conversation.

>> No.8353523
File: 24 KB, 320x240, 0A332944-C77B-4475-9830-94C345F37D68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no point in these mister threads
until jannies start nuking / issuing warnings for shitposting in here

95% of the thread is filled w/ tards that dont have $150 for the de-10

i cant think of anything more annoying no other console/system gets flamed this much

upcoming cores:
cps2, jaguar, ps1, possibly saturn

>> No.8354209

They're nice for a compact and silent tv game, Rpi is a bit gutless for good emu and PC is too wheezy. Also I like being able to hook up to CRT for feels.

>> No.8354262

booting up my ridiculous gaming pc to play snes is completely insane (overkill)

mister has a godtier ui that says out of the way

>> No.8354908

>muh money
I have all real hardware and also a modern computer
if you want an emulation box then a computer will be better
just admit it's an RPi with higher accuracy and lower compatibility

>> No.8354928

Why don't you fuck off?

>> No.8355918

>herp derp im rich and have 50+ consoles
so do most of the fags in here
i have a rp3 and to say that the mister is "better" is an understatement

why do you come into threads about things you dont like? do you have any idea how autistic that is

not only is your opinion wrong, people are dumber for believing you - you dont have a mister how could you possibly have the slightest idea wtf you are talking about

f u c k


>> No.8356513


Best value option.

>> No.8356579

I just bit the bullet and ordered a DE10 nano. What controllers are you all using on your setups?

>> No.8356593
File: 166 KB, 800x600, nes_snes_classic_edition_controllers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wii Classic Controller-compatible pads like NES and SNES Classic Edcition controllers through a USB adapter.
Retro-Bit's Saturn USB controller for anything requiring 6 face buttons (like Genesis or CPS-2), but I want to eventually upgrade to the real deal.

>> No.8356689

I'm really tempted by that retrobit Saturn pad (mostly interested in Mega Drive and that era of arcade games) but I've heard you have to switch between dinput and xinput every time you boot up. I'm guessing that's bullshit?

>> No.8356726
File: 15 KB, 673x352, MiSTer FPGA Input Latency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works in both modes and according to MisterAddons's controller latency spreadsheet the difference is negligible. I can't check right now (it's almost 4 AM in my timezone), but I think it boots in dinput by default, I may be wrong.
There's a minor but noticeable issue with wired controller that it is impossible to press Start+A or Start+X at the same time because those combinations are reserved for mode switching.

>> No.8356747

Thanks for the info.

>> No.8356961

Retrobit megadrive pads, some old x360 fightpads and an xbone third-party controller.

What usb adapter for the wii controllers?

>> No.8356964
File: 38 KB, 800x600, wusbmote_v3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raphnet classic controller to USB adapter is very good. It can be out of stock sometimes because it is highly desired by the Guitar Hero fans of all people due to its very low latency.

>> No.8356965

Damn low latency on the retrobits.

>> No.8356973
File: 3 KB, 628x78, Input Latency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow still not enough to overthrow the king,

>> No.8357021
File: 104 KB, 500x537, why-spend-80-on-an-snes-classic-when-you-can-55939106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is literally you

>> No.8357078

Cool. I've got nes/snes minis it would be great to use those controllers.

>> No.8357163

Shh, nobody tell him.

>> No.8357262

i have a snes classic though

>> No.8357934


>> No.8357937

This Duckstation port is coming along great.

>> No.8358008

Depends on the core.
Original NES, SNES, Mega Drive, and Master System controllers for those cores via SNAC
PC Engine Mini controllers for PC Engine stuff
Hori RAP3 stick for arcade and Neogeo
Xbox One Elite controller for everything else

>> No.8358557

He programmed his own software emulator and is porting that, but nice try

>> No.8358583


>> No.8358605
File: 43 KB, 724x307, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't mean he's porting Duckstation wholesale you plank

>> No.8358620

Either way you're getting a de facto software emulator that doesn't care about reproducing the original hardware accurately.

>> No.8358645

As he said, the software emulator he made was to allow him to understand how the components interact as a system whole. As long as the software emulator he made is accurate, if he can implement it in VHDL then the FPGA core will be accurate. No one questions whether bsnes is accurate (it is) so you can't complain that it won't be accurate with no evidence and before we've seen a mature version.

>> No.8358658

>As long as the software emulator he made is accurate...
I thought the point of using an FPGA is that it wouldn't be.

>> No.8358663

At least it was until it emulated everything up.

>> No.8358676

The great appeal of MiSTer and FPGA in general for me is accurate, dedicated low level emulation with no overhead. It does what it does without having to competing for system resources. It's just a pure gaming system, you switch it on and if you set it up to boot straight into a core/game you're literally playing it within a second of hitting the power switch.

>> No.8358898

And which PS1 is the real original hardware then you no-MiSTer seething moron?

The consoles with VRAM from 1994-1996 which have more slowdown in games or the newer SGRAM consoles?

>> No.8358998

With software emulation, accuracy and performance are somewhat mutually exclusive. Trying to achieve both is extremely difficult, and results in greatly increased code complexity, loss of modularity, spaghetti-code, significant deviation from the physical implementation of the hardware, instead implementing a functional equivalent more suited to cpu processing.

If you are coding an emulator not to be playable but instead just to understand the hardware it can be quite easy to make it 100% accurate, but it will be slow. But since you are not trying to make it fast, you can code it to directly resemble the hardware and have the code directly mimic the exact functionality and layout of the real hardware.

>> No.8359083

Either will do as long as it's accurate. Otherwise it's just another emulator.

>> No.8359228

I recommend those retrobit genesis controllers, besides being nice controllers they have low latency and can easily switch input schemes for compatibility on PC.

>> No.8359254 [DELETED] 


>> No.8359289 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8359346 [DELETED] 

That's the best acrostic you can come up with, poorfag ESLkun?
White children grasp how to make logical ones in English class before their age is in double digits. Yours reads like something a retarded homo would write on the wall of their padded cell with their feces as they're tested with Jung word association.

>> No.8359542 [DELETED] 


>> No.8360778

I hate this youtube channel.

>> No.8360824

No input delay unlike emulators

>> No.8361016

>No input delay unlike emulators
not really an issue with current emulation

>> No.8361141

Duckstation is already accurate enough. We aren't 10 years ago using ePSXe anymore, modern PSX emulation is extremely well developed and most of the components are well understood and documented.

Is this core the end-game of FPGA development for PS1? No. Hell, the MiSTer can't even beat the PS1 in a couple of niche tests draw tests due to memory latency. Is that going to make any difference for games? Probably not. 99% of people will be using the turbo version that draws the polygons faster so they don't have to suffer through 10 fps slideshows, nobody is going to notice a subframe timing discrepancy on single pixel line draws. In another decade maybe we'll have a fancier board that can implement more things at a bare metal level rather than abstractions, and the total sum of the differences will be 0.01% and invisible in 99% of games.

>> No.8361182

>Duckstation is already accurate enough.
You could have ended it there.

>> No.8361202

This. I can almost beat Mr, Dream with Nintendo Online, so the better emulators smoke that one, no contest and everyone knows it.

>> No.8361732

Still more of an issue than on FPGA. Those ms add up.

>> No.8362574

>Hell, the MiSTer can't even beat the PS1 in a couple of niche tests draw tests due to memory latency.

>> No.8362653

This, tired of seeing it shilled. Why aren't there any MiSTer channels run by people who are channels with a more technical background and understanding? Same issue with channels that cover regular ass software emulation

>> No.8362851

>Why aren't there any MiSTer channels run by people who are channels with a more technical background and understanding?
No meming or elitism intended, it's because mister is still niche enough that any knowledgeable players are just playing it. YouTube videos tend to happen when enough people need them that they become profitable through advertising.

>> No.8362882

... So I'm a dumb retard, I don't get it.

Is this shit emulation or not? Are they talking about it as if it's not emulation when really it is but just a different kind of emulation?

What's the deal? It can't be "hardware accurate" unless it just replicates the hardware, surely.

(Also why isn't that a thing, surely it'd be piss easy to just make replicas of old weak ass chips and shit nowadays, and slap it on a modular arduino thing or some shit)

>> No.8362894

It does "replicate the hardware". FPGA literally can be configured exactly as per the original hardware at the chip logic level, although that requires a lot of work.

>> No.8362898


Right, but how? It's not an exact copy of the hardware, so it's just like... A chip that gets configured to act like another chip?

>> No.8362920

Yeah that's it. A chip is just a miniaturized circuit and often has many revisions and cost reducing reimplementations, the FPGA is just a reconfigurable chip which now can be programmed to preproduce every chip and interconnect on these old systems.

>> No.8362921

>so it's just like... A chip that gets configured to act like another chip?
Yes. FPGAs get used a lot for prototyping by actual chip designers.

>> No.8362926
File: 6 KB, 284x177, FPGA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what it looks like under microscope

>> No.8362947

For a TV connected game system, a RPI is a lag shitshow and a PC is noisy and shit. Mister is ste and forget there is no comparison eat shit haters ur r ghey.

>> No.8362960

>adds up the current market value of half the popular systems you can emulate
>SEE! MiSTer is such a great value proposition!!
>seemingly unaware his audience are watching on PC/MAC and capable of understanding emulation - that's how most got to his channel in the first place.
Sheesh. I'm a MiSTer shill, and I like VGE's channel, but even i cringed at that video.

>> No.8362995

the entire channel is v cringe

however, all the console cores that are fully cooked out of the box are ready to go with minimal fuckery involved

i have a separate crt and mister on a power switch i can be up and gaming in less than 8 seconds

the rp3 is a pos comparatively
i have a ridiculous i7 10th gen pc
but even liquid cooled it still makes noise

the mister can run w/on fan until you start running ridiculous shit

>> No.8362997

If the core is good, it is literally an exact copy of the hardware.
An FPGA can be programmed with any logic. It is made up of programmable logic units, and given enough of them, you can make an FPGA mimic any circuit you like, but at the hardware level. Give it the logic of e.g. a Megadrive and it will electrically be a Megadrive. So much so that if necessary you could program an FPGA to take the place of a circuit in original hardware. It's a circuit that is physically reconfigured by software.

>> No.8363048
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Thanks bros, I get it now.

Seems like a good idea, you think one day this tech will be mature enough that you can put together a box to accurately replicate all the good old hardware?

Why does their page say they're never planning N64? Is the N64 really that fucktarded not even this can replicate it?

>> No.8363065

I don't have a fan on a full classic mister hamburger. No issues.

>> No.8363071

The n64 chips are too comes to fit into the mister FPGA. It could be done on a bigger or multiple FPGAs and will happen eventually. PS1 and Saturn are probably the limit of the FPGA budget for the mister.

>> No.8363090

Virtually zero difference in emulating hardware in software and doing FPGA on inferior, limited hardware to do the same thing. MISTer is a cult and a sham to sell expensive little toys to people brainwashed into thinking emulation is somehow inferior.

>> No.8363109


>> No.8363112

An FPGA has a limit in terms of how much silicon it can simulate, and the N64 is simply Too Big.

>> No.8363115

nope, not unless you are using shit hardware, with the next gen of intel chips it should probably be even less of an issue

>> No.8363125

The best MiSTer cultists can do is a lame fucking insult instead of presenting actual facts. Oh wait, they have no actual facts that show their overpriced garbage is good.
I win.

>> No.8363136

b-b-but one arcade game has a bug in a cutscene on mame

>> No.8363260

Still more latency.

>> No.8363359

Is running actual hardware inferior too?

>> No.8363418


>> No.8363492

interesting to watch, thank you for posting.

>> No.8363505

The mister core is still alpha.

>> No.8363515

Chances are that it won’t play on a mister though

>> No.8363595

Your brain is inferior hardware, of the homosexual variety.

>> No.8363614

This is not quite true. The logic of an N64 likely would fit, but the chips run at too high a clock speed for the FPGA to maintain stability. It's possible that a mixture of hardware and software emulation could do it, but that sort of defeats the point.
See also: Dreamcast.

>> No.8363786

It performs worse because it's bottlenecked by DRAM, revising the core won't do much.

That said, it probably doesn't matter since it's an extreme corner case.

>> No.8363789

Misterbros, they are making fun of us again >>8363762

>> No.8363791

> famiclone has a mistake
> its fucked forever
> mister core has a mistake
> it can be patched
Most updates either add/change features or fix cartridge mappers.

>> No.8363793

>emulator has a mistake
>it can never be patched because reasons

>> No.8363847

> changing the argument to try and sound smart
Both can be updated. Chips in famiclones aren't printed and fucked forever.

>> No.8363970

Is it worth to play shmups on this shit?

>> No.8363973

Yes, most games don't need accurate slowdown emulation but shmups are an exception.

>> No.8363975

I always felt that slowdown made them too easy, hence why I always overclock my emulators

>> No.8364128
File: 50 KB, 437x500, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking news, dual ram no longer required for PS1 core

>> No.8364185

Cool, post a build.

>> No.8364381

And a new video to celebrate this

>> No.8364391

Just played some RidgeRacer on the PSX beta core. Feels good man

>> No.8364413

Direct video doomers on suicide watch!

>> No.8364470

Don't worry they're still clinging to the dual ram is necessary for audio myth.

>> No.8364489

They should switch gears into hyping 24 bit color as an absolute requirement.

>> No.8364490

If you want to emulate, just emulate.

>> No.8364496

MiSTer is my emulator of choice!

>> No.8364601

Yes but still the development can start so when the next FPGA platform that succeeds the DE-10 lands, it will be ready.

>> No.8364605

Dodonpachi is getting into a decent shape.

>> No.8364630

Wow hater’s gonna hate. Imagine living in a world where there are no options.

>> No.8364739


- Support for loadable Shadow Masks as proposed by Martin Donlon.
you must download masks from https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/ShadowMasks_MiSTer and place to Shadow_Masks folder on SD card.

- input: fix keyboard to joystick mapping.

- user_io: fixes and tweaks in image I/O, support 2352 byte/sector for PSX core.

- improved screenshots (alanswx).

Add Shadow Masks support

Release of Shadow Mask support by Gregory Hogan. For better flexibility masks are loadable.
Make Sure you updated Main as well.

Currently following cores have been updated with Shadow Masks:


If everything will go well, other cores will be updated too.

>> No.8364754
File: 43 KB, 550x550, 1637716287826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edge magazine does a massive multi page article about you
>interviews with all the head honchos talking about how the thing works
>in the end the conclusion is that they're no more accurate than software emulators and they cost money while software ones are free

>> No.8364979

Definitely lower latency than any pi, drives RGB perfectly.

>> No.8365334

Sweet, been waiting for wider shadow mask support, it was pretty damn good on Jotego's cores

>> No.8365342

MiSTer cores are completely free numbnuts

>> No.8365343

Mister is arcade-pcb oriented. PlayStation isn't really a major goal for it since a modded PlayStation is cheap.

>> No.8365347

For anyone interested in the context, this is the article she means.

>> No.8365349

bruh /vr/ is one of the cheapest hobbies. The idea that this thing is expensive is absurd. Go ask a MTG player how much they spent on their hobby.

>> No.8365361

It's not expensive though. Pi-gger.

>> No.8365372

Sorgelig (lead dev) himself has said in an interview before that he feels working on arcade cores is stupid because you would end up with a couple of working games instead of hundreds provided by consoles/computers. The lead dev gang works mainly on those platforms, arcade cores are mostly made by side people.

>> No.8365440

Yeah it's a shitload of effort for minimal returns. That's why I can't fault jotego for trying to get paid for it. Those boards aren't cheap.

>> No.8365448

Jotego has also employed a paid assistant now

>> No.8365462

That's good. Anything to get cores out faster.

>> No.8365465

>hardware copy of the system
It's still interpreting hardware through software, even if at a lower level.

>> No.8365469

>my phone
Look at this fucking normie here. Go post about it on your facebook.

>> No.8365483

It's not doing anything by software. The closest thing to software is the language the cores are written in (VHDL), but that's functions more like a hardware schematic than a programming language.

>> No.8365509

Let me guess you typed that on a an iPhone?

>> No.8365694

Cool non-sequitur, brah.

>> No.8365779

You mean "runahead" on software emulators that needs to be configured for every game due to variable latency from game to game?

>> No.8365937

>that needs to be configured for every game due to variable latency from game to game?

>> No.8366017
File: 147 KB, 491x491, 1636941599876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this not just to use an actual gba as a controller?

I have a hard time believing you could use this to trade pokemon with this thing

>> No.8366189

It can connect to GB.

>> No.8366415

Is it true that Jotego's putting Patreon names on his core menus? How that's looks like? Picture, please. I can't believe this shit is real

>> No.8366486

It's not in the menu, it's in the pause screen and you can turn it off.

>> No.8366638

You can literally connect a real game boy and play any game with a versus mode.

>> No.8368008
File: 78 KB, 1024x768, 025-custom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go play some Commodore Plus/4 games for extra variety.

>> No.8368796

Classic example of a system that is a good candidate for FPGA. The CPU, Ted and pla chips in the c16/plus4 are known to be popping and can be replaced Beith FPGA equivalents. Projects like mister smoke test that work.

>> No.8368926

For my use case specifically its very easy to setup with a CRT and capture it at the same time and it has zero latency compared to real hardware. Retroarch does have run ahead but its a pain to set individually for each game.

I just wish mister was better with controller swapping since I can see this being used in tournaments/offline gatherings for fighting games from now on.

>> No.8368969

Honestly, nothing really
Everyone will tout non issues because they’re coming off stuff they don’t like
Emulators will still give you more of everything

>> No.8369336

I think byo controller is console cancer. Tournament should be on the same installed standard control that everyone uses for the whole thing.

>> No.8370669

Does anyone have the new PSX build?

>> No.8370847

Rename it to playstation.

>> No.8370910

Yet most of the people buying the product are doing so for the arcade cores.

>> No.8370923

Arcade machines are where software emulators suck so it makes sense.