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8326618 No.8326618 [Reply] [Original]

I never had one, and I’d like to get one. I want to be able to play Ys 1 & 2, and Rondo of Blood though, so I guess I need some sort of CD attachment or the Terra Onion thing.

I don’t plan on buying any games for it, since game prices aren’t worth it. I can afford them, there are just better things for me to spend my money on other than the console itself.

I guess I have three options that I known of:
1. Get an unreliable Pro Duo for a higher price and burn games (Everdrive for Hu-cards).
2. Get the standard pc-engine / tg16 and the stupid overpriced terraonion shit.
3. Hope that the Everdrive someday supports the CD attachment through fpga like the Mega Everdrive does with Sega CD games.

Are there any other options I’m missing? What’s the preferred method? Is it even worth it, or should I just emulate and save money/headache. Honestly besides a few games I mostly just want the console for coomlection purposes.

>> No.8326636
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>> No.8326664

The Turbo EverDrive has received one firmware update in 5+ years, do not get it if you're expecting CD-ROM2 support down the line, it will never happen. If you want to jump into the bottomless money pit that is the PCE, you need the TerraOnion thing. Do not waste your money on a Duo that will break again, even if it's been refurbished. Frankly, getting a plain ass PCE and a chinese bootleg EverDrive isn't a bad move on the cheap if you really want to get into the hardware, but I would just emulate for PCE CD-ROM2 games. Controllers cost $30-50 a piece, the original (and only cheap) PCE is RF-only, so you need a video output adapter for the expansion port, there's no replacement membrane pads for fixing shitty controllers, it's just such a pain in the ass. Shame too because it's one of the coolest systems ever.

>> No.8326780

Why not consider a briefcase?
The standard CD-ROM2 drive usually just has one plastic gear inside disintegrate, but overall the whole briefcase setup seems to be much, much more reliable than the first Duo model (not sure about the R and RX).
The games you listed only require a super system card at most, so you can avoid buying an arcade card pro.
Plus it's objectively the coolest looking PC Engine setup (as much as I love the look of the original Duo).

>> No.8327137

If you want to play on CRT, get either a MiSTer if you're autistic, or a Wii if you want "good enough for everything but Wonder Momo".

If you don't care about CRTs, just run Retroarch. The actual hardware just isn't worth owning, it's very expensive, prone to failure, and has terrible video output. I adore the PC Engine, I think the briefcase is one of the coolest looking systems ever, but I'll never own one of these fucking things. Just doesn't make any kind of sense in the modern day, if you picked up a Duo R for 5 bucks 20 years ago and you orgasm every time you replace a capacitor, good for you, but for normal people the system just isn't worth owning anymore. I struggle to even justify the cost of a fucking controller these days.

>> No.8327168

Spot the MiSTer marketer ITT.

>> No.8327263

is the polymega a viable alternative?

>> No.8328090
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The Analogue Duo

>> No.8328151

I've been ready to buy this shit all year.

I'm guessing preorders won't be open until halfway through next year and supply chain issues means won't have it until 2023.

>> No.8328527

The chink rgb adapter I got don't work, alixpress gave me a refund. Guess I'll have to buy the real one

>> No.8328552

Same, I've got a decent library of hucards and CD's and don't want to keep risking the death of my Duo-R, will patiently wait until then.

>> No.8328685

somewhat true

you can do the modulator briefcase and get a recapped/regeared pc engine cd addon

do not buy any pc engine shit that hasnt been professionally serviced the gears are plastic and will break (cap issues aside)

hyperkin makes a decent controller with turbo sliders & cdr are easy to make via cd romance

the everdrive will be the cheapest part of all this nonsense

make of this what you will,
do what makes you happy

misterfpga runs cd games just fine & i can mediafire you the entire hucard library if you want

>> No.8328691

also worth mentioning you can tinker with the everdrive and use it as an arcade card

only the hardcore have original hardware-

>> No.8328748

emulation is fine if you don't want to use original hardware

>> No.8328749

I have a CoreGrafx. I'll give you my thoughts as someone who owns the hardware: if you don't intend on building up a collection of HuCards there is no reason to own the original hardware. The CD drives break easily and as far as I know there is no proper ODE available for the system so you're going to be stuck harvesting CD drives from broken walkman's (which are collectable and expensive) to fix it just to play burned games. The Terra onion shit is all emulation. At that point you're better off saving your money and either emulating the system or buying some sort of fpga device like a mister or that analogue thing that will never ship.
If you still want to play HuCard games on real hardware with an everdrive then I recommend getting either of the CoreGrafx models because the original white PC Engine model only supports RF unless you put some sort of attachment onto the back of the system. But what's the point in having a PC Engine and no HuCard collection? That's half of the fun.

>> No.8328792

Just get a mister

>> No.8328798

>The CD drives break easily and as far as I know there is no proper ODE available for the system
Do people really not know what an ODE is?

>> No.8328802

>The Terra onion shit is all emulation
Oh you’re that shitposter, never mind

>> No.8328817

So you're schizo AND retarded? The Terra Onion is running most of the game, not the hardware itself. Unlike the Famicom, the PC Engine's disk drive does more than just read the disk.

>> No.8328820

uh huh, you gonna post proof?

>> No.8328827

My Life in Gaming did a video on it. Go find it yourself.

>> No.8328829

uh huh, post the part where they said it's all emulation minus the supergrafx part

>> No.8328831

What do you think fpga is?

>> No.8328832

What do you think ODE is

>> No.8328857

Optical Drive Emulator. The Terra Onion is emulating more than just the optical drive, it's emulating the expanded hardware that is a part of the PC Engine's optical drive.

>> No.8328862

>it's emulating the expanded hardware that is a part of the PC Engine's optical drive
the CD rom rom is just that, an optical drive
the PC engine itself is what processes the data

>> No.8328871

back to plebbit you go fag

>> No.8328872

Ok, so explain why Terra Onion's device is using the FPGA to do most of the work and is barely using the original hardware at all.

>> No.8328875

>explain why Terra Onion's device is using the FPGA to do most of the work
again, post proof

>> No.8328889

I already told you of a video that covers it. Watch it if you want proof so badly. I'm pretty sure Game Sack talked about it too. I'm not going to spoon-feed you.

>> No.8328898

>I'm not going to spoon-feed you.
then don't lie, either post the point where they said it's completely emulated with no use of original hardware or just keep lying, your call

>> No.8328905

Lying and not combing through a 30 minute video to find something that you, a supposed grown adult, can do all by yourself are not the same thing. If you want to pretend that an FPGA doing most of the work isn't emulation than be my guest, I don't care. Good luck with your autism.

>> No.8328909

>Lying and not combing through a 30 minute video to find something that you, a supposed grown adult
ironic for someone that's claiming something without backing it up

>> No.8328914

PC engines are only good if you fucking love shmups, or you know Japanese.

I can't recommend one in good faith to an EOP, because you're missing out on some of the best games on the system out of the gate. A solid percentage of the CD library is just completely inaccessible, you can't even play some of the system's stand out games like the Far East of Eden series.

>> No.8328919

Is the Genesis Everdrive (the one that can run Sega CD game without any extra hardware) also emulation?

>> No.8328925

I've already recommended you two videos that cover it.
I'm not familiar with the Sega CD. Does it improve on the original hardware or just add a optical drive?

A better example of a device that is strictly an ODE is the FDS Stick which replaces the optical drive and does replace the ram adapter. But the Everdrive emulates the ram adapter.

>> No.8328928

>I've already recommended you two videos that cover it.
and neither of them say anything that you claim, point out your claim

>> No.8328934

>Does it improve on the original hardware or just add a optical drive?
It improves the sound quality as far as I know.
Even the Famicom everdrive does that tho.

>> No.8328951

You didn't watch the videos retard.Game Sack definitely talked about it.
Is it adding extra sound hardware or is it just streaming it from a disk? In the case of the Famicom, the rain adapter has extra sound hardware which is part of what the Everdrive is emulating. The FDS still still requires the ram adapter because it is just an ODE.

>> No.8328954

then post that part of the video
put up or shut up

>> No.8328969
File: 62 KB, 679x1024, CEED1091-0209-4ECA-B8D3-2164FEC8D435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you fucking retarded
im on mobile it makes the spaces automatically

everything i said is exactly true dipshit

>> No.8328992

Watch the video and find it yourself or stop asking

>> No.8329001

I accept your concession

>> No.8329098

>automatic double enter
what did he mean by this

>> No.8329109

> it makes the spaces automatically
No it doesn't.
I wrote this on a phone too.

I only double space manually if I need to separate paragraphs or if I think it looks better that way.

>> No.8329129

have fun without my complete retail library then faggogs

>> No.8329197

kill yourself

>> No.8329762

No one is marketing an open source project, jesus christ.

>> No.8329775

>the PC Engine's disk drive does more than just read the disk.

It's the total opposite. The PCE CD-ROM2 is just a dumb data storage device that can play redbook audio. You're conflating it with the SEGA CD which does actually have "additional hardware" inside. The TerraOnion thing is just pretending to be that drive, it's not like emulating at all.

>> No.8329837

There's additional RAM involved (system cards/built-in for Duos etc.) that would need to be emulated too, right?

>> No.8330010

Yes / sort of. System cards weren't part of the CD-ROM2 unit itself; they were HuCards or built into the other hardware as you mentioned.

>> No.8330038

If you're a faggot, I mean.

>> No.8330052

Yeah, but the CD-ROM2 unit needs them to play CD games, so the TerraOnion device must need to replicate their functionality in FPGA, correct?

>> No.8330506

No not correct
That would make any flash card emulation in your eyes

>> No.8330821

It imitates the CD-ROM hardware, yes, it's "emulating" a physical disk drive in hardware/software. That's not really at all similar to pure software emulation of a machine. The game code is executing on the native PCE hardware.

>> No.8331226

Kind of, but not really. Pretty much all of these CD addons at the time weren't much more than a cd drive that just sent game data to the console to run, and sent redbook audio from the disc over the AV lines. At most there was an extra RAM buffer the console could also take advantage of.

>> No.8331227

OP here, didn’t realize how much debate there was on the topic. I’m aware that Terra Onion’s solution is emulation to an extent, I get that it’s not the system doing 100% of the work, and I’m okay with that. Especially if it means I can avoid failure prone cd-drives. I can do a bit more research on the Terra Onion, I just hate the price.
The reason I mention the Mega Everdrive having Sega CD support through fpga emulation, is that the Mega SD by Terra Onion offered it first, and Krikzz added the support to ‘fight back’ I guess. With Terra Onion offering a solution that fpga emulates the CD games with their device, I’m wondering if Krikzz would do something similar.

I’ll look into the analogue duo though, that looks cool. Thanks for the advice everyone.

>> No.8331234

>I’m aware that Terra Onion’s solution is emulation to an extent, I get that it’s not the system doing 100% of the work
no, it is
only the super grafx is emulated

>> No.8331361

If you don't mind fgpa emulation just get a mister for about the same cost of a analogue rip off device

>> No.8331524

Why did I get three of the same answer that I got before?
I'm not the absolute moron arguing that the TerraOnion device is "mostly emluation". That's retarded.
All I was saying is that it does need to recreate that extra system card RAM in FPGA.
Everyone that responded seemed to extrapolate what they think I was implying by that, but I wasn't implying anything except what I said.
It's pedantic, but doesn't that still make the whole CD-ROM2 system that the TO device is replicating slightly (very slightly) more than "just a disc drive"?

>> No.8331562

what the TO drive is doing is an ODE, a flash drive and also pulling the digital RGB output of the actual PCE to clean the image up from artifacts
and if you use the HDMI port it will output a digital signal upscaled
the Arcade and RAM cards on PCE are just bigger game cards with a BIOS that work in conjunction with the CD ROM

>> No.8331604

Parts of it, yeah.

>> No.8331645
File: 137 KB, 1231x1024, core grafx II + super cd-rom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a Core Grafx with a Super CD-ROM2 recently and I love it. So far I've been playing Splatterhouse and R-Type Complete CD. I went with a Super CD-ROM2 because they don't seem to suffer the same capacitor issues as the Duo models and because it has built-in System Card 3.0 functionality for CD games. Whether it's worth the money or not is entirely up to you. My whole setup with an ac adapter, a mono RCA cable and one controller was around $260 including tax and shipping from Japan.

>> No.8331649

If you're going all original hardware, this is probably the best setup, unfortunately it makes an appealing system look ugly

>> No.8331651

cdbromance does not have PCECD games.

>> No.8331657

Yeah, kinda makes it look like a VHS rewinder. It's less of an awkward shape to deal with under my TV than I thought it would be, at least

>> No.8331664
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I like the way the interface unit looks myself, but I know it's more prone to issues and you need the system cards

>> No.8331683

for the sake of your wallet, you're better off buying a Wii. There's other PC Engine emulators besides WiiMednafen that work perfectly well, as well as official Virtual Console versions of those 3 games which you can easily install if you get the wads.

>> No.8332032

Some fucking cringy YouTuber attention seeker isn't really proof

>> No.8332402

Just buy a DUO-R or RX from Japan. Yeah, it won't be cheap, but I assume you're not poor if you want to get into PC Engine, lol.
Those versions are the best looking imo and the general opinion seems to indicate that they're much more reliable and less prone to failure compared to the original DUO.

>> No.8332430

I'm pretty sure the mega everdrive only supports the bios of the mega cd section so you still need the hardware and disc to run the games

>> No.8332431

So you don't have any proof then. Got it

>> No.8332440

>The Turbo EverDrive has received one firmware update in 5+ years, do not get it if you're expecting CD-ROM2 support down the line, it will never happen.
Isn't Krikzz developing a completely new Turbo Everdrive with CD-ROM2 support though?

>> No.8332447

I have no idea. The HuCard slot is technically capable of it, save for redbook audio iirc.

>> No.8332448

No the mega ever drive pro runs CD games fine off the cartridge with no hardware

>> No.8332449

So that's why MegaSD looks like a tumor on PC Engine's ass...

>> No.8332456

MegaSD is TO mega drive flash card
PCEs one is called SHDS3 pro, it’s quite a mouthful

>> No.8332463

Ah thanks anon, I wasn't too sure as I have an x5 and a mega cd - I didn't realise the pro could do that

>> No.8332489

Yeah it seems the mega CD is pretty much just a data loader as well
Unlike the 32x which actually needs the hardware to play it’s games

>> No.8332575

Might be worth checking in on Terraonion later this month. I remember in 2018 or 2019, Terraonion did a pretty good Black Friday special where they put all their stuff up on sale. Even the SSDS3, which was restocked solely for that day.

>> No.8332586

They said on their Twitter that they’re not doing that, check anyway if you want though