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File: 220 KB, 1600x800, SI_NDS_MegaManZeroCollection_image1600w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8323813 No.8323813 [Reply] [Original]

best megaman saga right here
x is an overrated inconsistent as fuck shit. its edgy rockish shit has nothing on soulful zero's music

>> No.8323849

X was babby's first edgy reboot.
Zero was babby's first edgy reboot (2000s style)

>> No.8323863

Zero is better simply because the mastermind behind everything isn't always SIGMA. Zero actually setups the final villain of the series very nicely throughout it's run.

>> No.8323893 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8323896

Love me X, but I need to commit to playing Z sometime.

>> No.8323913


the only thing i can give zero haters is the anime shit. other than that, zero is vastly superior to overrated x
music. actual consisten story. zero saga is also the only one that met its end
and most importanly: gameplay. it's damm fun. you not only shoot things, but you can also do melee attack, making it a fully frenetic, action-peaced game
but really, the music, man, the fucking music

never played zx, so i can't really say anything about it

>> No.8323941

The only "valid" complaint I've heard about the Zero series is that they don't like the art style, despite how kino it is

>> No.8324002

Zero series sucks and is very boring.

>> No.8324148

Too bad it's held back by GBA's shit audio, even in the slightly better DS compilation.
Makes you wish you could put the remastered tracks in the game somehow

>never played zx, so i can't really say anything about it
They went even more anime and the sequel (Advent) is more Metroid-like.
It has the same composers, so they nailed the music at least.

>> No.8324159

>never played zx

>> No.8324293

>Wait a moment these cutscenes last forever...

>> No.8324303

>Makes you wish you could put the remastered tracks in the game somehow
You probably can, just like the FFVI music restoration patch did.

>> No.8324471

>have to grind weapon skills

Yeah fuck that

>> No.8324482

>makes you choose between elves and earning skills
>whatever you do half the game's mechanics are left unused

There is no defending this.
Zero 4 is the only one that got it right and it's the best in the series

>> No.8324568

This is still rock, so idk what N-person OP is bitching about

>> No.8324662


first go play the game you casual and then come back

if you think zero music is the same as rockish shitty x's then that simply proves you haven't even played the games

>> No.8324701

what are you talking about? 3 was the one that got it right

>> No.8324742

Mega Man X sounds better, rock music goes with action games, sissy fag, not this gay ass muzak ASMR bullshit

>> No.8324745

How do i get S rank without pulling my hair out? Are they really expect the player to beat every mission without any damage and cyber elves and fast as shit?

That's brutal man, it's literally fucking impossible

>> No.8324748

Zero fans seething about X.
Meanwhile X fans have never even played a Zero game and don't think about it at all.

>> No.8324819

t. teeny rocktard

>> No.8325010

Only in the first one. But your reaction is understandable

>> No.8325025


t. effeminate nigger

>> No.8325035

Many such cases. Zoomers are insecure about their shit childhoods.

>> No.8325072
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I remember grinding in at least two of them

>> No.8325903

Elves were the game's built-in easy mode. They're perfectly beatable without using 'em, though Zero 3 and Zero 4 provide more incentive for players who care about their EX skills or rank to use them.

>> No.8325912

They expect you to go fast for S ranks, but they don't expect you to do that on your first go around. It's like Sonic; speeding through the level usually happens after you've gotten acquainted with it a bit. Going for no-damage is insane.

Bind your subweapon to R if you haven't. Also, a rule of thumb I have is that losing more than the amount of health Zero starts with would be a good time to restart, but even then you can skirt by with an S-Rank if you've been getting them all game. The ranking system is based on your average, so getting S-ranks from the beginning gives you more slack than if you just started going for them after getting A's and B's all game.

>> No.8325924

The controls are so tight, it's wonderful dashing around and scaling pixel perfect ledges for elves.

The secrets don't get as autistically difficult as X though.

>> No.8326207

> the generation that gets triggered by action games with action music is the same generation that's chopping off their balls

>> No.8326218

There's mods for the PC collection to get the album music ingame

>> No.8326531

Really enjoyed the second game. I take it the third one is even better?

>> No.8327078

calling X egdy while praising the series that is 2000's egde...ok retard

>> No.8327090

Yeah, that's the common viewpoint. There's quite a few quality of life changes added in I think you'll appreciate. Like how instead of Forms, they've added in equppable Head and Foot chips that have their own effects, like the ability to jump on water or an increased charge rate.

The Cyber-Elves also got a bit of an overhaul, and now there's a type of Elf you won't be penalized for using.

>> No.8327196

I like X better but I have played Zero and they're alright. Not really my thing tho. I don't care for the RPG elements but get that they had to be there as a point of distinction.

>> No.8327765

But the Zero series is also inconsistent as fuck because it wants to tie to the X series.

>> No.8327817
File: 342 KB, 1291x1800, 81o2KxPaN+L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art for MMZ is a pleb filter for sure. One of the most unique and beautiful artstyles of any game.

>> No.8327881
File: 26 KB, 68x78, zero disco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never played a platformer as tight as Z3+Z4 and likely never will. Having point defense with the saber and the buster for long range is a world of difference from anything else. Basically you can constantly be on the move and attacking, Zero isn't slow and he doesn't need a wind up to put hits in.

>> No.8327897

They're not reboots, though, they're timeskip sequels set in the same timeline as the classic games.

>> No.8327902

The zero games are great but I keep getting filtered by the art. Zero looks like such a dork

>> No.8327907

>the anime shit
I don't get this, ALL of Mega Man, the entire franchise, is anime as shit.
Classic is Astroboy with Casshern hints
X is Casshern fullstop
Zero is Hakkaider
ZX is tokusatsu in general
Legends is Yatterman

BN is Corrector Yui but male
SF is Tokusatsu in general 2: Electric Boogaloo (with Saint Seiya hints, I guess?)

>> No.8327914

Press Select.

>> No.8327926

The excuse seems to be that reploids in the MMZ timeframe have been designed to closely resemble humans with the advent of better tech, but they look naked, even by megaman standards. Battle Network did this right, but Zero just looks like it's one step away from softporn.

>> No.8327928

The style is fine on its own. The designs are hit or miss.

>> No.8327929

Reminder that Zero began and ended with dignity in one generation on a short lived system while X became a zombie series with disgraceful phone games to it's name. X fags just can't let it go.

>> No.8327932

>Battle Network did this right
By "this" I mean robots with bodysuit designs.

>> No.8327954

Lad, imagine when I tell you the devs confirmed in ZX, it's not spandex, instead it's their actual skin dyed for fashion.
Aile (as Model LX, Model PX, Model OX and grown up) and Ashe are just flashing people in-universe.

>> No.8327958

Oh god, is that why they draw so many damn muscle lines on reploids? It's fine on the girl ones but not for the rest.

>> No.8328006

>Zero began and ended with dignity in one generation
>starts again in a new series that effectively cuts off in the second entry that no one wants to touch again
>wanted to jump onto the phone games but took design notes from a failing phone which made it crash as well
>Capcom still doesn't want to release information about the collection sales for whatever reason
I don't know man.

>> No.8328117
File: 107 KB, 600x954, Vent's mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reploids by ZX are bio-organic indistinguishable from humans, called Humanoids as a group, reploids are only identifiable via a triangle on their foreheads.
Reploids and humans can mingle with each other and reproduce though, a Japanese Capcom guide book to ZX had an illustration of Aile's/Vent's mom, drawn by the artist of the manga adaptation.

The reploids on Zero, though, are still made of lightweight Titanium X but a much more anatomically accurate mold to look closer to humans.

>> No.8328126

Ironically enough the artist for the MMZ games draws a lot of hentai

>> No.8328131

>it’s canon in MM lore that blackface becomes a trend

>> No.8328149
File: 202 KB, 451x283, ZX interview from the art books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the interview with story writer (from Z2 to ZXA) and artist (for ZX and ZXA minus ZX's box art) Makoto Yabe. He was also character designer.

>> No.8328162

So they are going to war in nothing but crop tops and briefs, which is not only dumb but also looks the part.

>> No.8328197
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x1080, gv2 wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, this shouldn't be surprised to anyone. This is Inti Creates, after all, the same people who do Gal*Gun as well as Zero/ZX's spiritual successor, Gunvolt. There's a picture of Joule and the real Zonda on lingerie made by inti themselves but I can't find it, have this instead.

>> No.8328204
File: 898 KB, 1000x863, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But reploids in the X series are the same as well they just wear big armor. In fact in the Zero series they were made less human by being unable to process food and it wasn't until ZX where they could.

>> No.8328208

To be fair, this is new artwork made as an extra for the Legacy Collection. For X himself, his lightweight titanium X skin is the light blue parts of his body, that isn't spandex. When he looses an arm in various in-game arts (X5, MHX's OVA) we get to see his upper arm isn't covered on blue spandex but instead it's a solid tuve-like joint.

Although you could make the point on X8, the art change is the "road to Zero", where reploids can look more anatomically accurate to humans, but still not quite there. ZX is where both became truly indistinguishable and able of even procreation.

This would lead to Carbons from Legends.

>> No.8328221
File: 424 KB, 1280x1835, 1601068538107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.8328224

Thanks anon.

>> No.8328228
File: 247 KB, 409x450, EjqYL0YXcAAGwkP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The parts not covered by armor are still armor in the X game. The actual unarmored parts look like the pic you posted, with the seams showing and all. Navigators like Alia, Palette and Layer don't need as much Titanium X for their jobs so they look like they're wearing bodysuits with some armor here and there.

>> No.8328235

X8's just an art style change really. That Legacy Collection art of course was made after X8. I don't know if I'd really trust a "road to Zero" when even Inticreates just keeps changing their whole timeline as well. They already threw the Zero series to 23XX and we know 22XX reploid design is a mixed bag.

>> No.8328241

You know that's sketches for toy design right?

>> No.8328246

The baldness though, seems to apply for the bandai figures, which this artwork was made as a concept for, the actual devs in the R20 Rockman & Rockman X saga book adressed this regarding the actual games

It basically says the devs know X has hair but haven't decided how his hair looks like. They actually disagree about it.

>> No.8328254

Hey, it's official material.
>Twitter post of a phone screenshot of a spanish translation of a supposed japanese interview from 2005, in comic sans
What the goddamn fuck is this, anon?

>> No.8328257

There's also a licensed game where X is without a helmet and hair.

>> No.8328258

The only source I currently have.
The spanish fandom has a ton of lore tism, a lot of this shit is translated by a Spaniard who goes by Sidier. He also translated the Japan-only GV stuff and has done translations for Brian, the guy who runs Rockman Corner

>> No.8328259

What game?

>> No.8328264

Honestly, they overthink it. Just make it like Rock's. Or like Hub's.

>> No.8328269


>> No.8328275

>Mathman X3
X3 is my third favorite game but this is hysterical.

>> No.8328279

>X3 is my third favorite game
What a surprise.

>> No.8328282

Jesus Christ, we can't possibly accept shit like this, Rockman Strategy, the DOS games, Rockman DASH: The Quest to save the World and the tiger games are canon, can we?

>> No.8328284

Hey, it's good after X1 and X4.
And don't you fucking start.

>> No.8328287

I don't see it?

>> No.8328293

>67 seconds
>60 seconds is a minute

>> No.8328297

I saw it just as I posted that.

>> No.8328301

Hey, it's official material.

>> No.8328306

So is Xtreme but that one's not canon.

>> No.8328318
File: 318 KB, 1750x1056, zeroconceptart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero is shown with hair under the helmet.

>> No.8328321

I didn't say they didn't have hair though. It's just an example of what they look like without any T-X armor.

>> No.8329127

What does ZX have to do with Zero tho? They are completely different games. Zero ended and that's that. X is still being milked with new pointless entries. X8 came out literally after Zero 4. X is like cancer it never dies no matter how shitty it becomes.

>> No.8329494
File: 295 KB, 747x900, 20211114_105048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nakayama is 2000s SOVL

>> No.8329556
File: 58 KB, 650x900, 213100-0dd0836dde-00000001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ojamajo doremi one
shit was hardcore

>> No.8329997

sometimes i forgot he can draw cool non pedo shit

>> No.8330002

clunky shitty pointles metroid vaniazzzzzzzzzzzz

>> No.8330014


>> No.8330019

well as if the biometals didnt looked retarded enough, imma take my pants off whilea wearing this stupid helmet

>> No.8330021

inti more like pedocreates

>> No.8330026

no wonder was so tough being one in the early 2010s, zero was their religion

>> No.8330257

Ashe doesn't even wear pants in her civilian outfit lol

>> No.8330307

some of his strongest pieces are cunny core

>> No.8330309

Alouette is 10/10 design.

>> No.8330315

They're soft reboots. It's a more dignified approach than the average garden variety reboot, but basically serves the same general purpose

>> No.8330318

I like almost all Mega Man games, even the "bad" ones like X6 and MM8. i applaud Capcom's teams for making some of the best feeling platformers of all time even if some of the games were flawed. To deny the sheer mechanical excellence of some of them is to sell the entire medium of games short.

>> No.8330321

No, they're timeskips, thanks to books like the Chou Hyakka, the Complete Works, R20 among others, plus the Audio Dramas we know what happened in between sagas, however they're events that are too definitive and Capcom wouldn't want them to appear in-game because that'd end a saga (similar to how they were unhappy about Meijin/Masazaku Eguchi ending BN for good).

>> No.8330325

I'd say an exception to the rule on the "feeling" department would be X7. Shit feels weird, man.

>> No.8330329

They are direct sequels that assume X5 is the end of the X series.

>> No.8330339

X7 is an undeniably bad game and is not remotely fun to play in any way. X6 is shit on for the many things it does wrong and it overshadows how excellent it still feels to play.

>> No.8330343

This piece no doubt drawn in an extra 300k sales for Dread.
Dog bless

>> No.8330353

"Timeskip" is the narrative device; soft reboot is the intent and functional relationship: basically a somewhat connected blank-ish slate. Whatever in-between filler you reverse engineer later is not exactly relevant in terms of the core products.

Legends could count as a straight reboot if it had a little more going on; I guess it's more of a reimagining if you want to be kind to what was obviously just a business decision to give momentum to an unrelated project.

>> No.8330359

Actually, no.
Zero Complete Works confirms Area X-2 from Z3 is a retrofitted Jakob from long ago, making the area where you fight Copy X MK-II (where you see Space outside) being where you fight Vile V in X8, while Makoto Yabe confirmed in an interview with Ucchy in Rockman-Unity (translated via Sidier) that Model A is to be Axl, but added Model Albert as plausible deniability since he didn't knew what was going to be Axl's ultimate fate and didn't want to over-step his boundries, but at the same time, while designing Model A and Mega Man A (Ashe and Gray), the idea behind the bottlecap in their foreheads was that it was a seal of sorts keeping Lumine at bay.

The broken pillar seen in Legends 2's credits popping off the south pole of Elysium was confirmed to also be a Orbital Elevator, in the Japan only Rockman DASH: Big Adventure in 5 Islands, Rock Volnutt finds the ruins of one of the old Orbital Elevators like Jakob, with the sign "To HEAVEN", HEAVEN being the Japanese name for Elysium (since X8 was concieved as doing some ground work to the road to Legends, hence the religious allegories).

Legends is a sequel set in the distant future, it's the Turn-A Gundam of the Mega Man franchise, but the translation outsourced to OceanGroup and their inexperience with the series led to removal of elements or renaming elements that were supposed to link with the X series (renaming Irregulars as Aberrant Units, instead of Mavericks, calling Yuna an Android with positronic brain rather than a Reploid with an electronic brain, any reference to the Maverick Hunters was removed, and Purge Officer became Purifier Unit)

>> No.8330370

Thank you lore sage.

>> No.8330374
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My pleasure.
Mega Man has a surprisingly interesting lore. It pleases my 'tism.

>> No.8330382


>> No.8330484

>Zero Complete Works confirms Area X-2 from Z3 is a retrofitted Jakob from long ago, making the area where you fight Copy X MK-II (where you see Space outside) being where you fight Vile V in X8,
That's really interesting if true, I don't think I ever noticed that in my book.

>> No.8330493

>The tower leading to the center of Neo Arcadia. Technically, it is really a repaired elevator shaft that was once used in an orbital elevator for transportation between the Earth’s surface and the moon. The orbital elevator was destroyed in the Maverick Wars, however, and now this shaft is used to foil would-be infiltrators of Neo Arcadia.
I'll be damned.

>> No.8330528

The Neo Arcadia artwork from Zero Collection also shows several Orbital Elevators thorough Neo Arcadia. The Japanese manual from Rockman 3 already mentioned Energen Crystals (what we knew as energy elements in MM3 and Energy Crystals in Zero and ZX) as a valuable energy source that's rare on Earth (like the abandoned Crystal mine in Armadillo's stage) and needs to be extracted from other planets (hence the stages in MM3 being Space Colonies and the Robot Masters digging for them and Mega Man trying to recover them, story-wise). Inti took that and made it the main focus of the conflict in the future as a massive Energy Crisis.

>> No.8330803

so who else here wanted to do it to ciel

>> No.8331334

is planet exploration goes fat to he classic era, is possible for colonies to exist, imagine humans fucking up to to mars because of the autism of keep making reploids

>> No.8331364

oh true, horny nips i tell you

>> No.8331602

Jakob wasn't namedropped, was it? It could've been Babel from CM, because the latter was destroyed, while the former wasn't.

>> No.8331638

As of this point, CM isn't considered canon but it could change any time.The direction specified in an interview it depended on the marketing team's call, and back then Inafune didn't want CM to be acknowledged whatsoever because he thought the X series should strictly be action games, not RPGs, RPG being BN's job.

As of right now, CM exists on a limbo. It COULD happen but we haven't gotten confirmation it does, yet.

CM was super Dead on Arrival in Japan, though, before release the Japanese Rockman fandom allready called it another "Morikubo Ekkusoge"

>> No.8331790

I've never played CM myself but it had some interesting things and deserved better despite being an RPG. X is finally a commander with a cool armor to boot, and it has plenty of cute girls, not to mention a different plot where they fight Niggma.

>> No.8331870

Babel didn't connect to the Moon, the Jakob did.

>> No.8333065

never understood why call non rpg games...rpg then again is inafune we are talking about

>> No.8334331

Japan is very peculiar with the term. Boktai is an action adventure game but it touts itself as "Solar Action RPG", Rockman.EXE called itself RPG in publicity and even Zelda is classified as an RPG in Japan.