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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8323168 No.8323168 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the hardest choice you ever had to make in a game?

>> No.8323171

Why is Rebecca the best girl in RE? Jill, Ada and Claire are all used goods in comparison

>> No.8323187 [DELETED] 
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I slept with Morrigan after being faithful to Leliana the whole playthrough. It bothered me then, and it still bothers me even though they are fictional characters. I could have died and stopped the cycle of evil permanently, but I let the world down to save my own skin. The worst part is that saving my life meant sleeping with a beautiful woman and cheating on Leliana. It wouldn't have stung as much if there had been some punishment.

>> No.8323338

Not retro

>> No.8323378

Choices don't really matter in games because you can just take a different road by just loading an earlier save or starting over.
For choices to matter you shouldn't be able to correct them once you made them, but then it wouldn't be a video game.

>> No.8323397

It's called suspension of disbelief nigga

>> No.8323405

My point is that I can't come up with any hard choice I ever had to make because I explored all the possibilities so nothing really marked me.

>> No.8323894 [DELETED] 

Should I fuck my mates stepmom or step sister.

>> No.8323901


>> No.8324352 [DELETED] 

Brain ruined by porn.

>> No.8324419

Choosing not to savescum and accepting that I got the bad ending in Persona 1.

>> No.8324448

Ragnarok Sword vs. Magicite in FFVI. Well, at least back in the day. Nowadays it's sword all day erryday. Ultima is a boring-ass auto-win spell, and if you really must have it, there's Paladin Shield. Illumina is also broken, but at least you only have the one, so you have to decide who's to get it to become OP.

Of course, if you play the Advance version, you can steal the Ragnarok sword in the end fight and actually keep it, so now there's no reason not to choose the magicite.

>> No.8324450

Not retro, Silent Hill: Homecoming
deciding to mercy kill your mother or not

>> No.8324752 [DELETED] 

>Brain ruined by not having sex
See what I did there incel

>> No.8324794

Where to put the Z piece in Tetris.

>> No.8325897

If iwanted to jerk off to chun li or not. I decided against it. And went watching TV instead.

>> No.8325943

What to nickname a female Geodude when I've already named one "Rosetta" before

>> No.8325952

Jacking off one more time, or going to the fridge for more snacks

>> No.8326180
File: 76 KB, 590x443, tokimeki_check_in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8327296


>> No.8329554
File: 38 KB, 640x480, Metal-Gear-Solid-Torture-Scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I just give up and get the Otacon ending or do I ruin my fucking hand

>> No.8329572

Reminded me of Mario Party for N64. Do I use my palm to spin the joystick and try to win that minigame but shred the skin off the center of my hand, or do I just eat the loss and job out to live to fight another day?

>> No.8329779

you give it your all
eventually you obtain callouses giving you the edge over all the other shitkids

>> No.8329790
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>> No.8330838

the otacon ending is better than the real end honestly

>> No.8330884

move up or down in Pong

>> No.8330908

I’ve never said no to Rebecca practicing. What happens if you don’t. I assume she ends up getting decapitated by a Hunter but how do you get the gold emblem if you tell her to fuck off from the piano

>> No.8331018
File: 1.34 MB, 320x212, MYn6Tp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Bros before hos.

Also, the Stealth Camo is a better unlock than the Bandana.

>> No.8331059

she deletes your save file if you dont let her practice

>> No.8331069

Fucking bitch, I knew it

>> No.8331071

This is why Undertales "Memory" of your previous games was so groundshaking

First time through that game I killed the mother creature at the beginning of the game. I didn't even realize there was a way to progress without killing her.

Naturally, after finding out I could, I rewound the game to play it properly without killing my own "Mom"

The game made constant references to the fact I originally killed her. It remembered. It knew I cheated to keep her alive.

Stroke of genius right there fella