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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8323151 No.8323151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where my ragebros at? Post stories of your most epic retrogaming controller, cartridge, or even console destruction due to based rage. Ever kicked a whole in a wall, punched a friend, or even bit your hand so hard you made it bleed or go numb? Join in.

I am a hard rager - slammed controllers, beat myself, thrown a cartridge across the room... Just generally based ragebro shit. I have some of my old SNES controllers with bite marks on them, plus an N64 controller with some smashed plastic on the middle prong. After erasing save data in Pokemon Red, I chucked that shit fucking hard into the bathroom. In an unrelated event, I smashed an original GameBoy LCD
Hell, one time I even smacked a friend on his head with an N64 controller after getting killed in Goldeneye 64!

>> No.8323176

man and i thought i was autistic for crying and closing a game after failing a trick. thanks for makin me feel better op.

>> No.8323180

I only ever broke one controller and I don't remember what game it was. It was a beautiful transparent emerald PS2 one. I was so disappointed at myself that I've never been more than mildly upset with a game ever again. I might curse a bit if I've been stuck on a level for a couple of hours, but I don't really feel it anymore. No real anger. Only a laughing kind of frustration. Took me over a day to beat the final stage of Dracula's Curse recently and while it annoyed me a little I actually enjoyed the challenge. The most common reaction I have now to ridiculous difficulty spikes in games is to laugh at them.

>> No.8323213

Trying to get all golds in the schools in san andreas made me break a pad years ago. Haven't broken anything in ages

>> No.8323234

>one time I even smacked a friend on his head with an N64 controller after getting killed in Goldeneye 64!
I would've beaten your stupid fucking ass, video games were clearly a poor choice in pastimes for you. Should have taken up stamp collecting. I hope you were bullied in school.

>> No.8323241

No you wouldn't, I would've kicked the shit out of you. I was a high test boy, and my friends knew it. Never lost a friend due to raging, it was just the natural hierarchy of the relationships and they knew their place.

>> No.8323363

> it was just the natural hierarchy of the relationships and they knew their place.

This is like saying rape victims deserved it and enjoyed it. You're a sick man in full cope mode and your "friends" probably hated you and your bullshit

>> No.8323375

How do you lose friends you never had?

>> No.8323376
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my reaction was more pic related than rage but my dad blindly going through the ps2 ui trying to play a dvd and deleting all my saves including a 50 hour gta sanandreas save.
>Hey I want to play dvd on this.
>b-but you deleted...uh yes I'll get it set up.

>> No.8323385

>"I can't fight" - The Post
the actual state of this sperg

>> No.8323472 [DELETED] 
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>I was a high test boy, and my friends knew it
>it was just the natural hierarchy of the relationships and they knew their place

>> No.8323484

>that hands
you have to be over 18 to post here

>> No.8323575
File: 102 KB, 900x1200, BDDAECAB-EFF6-46EB-8F5F-2F299D6E470B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where my ragebros at? Post stories of your most epic retrogaming controller, cartridge, or even console destruction due to based rage. Ever kicked a whole in a wall, punched a friend, or even bit your hand so hard you made it bleed or go numb? Join in.
>I am a hard rager - slammed controllers, beat myself, thrown a cartridge across the room... Just generally based ragebro shit. I have some of my old SNES controllers with bite marks on them, plus an N64 controller with some smashed plastic on the middle prong. After erasing save data in Pokemon Red, I chucked that shit fucking hard into the bathroom. In an unrelated event, I smashed an original GameBoy LCD
>Hell, one time I even smacked a friend on his head with an N64 controller after getting killed in Goldeneye 64!

>> No.8323767
File: 528 KB, 743x424, advantage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little brother had a habit of running through the house and ripping controller cords out of the consoles, so I would just throw the controllers at him as hard as I could, I hit him in the head a few times and usually just got yelled at. One time though he purposefully hit the reset button when I was about to beat Super Mario 3 and I threw pic related at him, it missed him but broke through the wall when it hit behind him. My mom freaked the fuck out and grounded me for 3 months because I guess I could have killed him.

>> No.8323791

>Breaking official controllers that aren't made anymore

>> No.8323802

I slammed an N64 Hori controller that cost $60 onto the floor because I was raging at Goldeneye. No regrets.

>> No.8323809 [DELETED] 


inb4 >>/qa/

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>inb4 >>/qa/

>inb4 >inb4 >>/qa/

>> No.8323812

Did it hurt when daddy touched your peepee

>> No.8323821

pic related

>> No.8323824
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>> No.8323981

I turned off my N64 and went off the room to scream after a CPU stole all of my stars in Chance Time in the second to last turn of Mario Party

>> No.8324016

I used to headbutt the tv

>> No.8324020

No I'm not an emotionally stunted professional tendie eater. If I start getting frustrated, I either persevere or turn the game off and do something else. Simple as. It's not cool to be an emotional child, especially around others.

>> No.8324023

not retro

>> No.8324026

>t. low t

>> No.8324061

Reminder that it's morally justified to beat the shit out of people who act like OP.

>> No.8324062

I broke my N64. I was playing Banjo Tooie with a friend, and I was on that stupid game show ending with only a few seconds left on the clock. My friend tried to psych me out by counting down the numbers in a really loud and obnoxious voice.. "5!! 4!!!! 3 !!!!!!!! TwOoOoOoooo!!! WuNNnNNN!"

And then I got a game over.

I was so mad I threw the n64 and broke it. He just laughed at me. Funnily enough he later replaced it for me because he bought two of them for $30 when they were cheap as fuck.

>> No.8324129

This. Lots of low test boys itt.

>> No.8324359

You're one of them.

>> No.8324995
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>> No.8325002

Exactly what I pictured op to look like while reading his post.

>> No.8325005

High test and high chromosomes. Based combo.

>> No.8325059

Chimping out is not high test anon.

>> No.8325067

Violence and fear are all they understand, so you're just speaking their language.

>> No.8325074

This thread is the hardest I've laughed on /vr/

I had an acquaintance who would never let his younger brother play his psx, so his brother snuck into his room and chewed through the controller cables out of spite

>> No.8325094

You know those removable plastic slot things on computer towers for drives? I once punched a hole through them after dying in CS.

>> No.8325120

Wow so strong

>> No.8325136

Based. And yes, I'm samefagging.

>> No.8325162
File: 54 KB, 454x593, 2112021193233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek lol I used to break shit I didnt buy
>threw a controller at a friend because I was bad at vidya games
>Friends knew their place

I am really hoping this is a troll but I've known people like this before. Bragging about how you used to break shit because you got angry is something no one without a mental defect would brag about. Also I guaratee they weren't your friends, they put up with you because you were like a Blockbuster without a fee. Ether way yikes, get help.

>> No.8325182

gj bro

>> No.8325216

Reminder that chimping out is actually a sign of low t/high estrogen. It's why women and children throw fits when they don't get what they want

>> No.8325218

i would bite my controllers whenever id get mad at videogames

>> No.8325492
