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File: 56 KB, 650x529, Final Fantasy VIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8322742 No.8322742 [Reply] [Original]

Do you need to constantly Draw magic in order to beat the game?

>> No.8322748

get the GF abilities that let you turn items, magic and cards into spells
the game fucking sucks but it turns into a visual novel if you play junctions right

>> No.8323204

no you can play it however you want

as a 13 yr old i had nearly beat the title without even remotely understanding the mechanics

>> No.8323250

Do you need to constantly make new FF8 threads?

>> No.8323557

This is my first FF8 thread

>> No.8323841

drawing a billion magics in the first area is autistic, you get more than enough by just playing the game, getting it as an overworld item, drawing once in a while and turning spare items into magic
you don't need everything junctioned at 100% to be competitive, at all
this game is mostly hated by min maxers who HAVE to play as optimized as possible at all times and basically ruin the game to themselves in the process

>> No.8323851

the level scaling is set up so that if you arent using junctions, the game will eventually become unplayable

that said, sitting there and drawing 99 of everything is totally unnecessary
also some GFs have special abilities that dont rely strictly on drawing

>> No.8323867

Besides drawing GFs from bosses, you can easily beat the entire game without drawing a single magic spell. The game gives you more than enough options.

Go to the beach next to the garden, kill some fish to get fish fins (scales? I forget), get water/ice magic refine from Shiva, and make 100 waters from those fins. Game is now on track for easy mode in about 5-10 minutes.

>> No.8324595

No but there's plenty of other ways to break the game.

>> No.8324647

>This is my first FF8 thread
and you see what fuckin happens, don't you?

>> No.8324720

No, but many bosses have hidden GFs on them you can get by Drawing, and they will give you all manners of refining/converting abilities.

Just don't neglect the Junction system.

>> No.8326262
File: 54 KB, 593x600, squallembarassed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8326272

The only problem is how Junctions are unskippable mini-movies

>> No.8326280

The fun of the game is not that it's really challenging, but the player discovering and figuring things out like what you just described for themselves.

Yes, it's easy to engineer it all to be a breeze, but as previously mentioned, it can be played and approached multiple ways, which is again, the whole fun of it.

>> No.8326306

No, play cards.
>Win Abyss Worms in Balamb Garden. >Quezacotl can learn Card Mod (unlocked after learning Card).
>Mod Abyss Worms into whatever they refine into, I forget what
>use T-Mag Ref from Quezacotl to turn them in Tornado magic (20 per item/card from memory).
>junction Tornado to Squall's strength (give him Ifrit after Fire Cavern
>proceed to murder every boss up until the late game, equipping Str%+ as you go from Ifrit

>> No.8326359

Quistis best girl, fuck you

>> No.8327659

The whole Junction system is really abusable.