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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 19 KB, 273x364, The_Neverhood_-_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8316992 No.8316992 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone remember this?

>> No.8317012


>> No.8317014

No, literally nobody knows what that is. Bro come clean did you just make that image I suspect gaslighting

>> No.8317018

Alright fine anons, geez

>> No.8317026


>> No.8317030
File: 329 KB, 610x480, skullmonkeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek it's a fine game anon. /vr/ shows fondness for it when it comes up every now and then. Have you played the sequel and spiritual non-retro sequel?

>> No.8317034

Not yet, but I'm planning to when I get the time

>> No.8317040
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 1634749663545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8317104

I only played skullmonkeys as a kid and I have no idea why I felt compelled to play it.

>> No.8317107

For me it's Bickback and his retarded brother Lytle.

>> No.8317240

based dougposter, I miss that lad's political videos

>> No.8317268

looks like one of them crappy art games that include overly boring shit like walking down a corridor for over 2 minutes

>> No.8317331
File: 904 KB, 1366x768, English) 1996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, OP, I'm actually stumped at this part right now.

>> No.8317386

I replayed it a few months back. It holds up perfectly well, the only shitty parts are the 12 symbols puzzle. And the hall of records is just trolling the player.

Armikrog was less than stellar. Some of the items you need are difficult to see and one or two of the puzzles were really fucked, barely giving you any clues. But nowadays you can just youtube that shit. The real problem was the story making little sense. It starts with you searching the galaxy for a way to save your planet, then you crash land on an alien world, but after that all you do is go around inside a large castle trying to uncover some mystery. None of it has anything to do with the basic premise, and the ending is nonsense.

I did like the love story between that couple, it felt sad that they couldn't have children. I think the biggest issue of the game wasn't difficulty, it was just that it felt really short. Neverhood was longer. But I'm glad they made the sequel, not many cult games get follow-ups straight from the original team.

The mouse is always facing in the correct direction, you can pinpoint the correct hole to go into with that trick.

>> No.8317402

Those political videos were peak comfy boomer-core

>> No.8318073

Isn't this skull monkeys

>> No.8318201

One of the worst platformers I've ever played. The devs had absolutely no idea how to design a decent level.

>> No.8318224

The Neverhood had another sequel that was a Japan exclusive.

>> No.8318843



>> No.8319171

Post more claymation games.

>> No.8319673

Someone dug up the rare Japanese PC version of the Neverhood a while back. I played some of it; it's quite good. Willie is an「おいら」

>> No.8319692

Based Russian translators translated Klogg as Windows and made all of his speech be Microsoft-related puns and even edited one of movie sequences to turn the beast release button into Windows 95 start menu button. They also got tired of translating the Hall of Records and put a bunch of NSFW jokes there instead.

>> No.8319870

>They also got tired of translating the Hall of Records and put a bunch of NSFW jokes there instead.

Then they aren't really based. The hall of records was great to read through.

>> No.8320242

>NSFW jokes
What if I pimp out hookers for a living, you retarded nigger plebbitor. Is it still "NSFW" for me

>> No.8320504

>The hall of records was great to read through.
I've still haven't ever read it because of that, but in exchange I got to laugh at stories like:
>A boy is late to class. The teacher asks for his excuse. "You see, dad and me were walking a cow to meet a bull". "Couldn't your dad do it by himself?" "He could, but we reasoned a bull would be more fitting".
some five years after playing the game. (Was too little to get it when playing for the first time)

>> No.8320702

Nice joke OP

>> No.8320731
File: 1.44 MB, 1600x1200, 1635233253341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice children's joke anon, I think I heard something like that in the school yard. But honestly, why are you Russians like that?

>> No.8320748

yes, i remember a pretentious pos..

Just ended an allnighter of playing random snes games i got from a romset, really enjoy the sense of surprise with some titles like james pond (wtf)

But i want more, how much space does the complete ps1 library weights? can i buy a 4 tb hdd and have all ps1 games there? how about ps2 ???

how do you store your romesets?

>> No.8320765

play skullmonkeys

>> No.8321110

Here's a little bonus room, cause I know you had it tough