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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8313307 No.8313307 [Reply] [Original]

lets play game 1, bro

>> No.8313457
File: 23 KB, 326x317, 4B16A346-3D06-44C2-A809-AD531899400D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I’m keen with that, game 1 is groovy

>> No.8313760

Spoiler alert: These didn't contain ROMs. They just rewired the game's console hardware to act in a different way. It was basically a hardware configuration trick.

>> No.8313775
File: 89 KB, 660x574, c27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you emulate the Odyssey?

>> No.8313885

truly the most jewish system ever

>> No.8313886

It doesn't have a CPU. You can only simulate it, similar to Pong and early arcade games that only used transistor logic.

>> No.8313941
File: 39 KB, 335x303, 1624236973442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in the name of fuck

>> No.8313980

based jesus
emufags btfo

>> No.8314123
File: 465 KB, 2560x1372, 2560px-Magnavox-Odyssey-Open-FR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It did not even use transistor-transistor logic which was common in pre-1975 arcades. It used more primitive diode-transistor logic!

>> No.8314137

can confirm
the interior is a shitload of fuck
still managed to get mine working
& added a normal fucking rf cable
those really were the dinosaur times
the console predates the formal apology for the Tuskegee experiments

anyways keep trusting the federal government guise! lol

>> No.8314148

>anyways keep trusting the federal government guise! lol
Fun fact: Odysssey was manufactured by a defense contractor Sanders Associates. Console gaming has military roots.

>> No.8314275

This is why I have to keep coming here. Real vidya stuff mang. I for some reason love how primitive a system can be. Is there a name for that.

>> No.8314280


>> No.8314292

Let's see Paul Allen's cart.

>> No.8314306


the inventor himself was cool as fuck
"brown box"

he trolled the smithsonian which makes him based af


>> No.8314324


>> No.8314336

frankly i don't see how or why you would do this
all the titles are 2 player with maybe the exception of the lightgun (nintendo bought these weird huh)

its more of a "board game" than vidya console
although the pong portions are quite good
its difficult to describe you have to play it in person to truly understand

>> No.8314357

>all of those switches
Are there any schematics available for the prototype? I'd love to mess around with the switches and see what kind of combinations you could get

>> No.8314371
File: 181 KB, 2048x1295, nintendo-and-magnavox-light-rifles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(nintendo bought these weird huh)
Didn't Magnavox get Nintendo manufacture light guns for them because they were already making those for own products?

>> No.8314517

other way around
nintendo has even less components in theirs i think

there are a couple teardown videos on youtube

weird tidbit of history though

i think youll have more fun with the finished retail system, it atleast includes some other types of games (hide and seek ghost mansion)

>> No.8314767

>he trolled the smithsonian

There are schematics. There are some from before the first was made and some from long after. I have no idea how close either is to the actual prototype but supposedly the later ones work, ie if you follow them you'll get a working system
But if all you want to do is play with the switches you can just get an Odyssey and make a game card that has switches instead of traces.

>> No.8314786

>smithy says only the inventor can play
>inventor, fuck that its 2P get in on it
basically, lets break this shit on camera lmao

wish i could have met him before he passed

>> No.8314787

If only we could have had two experts talking in a little more detail about it instead of some know-nothing comedian talking over them to get his unfunny jokes in. American documentaries are the worst.

>> No.8314836

there is no such thing as a documentary anon
there is always an agenda

the host is completely insufferable though

its a subconscious thing,
inferior men act out around those who are accomplished

smithy worker tries to control scenario despite knowing nothing about the system (literally a 2P system)

host cant do anything but act like an unfunny retard

its human nature, when you start doing well- people will try to bring you down or pick you/your work apart

>> No.8314852

>he trolled the smithsonian which makes him based af
He was also, via his "brown box," responsible for the first ever instance of "ragequitting" in a video game. 2:35 for the precise moment.

>> No.8315004

I guess that's why they say some people can't troll. The world just means something very different to some people. Certainly an alpha move though.
The real troll in this video was done by the Smithsonian. When they got Baer to show up, leaving the pig ignorant host discombobulated and outing himself as the assclown that he is. That, my friend, is a troll. Sip.

The host literally contributed nothing to the video except comic relief, and then only by embarrassing himself. Fortunately, for several yeas towards the end of his life Baer provided a lot of useful information, doing interviews, attending events and even completing his reproduction. So we have something other than this to learn from.

>> No.8315028

I was still a kid, or I guess early teen at the time, but at the 2nd game convention I ever went to, I got to meet Ralf Baer. I was super into 2nd gen and older stuff at the time, I guess cause it was "before my time", so I knew who he was and even back then I was surprised to see the table he was at had no one around it for whom I thought of at the time as a legend. I was a shy little shit, but I did get to share a few words with him and I bought his one book that had all of the diagrams in it for the Brown Box and he signed it for me. Wish I had been older at the time to have an actual discussion with him, but still am glad I got to meet such a legend.

On another note, at that same convention they had a contest to win a NWC 1990 cart by doing their own version of the championship. Came in 3rd which was neat for being a shitty kid who never played Rad Racer before that (actually went over and bought a copy between the finals cause I liked it) and I can at least say I got to play using one of the original cartridges.

>> No.8315036

game 4 was better

>> No.8315071


>> No.8315074

Good for you, Anon. You have the right to be proud.

>> No.8315126
File: 174 KB, 382x202, Edtv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that fucking Ed?

>> No.8315183

kek probably

>> No.8315195
File: 421 KB, 1018x1280, B8C5E6C9-6301-4AA2-8C08-2C62745A84D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8315219


>> No.8315224

even though it's literally more primitive and simple, the concept of a videogame console consisting entirely of discrete components is still somehow more impressive to me than the actually more advanced chip based stuff.

I guess it's just more interesting to think about what actually goes on inside that mess rather than just saying "yeah the 6502 does all that crap"

>> No.8315257

should i scan and forward these guys the overlays and cards?
i wonder if theyre still working on it

>> No.8316183

You could try anon, but I'm not sure they'll respond.

>> No.8316220


>> No.8316252

Alright but I get to use the controller that moves the ball

>> No.8316256

Even if you did emulate it somehow, it would be totally unplayable as there’s no overlays and many of the games come with cards and other trinkets to actually work. The Simon says game and football are just out of the question

>> No.8316261

>the first ever video game, a chess simulator was made from a WW2 room sized computer
>the first proper game that you could control directly was built out of a radar scope
>odyssey built by defense contractors

Does /vr/ a large crossover with posters from /k/?

>> No.8316269

Don't understand why they didn't just put switches on the game.
What if you lose the "carts"? You'd be screwed

>> No.8316284

Think it came with a form to fill out if you lost one. I know for a fact the Odyssey came with a proof of purchase form that you could fill out and send away and they’d ship you a new game, with the overlay and cards needed for it. Don’t see why they wouldn’t have not seized the opportunity

>> No.8316345

If you're too dumb to understand that wouldn't you be too dumb to flip the switches correctly?

>> No.8317842
File: 110 KB, 1170x671, 84F01624-53BA-4F92-8BDF-6A6824C51794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8317860

odyssey guts
ignore the other photos
my camera roll is too stacked to refind those photos

i just thought they were relevant to the thread

>> No.8318034

Aside from the crude Pong game, the Odyssey is basically an electronic accessory for playing board games. Most of the games that it comes with could very easily have been played without the TV at all, and were otherwise very generic and forgettable tabletop games of the era. It was the 70s though and it was a novelty.

>> No.8318193

You can also play ping pong without a TV. You need to find better youtubes to get your opinions from.

>> No.8318203

youre not playing shooting gallery or the ghost hunt game without the system anon

tennis is one where you have to play it to understand why people still care about it

its good, objectively

>> No.8319419

That's a shame, although I don't know anything about any Windows emulator.

>> No.8320228

its ok
they ody is meant to be shared with a cute P2 over a few glasses of wine & the discussion of politics before bed finished off with a bit of handholding and sharing dreams of the future

>> No.8320271

I didn't say it was bad but it's a very different experience from what people expect from "old video games" if their earliest frame of reference is something like Atari.

>> No.8320830

despite the lack of score-keeping id say its better than most pong clone systems

channel F has a neat variation as well
however, the cost of entry is too ridiculous for most people to ever have a chance