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File: 311 KB, 266x375, 3rdstrike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8303592 No.8303592 [Reply] [Original]

I've smashed and destroyed 5 controllers now playing this game. Should I stop playing? I keep trying to get better but the flowcharts really get to me.

>> No.8303602

>Should I stop playing?
Absolute not. You should carry on and post regular updates on your progress towards abject failure. And post more details. You say you've broken 5 controllers. Is it safe to assume these are shitty wireless BT things? Which version are you emulating? Enquiring minds want to know.

>> No.8303610

>You should carry on and post regular updates on your progress towards abject failure.
I don't feel like being a LTG or DSP thanks.

I use a PS2 to USB adapter and play on fightcade. I've gone through sega saturn controllers, ps1 and just recently a ps2 controller.

>> No.8303616

If you're an adult and you're really breaking controllers over Third Strike you're already halfway there, honestly. Games are supposed to be fun. Are you playing with friends or just matchmaking with randoms on fightcade?

>> No.8303618

Matchmaking with randoms on fightcade.

I think what gets to me is losing to the same flowcharty shit everytime, even though i started 2 years ago and I can spot it a mile away, i still have issues countering it.

>> No.8303624

this is what you do OP,

you need to hire a coach thats better then you and practice with him until you get to the level you want to be at. Theres only so much progress you can make by yourself.

>> No.8303628

imagine getting angry at videogames, let alone a game where if you play online you'll only find people that have been playing for 10+ years. i main Ibuki and just keep a nonstop offense going, its pretty fun. I don't care about losing to a sweaty tryhard, though it has been a couple years since I bothered with fightcade

>> No.8303637

Losing 10-1 consistently, sometimes for every game you get into and getting stuffed for flowcharty shit that you've seen every fucking day for 3 years gets to you sometimes.

>> No.8303643

That's what I expected.

>> No.8303653

My advice to you is to learn how to not let it get to you. You will both have a longer, happier life and have a better chance of improving at the game. Flipping out and breaking your own shit over a stranger you aren't even making eye contact with beating you at a fighting game is not helping you. Your attitude is unironically acting as more of a hindrance to your own self-improvement than any flowchart Ken is. It's not like you're the only one on Earth losing this many matches, anon.

Who do you play?

>> No.8303662

>Who do you play?
Q and Ryu.

I try to have a good attitude, that it's not about winning etc, but about getting the parry and combo ive been working on but eventually it goes back to the scrub mindset of
>oohga booga i deserve to WIN

>> No.8303669

why not get an arcade stick?

>> No.8303671

I'd have to relearn the muscle memory again for stick and I really like the ps2 pad.

>> No.8303680

You should like them a little bit more in my opinion. Those things don't grow on trees and you're breaking them for no good reason. It's really not too hard to learn how to use an arcade stick, honest. It made a world of difference for me; they're just much more responsive than a controller.

>> No.8303684

>Those things don't grow on trees and you're breaking them for no good reason.
Yes you are right. I told myself I wouldn't break my ps2 controller but here we are :/. The thing with stick is that they're not portable and I'm going to end up spending atleast 100+ dollars on one. The ps2 controller i already had and the usb adapter only costed $7.

>> No.8303701

I learned to use one on the Hori Fighting Stick Mini. It's certainly not as high quality as anything over $100 but it is fairly portable and around $40 to $50 last I checked.

But suggesting you buy another peripheral isn't really the best advice. Keep something nearby that you can safely take your anger out on. Like a cushion or a stress ball or something. When I used to have problems controlling my anger and anxiety I would wear a rubber band or a hairtie around my wrist and pop myself with it as needed; that may help you.

>> No.8303706

Thanks for your advice. I think another issue why I'm doing this is, and this is going to sound pathetic and insecure, but I'm basing all my self worth on this video game right now, so the expection to win is a lot higher, whereas when I jumped in, it was a lot easier to accept 10-1 loses everyday and getting bodied because I focused on the small victories rather then trying to beat the opponent.

>> No.8303745

No prob. And hey, admitting that to yourself is already progress. The only person you have anything to prove to is yourself. You're gonna make it, buddy.

>> No.8303884

>I don't feel like being a LTG or DSP thanks
Well no. You'll ever be that respected.
>I use a PS2 to USB adapter and play on fightcade.
Excellent. High latency LCD with extra motion blur, I assume? Ping in the mid triple digits?

>> No.8303893

>High latency LCD with extra motion blur
It's not 2005 retard.

>Ping in the mid triple digits?
I use an Ethernet cord, not a wifi warrior faggot

>> No.8303935

>smashed controllers
>smashed FIVE controllers on one game
Anon you should mental seek help instead of playing any game at this point, stop doing things that makes you uncontrollably angry, and then work on the fact that you get so angry you destroy things.
After that's done and ONLY after, pick up a game that makes you fucking happy dude.

>> No.8303972

I've never had anger issues tho. And it's not uncommon for people to spike their controllers in a fighting game.

>> No.8303976

I'm the guy that gave you advice earlier and no, that is not common. Especially not for adults. You clearly have anger issues if you've broken five controllers over a video game by your lonesome, anon.

>> No.8303989

There compilation footage of smash players spiking their controllers though so I don't think its unreasonably uncommon.

>> No.8303997

Common among manchildren, yes.

>> No.8304046

That is curated footage of Super Smash Bros. players that was edited for the sole purpose of entertaining you. You should not act like that in real life, much less with your own things that you bought and paid for.

>> No.8304049

I'm not saying that that behavior is desirable. what I'm saying is it's not out of the ordinary to someone to spike a controller given the circumstances.

>> No.8304053

And I'm telling that it is out of the ordinary. I've played video games with countless people and I can think of only one person who broke controllers over video games, and that guy was an asshole.

>> No.8304057

What video games were you playing? I think when you're losing 10-1, for multiple games in a row, combined with the frustration of seeing something that's seems so easy to counter and failing everytime to do so, it doesn't seem completely unreal. I've never spiked a controller otherwise, ever.

>> No.8304062

What I'm trying to say is it seems somewhat normal to spike a controller given the extreme circumstances.

>> No.8304063

Fighting games and sports games. Five controllers is a lot of broken controller for someone who supposedly doesn't currently have anger issues is all I'm saying. There are no circumstances that justify throwing a tantrum over a video game to that degree as an adult.

>> No.8304064

>much less with your own things that you bought and paid for.
That's backwards, the things you bought and paid for are the things you're allowed to destroy if you feel like it, as dumb a decision as that would be. You're not gonna break other people's stuff.

>> No.8304073

I guess my angle here is that I'm trying to convince you to treat the things you bought as if you intend them to last instead of as if they were entirely disposable.

>> No.8304120

Totally agree that anger issues are here, but don't think that's the main problem.

I think it's a lot to ask of any game to work as the 'main thing going for you' in life, and you have set up that expectation here.

I'm guessing you're not a pro player, and I have no insight into that mentality, but if you're just doing this for fun then I don't think it's working. Maybe take a break from fighting games for a time, try to diversify your interests if you want to use your game time as an escape from external stress.

I think I can relate to this feeling, so I wish you good luck!

>> No.8304125

Thanks anon. I appreciate your insight. It's mainly a feeling of hopelessness and frustration combined, which has shitty consequences, at least in my case.

I'm not a pro player no, but I've been looking up tutorials, guides, watching gameplay etc and trying to git gud. Honestly ive definitely learned a lot but im still scrub trash.

>> No.8304127

It seems like an easy trap to fall into with fighting games these days considering how they are marketed primarily as an e-sport now.

>> No.8304134

Stop getting hung up on whether or not you're bad at the game, for your own sake. Unless you're genuinely trying to go pro that shouldn't be your highest priority with fighting games. Fightcade really isn't the greatest way to improve at the game, anyways; in-person competition is.

>> No.8304140

Yea i think that's whats bothering me. I see gameplay and it looks so easy and I feel like ive put in the time and im still scrub garbage :(

>> No.8304151

The vast majority of people who play fighting games suck at them, that's just how it is. I suck at them compared to the pros too and I consider them to be one of my favorite genres of games! The people posting extremely high-level gameplay online spent hundreds, probably thousands of hours getting to that point, lots of that against other people of similar skill levels. There is also something to be said for people that are maybe deeper on the autistic spectrum than you or I having a slight advantage simply because they are able to hyperfixate on training in fighting games better than other people.

>> No.8304162

Idk man, it just feels so frustrating that I've put in the time and effort and I'm still getting stuffed by shit that I've seen a million times before

>> No.8304175

I don't agree with this - I think competition is a core part of fighting games and it's probably not a coincidence that OP likes this genre.

Focus on winning games is a good thing. I want to hear more about OPs strategy. How do you move past focusing on moves and combos and put together a plan to win games against real opponents?

>> No.8304234

Go on a diet and lose some weight, or stop drinking so much caffeine / eating salty foods if your blood pressure is so high you’re breaking controllers.

>> No.8304330

you shouldn't be dying to flowcharting at low level 3rd strike. going random on defense is incredibly rewarding and this isn't some anime game where a blockstring starts with 6 crouch lights and costs 50 meter
what specifically are you dying to? normal throws can be teched, jump ins are a free parry, standing overheads aren't rewarding

>> No.8304362

>put together a plan to win games against real opponents?
That's the thing i dont think i really have a plan outside of mixup then confirm into super or in the case of Q get the opponent conditioned to block and go into command grab combos. I'll make mental notes of rock paper scissors interactions ill have with the opponent and make sure to do something different next time im in the same situation, but for 70% of the game is feels like im on the defense and im trying to find a way out of my opponents offensive game and try to turn the tide of the pressure. I feel like I'm not very good at keeping my ground because, especially for rush down characters, I find myself in the corner within 5 seconds into the round a lot of the times.

I think my main problem is not being able to have a decent offensive game and way too often the opponent is able to escape my pressure pretty easily. My offensive pressure also feels incredibility sloppy desu.

Like i understand Q's and Ryu's general play style and game plan etc, but outside of "oh i predict the opponent is gonna do this so i counter with this", "oh i gotta apply pressure and mix up" and "i gotta get out of this pressure and apply good defense", i dont think i've crafted an exact plan to win.

>> No.8304371

well Q specifically is a shit character that requires you to get a lucky knockdown and then taunt
ryu is also a shit character based around trying to safely build meter for denjin

>> No.8304395

what are you talking about? ryu is fine. q is a little harder to play and gets bullied a lot but he's still very viable to learn.

>> No.8304435

they're both fine but if he's slam dunking a ps2 controller into his tendies i'm guessing he's matching fightcade sweats who spend 11 hours a day learning genei jin mix-ups. you can feel the power gap

>> No.8304441

Get therapy and try again

>> No.8304447

Why would someone with anger issues do this to themselves

>> No.8304467
File: 59 KB, 150x137, qdestruction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuz he's based af

>> No.8304475

I mean you’re not wrong

>> No.8304486

Sounds like you might benefit from working on your punish game. I don't play fighting games, but from what I understand you should be able to look up common strings for the characters you're struggling against and find interrupt opportunities (although Q, man, do you have to do this to yourself?).

I bet it feels amazing to be good at punishes and wreck overconfident players.

>> No.8304508

Dude once you get the hang of Q he’s soooo based. He fucking sucks yea but when you land that one combo dude it’s soooo good.

>> No.8304550

I’m a skinny boi tho

>> No.8304560

I get you, but you can work past those feelings. I neglected to even talk about the game itself but I play Q too and he's hard to play against people who really know what they're doing. I really don't bother with fightcade anymore unless I've roped one of my friends into playing with me

>> No.8304623
File: 76 KB, 261x160, you are not worthy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk about a flowchart mentality ;(

Q is about persevering until you get the chance to push their shit in, not about actually winning

>> No.8305295
File: 476 KB, 1038x1884, darkstalkers-chronicle-poster-artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Vampire Savior

>> No.8305328
File: 246 KB, 270x223, (kensa3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Q and Ryu
>but getting the parry and combo I've been working on
I'm almost positive I can beat you with my scrub Ken and I've never even hit training mode in 3S. I don't even know how to red parry or perform difficult combos and I'll never bother to learn them.

>> No.8305386

How does Bbhood even stack up against most of the Darkstalkers? A machine gun shouldn't even hurt some of them.

>> No.8305702

>It's not 2005 retard.
I'll take your lack of denial as confirmation
>I use an Ethernet cord, not a wifi warrior faggot
Ethernet to your 4G router because they don't have broadband in your favela?

>> No.8305735
File: 941 KB, 1080x1440, E1SgSA3UUAQoc22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is just that good of a bounty hunter. Canonically her soul is as dark, or even darker, then the most evil darkstalkers

>> No.8305808

she's a monster hunter so they're probably soaked in holy water or some shit

>> No.8305863

>smashed and destroyed 5 controllers
Losing at a videogame is costing you money in destroyed possessions. I'd say yes, given your temperament.

>> No.8305885

Fair enough. Still unsure how she would hurt that robot.

>> No.8305982

I think you need to calm down, man.

>> No.8306491

On the contrast, faggot OP needs to turn it up a notch. I want to hear about the obese child who lost his shit over a video game and burned his house down.

>> No.8306497

Think of her as being the series stand in for a slasher film serial killer. She was designed to represent a truly evil human being that could go toe toe with actual monsters, since humans can be just as horrific.

Really wish there was a 4th game so they could do more with her character and really push more of that original concept. I love her in all of the cross over games, but I feel they dont really do her justice of being some kind of psychopath bounty hunter. My dream game would be a B.B. run n gun like Metal Slug mowing down and cutting up the creatures from Makai with the main fighters as end bosses.

>> No.8306507

I'm assuming you use SA2?

>> No.8306510

Glad im not the only one

>> No.8306529
File: 67 KB, 500x133, CB7CD115-E380-453B-A3C6-DEEF084AF99D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been playing fighting games long enough that I remember seeing 3rd strike cabinets new, but I still suck. I see gameplay of pros and I honestly wonder how they do what they do. Now, same as always, I’ll make it halfway through a characters run before the ai starts eating my quarters then I’m out.
Shits comfy.

>> No.8308250

who the fuck breaks a controller over sf3? jajajaja
Q and ryu are both easy to play with both are good characters. you shouldn't be losing unless you're playing against autists that have been playing since 1999.

ps. Ken is superior to both Q and Ryu

>> No.8308269

Its not hard to meet and play the pro's. If you hang around them enough eventually you will get a win. Also, there are team tournaments in Japan where unknown nobodies eliminated the team of Daigo, Mago and Tokido proving there are thousands of killers out there who aren't even well known.

>> No.8308281


>> No.8308416

Game was USF4. I think it was Shikkari Dynamic vs Team madcatz. Taito japan national finals.

>> No.8308420
File: 35 KB, 175x122, (remynmm).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RemyCHADS ww@?

>> No.8308443

Get the stick, boyo. Trust me, those are built super sturdy. And I thought the exact same thing when I was transitioning from controller, but if you stick with it, it will treat you very well. In this post-Arcade world, all manner of control is allowed. Pick what you can groove with the absolute best and roll with it. I find stick easier than pad because I have access to more buttons at once. You may be like me.

>> No.8309035

I've considered going that option but my wallet always prevents me from getting one

>> No.8309048

You got some kinda freaky sentient wallet?

>> No.8309056

He doesn't really need to go stick. Any set up can work if you grind it out. It probably will be harder to do lightening leg loops on pad though.

>> No.8310461

If you know it's "flowchart shit" you should easily be able to deal with it. Stop blaming the other player for your own stupid shit.

>> No.8310472

im not blaming the other player, im getting frustrated at myself for not being able to punish it despite seeing it since day fucking one.

>> No.8311272

Then why take it out on the controller? Take it out on the problem. Doooweeet.