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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8302992 No.8302992 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw the watchers

>> No.8302994

Fuckin watchers, man. Pricks.

>> No.8303185
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>> No.8303240

That game was both mind-numbingly boring and mindfuckingly disturbing.

>> No.8303780

It's a game that stays with you for all the wrong reasons, but at least it's memorable, I guess.

>> No.8304163

If the music is wrong, fuck right music

>> No.8304191

I've replayed it so many times and I still feel like replaying it. The atmosphere is just so absorbing despite the underwhelming gameplay. Watching Caim breaking down is addicting.

>> No.8304272

>mindfuckingly disturbing
really now? It isn't that disturbing, just feels very hopeless and bleak despite your efforts

the music is good, some tracks are to repetitive but there's definitely some good stuff here and there

>> No.8304324

>It isn't that disturbing
Well, the dissonant music certainly does help make it feel unsettling.

>> No.8304370
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Killing the Watchers, but at what cost?

>> No.8304385

z0mg teh rei!!!

>> No.8304438

Playing the game for the first time, expecting a happy ending after going through all that depressing dark shit and getting this fucked up finale is an experience I will never forget. Thinking about it after all these years, it was a good decision because of how cleverly hey tied it to NieR.

>> No.8305084

>Smash fanbase.jpg

>> No.8305176
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A love powerful and formidable...

>> No.8305320
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The watchers, they dance! lalalalala

>> No.8305340

I suppose it depends but for most people I think the game is unsettling. You're constantly given messages to kill, your party members talk about wanting to kill all the time including your religious figure who half-heartedly condones it, Caim although silent clearly only wants to kill, plus knowing the actual context of your companions (paedophilia, cannibalism) brings some moments in stark relief.

I suppose Caim's sister needing to go to horny jail is normal for us

>> No.8305517

Please. Nobody in their right fucking mind got All the weapons to see that stupid ass troll ending until way after the fact.

>> No.8305524

The English version had all the questionable shit removed. You're all just LARPing on this game not being a huge piece of shit because you played Automata, went back and read the lore, then retroactively decided Taro is a genius

>> No.8305536

I like the whack a mole fight against your dragon in the church using a big ass sword to smash it over the head

>> No.8305559

someone's projecting!

>> No.8305561

Taro didn't write the story, that was Sawako Natori. The most involvement that Taro had in Drakengard's plot was writing some of Seere's dialogue.

>> No.8306293

I dont like autoshit, played Nier first, than Drakengard, than D2 and finally 3.

>> No.8306492

>it was a good decision because of how cleverly hey tied it to NieR.

Yeah, it's pretty cool how Yoko Taro managed to turn a joke ending into it's own series. It's like if Konami made a spin-off series based on Silent Hill's UFO ending, and that series got more popular than Silent Hill itself.

>> No.8306672

A disturbing game would be something like Postal, Drakengard falls more in the lane of edgy (not the ironic kind)

>> No.8306690

Drakengard 1 is mainly as dark as it is just to stand out from other Square-Enix games like Final Fantasy, which is why I think it tries a bit too hard, while Nier isn't anywhere near as grimdark.

>> No.8306696

The watchers dance tralalalala.

>> No.8306701


Welcome to a world without song.

>> No.8306718

Reminder that when he goes "Fu-Ri-Ae!" it's because he's trying to sing, but he can't anymore.

>> No.8306772

When will you get over this fuckin Japanese shit

>> No.8306796


>> No.8306820

You did not get this ending your first playthrough without knowing what it was lmao why would you lie about this we're all anons

>> No.8306823

God I wish that's what happened to Silent Hill.

>> No.8306851

When will you fuck off back to your containment board? You clearly don't fit in anywhere else.

>> No.8307292
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I remember when I was like 15, this was pretty much the only game I played for an entire week despite hating the gameplay because the atmosphere and batshit insanity of the story was so gripping to me. I'd still honestly replay it over some of my favorite games because of those two things.
>make a dumb joke ending that is super annoying and grindy to get to, complete with it having the hardest part in the game
>decide that it's the canon ending for the game and leads directly into your most popular games
I love this man

>> No.8307324

I don't like Drakengard at all. Completely shit game. Story is mildly interesting. Needs a remake badly.

>> No.8307331

I was trying to point that out earlier and I just got dismissed by the fanboys. The amount of hoops and time required to get all the weapons to see that ending isn't something any of these people did. They're all lying lol

>> No.8307332

I’m not that anon but I absolutely did. I first played it in 2015 because I wanted ti play DoD 3, I had never heard anyone mention the ending. I knew it was called the “Tokyo” ending but also expected it to be a good end considering what you had to go through to get it

>> No.8307340

Its not that hard you don’t have to level the weapons up, just collect them. I had like a grand total of 40 hours when I did it. If you want when I get home I can take a picture of the file or something.

I absolutely watched the 2nd and 3rd endings of DoD2 on Youtube though because fuck playing through that entire game start to finish two more fucking times

>> No.8307375

>Needs a remake badly
fuck you fuck you fuck you FUCK YOU

>> No.8307418

That game is literal trash. Awful graphics, awful gameplay, story was butchered when it was brought to the US. "Remastering" Nier was a waste of time and money, they should've just remade Drakengard instead.

So you did it like ten years after the fact, probably with a guide. I honestly have to wonder why. You can just find the ending all over YouTube. 40 hours of grinding through that piece of shit? I gave up when I looked up how to unlock the last ending and just loaded it up on YT. 40 hours is better spent on another game.

>> No.8307423


>> No.8307734

>So you did it like ten years after the fact, probably with a guide. I honestly have to wonder why.
Because I like to play games not watch other people play them. It wasn’t especially hard. People over meme how much grinding there is because a bunch of people thought you had to max all the weapons and wasted huge amounts of time

>> No.8307735

Nah bad take

>> No.8307760

Even so, it still literally takes 20 to 40 hours to get all of the weapons. That is far too much investment for what is essentially a troll ending, that you can just watch on YouTube. Nobody is trying to watch anybody grind getting the weapons.

>> No.8307775

I mean, it's not like other musou games are any better. And this one has decent panzer dragoon levels. It's not a good game, but it's not terrible.

>> No.8307776

It took me 40 hours to complete the game total
It’s not especially hard like I said. And since I’m not the kind of faggot who looks endings up on wikis first I didn’t know what the ending would be like and had the experience that this anon >>8304438 is describing. And it was weird and dark and challenging, loved it. Watching some youtuber play it instead would be shit.

>> No.8307778
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>expected it to be a good end

>> No.8307779

It was my first Taro game lol

>> No.8307786

Fuck Konami and fuck Kojima to death.

>> No.8307794

fuck you and your bad take, this fucking remake shit has to stop, 60 to 80% of "new" games are goddamn remakes

>> No.8307808

That’s not even remotely true. How many remakes came out this year? Don’t fucking list ports.

>> No.8307885

I am talking about the past decade until now, not just one year, also I am not a retard, I know the difference between ports, remasters and remakes. Still, they might not have brought out as many remakes as say 1 or 2 years ago but it's still too much.

>> No.8307890

go back to /v/ where you belong

>> No.8307996

>The English version had all the questionable shit removed.
This fucking retard hasn’t even played the game. Shut the fuck up if you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about

>> No.8307998

So what you mean by
>60 to 80% of "new" games are goddamn remakes
Is actually
>Some time in the past that is not now there were a lot of remakes

>> No.8308049 [DELETED] 

Strawman. Nobody is talking about Dynasty Warriors. Drakengard is objectively shit no matter how much you jerk off to your weeb altar of Taro and 2B's ass.

(You) seem to literally mean (You), because it was absolutely censored:
>"In addition, some of the more mature themes, such as references to incest and sexual taboos, were censored in the western localization.[39]"
I was really confused when I first played it after hearing people talk about incest, pedobear, etc., turns out it was because all that shit had been removed and all you anonchamas are fucking weebs, pretending you played it in moon.

>> No.8308057

Red herring. Nobody is talking about Dynasty Warriors. Drakengard is objectively shit no matter how much you jerk off to your weeb altar of Taro and 2B's ass.

(You) seem to literally mean (You), because it was absolutely censored:
>"In addition, some of the more mature themes, such as references to incest and sexual taboos, were censored in the western localization.[39]"
I was really confused when I first played it after hearing people talk about incest, pedobear, etc., turns out it was because all that shit had been removed and all you anonchamas are fucking weebs, pretending you played it in moon. Verification not required.

>> No.8308060
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If your zooming ass had played it instead if reading about it on wiki you’d realize that the game still has incest and pedophilia in it, not to mention the baby eating and enthusiasm about genocide and everything else

>> No.8308070

so I'm not gonna subject myself to the grind or the mental scarring caused by this game but wtf

>> No.8308080

It’s pretty much all presented as a bad thing and none of its especially graphic, but probably the best person in your party is a pedophile (who wishes he wasn’t)

It’s a game about fucked up people with fucked up problems

>> No.8308097

>Red herring. Nobody is talking about Dynasty Warriors.
That's the genre the game is in. Please stop using terms you don't understand.

>> No.8308108
File: 140 KB, 1076x364, AC24946B-8D68-48F4-852B-76379F49DA50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He tried “strawman” first then deleted it lmao

>> No.8308613

>"In addition, some of the more mature themes, such as references to incest and sexual taboos, were censored in the western localization.[39]"
You are a brain-dead moron regurgitating shit you don't know pretending you actually played this game for longer than an hour. None of those things you're describing are censored - the most "obscure" taboo, incest, is actually spelled out by Angelus in one of the missions which if you had been paying attention and didn't have the attention span of a retarded monkey you'd know is present in the western localization.

>> No.8308684

They do remove the specific language that spells out the incest and pedophile subplots. Instead it's like "Furiae CARES about you! >:)" and then Caim gets all disgusted. Caims face in that moment, and Leonard when Seere hugs him is a pretty obvious tell that they couldn't really remove without editing the cutscenes themselves.

If you know what's being said it's still extremely obvious what's going on, especially in the undub which unfortunately doesn't actually restore the translation itself. Arioch still totally eats babies though, which is hilarious that it's exactly there they drew the line apparently.

>> No.8308809

>they should've just remade Drakengard instead
Taro said he would change everything people like about the first game if he ever remade it. I hope he never touched it.

>> No.8308817

I love drakengard and I love musous but Drakengard is one of the worst musou games if we’re talking about gameplay.

>> No.8308764
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>> No.8308885 [DELETED] 

Dynasty Warriors is just a 3D beat em up with missions. It's not exactly a revolutionary title that created its own genre. The lengths some of you fanboys will go to in order to defend what is objectively a bad game are quite astounding.
>"B-but it's not any worse than similar games!
>Horse piss smells worse than cat piss!

>> No.8308891

Dynasty Warriors is just a 3D beat em up with missions. It's not exactly a revolutionary title that created its own genre. The lengths some of you fanboys will go to in order to defend what is objectively a bad game are quite astounding.
>"B-but it's not any worse than similar games!
>Horse piss smells worse than cat piss!

>> No.8308948

It leads into the best game on the PS3 so it's based

>> No.8308949

3 is one of the worst games I've ever played but I love the rest of them

>> No.8309268
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Drakengard's ridiculous waking nightmare of a story along with the OST pretty much makes up for the game pretty much just being bargain basement Dynasty Warriors/Panzer Dragoon. Fuck some of those secret weapons though.

>> No.8309272

Never said I liked it, just said I played it, for me only 1 and Nier are really something (and 2 was somewhat decent)

>> No.8309686

>bargain basement Dynasty Warriors
So, just Dynasty Warriors.

>> No.8310708

If Dynasty Warriors was even stiffer.

>> No.8310905

Alright, that's not fair. The first Dynasty Warriors was actually good.

>> No.8310907
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Clean your FUCKING finger nails, you broken home twig!

>> No.8310951

Based, I agree.

>> No.8311158
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>> No.8312116

Oh look lads. The girl with the disgusting foot in the Computer Space ad is here.