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File: 40 KB, 378x263, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Ocarina_of_Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8302046 No.8302046 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I have a weird question for you guys.

Ocarina of Time launched when I was a kid, and my dad picked it up on launch day. They had some kind of promo where the first few people who bought it also got a Triforce necklace. It was square/rectangular with a raised triforce on it.

I've been trying to find a picture of this promo necklace for hours and I can't even tell if it fucking exists.

Does anybody else remember this shit or was this just a local giveaway and I've been telling people about some launch promo that Nintendo did that wasn't even them and was just the store I got it at? Or am I just imagining that this ever existed, since I lost it within a year?

>> No.8302241

sounds local, i remember one where you got a golden cart

>> No.8302260

I got one of that. I'll look for it.

>> No.8302273

Hmm I can't find anything either. did find this random ass OoT promotional skateboard

>> No.8302375

If you can find it I'd appreciate a picture so I can feel like I'm not going crazy.

>> No.8302464

Can’t find it. I bought in a gamecon some years ago. It looks like a military dog tag, but with the triforce marked in and a Nintendo copyright text on the back, dated 1998.

>> No.8302990

the only thing i remember is the zelda grocery bag that came with it

my probably hunted everywhere for it
didn't get the gold cart until adulthood
good times

>> No.8303074


here u go

>> No.8303438
File: 242 KB, 1170x882, 7C32CE38-25E5-4102-9564-5920329709BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats it

japanese version is recommended
has cool c-button stickers and blank music sheets for you to add the songs to the manual as you learn them

>> No.8303567
File: 2.50 MB, 2016x1512, Saria_best_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember it came with a gold bag and temporary tattoos but no necklace.

>> No.8303920

Reminder that there are people who are so retarded that they think Skulltula is pronounced "skull-TOO-luh" and don't understand it's a play on the word "tarantula." I didn't think such a level of stupidity was possible until I watched a stream some years back and heard multiple people say it. Truly fucking amazing.

>> No.8303954

i pronounce medievil MÉH DJEH VEEL
i also say residénteevol, all together

>> No.8303970

But do you pronounce "mischievous" correctly?

>> No.8303980

i looked it up and apparently i use a dated, nonstandard accent for it

>> No.8303985

Many people say "mis-chee-vee-us" but there's no vowel before the "ous" at the end so it's "mis-chi-vus"

>> No.8304135

Does anyone remember the rumor where if you jump off the rainbow bridge 100 times, you can play as Mario?

>> No.8304580

I don't remember getting a bag, but I did get the gold cart and the necklace. I lived in a small town at the time, and pretty sure we got it at K-mart which is basically a dead store nowadays so who knows maybe it was just some shit that they did.

>> No.8304989

I got the gold cart and it game with a XXL t-shirt.

I'll never not pronounce Deku as DOOKU and I have no idea why.

>> No.8305175

I know it's skullchoola but I like to say ska'toola in a mock italian voice