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8299091 No.8299091 [Reply] [Original]

>All of the original VA's
>Produced by Kojima himself
>Universally considered the worst remake of all time (Aside from FF7R)

>> No.8299160

Is that the new FF7 remake that just came out?

>> No.8299172

John Woo style cutscenes aside, the game lost a lot of the excellent color use the original had, everything was grey and dull and the atmosphere took a heavy hit despite the more modern graphics. Also the MGS2 gameplay didn't mesh well with the barely revised level design (a few locker rooms to hide enemies and little else). It was the worst remake at the time because we hadn't hit peak greediness yet and there weren't many remakes to begin with. In the context of 2021, where absolutely terrible remakes are the norm, it's not as bad. Still, I'll never recommend it as first contact to MGS1.

>> No.8299173
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It's not as good as the original and tonally far off

>> No.8299174


>> No.8299175

>Universally considered the worst remake of all time
Source: dude trust me

>> No.8299180

No. It has quibbles that mean it shouldn't really be considered a replacement for the original game, but it's basically just more MGS2 gameplay, and it's still a lot of fun.

>> No.8299196

Why did they remove everybody’s accent?

>> No.8299212

just the people who were raised in america

>> No.8299218

>All of the original VA's
Only because Hayter gave up half his paycheck to bring them back. Aside from him, the remake was ready to recast everybody.

>> No.8299226

It's a good game and a better remake.
People who complain about this are genuine fucking retards and the type of people are more than happy to pay Nintendo 60 a month for rented dlc and poor emulation

Yeah it's not perfect but as far as remakes go - compared by todays Standards it's a masterpiece

>> No.8299234
File: 2.93 MB, 960x540, twin snakes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to post in this thread, but you do have to watch this

>> No.8299342


>> No.8299348

its based

>> No.8299362

>cutscene director Ryuhei Kitamura wanted to make cutscenes that were faithful to the original MGS1. But Kojima wanted Kitamura to do the cutscenes in his own style.

>> No.8299369

Alright I just watched it on youtube and it makes more sense. For some reason I thought Otacon and Snake were talking back and forth

>> No.8299371

The best parts of MGS1 - the voice acting and cutscenes - are significantly worse than the original, so based on that alone I would steer clear unless you've played the original.

>> No.8299386

Guys you don't GET IT
MGS1 are the events as they actually and historically happened.
MGS:TTS is the RETELLING of the historical events with all the over the top flourish
Example: American Sniper movie vs the actual events of Chris Kyle's life

>> No.8299421


Glad I never played this "remake"

>> No.8299432

MGS4 is such a piece of shit, so much from 1 gets retconned. I like to think Meryl canonically died in the game and Kojima had no plans to bring her back since MGS2 was going to be the ending

>> No.8299448

If you have an issue with that scene wait until you see the ones of Snake backflipping over a door and roundhouse kicking missiles back at the Hind D

>> No.8299451

What gets retconned? I don't remember anything major aside from the age Big Boss was when they cloned him, which was retconned in MGS3 and it didn't really make a whole lot of sense for him to be so old in MG1 and 2 anyway

>> No.8299457

Twin Snakes is excellent when you accept it's an alt version of MGS and not a replacement.
Because they were fucking awful in MGS1

>> No.8299459

Mei Ling's was, but I think Naomi sounded better with the accent honestly

>> No.8299468

This alone makes Twin Snakes the superior game

>> No.8299470
File: 131 KB, 1009x1142, Screenshot 2021-11-03 at 20-21-20 Retcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8299472
File: 33 KB, 1006x325, Screenshot 2021-11-03 at 20-22-59 Retcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8299476

They are all awful and a holdover from 90s NA voice acting giving characters cosmically extreme accents for no reason.

>> No.8299491

Kojima himself said that the story had wrapped up everything after MGS3 and there wasn't any room for a sequel, afterwards he wanted to make a remake of Snatcher and more Zone of Enders

>> No.8299492

If it was truly meant to be the same Madnar, there would have at minimum been those button-prompt flashbacks and/or some level of recognition from Snake. More likely Kojima just recycled the name for the Snatcher reference and didn't even know he already used it.

>> No.8299897

Most of these are incredibly minor nitpicks, and some of them aren't even retcons. A couple of them are definitely some annoying retcons, but most of them really don't matter. And for what it's worth, Portable Ops isn't canon and I have no idea what MGS2 Dark is.
It's the same Madnar.
More Zone of the Enders would be nice, I know 3 got cancelled. A Snatcher remake would also be the most based thing imaginable

>> No.8300087

FF7R is an in-universe reboot/sequel, not a remake. The worst remake of all time is Tomb Raider: Anniversary.

>> No.8300109

>>Universally considered the worst remake of all time (Aside from FF7R)
What? By who? Since when? Did you just make this up? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8300154
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that's a pretty bad one, though I'd say the phone """""""""""""remakes""""""""""""" of final fantasy V and VI take the shit cake

>> No.8300228

>extreme accents
They sounded fine to me and not extreme. I'd rather have that than Twin Snakes over emphasis on key words and obvious pauses in mid sentences. Voice acting in Twin Snakes overall was terribly executed.

>> No.8300307

>original VA's
Shut up, you dumb cunt. NONE of the original VAs were in TTS.

Half of the reason for TTS was Kojima wanted to "fix" the western version of the game after he had it re-translated back for Integral and sperged out over all the changes. That's why the translation in TTS is awful, and filled with garbage like "When death is entreated, the battle is decided!".

Half of these literally aren't retcons. Naomi referring to Clark by male pronouns is a failure of both the original and the twin snakes translation teams. In Japanese, no gender is specified for Dr. Clark. Same thing for Olga's kid, it's just referred to as a child in Japanese, no mention of it being "him".

>> No.8300332

Those are "remasters" not remakes as remakes actually RE-make the game from scratch and usually are made to adhere to modern game sensibilities i.e. "What if this game was made now?"

>> No.8300345

TTS is a VR simulation

>> No.8300835

I mean, the cutscenes were pretty stupid but people tend to blow it out of proportion. It's a neat thing to play when you've played the original to death.

>> No.8300837

I can't believe Otacon broke his fucking neck.

>> No.8300847

>>Universally considered the worst remake of all time (Aside from FF7R)
twin snakes is fine. there's worse remakes:
-ratchet and clank (ps4)
-silent hill collection (ps3)
- super mario advance
-super mario all stars
and that's just off the top of my head

>> No.8300849

>-super mario all stars
How dare you?

>> No.8300852

>Shut up, you dumb cunt. NONE of the original VAs were in TTS.
All of them were, you're clearly retarded. They changed the DARPA chief's voice for some reason, even though the same actor voiced gray fox.

>> No.8300858

Putting aside voice, script and cutscene complaints, retrofitting MGS2's gameplay into MGS1 was a bad idea because it wasn't designed for it, and it trivialized a lot of things like Ocelot's boss fight. But for some reason Vulcan's tank fight was suddenly the hardest thing in the game, I don't get it.

>> No.8300874

>It's the same Madnar.
The recording sounds faked. Give me some proof that it actually was in the game.

>> No.8300884

Huh? They changed the Ninja's voice, but Greg Eagles still voiced Anderson.

>> No.8300891

that collection was pretty crazy considering the the gen it released in and how big the Mario games were. There's also the Ninja Gaiden collection, but truly, is there another collection title that even comes close that gen that's just games from the previous gen?

>> No.8300892

>I have no idea what MGS2 Dark is.
"In the Darkness of Shadow Moses", the in-universe novel of the first game's events that's readable in MGS2.

>> No.8300902

None of those people were the original voice actors. There isn't a single voice in TTS that was in the original game.

>> No.8300912

this is headcanon shit but it's also something i've always thought, it just makes sense and fits with the kind of shit kojimbo would do

>> No.8300924

>There isn't a single voice in TTS that was in the original game.
Hayter and Doug Stone both came back for TTS. Everybody else was using fake names in the original for union reasons.

>> No.8300937

I honestly can't tell if you're just willfully this retarded. Hayter and Doug Stone weren't in the original MGS. Nobody in TTS was.

>> No.8301082

Funny that this game would go on to be more of a representation of current MGS trends than any previous entry. The cutscene style would literally go on to be Kojima's staple for years to come.

>> No.8301128

That actually makes it more kino

>> No.8301136

What? Are you making some stupid point that the Japanese voice cast are the "original" MGS, or are you just very confused?

>> No.8301150

It's literally just seething Sony ponies that shit on it

>Better graphics
>Better controls
>Cooler 00's matrix cutscenes (the entire series is over the top. Bitching that Twinsnakes is over the top is literally the most cringe shit ever)

Sony niggers are just seething they are stuck playing the Michael j fox Edition with their wobble graffix

>> No.8301209

And the penny finally drops, good job.

TTS is unique in that it's the only version of a Kojimbo game I can think of where the only option is the awful English dub work. Integral, Substance and Subsistence are just minor add-ons, but TTS was a full remake.

>> No.8301226
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>> No.8301304

Integral only had the English voice acting.

>> No.8301315

Yeah, got the characters mixed up there.

>> No.8301319

>trumpanzees picking fights with 12 year old girls

>> No.8301582

Sure, but Integral is like Substance and Subsistence. I guess you can argue that TTS is only a minor "update" to MGS, but it's a little different from the other re-releases.

>> No.8301583
File: 120 KB, 598x439, Screenshot 2021-11-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naomi referring to Clark by male pronouns is a failure of both the original and the twin snakes translation teams. In Japanese, no gender is specified for Dr. Clark.

>> No.8301618

Shit, you're right. It's only in the later call after she gets arrested, it's just not mentioned in the first call after the fight like it is in the English one. Oh well, Olga's kid is still gender neutral.

>> No.8302057


Those are all remakes that only spergs hate, except for SH.

>> No.8302070

>All of the original VA's
>Produced by Kojima himself
Same for all the other MGS titles
>Universally considered the worst remake of all time
Because aside from the shit cutscenes, the difficulty is fucked thanks to FPS aiming trivializing parts like the Ocelot fight.

0/10 try again next time.

>> No.8302094

MGS is trivial to beat in the first place.

>> No.8302098

>Most of these are incredibly minor nitpicks
Nigger they literally shifted everyone's age or rewrote events you see happen previously just so they could every character from prior games somehow seem relevant to MGS4's plot.

>> No.8302103

And TTS makes it even more so, try a new argument.

>> No.8302115

Yes it is an argument.

Both games are equally trivial to beat unless you're going for a specific goal, like speedrunning for a time or whatever. The games are both so trivial that the FPS mode doesn't mean much.

>> No.8302441

>Yes it is an argument.
Nope, TTS is easier.
>The games are both so trivial that the FPS mode doesn't mean much.
It breaks a boss battle. That's a clear sign additional balancing was needed. Try playing the sometime.

>> No.8302493

>It breaks a boss battle.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. If you think that fight was a challenge before then, sorry, you're wrong.

>> No.8302584

Try it on extreme no radar game over if discovered, force yourself to stealth and not use guns when possible
Then tell me how easy it is

>> No.8302625

What a deliberately misleading retard

>> No.8302641

>They literally shifted everyone's age
Most of that was MGS3
>rewrote entire events
Madnar surviving doesn't really matter considering it's a retcon from an 8-bit game and we don't get legitimate confirmation he died, the Patriot founders being retconned doesn't matter because Portable Ops isn't canon and it barely conflicts anyways, and Big Boss surviving Zanzibar is also not a big deal considering it's a major plot point in MGS4 that he's "dead" so they can throw a plot twist in at the end, it doesn't actually conflict with anything. The only ones that really matter are non-GW Campbell being relevant to MGS2 (which admittedly doesn't make sense) and Liquid Ocelot being a result of hypnotherapy rather than supernatural shit (which was stupid as fuck anyway, even if The Sorrow retroactively made it slightly less stupid). The rest of the stuff is either really minor or straight up not a retcon

>> No.8302661

It's literally the actual voice actors and the comments are full of people saying they remember hearing it in the game.

>> No.8302673


It's pretty easy. Yeah you have to play the game, but, and yes I'm going to say it because it's true and this settles the argument, shit like Dark Souls is harder.

>> No.8302679

Then the video should be showing gameplay footage of the dialogue and not just old MG1 manual art.

>> No.8303090

I've never understood this idea that the PS1 voice acting suddenly being put on GameCube hardware made it possible for the player to hear background noises and shit from the original recording sessions.

Is this just nonsense to cover up for some other reason they couldn't re-use the old voice acting? I've heard a bunch of shit about union disputes.

>> No.8303209

There are two schools of thought. One is union bullshit, they wanted another paycheck. The other is that Kojima wanted it all redone "properly" this time, TTS is a different translation, he hated Blaustein's changes.

>> No.8303256

it's certainly not the worst remake of all time, but it is 100% inferior to the original
kojima can go suck my small, white cock if he's not okay with it