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8294796 No.8294796 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8294803

Love it.
And the remaster is better than the original.

t. played on N64 when it came out

>> No.8294814

Had to tune down the music when I got to Death Marshes, some scary shit

>> No.8294817

I can't stand dinosaurs therefore I haven't played it.

>> No.8294929

I feel it's better than the first one in a lot of ways, but at the same time I like the first one more. There's just a particular energy about that first game that the series never recaptured.

>> No.8294939

It's good but the backtracking is annoying, the levels are just too big.

>> No.8294964

Everythings fantastic except the level design which gets worse and worse every level

>> No.8295078 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.16 MB, 480x358, 1635882987604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enjoying Turok

>> No.8295105

Yes. And?

>> No.8295152

The first one felt less intentionally gritty and just more pre-historic/jungle-y. I get the same vibe

>> No.8295160

>Your honest opinion about Turok 2?
rented it. was not impressed. feeled worse than turok 1.

>> No.8295173

every time i try to play this game i have fun for a couple hours and then end up walking in circles making zero progress

>> No.8295180
File: 165 KB, 800x1017, 714940-the-elder-scrolls-chapter-ii-daggerfall-dos-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm messed up in the head enough to enjoy Daggerfall dungeons, so I thought I would have fun with Turok part deux as well.
I was not prepared.
I fucking gave up at the alien mothership level. I know it was the last one, but I just couldn't do it.

>> No.8295192

It's an excellent 1st person shooter adventure.

And has a fantastic soundtrack:

>> No.8295234
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>Not enjoying Turok

>> No.8295354
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>/vr/ is filtered by this

I'm disappointed with you all. Kyv already

>> No.8295364

With the remaster,it should be much easier to navigate. Don't understand how people can't deal with it with all these advantages

>> No.8295383
File: 796 KB, 1879x864, turok2originalvsremaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The remaster is baby mode, yes

>> No.8295457

The first one is very pulp. Feels like some adventure serial from the 50's, which I guess it was.

>> No.8295461

I love Turok. At their absolute best, the games are like 7/10 quality, but they do it with such style.

>> No.8295465

They actually added a hint system to the remaster, which I would usually hate, but it was probably called for here.

>> No.8296571

Absolute fucking beta responses from the same dweebs in every thread.
Get good you fucking wussies.

>> No.8296576

It's not hard. It's just boring.

>> No.8297568

Not even worth a (You).

>> No.8297625

Unironically the best game made for the N64, but only the PC version is worth playing.
pls kys casuals

>> No.8297631


>> No.8297636


>> No.8297875
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, turok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the worst Game Boy Color games I played.

>> No.8297976
File: 2.95 MB, 640x360, turokauto.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turok 1 was alright but it might have the worst idea of a key hunt I've ever seen in a shooter. Second one doubles down on that idea but is an improvement everywhere else.

>> No.8298110

Turok 2 runs too choppy on an N64 to be enjoyable. I prefer Turok 1.

>> No.8298112

Great game, but fuck the original Lair of the Blind One.
Just use a cheat to play the other levels.

>> No.8298115


It wears out it's welcome very quickly with it's big and sprawling levels that aren't fun to try and figure out.

I dont mind non-linearity but the level design itself just sucks in comparison to games like Doom and Duke Nukem 3d

>> No.8298234
File: 2.94 MB, 854x480, 2021080520491900-E0D5961EE2CDB699C5126BFC49F60719.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does your game look bugged?

>> No.8298240

I loved it. I'd say it was probably the first 3D game I played with heavy exploration, the kind where you can actually get lost going around a level. Everything else I played before it was always fairly straightforward.

Of course as a kid it was also easier to look past flaws like silky smooth 10fps gameplay

>> No.8298381

Why did it go from fighting dinosaurs in the first one to fighting like, aliens and eldritch abominations and shit in the second one?

>> No.8298414

It's a real slog, but an intriguing one

>> No.8298428

Dinosaurs are only a small portion of Turok 1's enemies, about the same as Turok 2's enemies.

>> No.8298508

They followed different arcs in the comics I suppose.

>> No.8298514

Based. I hate dinosaurs so much I want to fuck them

>> No.8299097

Actually they were their own thing. When acclaim bought Turok they rebooted the comics series alongside making the games.

>> No.8299354

There’s barely any dinosaurs in the first one. If you count the raptoids and endtrails there’s probably more in the second

>> No.8299478

This is getting off topic, but Jim Shooter had a nice piece on Acclaim's acquisition of Valiant on his site. Maybe it's still there. Valiant's shareholders were literally laughing all the way to the bank since Acclaim upped the offer each time they got an inconclusive answer in the talks.

>> No.8299501

a based and redpilled game

>> No.8299519

every single level is filled with dinos and dudes with guns in the first one.

>> No.8299724

I've never been able to beat the swamp level

>> No.8299725

There’s literally just a handful of raptors for 90% of the game

>> No.8299736

That’s the best level

>> No.8300623

No wonder it went bankrupt with such shitty bargaining skills.

>> No.8300672

It really isn't. There's maybe 4 dinos per level at best

>> No.8300690

Why do you fags bitch about people saying the level design suffers in the sequel?

Please explain to me how level 4 isn't complete trash. Tunnel after tunnel of repeating brown cave textures.

Level 5 and 6 have some of the coolest themes and textures in any game (neon alien insectoid hive webbing/alien metal scifi space tech) and it's completely wasted because levels 5/6 level design completely breaks down to tiny cramped corridors. Hallways after hallway followed by more corridors. It's clear as day they ran out of time.

Compare port of Adia to level 5/6 in terms of size, scope, objectives and level variety.

>> No.8302283
File: 927 KB, 480x320, turok 2 raptoid gore.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good game. Some of the best and most unique weapons and gore/dismemberment effects in the genre. Multiplayer is fun provided you can find a match. I still get lost in Lair of the Blind Ones.

>> No.8302303

Played a bit of it as a kid but really dove right into it for the remaster. Beat through it a few times and on the harder difficulties too.

I absolutely love this game.

>> No.8302408

Imagine being this much of a loser

>> No.8302432

I wish that there wasn't such an abundance of weapons that are made totally obsolete from other weapons

>> No.8302645

This post makes me miss the first few months of the rerelease where you’d actually find a decent amount of matches. I love turok 2 multiplayer. Such goofy fun

>> No.8302648

This was never really too much of a problem for me since the ammo limit forces you to use a variety of weapons

>> No.8303450

best n64 tiddies

>> No.8303474
File: 264 KB, 640x480, cerebralbore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still one of the most unique and gruesome weapons of all vidya. Hilarious in game, just pointing this thing to an enemy makes it run away in terror.
It also seeks "brain waves", so it doesn't work on enemies with little to no intelligence. That includes critters, robots, undead and amusingly purr-lins (the big dumb gorillas that you fight in Death Marshes, totally not stand-ins for niggers), they're so dumb that the cerebral bore doesn't work on them. It's hilarious that the devs bothered to specifically include this touch in game.

>> No.8303924
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Greetings, Turok

>> No.8304029

So... they only removed one room? Big fucking deal.

>> No.8304054
File: 229 KB, 764x357, 4-8 t2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've not made it far in either the original or the remaster but these changes seem drastic.

>> No.8304083

Fucking amazing game. Still fresh to this day.

>> No.8304087

Not as good as the first one.

>> No.8304106

she was on her period?

>> No.8304280

Totally agree about the level design often being trash, but on the other hand that's not what I see this game being about. It's got fun weapons, good movement, and cool enemies.

It would be like complaining about level design in Smash TV.

>> No.8305490

I enjoyed Turok but I sure as fuck didn't bother searching through the massive, winding levels for the piece or two I missed so I could fight the final boss, and I guarantee you 99% of kids never did that shit either. Haven't played Turok 2.

>> No.8305515

People say Dooms double shotgun is the most overpowered weapon in videogames, but for me, its the Shredder.