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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8293472 No.8293472 [Reply] [Original]

Stop sharing your opinion on retro games that you haven't played

>> No.8293517

I grew up playing all the best sellers zoom boy. Only games I don't know are import jap shit.

>> No.8293773

I not only make inflammatory posts about games I know nothing about, I also respond to myself on the opposite side of the argument just to rile up both sides. Farming (You)s is more fun than any game I've played.

>> No.8293783
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 7f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i honestly fucking hate this place, this could just be filled with AI bots specifically trying to piss me off by acting like retards and disingenuous scum for all i know. everyone behaves just unreasonably enough that i almost feel like i can have an actual discussion before realizing i'm wasting my time
keep coming back anyway
i hate this entire website

>> No.8293823
File: 123 KB, 768x681, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disingenuous scum
>behaves just unreasonably

Oh really tough guy? Give an example.

>> No.8293826

Why? If someone asks me for my opinion why shouldn't I give it to him?

>> No.8293837

your post is an example

>> No.8294305

Based and Raypilled

>> No.8294378

Most people are unable to change their opinion, even when presented against constructive criticism and facts.
Out of those, from my experience about half of them are unable to form their own opinions and just "feel" and "think" what they've been told to from one source or another that feels legit to them.

The sooner you realize that the better off you'll be. It's just how human beings are about most things and also an educational issue, as most school system never teach people to think for themselves.

In the case of video games some shit started by journos 20-30 years ago that are unfair or even outright false are still plaguing some games' reputations these days. People complain about e-celebs but in a way I think they're better because at least when they go overboard you can call them out directly and publicly.
Let's face it, out of all the people that complain about people eating up e-celebs shit, a good portion probably ate up the same kind of shit from journos in magazines in the 90's.

>> No.8294478

And the worst part? This board is the best you're going to get on this website. Everything you mentioned is far, far worse on other boards. I try to visit /v/ occasionally and EVERY post is a retard trying to farm (You)s.

>> No.8294479
File: 169 KB, 850x1150, dawn of dreams is the best onimusha game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i'm sharing my opinions on retro games i play day in day out.
Long time ago i just decided to lay back and only replay my favorites I.E get better at them and discover new shit. I buy like 4 new games at most each year. Looking for ones that can enrich my life instead of being thrown into my collection and never being touched again.

>> No.8294484
File: 21 KB, 460x276, 1608300498018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing best spellers
>not good games
lol retard

>> No.8294485

the trick is to discuss the GAME and not it's quality or how it made a person feel. If he thinks the game is trash then that's where the discussion ends. Thanks buddy, i can live with your opinion. But let me talk about it's content with other anons in peace. We really don't need to have yet another debate wether or not people are allowed to enjoy the game in question

>> No.8294491

I share the sentiment, I only waste time here when I'm at work, no point in being here when I could be playing /vr/idya
>best spellers
You definitely ain't one

>> No.8296339

>as most school system never teach people to think for themselves.
That's because the public education system was never about thinking. It was about training the next generation to do what they're told. Teachers love to talk about "critical thinking" until a student actually does some.

>> No.8296556

You can already start to see bot posts on this board. Mods seemingly don't care though.They are too busy banning people over stupid shit instead.

>> No.8297826

> keep coming back anyway
you do that because, as much as it sucks, this is still the best site to discuss retro games. would you rather be interacting with a bunch of plebbit cucks begging for upvotes? Or a message board where half the posts are post count padding?

>> No.8297869

imagine being a consumerfag and not just playing what you love

>> No.8297907

>sharing your opinion on retro games that you haven't played
even worse than that is when zoomies try to tell us about games relative to the time they were released--how good they were, how they were received, what it was like playing them, etc. If you weren't already a gamer at least by the time the early-mid 90's hit, reading game mags, drooling over screenshots in the previews section, then your retrospective opinion that you formulated based on youtube videos means nothing to anyone. Feel free to lurk, but keep your fingers off the keyboard unless your posts are all prefaced with "I'm just a stupid fucking zoomie, but..."

>> No.8297961

I only talk about games I've actually played and I find it astonishing how obvious it is that most posters here are 20 years old or younger, and haven't played even half the shit they talk about, and are content to just parrot things they've heard or read others say.
Even threads about extremely popular easily accessible game series like Resident Evil minimum half the thread posts will make it blatantly obvious they have no or extremely limited experience with the games.

>> No.8298005

No, I will post about how shit the Saturn library is without having played a single game from it and you will enjoy it.

>> No.8298027

I tried and failed to emulate Sonic Jam once, let me tell you why SotN is unplayable on Saturn

>> No.8298038

ok but have you ever tried getting into a large scale argument with someone while parroting the opinions of some rando on gamefaqs forums
it's fun as fuck dude, passes the time great

>> No.8298289

It's easy as fuck to spot them most of the time.
>muh sales figures
>what am i in for
>game too easy/hard
Just a whole generation that doesn't enjoy playing video games, they just do it because they saw someone else having fun.

Some words and phrases really date the poster, but not as much of an issue as long as they're not being dumbasses.

>> No.8298294

I couldn't find a saturn or sega cd bios, let me tell you how soj sabotaged soa and killed sonic xtreme

>> No.8298335

I just beat my 60th game this year, are you proud of me?

>> No.8298342

>>muh sales figures
>>what am i in for
>>game too easy/hard
yes, and also
> shitting on [insert console / classic game] as being "overrated," thinking it makes them appear edgy and contrarian, but they're really just stupid
> complaining about "tank controls"
> inappropriately using words like "dated" or "janky"
> lack of appreciation for quality pixel sprites and low-poly models
> no awareness of what constitutes "good" graphics, particularly 4th-5th generation, and especially 3D games
> complaining about games that are not hand-holdy and require thinking/skill

>> No.8298540
File: 76 KB, 1024x576, father-of-the-pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud of you, son.

>> No.8298550

What's that image supposed to mean

>> No.8298578


Porn. Cub porn. Gay lion incest cub porn.

>> No.8299850

thank goodness for save states, amirite?

>> No.8299861

I'm a relatively new poster here that's under 30 and make a point to only weigh in on things that I've actually played or experienced. And if I haven't, I'm asking questions. I hope that brings you at least a little solace.

It really seems like the best place I've found so far to discuss retro games. My eyes glaze over pretty quickly whenever I go check out /v/

>> No.8300043

I haven't finished a single game yet I've pumped hundreds of hours in training mode getting good.

>> No.8300062

No!!! I never played Kileak : The DNA Imperative and it's SHIT!!!

>> No.8300663

Reminds me of that youtuber trying to "beat" the entire snes library but he's rewinding through everything.

>> No.8300674

>no true scotsman
get a life

>> No.8300685
File: 2.71 MB, 693x1022, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does a bot post look like?

>> No.8301013

there is a very real, well-organized, and well-funded effort to fill /pol/ with shills who are there to shift the narrative. The guy you're replying to is probably from /pol/ and is paranoid from his experience there. Personally, I haven't noticed any "bots" here on /vr/, just a bunch of uninformed zoomies who are just as stupid as a bot, and I'm not sure how anyone could benefit from filling this place with bots other than to promote some indie project or youtube channel or some shit like that. Again, zoomies who are too quick to share their shit opinions are the real plague of /vr/, not "bots."

>> No.8301047

that same asshole actually responded to a thread I made myself saying "bot thread, reported and saged" or whatever and he had a gay anime avatar uploaded pic. These people think everybody is a bot.

>> No.8302620


>> No.8303428

No, I'm actually completely opposed to using save states, and I'm really autistic about it. I've just had a lot of free time this year, and I'm patient as a motherfucker. Here's everything I've beaten this year:
Kid Icarus
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
Mega Man
Mega Man 3
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 7
Mega Man X
Mega Man X2
Mega Man X3
Mega Man X4
Fatal Fury: King of Fighters
Fatal Fury 2
Fatal Fury Special
Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory
Real Bout Fatal Fury
Art of Fighting
Art of Fighting 2
Samurai Shodown
Samurai Shodown II
Samurai Shodown III: Blades of Blood
The King of Fighters '94
The King of Fighters '95
Comix Zone
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Donkey Kong Land
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Earthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim 2
Kirby's Dream Land 2
Super Mario Land
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
Tekken 2
Battle Arena Toshinden
Soul Edge
Mortal Kombat 2
Mortal Kombat 3 (+ Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3)
Fighting Vipers
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
Metroid Fusion
Virtual Boy Wario Land
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Knuckles' Chaotix
Jumping Flash!
...all that, plus eight more non-/vr/ titles for a total of 60 games.
The ONLY time I used anything resembling a savestate was when I was trying to save the girl at the end of Comix Zone—I got fucked by the RNG item at the very end, so I used the rewind feature to get better RNG. But to me, that's fair, because that was after I had already beaten the game once and gotten the bad ending. I just wanted to see what would happen if you saved Alyssa or whatever her name was.

Currently. I'm trying to beat Bug! (Saturn), but since my Saturn's internal battery is dead, I've been starting from square one every session. I could beat it in one sitting if I just totally poopsock it, but it'll probably take a week to memorize all those long-ass levels, and I don't wanna deal with that shit, so I'll have to see if I can't replace the battery.

>> No.8303713

didn,t read lol

>> No.8303731 [DELETED] 

Almost all short 2D platformers and fighting games, but nice job anyways.

>> No.8303734

Almost all 2D platformers and fighting games, but nice job anyways.

>> No.8303736

same. i just come here to shitpost while watching tv.

>> No.8303740

>so I used the rewind feature
In that case you didn't really get the good ending, you should take that one off your completion list.

>> No.8304386

I got the bad ending, which still counts as beating the game.
Yeah I said 60 games, not 60 extremely long/extremely difficult games.
OP is accusing me of not having played any games, so there's no need to move the goalposts

>> No.8304389

reading comprehension

>> No.8306307

>not good games
No top ten lists for us to go off back then zoomer. World Warrior and Super Mario Kart were good anyway.

>> No.8306365
File: 172 KB, 332x249, Chill-pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant it when I said nice job. No need to get offended, bro.

>> No.8308285

You didn't watch all 70s movies by having them all on fast forward.

>> No.8308814

It isn't the same thing, retard. No comparison like that will even make sense anyway because a movie is a passive experience that is the same every time while a video game can be played in a million different ways. There isn't a "wrong" way to play a video game and if you think there is you're just an elitist faggot who needs to learn how to stop being a retard
Nobody actually cares if you "beat the game correctly", you just want to have some excuse to shit on others because there's nothing in your life