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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 336 KB, 1022x1337, 1632990957816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8289859 No.8289859 [Reply] [Original]

Well, boomers?

>> No.8289860

better in some ways and worse in others.

>> No.8289861

Chun's expression has me diamonds. Wew lad.

>> No.8289876
File: 672 KB, 789x596, UIfuEGol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love playing retro ps2 games in the '90s while i listen to white-people-trying-to-sound-black music and dress like an '80s visual kei roastie

>> No.8289878 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.17 MB, 404x720, 1635736488244.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember companies were more honest and straight forward back then. Games just worked and had fewer major bugs, no DLC, no gacha shit. Multiplayer was face to face and more social, etc

I know some fems might say Chuns' proportions were unrealistic and oppressive but there are girls that look like that <--

>> No.8289891

we had game rentals and demo discs back then too

>> No.8289894

nothing deceptive about a game rental, it was the full game, you knew what you'd get for a few days and sometimes that was enough to beat the whole thing

>> No.8289896

>3DPD Tiktok garbage
Begone posthaste. Or else.

>> No.8289912

It was the best gaming ever was and ever will be.

>> No.8289939
File: 193 KB, 394x600, __chun_li_street_fighter__be4c09539d97ddeca8eb33ffa36dff2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Chun has always been the girl.

>> No.8289945

I think the ps2 era was the peak of gaming. It was mainstream enough to be huge but not enough for normalfags to ruin it

>> No.8289952
File: 71 KB, 500x900, 5333BB7B-5E88-4023-8BCC-51CC26341AE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddam I love chun li

>> No.8289971

Garbage thread OP, go back

>> No.8289998
File: 131 KB, 534x717, nintendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more soul, and we had better ads back then

how does it trigger you?

>> No.8290009

>PSM swimsuit special
God I need to pull out some of those issues and have a time machine fap. I also remember an ad for The Sims with some redhead chick in a bikini that made for a good fap. My first cum was to some gaming mag, photo of some racing model.

>> No.8290012
File: 177 KB, 532x750, tribal nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao imagine nintendy released ads like that today

>> No.8290023

I don't love Chun Li.
When you're around asian girls all your life all the same faces look tiresome.

>> No.8290040
File: 3.25 MB, 426x292, sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss based 90s


>> No.8290054

if only .001% of asian girls looked like chun li

>> No.8290057

You're welcome.

>> No.8290058

it was fun

>> No.8290071
File: 84 KB, 700x689, kids exploding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kids in the 90s

>> No.8290091
File: 142 KB, 1080x1080, E2knTgtWEAExG_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the dead kid got older too

>> No.8290093

imagine a world without propaganda being pushed down your throat 24/7

>> No.8290094

That is exactly how it was.

>> No.8290095

>dat floof

>> No.8290097

>swap games with your buds at school
>run home after school to the pool hall or laundromat for KOF98, SFIII and MVC matches
>mom takes you to Blockbuster/Hollywood Video everyweekend to test try kino, stock up on EGM/GamePro/Tips and Tricks
>Use allowance biweekly for more vidya purchase. Either brand new PS1/N64 title, or 2x greatest hits discs
Take me fuckin back

>> No.8290103

Well, the image you've chosen reminds me of one thing immediately: Back then, the industry wasn't forced to pretend women were more than 5% of the audience for most genres. So artistically speaking everything was vastly superior.

>> No.8290104

where the fuck did you live that there were sf3 cabinets at the laundromat? My laundromat only ever had tekken and mortal kombat

>> No.8290105

Actually impressive if they're all the same kids though I doubt it.

>> No.8290112

I remember in 1992 local 7/11 across the street had SF2, it blew our minds, we'd get big slurpies and watch older teens and adults play, then take turns losing to them. Getting a win felt really good but we were just mashing back then no idea how to play

>> No.8290115

Live in a small town SLO county cali. Our laundromat was fuckin cash man. Best places to play games in town was the pizza joint (like everywhere else in the 90s), but it was too far to walk.

>> No.8290124

Hell yeah man! The first time I ever saw SF2 was at a Circle K, they always scored new cabinet rentals (neo geo cab with World Heros/FF, virtua fighter, Tekken 1).
Convenience stores were so cool back then

>> No.8290125

>Use allowance biweekly for more vidya purchase. Either brand new PS1/N64 title, or 2x greatest hits discs
Damn son. You must have had a rich family.

>> No.8290126

>I remember companies were more honest and straight forward back then
gaming magazines were just vehicles to sell you games
>Games just worked and had fewer major bugs, no DLC, no gacha shit.
Working Designs and Sega just to name a few would increase the difficulty of their games in order to pump up rentals. Even though it was rare, many games shipped with bugs. Gacha shit was relegated to trading cards, pogs and literal gacha machines
>Multiplayer was face to face and more social, etc
I agree. Online multiplayer was only good when it was just PCs that could do it.

>I know some fems might say Chuns' proportions were unrealistic and oppressive but there are girls that look like that
I'd like her to oppress her titties on my face

>> No.8290131

I did chores every morning starting at 5am when my dad would wake my ass up, so I was given 30 bucks a week

>> No.8290138

that's still a lot of money for a kid

>> No.8290143
File: 2.79 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_3968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have that same coffee table

>> No.8290342


>> No.8290352

>Games just worked
>fewer major bugs
>Multiplayer was more social
lol. Tell me how you never fucking played games in the 90s without telling me you never played games in the 90's.

Broke games with no fixes. Full expacs that added what a mod could add. Multiplayer as bad as the most current hacker games of today with the only added social stuff people saying nigger and hitler over and over.

>> No.8290360
File: 3.08 MB, 420x431, 1620551690476.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me how you.... without telling me you ....
>repeating dead facebook/reddit phrases

>> No.8290389

The difference is back then people caused a stink when shit came out broken and it was seen as unacceptable, now its just expected that you will need a day 1 patch before the game is playable and we should just be ok with companies releasing unfinished products they know they can just complete later.

And multiplayer was absolutely more sociable, not even bringing up the fact you 99% of the time did it socially, multiplayer games were not of the same level of rank climbing, daily grinding bullshit, "pro gamer lifestyle" cancer that modern has, it was more or less just some faggots going on to play some quick matches.

Yeah, elements of that shit still exist, but they are no longer the main focus.

>> No.8290416

>The difference is back then people caused a stink when shit came out broken and it was seen as unacceptable
name 5 times pre-6th gen when this was the case

>> No.8290458

Look at all the broken releases (especially on PC) that came out at the time and didnt sell and were regarded as trash, compared to the outright broken games of the era that did sell well (if you can even list any) People didnt give money to the companies releasing clearly broken on release games after it became a known fact and they were quietly forgotten about (usually in the form of the final entries of long running computer series/rpgs) Compare that to today where people were still fine buying shit like Cyberpunk despite its unfinished state and just waiting for the devs to fix it later.

>> No.8290468

>not even bringing up the fact you 99% of the time did it socially, multiplayer games were not of the same level of rank climbing, daily grinding bullshit, "pro gamer lifestyle" cancer that modern has, it was more or less just some faggots going on to play some quick matches.
back then the only leaderboards that mattered were your win-loss ratio with your school friends or regulars at the arcade lol, which often meant the last 5 or 6 matches you could recall

speedrunners have showed tons of bugs in old games, but they're often cryptic shit like doing two frame perfect tricks back to back, unlike modern games (Cyberpunk 2077) where casuals can trigger major bugs due to lazy unpolished programming

>> No.8290470

from top to bottom
>tfw you bust your first nut
>tfw your best bro gives you a bj
>tfw you let your best bro fuck you only to regret it

>> No.8290472
File: 124 KB, 564x1003, d653f985cd89e8b8b8c288e0534f42d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was gaming like in the 90s?
& healthy

>> No.8290475
File: 21 KB, 236x435, b23015067da845be9b4d72fed66cfb19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retro ads didn't give a fuck, now they're considered misogynstic (on reddit) or nsfw (here)

>> No.8290479
File: 928 KB, 1080x1487, AKwwxSY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8290487

I know it's hard to realize for younger people but playing video games then wasn't a political stance.

>> No.8290490

they were a godsend to me going through puberty. I cannot count the number of nuts busted to video game ads or a paused chun li screen

>> No.8290494
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cannot count the number of nuts busted to video game ads or a paused chun li screen
Rogue & Psylocke in Marvel versus games, Felicia from Darkstalkers for me

>> No.8290515
File: 696 KB, 1695x2152, 7a5b018d4d3282f3f913d061ccfa0980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of the more suggestive ads were in Playboy, Heavy Metal, High Times, and the like. The exceptions are the Neo Geo and Sega Saturn ads I'm pretty sure I've seen in Gamepro.

>> No.8290517
File: 888 KB, 2038x3056, 0Cr7Mn0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8290548
File: 15 KB, 259x122, scarzretro_amychao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8290556

Not 24/7 like now, but the tits on the game mags were often there to lure you into the retarded minds and opinions of many, many faggot gamejournos even then. Some of the same writers haven't even changed their faggotry since then (even since the SJW supremacy started), but rather just doubled down.

>> No.8290570

Game systems were more portable than now.
I thought nothing of disconnecting my systems an moving them from room to room, or taking them on the road in a plastic bag. It took less than a minute to disconnect or reconnect.

I just don't see or hear about someone doing that with a current PlayStation or Xbox system now.

>> No.8290610

I'm not from that era, but I know that there were already hundreds of great games back then. Games from that time were mostly not for children, but for adults. And by that I don’t mean porn, but the difficulty of the game and the challenge of finishing the game.
After 2000 'games become designed for children and very simple and stupid. The classic and hit of the nineties Command and Conquer was a great game. Today, such games are not popular because stupid kids have too little IQ to play strategy (RTS).
There were really a lot of hits and great games in that era, the beginnings of various series. Although I'm not from that time, I still love to play some classics.

>> No.8290663
File: 593 KB, 720x540, double_ascended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triple 32-bit
What would that make it, 96-bit?

>> No.8290667
File: 44 KB, 164x200, 1E6A3B10-28E9-4841-B064-DEAA0685FD50.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah dude

>> No.8290680

The pepsi one isn't even a retro ad, it's a modern day poster made to go REMUMBAH DE EIGHTIES?

>> No.8290687

>dirty shoes in the house

Americans are absolutely subhuman, jesus christ

>> No.8290692
File: 118 KB, 1000x731, 1620722446408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gaming in the 90s
The experience will be different for everyone but as a kid that grew up in the country:
>just about everyone was a generation behind or played consoles that have been out a few years
>borrowed and loaned games from school mates all the time
>hardly ever rented games since that meant a trip back into town to take them back
>no arcades close by but would see the occasional arcade cabs in the usual places theatres, pizza parlors, etc
>would only get new games for Christmas or if I saved enough of my own money to buy one myself
>buying a new game and trying to read the manual on the car ride home in the dark with only passing street lamps as your light

>> No.8290697
File: 376 KB, 1255x1771, female heroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite nice.

>> No.8290698

>I remember companies were more honest and straight forward back then.

>> No.8290759

I'm 37 now, gaming in the 90s was so good boys. From handing off the controllers every level on dkc games to slappers only in goldeneye.


>> No.8290762

You don't get magnetic issues with that speaker on the TV?

>> No.8290794

adult recreation pictures are so gay

>> No.8290832

>Broke games with no fixes
name 10

>> No.8290847

your post has such boomer chain email energy. Of course they're "considered" NSFW because this is a blue board you dolt. Your post has nothing to do with video games, you're brainlessly reflecting on the differences in print media over a 40 year span.

>> No.8290849

Off the top of my head wasn't there an impossible jump on Impossible Mission on the nes?

>> No.8290854

Boomer chain email energy?? What the fuck is that made up gay shit? If you are referring to the way old people word emails you have the wrong generation, and are also grasping at straws

>> No.8290859

>retro Pac man ads not related to retro board
I disagree

>> No.8290862

Damn I miss based 90s gaming magazines back when some journos/reviewers were ok and the chicks were hot

>> No.8290863

never said the image wasn't related, the anon above is acting like he's so rebellious posting that image here for the 1000th time complaining about boogeymen that only exist in his mind

>> No.8290915

I was born in 1993, but I remember a few things from 1998/9. Shopping malls and supermarkets had tons of arcade machines and they were full most of the time. People would play while waiting for the warning that a movie was going to begin at the cinema. That's how I got a few plays for free now and then, as they had to leave, but my mom always gave me a coin, so I had to carefully choose what to spend it on, and it was usually Time Crisis 2, Crazy Taxi and the fully enclosed 2 player The Ocean Hunter. Pokémania was a thing, so of course quite a few kids had one of the games and there was a ton of gaming and Pokémon magazines and coloring books. I still have all of the ones my mom and grandpa bought me.
I feel like the ads were more "subtle". They were everywhere and constantly on TV, but at least companies made an effort to make them expressive and look fun.

>> No.8290927

>I know some fems might say Chuns' proportions were unrealistic and oppressive

Who cares I wanna drown in her tits

>> No.8290942

> expression
you misspelled 'titties'

>> No.8290951

>Chuns' proportions were unrealistic and oppressive
Have you seen any of the other Street Fighter II characters? Of course people always fixate on the "unrealistic women," but she's not the one with the wackiest body proportions on the cast. Almost all of them are ridiculous.

>> No.8290976

Growing up in the 90s was pretty cool , I'm close to 30 years old now , anyways I grew up in a decent apartment as a kid , the local laundry mat had Tekken , metal slug etc. And some other classics etc. There was also a liquor store with street fighter alpha 3 , if that wasn't enough I also had the classic sega genesis and a ps1 as home consoles, but yeah things felt better back then , overall just more positive compared to now, hell even the T.V. shows back then were better.

>> No.8291024

>What was gaming like in the 90s?
>posts games magazine from 2004
what did OP mean by this?

>> No.8291039

There were no Ebay scalpers in the 90s. You could go to thrift stores and find whole shelves of Atari 2600 games, 8086/286 PCs, toaster Macs, Apple IIs, C64s, Colecovisions, etc which now would be sold for like $2k as "l33t retro vintage XD" because The 8-Bit Fag or some other autist did a video about it.

>> No.8291047

Imagine your head being crushed between her mighty legs, your brain comes out as a pink jelly, while you having a hardest, final boner in your life. That's what I would call "a life well lived".

>> No.8291050

I was only alive for five years in the 90s and didn't get to go to any arcades that decade, but there were still some pretty good machines out there well into the early 2000's. I got to play a good amount of Soul Calibur II, Mario Kart GP, Tekken 5 and Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. The dedicated arcade in my town had already closed by the time I moved here, but there were still a few older machines scattered around town. The Strider machine at a local Christian rec center, a Lucky & Wild Cabinet at the movie theater, the Ms. Pac Man & Galaga and Raiden Fighters cabinets at the laser tag place... There's a Neo-Geo over at the skating rink still, I think. It had Windjammers and Puzzle Bobble if I remember correctly.

>> No.8291062
File: 183 KB, 962x685, living-room-1981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cool thing was that there was no internet, so
>Game tips and tricks had to be shared mouth to mouth
>Your friends would call you and each other to ask for advice on games
>You thought you were the best in the world at some fighting game no friend could beat you at
>Attention span was way bigger so you actually focused on shit you were playing because no wasting time on youtube, social media and whatnot
>You formed your own opinion on games rather than going with what you read everyone saying online
>There were arcades
>There was no influence on how you should setup your setups so less of an emphasis on tech and more of an emphasis on skill
>People tended to gather for offline play more than today with the internet, there were no discord online play gatherings like today, people went to each other's houses for that

Take me back

>> No.8291065

comfy but bland room

>> No.8291068

>Tell me how you without telling me you
please shut the fuck up

>> No.8291071
File: 852 KB, 2592x1944, Have_to_cover_up_my_shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad to have been there at that time. So much variety and interesting games. Places to go, friends/family alongside to enjoy the hobby. Arcades and trade shows gave a peek into the future. The games catered to my tastes and sensibilities. It was difficult without the income to support it all, but it was a great time.

>> No.8291079

It was exciting because year after year you were introduced to new technology or gameplay that's never been attempted before. The latter 2000s was the beginning of homogenization, from consoles becoming glorified PCs, to Sony pumping out Uncharted and its many clones

>> No.8291091

Did they do a DOA swimsuit edition?

>> No.8291094
File: 258 B, 24x24, zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer chain email energy

>> No.8291107

>Cannon Spike
>Silhouette Mirage
>Lunar II
Goddamn, stuff like that never makes the covers. I want to read through them now just see what else is different.

>> No.8291146

>You formed your own opinion on games rather than going with what you read everyone saying online
I miss this so much, it's like a retro vidya hivemind formed once forums for old vidya started appearing online.

>> No.8291172

based. you kicked that libtard in the ass with your logic and gif. keep rockimg mad lad

>> No.8291176

>>People tended to gather for offline play more than today with the internet, there were no discord online play gatherings like today, people went to each other's houses for that
I would still be doing that if it were not for the fact that my best friends Mom banned me from going to the house. Couch co-op is great.

>> No.8291198
File: 60 KB, 631x461, xmas92costumes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magical. Hyping screenshots in magazine ads your older brother photocopied from the library. Using your imagination to guess what the games would be like. I feel bad for you zoomers getting all your information from the internet. Takes all the fun out of it.

>> No.8291202

I would like to know why you were banned, anon.

>> No.8291223
File: 2.72 MB, 2304x1728, A_secret_to_everybody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that what Xtreme Beach Volleyball was for?

That's what was special at the time, they did back then.

>> No.8291228
File: 22 KB, 236x364, 3f66c93df74f8c25006ca6c99f124b61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


one thing that sticks with me is how I enjoyed the smell of fresh/new magazines. Am I the only one?

I also remember the smell of my Ultima Online and Baldur's Gate 2 package boxes, smelled really nice lol

I haven't bought plastic/cardboard shite in decades so maybe they still smell good but I don't know

>> No.8291243

cg and tiny blurry screenshots of n64 games and potential arcade conversions is what had me ogling magazines. I still have my magazines from the 90s and those 95/96 editions are heavily worn from browsing them again and again. I wanted that console so badly. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.8291250
File: 83 KB, 564x987, 7451ead471944fa0457e0f44f625bba6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your post has nothing to do with video games, you're brainlessly reflecting
the original is a neo geo ad from a french magazine

>> No.8291272

more like silicone magazine amirite

>> No.8291275
File: 111 KB, 563x754, Dark Adventure (1987).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ads back then were sexy without being degenerate somehow

Dark Adventure (1987)

>> No.8291280

My best friend is one of those people that is very giving, and since I was a poorfag he was always buying stuff for me and his Mom thought I was manipulating him into buying stuff for me. Wanted me to pay 1K or so back to him even though nearly one hundred percent of the stuff he bought me was of his volition and not mine. Really sucks that I only get to see him twice a year or so for our annual birthday and Christmas gift swaps. We had been playing a bunch of co-op and Vs stuff back when we were allowed to hang out since I would visit every chance I had.

>> No.8291284

Glory, glory what a Hell of a way to die

>> No.8291310


>> No.8291317

>People tended to gather for offline play more than today with the internet, there were no discord online play gatherings like today, people went to each other's houses for that

This is a big one. Hanging out on the couch playing with friends was such a great experience, so much more memorable than wearing a shitty headset and speaking to disembodied voices miles away. Every party had a game tournament going, girls joined in, it was just fun. I am glad I have memories of doing this with my friends, even if it’s was on shitty games, you remember simply being there and laughing.

>> No.8291331
File: 221 KB, 500x612, psylocke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls that look like that <--
To be fair her face doesn't actually look like that. Otherwise yeah.
It was Chun-Li for me but god damn Psylocke was hot.

>> No.8291332

LAN parties were fun as hell, not to mention four man Timesplitters 2 or the Turok titles on the N64. Personal favorite was 007 Agent Under Fire with my best friend and bots on the Gamecube. Hell, even just hanging out with a friend playing Turtles on the SNES, or Streets of Rage on the Genesis was magical.

>> No.8291383

>now its just expected that you will need a day 1 patch before the game is playable and we should just be ok with companies releasing unfinished products they know they can just complete later.
It's actually factored into the development pipeline these days. There is a period of time, usually a few weeks, between when the game "ships" (ostensibly the game ships when it is finished) and when it is actually released and available for download. To modern dev teams, that period of time is actually scheduled into their development cycle. In other words, they *plan* on releasing unfinished games, which is why 100% of modern AAA titles require those massive day 1 patches. Releasing unfinished games is foundational to the entire modern games industry.

What's funny to me is that these dev teams always talk about having parties when their game "ships" where they all get drunk and celebrate the "completion" of their game. Just imagine it. A bunch of bearded skinnyfat codemonkey soibois, mulatto PR dipshits, and fat tatted up pink haired HR skanks getting drunk because they released an unfinished piece of shit. Very American, actually.

>> No.8291421

That's really too bad. Sorry your friend's mom is such a cunt, anon.

>> No.8291431
File: 55 KB, 300x300, thumb_episode-21-what-does-vince-mcmahon-love-by-the-enzuigiri-52177756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn were they that bouncy? lmao

>> No.8291443
File: 39 KB, 640x444, 65472[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, there wasn't any SJW bullshit, so that's pretty massive, but not the only big difference.

Game devs were constantly trying to bring out the best game ever made, so every year there were multiple games that exceeded the limits of the industry with better graphics, deeper gameplay, and more complex themes. Now, games are more like film, where AAA studios rely more on marketing than content, and indie games are novelty takes on well-tread ground.

Some say these changes mean that videogames have matured, but I think it's just that the developed world is experiencing a death to culture, which games are obviously swept up in.

>> No.8291454

>The cool thing was that there was no internet
Well, there was. Maybe not in your part of the world map, but it was certainly in existence and there were already very large and established online gaming communities and discussion boards.
If a person was in college in the 90s in the USA, Canada, Western Europe, or Japan the internet would play a big role in their gaming experiences.

>> No.8291520

>social stuff people saying nigger and hitler over and over.

>> No.8291539

Lmao bye akmed.
>t. hates who he grew up to be
And what was the game called? Oh yeah, IMPOSSIBLE MISSION. if you could beat it, it would have been false advertisement.

>> No.8291545

Nice post image combo

>> No.8291548 [DELETED] 

>Of course, there wasn't any SJW bullshit, so
What was that about Microprose banning slavery from being included in Colonization?

>> No.8291549

Excuse me sir. Please stay on topic or I'll be forced to report you to the modulators and you will be banana'd.

>> No.8291614

because nothing screams 90s more than a 2004 magazine

>> No.8291626

This depends heavily on which years of the 90s you are talking about. In the early 90s, sure there were a small number of people able to access a small amount of content on usenet, usually under fairly constrained conditions. By the end of the 90s, every college kid had ethernet into their dorm room, high schools and libraries were full of networked computer labs, and broadband connectivity was beginning to spread to regular people. People going online in the late 90s could use sites like WebCrawler (1994) to find video game content on sites like GameFAQs (1995). Blizzard's battle.net was 1997.

In 1998, you could download the Japanese ROM Of Final Fantasy V (assuming you agreed to delete it after 24 hours), download the RPGe translation patch, and play it on an emulator that you could also just download for free online. In 1992 you either lived in Japan, knew someone who did, or had some way to import games and read Japanese; or you weren't playing anything that didn't have an official release in your region.

There were no smartphones in the 90s. There was no youtube or twitch. Social media did not exist in the form we know it today. Social media was email and bulletin boards.

>> No.8291648

Every year was something new and exciting, basically. Technology was advancing quickly in gaming.

>> No.8291654

Does that mean the mission impossible franchise is a big deceitful lie as all the missions are possible?

>> No.8292053

Nah thats a shitty fan remake

>> No.8292063

If we gamed in the 90's we weren't boomers dumbass. Those would have been our parents or grandparents. And honestly, it was amazing. Go watch High Score Girl.

>> No.8292103
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Old videogames were focused in having good story, fanservice, good music, good graphics and a lot of fun.
Now videogames focus in having forced diversity and feminism.

>> No.8292114

It's kind of a bizarre comparison to today. The 90s almost seemed to revel in how over the top and, for want of a term, "offensive" it could be.

>> No.8292120
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I miss when people just got the joke of it all.

>> No.8292136
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Demo discs with magazines was the greatest shit ever. I got to try so many games I never even heard of before

>> No.8292167
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I miss when journos actually seemed to like games.

>> No.8292241

i miss when game journos were just edgy dorks instead of politically saturated social media junkies with an axe to grind

>> No.8292246
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I still have that issue somewhere, and the OG RE3.

>> No.8292256

>>t. hates who he grew up to be
im a way happier adult than i was a child but it's just overdone and cringe. the picture always looks stupid and awkward. another dumb social media trend that retard npcs follow because they don't have original ideas

>> No.8292279

Constantly exciting and optimistic, and promising games rarely disappointed. There wasn't a single western game that made you sigh and go "here we go again" with its overtly faggy characters, narrative, and politics.

>> No.8292307

Who the fuck cares what they think? Do we care about their characters in their rape fantasy books? No. Fucking stupid thing to pay any mind to. Let everyone have their fapbait I say.

>> No.8292314

As a yurofag I imported most of my games, and my only source of information was the tiny import corner in a bunch of magazines. It's quite amazing that I ended up with Xenogears, Cross, Wild Arms and Suikoden. Ordering was also done on the phone, and I paid the postman. Delivery took usually a week or two.

>> No.8292320

>>buying a new game and trying to read the manual on the car ride home in the dark with only passing street lamps as your light
I know that feel

>> No.8292337
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I'm not one for Nostalgia Jerk-Off sessions, but I'll take a swing at this.
Maybe it's more-so the epidemic situation, or the fact that I'm an adult man, but the actual bonding you get from multiplayer in the 90's is something I miss. From arcade versus fighting games to couch co-op, I feel like we've lost a substantial human element to multiplayer gaming. Maybe that's the appeal of these new Twitch celebrity fighting game people, but I miss going through Street Fighter 2 or Smash Bros 64 with anybody that could hold a controller.

>> No.8292353

it was better in a lot of ways, and definitely more exciting and new, but piracy was much much harder
nowadays, having access to thousands of roms and capable emulation is a given, and with decades of hindsight, fan translations, patches, hacks etc... id say were better off now in terms of general access to good shit.
theres definitely more that you CAN play
the BEST thing about "back in the day", thats sadly absent now due to online, was couch co-op/multiplayer
that whole concept of playing with your buddy irl is just totally foreign to most zoomers, and its a fucking shame. that was my favorite part of vidya as a kid

as for the absolute state of the nu-vidya industry, its as profitable as its ever been, but imo it jumped the shark ages ago. massive AAA studios routinely get shown up by romhackers and indie devs. theyll spend twice as much on marketing as they do development, then scratch their heads as to why so many of their customers felt underwhelmed/ripped-off
personally, i think the biggest problem is the size of teams needed to produce a AAA experience on new hardware. theres just no way to make a cohesive game when the development team numbers in the hundreds, and come from studios from different countries

that said, i dont really give a shit about that garbage because nu-vidya simply isnt made for someone like me. i got off the nu-hardware train a decade ago, and even back then i mostly bought used games. so in a very real sense, i wasnt really their customer to begin with

i miss some aspects, but in general i think a /vr/ enthusiast is actually better off nowadays, simply due to accessibility and the wealth of information online letting you find the good shit

>> No.8292368


So in short: videogame industry in the 90s was like "lets have a lot of fun" while videogame industry now is like "lets cancel everything"?

>> No.8292395

>but the actual bonding you get from multiplayer in the 90's is something I miss
have all of my THIS^^^

twitch or as i call it: an affront to god exists entirely from this hole left by irl multiplayer
and its the palest, most corporate and advertiser friendly replacement that one could ask for.
desu, i feel bad for the zoomies. as hyper-connected and overly-socialized as they are, most of them seem incredibly fucking lonely. they dont even know what theyre missing, and instead are placated by a hollow facsimile of an irl buddy to game with.
idk about you, but i never needed to pay my friend $5/mo for them to even acknowledge my existence

online multiplayer can be fun, and its cool that games can have such large lobbies and matches as opposed to 2-4 players and/or swapping out when someone dies. but as a replacement for hanging out on a couch with a real friend?
no way

>> No.8292423

One thing nobody mentioned, at least in the UK, everywhere sold video games. There were many different video game stores, including independent import stores for buying Japanese and American games. Toys r us sold N64/game boy games. Pharmacies like Boots sold n64 games, and stationary/book stores like WH Smith’s sold GameCube and n64 games (early 2000s for GameCube obviously). There were multiple video rental chains selling and renting games out on all high streets. There were also many video game magazines you could buy from everywhere.

>> No.8292483

Pretty much. I don't want to whine about trying to cater to broader appeal but when things were hobbyist focused it really made it more about that and less about who was what

>> No.8292498

I get you, man. I'm not on a die hard crusade against Twitch, but it's just not the same feeling. Even online gaming has some drawbacks, goofing around in Counterstrike or TF2 still has some appeal but there's a real human element to playing a game together that I feel hasn't been properly utilized in the current generation of games. Maybe it's been boiled down by mobile games. Maybe it's just not feasible or practical anymore. This is the closest I get to nostalgia.

>> No.8292517

There was always shovelware, but overall the bigger releases (and some of the lesser known ones) just got better and better every year. The games were worth waiting for and most of them ran smoothly upon release, whether they were for PC or consoles. All of that changed sometime between the release of the Dreamcast and the end of the PS2 era. After that it was common see some of the bigger games with bugs upon release, and DLC became more of a thing than it ever should have. Oh, and soul died with the Dreamcast in my opinion.

>> No.8292618

If it were honest, it would show how it's main character can't reach the high shelves. So yes, I'd say Mission Impossible is pretty dishonest.

>> No.8292634

No, it was just marketed that way. They were never your friends.

>> No.8292654

Well of course. They were never your actual friends but the point was they wanted to create an atmosphere of fun and enjoyment. They may not have been your real bros but they understood they needed your money and wanted to make you want to spend it on their shit. That's just customer service. It's not like not were you're this or that if you don't like the new thing. All that last of us 2 bullshit NEVER would have happened in even the early mid 2000s.

>> No.8292685

Still chasing that high

>> No.8292702

I think electronic Bulletin Board Systems can be mentioned here as well, and the Xband series of devices.
These things were not common, yet not as rare as sometimes the /vr/ dogma seems to insist.
If you were in the bubble of college or late high school life these experiences were not far-fetched fantasies only read about in magazines. They were part of your landscape.

>> No.8292807

I'd say a better summary, at least in terms of Western devs, is "let's be important," either through overblown cinematic games, or games pushing Western government endorsed social agendas, or some combination of both.

>> No.8292841
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france looked like that?

>> No.8292843

>What was gaming like in the 90s?
The biggest difference is they tried to sell games to nerds and gamers. Now they try to market it to everyone

>> No.8292875

"The biggest difference is they tried to sell games to nerds and gamers. Now they try to market it to everyone"

i never knew 20% of the human population was "everyone".

>> No.8292882

he means every category of person, especially non-gamers and faggots (like you), thus watering down products for actual fans (us nerd chads).

>> No.8292886

completely based.

>> No.8292902

Fuckin rich kids

>> No.8292907

I did the same thing, for 0$

>> No.8292925
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>> No.8293003

Yes it would, and you're lying to yourself if you think otherwise.

>> No.8293013

the zoomer typed, the tears rolling down his face

>> No.8293030

the zoomer typed, the tears rolling down his face

>> No.8293032
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>> No.8293038

$30 a week, holy shit. I used to clean up after my family of eight and fed, bathed and clothed my younger disabled brother because no one else would when I was a kid for the princely sum of $0 a year. I hope you realize how good you had it. Bitching about doing chores and waking up early; give me a break.

>> No.8293039

Must have sucked to be poor

>> No.8293041

>I used to clean up after my family of eight and fed, bathed and clothed my younger disabled brother because no one else would
Your mom should have probably swallowed after the first kid if she was too incompetent to take care of her family

>> No.8293045

I think the biggest difference is that games weren't explicitly designed to be addictive back then. Especially if you only played console games. Games today try to get you to keep playing it one way or another, like this games as a service shit. Even single player games are guilty of it too, I'm looking at you Assassin's Creed.

I'd say it all started with the release of Call of Duty 4. That's what started it all, then the release of Modern Warfare 2 two years later solidified it. That's when developers realized that they can make addictive systems to get you hooked, rather than the actual gameplay itself. Better grind to unlock a new gun, then new attachments on the gun, then a camouflage for the gun, then prestige and do it all again. Better play in the most boring way possible so you can brag to your friends that you got a nuke in school tomorrow.

I'm not just saying that to hate on Call of Duty either. I played the shit out of Call of Duty, it's just what marked the downfall of games in general. Now they've added more addictive systems, lootboxes, microtransactions, etc. All to get you to keep playing, keep giving them money. Don't play other games, give it all your attention to one game.

You want the prime example? Look at the difference between Left 4 Dead 2 and Back 4 Blood. I know L4D2 isn't considered a retro game or anything, but that just further exemplifies the difference a decade makes. A zoomer would say that L4D2 has no content. But it also has no DLC, no microtransactions, no addictive levelling or loot systems, free updates, and mod support. B4B just came out and has an Ultimate Edition and Year 1 Pass. It has no content, but pretends to with low effort progression systems, and has no mod support.

Does that mean B4B is a bad game? Apparently not. It appeals to the masses. I don't care enough to even try it properly.

There's other reasons old games were better too, but I've reached the character limit and it's bed time.

>> No.8293048

I hope you're on your way to raising a family of your own right now, bud.

>> No.8293197

Games and advertising back then actually went out of their way to shock, arouse, and offend, nowadays they go out of their way not to

tl;dr 90's gaming was fun

>> No.8293209

good way to put it, ppl had thicker skin back then

>> No.8293225

No they didn't, they just had less outlets to express it.

>> No.8293281
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more like there were less outlets brainwashing people to be eternally triggered victims

>> No.8293303

I'm sorry you had shit parents I guess

>> No.8293312

Agreed. I try to play games that do a few things well just end. I'd rather play a 2-hour game with a cool mechanic or twist then a 40-hour game with loads of mechanics that you're bored of by the end. This is why I enjoy indie games.

For the record, I will play absolute garbage if it's co-op and I can be on the mic with a friend.

>> No.8293395

This. If you can't take care of yourself then you have no business having a pack of monkey kids

>> No.8293434

There was plenty of outlet, it was just that most people knew enough not to focus on the ones complaining who weren't your audience anyways.

>> No.8293446

Anybody talking about how great "sexist" and "racist" ads were at the time are underage retards.

In the 90s, I assure you, we actually cared about video games. If any of those people were actually alive at the time, they would be telling you about the GAMES, not drug-fuled advertisements that have nothing to do with games in the first place. Also, nobody ever actually claimed they were sexist or racist before. They stopped making those ads because they learned that sex doesn't sell to millenials. Younger people find it intellectually insulting and even irritating.

Citation: Gramazio, S., Cadinu, M., Guizzo, F. et al. Does Sex Really Sell? Paradoxical Effects of Sexualization in Advertising on Product Attractiveness and Purchase Intentions. Sex Roles 84, 701–719 (2021).

>> No.8293448
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> they learned that sex doesn't sell to millenials. Younger people find it intellectually insulting and even irritating.

>> No.8293451

In other words, if a company tries using sex to sell you a product, its because they think you're a retard. If it works, it's because its true.
Do YOU want to buy a product from someone who thinks you're retarded? Personally I think they can go fuck themselves for thinking so lowly of me.

>> No.8293458

So what? You think all these modern advertisers are "respecting" you? It's the same shit. They're just pandering to your pathetic need to feel good about yourself for some lazy stance that you're really doing nothing to fix or help. If anything they think you're an even bigger retard. The sex stuff was at least honest. You morons actually think you're special for not falling for that while getting hoodwinked by everything else.

>> No.8293463

actually an interesting read.
from the abstract:
>Women showed lower product attractiveness and purchase intentions toward products presented with sexualized female models than with neutral ads, whereas men were unaffected by ads’ sexualization (Study 1, n=251). Study 2 (n=197) replicated the overall results.
>Study 3 (n=198) tested hostile sexism as a moderator as well as negative emotions as a mediator of consumers’ responses. Especially men with higher hostile sexism showed more purchase intentions after viewing female sexualized ads than neutral ads.
Lmao, so I guess these types of ads would work well for a bunch of sexually repressed anons on a japanimation discussion forum, but backfires for the rest of the population.

>> No.8293468

Me too. I'm also sorry for oversharing and letting an adult rich kid dunk on me over it.

>> No.8293470

it's like you just discovered businesses aren't your friends and are just looking for the most beneficial way (for them) to convince you to buy their products.

>> No.8293471

It's like you thought it was ever a mystery to start with.

>> No.8293473


Ah, yes, hoodwinked by modern advertisements such as... what? Hamsters driving an SUV while listening to the latest shitty pop song? Yeah, thinking thats cute and moving on with my life sure does make me dumber than some retard who buys McDonalds because a bimbo slut ate a bigmac in slowmotion.

>> No.8293475

Could they actually replicate the study results multiple times?


Don't take anything coming out of social or medical sciences at face value

>> No.8293476

Look at the fucking study, dumbass. You'd find your answer.

>> No.8293478

No advertiser respects you or your intelligence any more or less than another advertiser. If you've ever bought a product after seeing an advertisement, you're just as dumb as some guy who bought a Hardee's burger because some women with big tits took a bite of a burger in an ad.

>> No.8293481

The only bad thing about the 90's was me not being able to afford shit.
The stuff that would make /v/'s avatar the rage face didn't start until the 00's. Personally I was pretty negative about the future of games by like 2004.

>> No.8293482

lol i ain't reading that gay shit

>> No.8293492

Yes, it's been replicated across different countries. Read the references.

>Don't take anything coming out of social or medical sciences at face value

>> No.8293494
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>sex ads don't work anymore, boys are 2 smart (like me, I've evolved beyond sex)
lmao at this cope

>> No.8293510

What I mean is that many scientists in those in those fields can't reproduce their results, so you should default assume they are invalid unless proven otherwise.

>> No.8293512

Same desu ne

>> No.8293524

>sonic retro
ah yes, where pedo admins ban people for shitposting atop a strict, unforgiving verification system. the irony

>> No.8293528

Studies done over and over again with the same result. Doesn't work.

>> No.8293535

They did though, so your assertion in this case is wrong.

>> No.8293538

Do people actually get payed to write those articles.

>> No.8293556

freelance writers are usually commissioned by those sites to generate engagement. It's less about sending an actual message and more about riling people up.

>> No.8293590

It was just a general assertion.

>> No.8293592

So if you dislike sexualized advertising you belong on Facebook or Twitter

>> No.8293612

I like sexualized advertising, it just doesn't compel me to buy the product.

>> No.8293614

That’s what you get for being bitter about other peoples’ good fortune.

>> No.8293627

don't care didn't ask

>> No.8293629

this, the graphics were shit but it didn’t matter because we had more imagination, it’s undeniable that games were high quality gameplay wise, no games held your hand and expected you to not be a retard. Now every game has 10 thousand tutorials and QTE. Fucking trash shit for toddlers

>> No.8293661

You would also wonder how to get to certain parts of the world/level and you'd try so many things you'd sometimes glitch the game trying it, but nowadays you know it's not possible because it's part of the skydome, there's an invisible wall or something. I still try it, though.

>> No.8293663

I was watching a LP of the recent Mad Max game and like 2 hours in the guy was still doing tutorial shit

>> No.8293664
File: 1.94 MB, 417x413, tumblr_nqgvl9LpBv1r7sijxo1_500 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the graphics were shit
No they weren't.

>> No.8293669
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>the graphics were shit
Current day indie games still aren't able to capture this look.

>> No.8293678
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>the graphics were shit
Alright, last one.

>> No.8293794

>boogeymen that only exist in his mind

acting as though using sexy women depictions in advertising pretty much anything except something related directly to sex isn't something that gets you crazy negative attention and blowback now makes you out of touch. Not them for pointing it out.

or are you so sheltered you havent seen official games been patched, edited, filtered or self-censored over the last 5 years?

>>8293281 was just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.8293801

>reddit memes

>> No.8293906

>Soul Calibur
>Beat 'em ups

>If you like this try these...
>Resident Evil

What the fuck were the Brits smoking?

>> No.8294049
File: 1.98 MB, 1512x2016, 1635856992398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sex doesn't sell anymore
>social ''science'' '''study'' proves men have overcome their instincts
dumbest b8 on /vr/ so far

>> No.8294106

Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.8294108


>> No.8294114

can we go faster?

>> No.8294123

Are there any archives out there for reading old issues of PSM and the like?

>> No.8294156

Hey now, I already apologized. Are you also an adult rich kid?

>> No.8294167


>> No.8294168

You've cracked the case, anon!

>> No.8294223


bump for this, even if anybody has any archive.org links to old magazines.

>> No.8294356
File: 653 KB, 2592x1944, Magazine_thread_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manuals and magazines has mostly became a thing of the past since I guess hosting a PDF somewhere is less costly than all the materials to have something in print. It is more premium editions of games for the side materials sometimes now. A group of friends did try to make a magazine at the end of the era, only released this one issue and the 2nd is PDF only because it was the end of the era for print.

Figured the joke would be more about making people an insider. The magazine was very good for free at video game stores in terms of the articles and coverage. The modern free ones are way more blatant advertising.

Yeah, back then I remember there was a fun Sega site called "UK Resistance" and all the preview pictures for Dreamcast DOA2 were lesbian porn with lifebars on top.

>> No.8294431

>sex doesn't sell to millenials
So millenials are faggots? I've been trying to say this for the longest time.

>> No.8294441

PSM was great. PC Gamer was less gay.
Gaming was fun. Controversies meant nothing.

>> No.8294447

I wish I were there to experience it. The modern industry is an absolute disaster.

>> No.8294582

Yeah, LAN parties were fun, but I’m talking about those high school house parties where tons of things were happening: people talking, hanging out in this corner or that, maybe a console game tournament going on as people come and go, you play or watch a few rounds until that one girl you like shows up…magical times.

I think that’s what dismays me so much about modern gaming vs 90s/early 2000s: gaming (consoles, really) used to bring people together. Now it isolates them. Back in 2005-07, stuff like Xbox live was kind of a novelty. You hopped on for fun with some friends around you, trolled French or Iranian kids, then put it away. By 2009, the change had happened, and I noticed fewer games took place irl, people just “met up” online.

>> No.8294661

I was in middle school in the late 90s: there was a time where schools were so enthusiastic about the possibilities of the internet they rushed to network our entire school (admittedly an affluent district) over one summer. It was very cool, and you had access to a lot of online databases, etc.

Then one kid apparently cracked the IT administrator’s desktop and got root access, spent a week anonymously terrorizing the school computer system (mass print jobs, remote porn downloads, endless looping mp3s). He got expelled, but afterwards the boomer parents and school administrators clamped down on everything. You could barely access the web even when I graduated hs (2004)…

>> No.8294702

>PC Gamer was less gay.
The PC Gamer demo discs hosted by coconut monkey were the best

>> No.8294731

Right, that was late 90s. Early 90s middle school kids were playing 'Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?' on a couple of old Apples and maybe had one fancy computer with a CD-ROM drive in the library that might be able to access an online card catalog.

>> No.8294757

>maybe a console game tournament going on as people come and go, you play or watch a few rounds until that one girl you like shows up…magical times
Absolutely this. A TV with an n64/gc/xbox and a 4 player split screen game was a staple at any party/gathering. This started dying when people started logging in to their xbl/psn accounts instead of just playing as a guest. Local co-op simply doesn’t exist like that anymore unless you count switch “party games”.

>> No.8294781

Used to be awesome renting games, being 7 in 1995, having no gaming magazines or any real knowledge of games and just biking round the corner to the video shop and picking a random SNES game to play that weekend. Sometimes you'd get a banger like LttP other times you'd picked something horrid like Lawnmower Man.

>> No.8294880

Yuh. Used to look forward to that every month.

>> No.8294906

>high school house parties
Ah, gotcha. I never went to any of those so I did not realize they were actually a real thing and not just a work of fiction seen on television or read about in books. Not being sarcastic either.

>> No.8294909

Ehhhh, by 2004 I was still pretty hopeful. It's rare that a triple A game makes me give a fuck now, but I'm having a lot of fun with indie games, or older gems that I missed out on.

>> No.8294915

I was alive and conscious throughout the 90s, and the sexy ads (not sexist you stupid nigger) were great. They weren't great for advertising the games, but they were great page filler. The only ads that were good at advertising their games were the ones with screenshots. Everything else was dog shit in that regard.

>> No.8294950

>people talking, hanging out in this corner or that, maybe a console game tournament going on as people come and go, you play or watch a few rounds until that one girl you like shows up…magical times.

Last party I showed up that was *exactly* like that was in 2011 in a small town in west NC. Yeah it was mostly scene kids and such but there was party in the basement with a band playing and a Nintendo 64 in the corner. Some skin-head charged at me like a ram from the game room into a mosh pit and I bashed my head/eye on a cymbal. That eye hasn't been right since lol.

Sadly, I didn't know that would be the last party like that, where people weren't all on their phones and they actually socialized.

>> No.8294960

to each their own
just let them be

>> No.8295017

Modern games, specifically modern children's games, have statistically much longer tutorials.

>> No.8295059

They were real. Generally full of scumbags who steal everything they could

>> No.8295113

>What was gaming like in the 90s?

Pure soul.

>> No.8295121

The last house party I went to right after high school, some guy knocked over a hookah (not his house) and he picked up the hot coal with his bare hands to keep the carpet from lighting on fire. Probably the dumbest thing I've ever seen someone do to this day.

>> No.8295126

Something I don't miss. With the internet and all the free porn everywhere, all that low effort coom bait is gone.

>> No.8295170

Turns out I'm retarded and you can literally punch PSM into archive.org and they're all there.
Just filter out all the Italian scans.

>> No.8295206

>Small town gaming feels
>small rental stores had a "wait list" for hot titles
>comic/magazine ads had a massive reach and when you would see something cool you would bring it on the bus to show your friends.
>promo discs that came with magazines were just as good as a full game
Very cozy times.

>> No.8295263

Man what i would give to go back in time and invent streaming,

I could literally take a basic copy of cheat engine and cheat myself into god hood.

imagine selling mews for 100 dollars a pop

>> No.8295304


>> No.8295349
File: 9 KB, 354x471, Marina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fanservice was allowed

>> No.8295369 [DELETED] 

were the originals kikes too?

>> No.8295374

As as PC gamer I always thought Psylocke was one of the X-Men.

>> No.8295378

did patrick basedman kill that whore too

>> No.8295501

>They weren't great for advertising the games,


this is the part that confused, is that the ads often did jack shit to actually shill anything about the game or the system, it was only about getting attention

>> No.8295517

>grabs your attention at a fundamental level
>create a base level positive association with the product, at least in the mind of the target audience
>ad in and of itself doesn't sell you the product, but grabs your eye and then gives you enough detail to pique your interest, leading you to research it more
Works especially well in magazines, where that issue, or an upcoming issue, might have an in-depth editorial on the game/product in question.

>> No.8295626

That sucks, really—it was a good experience. But these weren’t the stuff in movies, mostly just cozy, midsized parties and get-togethers with people from your class, maybe some from different schools. Most often, the host’s parents were there in the bg or somewhere nearby. Nobody smashed or stole anything. I only remember a few that were completely unsupervised and crazy; those got broken up, people ran into the woods to escape from cops. Mostly it was standing around and talking by people’s pools on warm nights; most guys smelled like axe, and the whole thing was nervous anticipation of meeting up with girls and trying to figure out if there was some mutual attraction while music played—It was a rich community.

Ironically, the crazier parties had more engrossing game tournaments for real money.

>> No.8295628

It was fucking based. I was still thoroughly enjoying the Sega Genesis my folks got me in 89 in the year 1999.

PSX ruled the world and we loved it

>> No.8295634

> Sadly, I didn't know that would be the last party like that, where people weren't all on their phones and they actually socialized
Yeah, it’s sad, I saw the same transformation happen. I was just finishing college at that time, and it was a sign to me that things had changed and that a great chapter in my life had ended.

>> No.8295675

She was/is. I refuse to read modern comics so I have no idea if she is on the team now.

>> No.8295680

I busted so much nut to this ad back in the day

>> No.8295839

>Generally full of scumbags who steal everything they could
I've been to a fair few house parties and never saw that. Worst you'd get is someone drunkenly breaking something or a minor fight.

>> No.8296668
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>> No.8296703

Anyone knows of a website that catalogs old videogame ads? I know archive.org has a lot, but it's a pain to find specific things.

>> No.8296724

there was one but I forgot to bookmark it lol
it had game manuals, ads and magazines too

>> No.8296745

>literally using an academic paper as a source

>> No.8296748


>> No.8296769

Get out of the way bitch, I’m playing Fatal Fury 2

>> No.8296791

That font and style looks like CBR.
I’m actually a writer for CBR right now and we do get paid to write those articles but it’s only $18 per article for a Listicle.
You have to write 3-15 listicles per week to keep your job, so the more you make, the shittier quality your articles will have.

I try to have quality in my lists but I’m just doing it to have publications to my name, some people try to make that site their real job.

>> No.8296919
File: 547 KB, 660x2194, g4 oldshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things felt pretty bad by the mid 00's for me. Easy to see I wasn't the target demographic of AAA anymore.
Indieshit does help and honestly I feel better about the overall landscape now than I did like a decade ago.

>> No.8296934

I checked it and it's TheGamer. Though they are related to CBR because they link to them.

>> No.8296961

i had my gaming mag subscriptions cancelled bc of the lewd advertising

made me want parasite eve though so overall it was a win

>> No.8296963

Gamers in the 90s were Soulful
Not braindead coomers like zoomers

>> No.8296978

Back in like 2006 my younger brother used to bring his juggalo friends over to me and my Dad's apartment(Dad let him have parties there all the time). They used to go in my room all the time and rummage through my shit while I was out at work. One night I noticed a bunch of my shit went missing. Just some of the stuff that got stolen were my NES-themed GBA SP, some Genesis games, Gamecube and GBA games, and my fucking brand new DS Lite.

That brother's a scumbag. I went away for basic training and when I came back he pawned my fucking PC.

>> No.8297008

>juggalo friends
Found your problem. I've met some very pleasant juggalos in my day but the vast majority are kids just looking for trouble.

>> No.8297116

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuttz7jvuOg this guy has a bunch of old Japanese tv ads from the 90s

>> No.8297124

>Not braindead coomers

>> No.8297140
File: 1.44 MB, 450x250, 1615445515390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just about everyone was a generation behind or played consoles that have been out a few years

This is my experience as well. I just cannot believe people when they talk like everyone had a SNES/Megadrive in 1993; or that everyone had the recommended specs to play Quake in 1996. And my family wasn't poor, not at all; and I live in a west european country.
Did those people live in the richest neighbourhoods only surrounded by rich people or are they just pretending they were there and looking at release dates on wikipedias?

From age 11 to 16 we knew TWO kids who had any of latest consoles and several of them too, one was a spoiled only-child, the other one was rich as fuck who was also a dick and people pretended to be his friend just so they could go at his home play games once in a while.

>> No.8297164

Oh okay, makes sense. On Wordpress, which is how they are all written, that’s one of the sites we can submit articles to. Idk how it works exactly. I write gaming, comic, and anime articles mostly and they all go to CBR.

I think it’s kind of weird how the content is all scattered when we are all writing about the same shit for websites that are practically identical. It reminds me of how Pornhub and it’s affiliated sites have different content

>> No.8297196

I never had a console until some friend gave me his Ps1 for free when it was already old.
The idea of spending like 1/3 of a monthly salary would seem outrageous to my parents and I can't blame them, we forget how cheaper are things like videogames and consoles compared to the past. Besides that, in the 90's videogames will turn you blind, make you a violent psycopath and ruin your life.

>> No.8297219

My cousins dad was a doctor, they always had the latest nintendo consoles soon after release. I was a year or two behind, not a whole gen. I think I had a NES by 1988 or so, and a SNES with my own saved allowance by 1992 or 1993.

PC was a lot more expensive I never had high end specs. But still, I was playing XWing Alliance and Everquest in 1999 when kids were playing Ocarina in N64

>> No.8297948
File: 474 KB, 539x1024, weirdest pc gamer letter ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this would never see the light of day in 2021.

And yes, that is THE Charlie Brooker of Black Mirror fame.

>> No.8297992

>buying a new game and trying to read the manual on the car ride home in the dark with only passing street lamps as your light

>> No.8298392

>Controversies meant nothing.
They meant a lot. But games media were defending games and players, not attacking them.

>> No.8298403

Come on, once again those are the demons in your mind
Go lookup the DUSK ad for Switch and tell me that's not the modern equivalent of the ads you're all complaining have been lost to time because of the "SJWs" and modern journos
You're the one living under a rock taking in such extreme misinformation that you actually believe in "the good old days"

>> No.8298529
File: 206 KB, 882x610, destruction-dervy-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I still have an issue of PC Format of all magazines with this ad in it.

>> No.8299090

Newer: Might and Magic 6. Wing Commander series, C&C Red Alert.
Older: Master of Magic, Wolfenstein, Pirates, Monkey Island.
Classics in many genres, take your pick. Those were some of the games that left their mark. I had an Amiga 500 and then a Pentium 2.

>> No.8299117

>By 2009, the change had happened, and I noticed fewer games took place irl, people just “met up” online.

This is partly why I still enjoy fighting games so much. There's always an excuse to get everyone together and play locally or go to meetups etc. Even with the best online, it seems like the FGC still prefers offline get togethers.
Once they're over, we then start playing other stuff like like beat em ups or sports games together too.

>> No.8299124

What really sucks is that now that you're older you're probably poor. Never learned to try in life huh?

>> No.8299497

90s game mags:
jokes about homos
jokes about prozac
jokes about rad tiddies
funny interviews
sneak peaks

the bad:
panning symphony of the night for being another "boring" 2D game
panning 2D gaming in general
mags were mostly adverts
often repeated same ads
cost $7-13

>> No.8299512
File: 315 KB, 717x899, page38-717px-BeepMD_JP_1993-02.pdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss booth babes in bikinis at game conventions. More T & A was accepted back then in general. All the troons got jealous of them.

>> No.8300730

They are all on Patreon now, selling heavily photoshopped pussy photos for $10.

>> No.8300780

I honestly don't remember this kind of thing. I think it was kept to edgier magazines or something.
Super Street Fighter 2 pushing Cammy's butt was the most sexual video game in the universe to me that can I recall

>> No.8300946

>You formed your own opinion on games rather than going with what you read everyone saying online

Damn. I agree with each and every point, but this one really hit me. Glad I got to live those times at least.

>> No.8301552
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 1592363969855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that Tech TV / G4 merger was truly a sign that the end times were coming. At the time I didn't mind, but it was showing the cultural shift in gaming. The seventh generation of video games was the tipping point

>> No.8301847

Thinking about it the other day, I think there was much more sense of wonder and excitement thanks to less internet presence. At least in the early nineties for example, if your friend had an NES and you had a Mega Drive, there were games on either console that you had no idea existed until you went to their house. Or if you knew it existed, you likely only ever saw still screenshots and had no idea of what it looked like in motion or how it played.
There was a genuine sense of discovery that seems alien now when a game has hours of footage released on YouTube before launch, and you can literally watch the whole game being played start to end the day of release.
Not to mention that there's much less in the way of exclusives now, back in the 90s even through to the late nineties, most games were bespoke to their platform. PlayStation owners never would play Panzer Dragoon, Saturn owners would never play Zelda, Nintendo owners never got to play FF7. Now it seems like the biggest games are available and almost identical on every platform. Every man and his dog can play Fortnite or CoD or FIFA or even Assassin's Creed.

>> No.8301957

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.8301981

>panning 2D gaming in general
I remember when this started. It was so stupid.

>> No.8302048

>seventh generation of video games was the tipping point
I would say mid late 6th but yeah by 7th gen I checked out.

>> No.8302328

>What was gaming like in the 90s?
In a word, it was annoying, hard to consume, racist, sexist, misogynist, chauvinist, elitist, ableist, white supremacist, marginalizing, silencing diverse voices, a boys club, difficult, stereotypical, mocking the disabled, mocking immigrants, disheartening, overly expensive, objectifying women, ignoring essential LGBT facts, toxic patriotism, games were too hard, and so on the list is never ending

>> No.8302515

seek help

>> No.8302517

I'm glad I didn't read magazines in the 90s and instead enjoyed my superior 2d games.

>> No.8302549

I was born in 1988 and i just remember my first game was sonic 1 and it was super addictive.

Amazing feelings. Going to friends house and playing super star wars and dkc2

I remember i was also really attracted to playing socom online on ps2 and that felt really good for a while.

I remember playing max Payne 1 for the first time and being so disturbed and scared i couldn't play it. Then later i tired it again beat the game and loved it.

I remember going over friends house and playing super mario kart and Mario kart 64 with 4 friends.
Perfect dark. Goldeneye.
I rented and played turok 2.

One of the best feelings was renting gta3 when it first came out and being so surprised and addicted. Nothing was like it. It felt perfect.

Playing fusion frenzy at my cousin's house. Watching my cousin play dreamcast online.

>> No.8302684

Better for your soul because politics and propaganda weren't shoved in everywhere, just pure fun. The graphics weren't as advanced though, but stuff had better creative direction.

>> No.8302742

Christ if you're gonna bait at least put a little bit of elbow grease into it.

>> No.8302959
File: 64 KB, 603x684, 1635909983822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2024 can't come soon enough

>> No.8302972

More like "games were fun, now they're propoganda".

It's hard to have any serious discussion about video games without heading into /pol/ territory now.

Piracy means art needs to be financed by superPACs since people just steal everything online now. We owe Lars Ulrich an apology.

>> No.8303058 [DELETED] 

kek, that was my thought too; amazing how hooked so many of those noses got...

>> No.8303368

>people just steal everything online now
Zoomers don't even know how to open a file, even less so how to torrent, there is less piracy now than 20 years ago. And even then it didn't matter.

>> No.8303424

you are halfway right
but you still dont see the light

the propaganda machine continues churning destroying what you love

>> No.8303502

really weird images to make this point, new dark queen had a very sexualized ass lmao, like where;s the feminism and diversity you're talking about in THAT image?

>> No.8303509

Well they gave her a double mastectomy but the bigger problem to me is that lazy generic nicktoon artstyle.

>> No.8303746

Post more coom covers

>> No.8303749

That's not very sex positive of you, anon.

>> No.8303774
File: 84 KB, 1200x675, EgBN75HXYAAn_1y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> new dark queen had a very sexualized ass

Are you a 15-year old which could nut by simply seeing crudely drawn women's hips and applying RTX to that picture inside your head?
Otherwise, your statement makes no sense.

>> No.8303812

you could have said "fun" and save yourself the trouble

>> No.8303823

to each their own. to me, you're a retard when you make those. just let me be.

>> No.8303873


>> No.8303906
File: 351 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_pswlaz18E31udsr80o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art style isn't inherently bad, but the new one's design is complete garbage and it honestly wouldn't have been hard to make a design that evoked the original rather than dump the baby with the bathwater and just go for Purple Shego.

>> No.8303928

This is shockingly true, even younger Millennials don’t really understand how to do much with computers besides use them like appliances. I mentor a mid-20s guy at work and he’d never heard of tpb when I told him how to get free older software.

>> No.8304003
File: 3.55 MB, 3480x2924, 20211102_175623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, Die Hard Game fan was one of the quintessential 90's gaming magazines. The first issue was published in 1993 and the final issue was December 2000. Before it was revived again in 2009 by Dave Halverson.

>> No.8304267

carmageddon II was my first pc game, the game had localized damage on the car, the physics were unreal, and it was so optimized it ran on my crappy Pentium II ! I can only understand him, and also be dumbfounded by it not being game of the year! But then again there was so many epic games at that time, which game took that place ?

>> No.8304283
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>> No.8304293
File: 2.89 MB, 5000x2922, 1383796865756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered if 98-99 were that great or I'm just not objective because I got into gaming precisely in those years. But at least for PC they had to be the best until that point.

>> No.8304378

It was more communal, as there was a huge historical and technical through-line in the industry. British developers were especially good during that time, but by the 2000s Eurocom, Rareware, Core Design and SCE Cambridge essentially disappeared. Who would've thought that Ubisoft would be the only major western developer left back in the 90's, aside from Activision. Gaming is probably the first industrial revolution that the west was completely unprepared for, even in terms of manpower, with the second probably being bullet trains.

>> No.8304401
File: 1.92 MB, 2813x1623, 1636140278366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every game in red is a game I played, although not 100% at the time of their release.

Fuck man, maybe I am a filthy normie after all.

>> No.8304689
File: 434 KB, 986x690, TimesSquare_Cauldron_4581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wanted to talk about games, your options were forums (Usenet-based in the earlier part of the decade, web-based in the later half), AOL chatrooms, or making a personal website and joining a webring. GameWinners was the big site for cheats and walkthroughs, but GameFAQs overtook it in the 2000s.

I think the two big changes between the "gaming community" then and now are

>there's a lot less urban legends. we've gone from "if you beat the Elite 4 100 times Professor Oak will give you a Nidogod" to Pokemon being discovered before they're even announced
>the balance of power has shifted away from critics and towards the players themselves. Steam's rating matters, not GameSpot's.

>> No.8304694

I mostly grew up in the 2000s but holy shit. I used to use GameWinners a bunch and completely forgot about it

>> No.8304704


Actually no, critics are somehow more popular and less powerful than 20 years ago. Scott the Woz literally airs on Cartoon Network, but if he reviewed a current game it would have next to no effect on its commercial success.

>> No.8304732
File: 61 KB, 720x738, 5b47fa83a310796d8b4b8c30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend gets new game
>he's done playing it
>ask to borrow it
>get new game
>same friend wants to borrow it
New games were more difficult to obtain, trading among friends/classmates was sacred territory. Not have a good reason to not lend/trade a game was bullshit. Was a relatively safe bet. More than one douche got their ass beat after they "lost" a game they had borrowed.
Console lending was a bit more tricky. Usually required at least an exchange of a system from the same gen and similar amount of games (all-in was usually acceptable).

>> No.8304770

I was age 3-13 through the 90s. The best years of my life and now they're gone.

>> No.8304781

gamefan is a gold mine for prototype screenshots

>> No.8304789

Remember when IGN did Babe of the Day?

>> No.8304864

>gamefan is a gold mine for prototype screenshots

And for misleading hyperbole. Look in that photo (my own collection), and there is a headline for 'First Shots of Final Fantasy VII on U64?'. But GameFan was a fun read. The editors weren't the best writers. But most were good enough. GameFan was run by people who were just hard core into gaming and import gaming. The magazine never had a bias towards any one console. Though GameFan were vocal to Sony, for not allowing more 2D games on their hardware, and they would criticise Sega of America for not publishing more games from Japan.

>> No.8305132

I owned the bottom left issue and thats how I discovered hentai and evangelion existed

>> No.8305204

>Being poor
>Playing shareware because poor
>Pirated disks from friends
>Using handmedown PC with no Soundblaster only PC Speaker
>Buying my first PSX console with money from working fastfood at 2 bucks an hr

I can't say it was cool or THAT enjoyable half the time.

>> No.8305271

Wow. It's like game reviews by "pros" were just advertisements for overhyped games!

>> No.8305274

Only normies play BEST OF YEAR games.

>> No.8305432

I can't find which specific award that letter's referring to (the magazine is PC Zone by the way) so I'm not sure.

>> No.8305474

>best of 1993
The shareware demo episode came out in the last few weeks of the year in 1993 for people with internet (computer science students on college campuses). Most PC owners didn't see a shareware disc copy of the game until 1994. The full version of Doom was also mail order because this was before the era of e-commerce and there was no way to buy it online. You sent money to ID software and they mailed you the full game (in 1994).

It was 1994 game of the year for publishers because for all practical purposes that is when it was widely released.

>> No.8305802

>Scott the Woz
No idea who the fuck he is, but having done a cursory search of the name, I feel both disgust and disdain.

>> No.8305843
File: 54 KB, 620x428, quest64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get a new game and console
>dude I barely know asks to borrow game, after I've beaten it
>"sorry, anon"
>dude has bad hygiene, doesn't know it. hands often have peanut butter-like substance on them. I'm not a clean freak, but you can tell when the man has been in a room, based on scent and "peanut butter" smudges alone
>he gets a new game for his birthday
>not really interested in "Quest 64," but he's started multiple conversations about how much he loves it
>out of guilt and pity, ask to borrow it. I'll join him in his conversations and attempt friendship with this dirty child.
>he responds with "well, well, well"
>don't talk to the creature much for 20~ years
>open up /vr/
>visual images of scent and texture bombard me, the creature has not grown past his years.

>> No.8305928

>just about everyone was a generation behind or played consoles that have been out a few years

This was my experience. I come from a pretty depressed town in West Virginia. About 20% of the population was below the poverty line. My parents were well off, but most of my friends were pretty fucking poor. The vast majority of them did not have home consoles, although almost everyone except for the poorest, most hillbilly kids had a GameBoy. When kids did have a home console, it was usually bought used, or on sale at a deep discount from the original MSRP, so naturally it would generally be a last-generation thing.

Personally, I didn't get an SNES until 1997, when the N64 was already very much a thing. I knew of the N64's existence, but I didn't know of anyone who had one. Most people still had nothing more than an NES and/or Gameboy until the 2000s, and coming to my house to play SNES was actually quite a treat. I remember playing GoldenEye for the first time around 2001, it blew my mind, and for people who had only ever known the NES, it was like alien technology.

>Did those people live in the richest neighbourhoods only surrounded by rich people or are they just pretending they were there and looking at release dates on wikipedias?

Probably a bit of both. Richfag kids who had a SNES when they were 4 and couldn't appreciat it, and zoomies LARPing without realizing that previous consoles generations did not just vanish on release date, which we can see is patently untrue. Sony is all too happy to sell you a Playstation 4 console even a year after they launched the PS5. The only time I remember a previous generation disappearing almost instantaneously was when the Wii replaced the GameCube. It was shocking how quickly GameCube stuff disappeared.

>> No.8305945

Rent free

>> No.8306147 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.61 MB, 3500x1969, 1636181581433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I owned the bottom left issue and thats how I discovered hentai and evangelion existed

There you go.

>> No.8306153


I actually learned about hentai through different gaming mag too. I think they even gave links to some websites "for the context". Thanks to that, one of the first things I found on web when Internet came to my home was hardcore futa porn manga.

Those sneaky weeb writers.

>> No.8306160

Snoy outright bribed journalists to talk shit about 2D games.

>> No.8306189
File: 3.42 MB, 3300x2323, 20211105_234148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another random photo that I took from the same issue. MegaFan was a sister magazine to game Fan, it was meant to be like their answer to something like "Tips and Tricks". I just found the art for the 'not quite' manga character to be amusing. Also, a preview for Marvel Super Heroes for the Sega Saturn.

>> No.8306240
File: 316 KB, 522x389, suckitasukafans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8306301
File: 340 KB, 738x1024, 97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1997 looked liked this?!

>> No.8307087

>Download game
>Learn how to mount .iso file
>Install game and simply drag and drop crack that comes on the disc file
>Play game
>Check comments while downloading

Steam really did fix the piracy problem.

>> No.8307168

>bike in the living room
disgusting filthy poorfag

>> No.8307181

>coolest graphics
You could barely tell what was going on most of the time in that game

>> No.8307191

>zoomer greentext

>> No.8307709
File: 1.43 MB, 1035x776, gamefanreviews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>panning symphony of the night for being another "boring" 2D game
>panning 2D gaming in general

Die Hard GameFan gave the game high marks. They were praising it for being a 2D 32bit Castlevania game:


>> No.8307719
File: 3.76 MB, 2900x3757, 20211106_143352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They even put the game on the cover of one issue, with a 8-page preview, or something.

>> No.8307745

>I can only recommend the sub

>> No.8307763

Shame that the magazines that are scanned are mainly USA, UK and Japan only. Next time I go back to Portugal I'll grab my old magazines and scan them. Don't have many, but it's still something.

>> No.8307830
File: 3.45 MB, 3400x2304, 20211106_151335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>8306147 (You)
>>I can only recommend the sub

DieHard Game Fan was really pushing the otaku culture thing in the mid-late part of the 90's. GameFan was not as mainstream as GamePro or EGM were, but they still definitely had a large enough user-base that I could find issues on magazine racks here in Canada. Pretty sure the magazine was created to promote import gaming from Japan. There was a "Die Hard Gamers Club" catalogue in the back pages of early issues with mail order items, like japanese import games, region unlocking devices, figurines and anime/ OVA's. Later Game Cave took it's place. They also had the standard "TOMMO" stuff as well. They added the Anime reviews in 1996.

>> No.8308030
File: 1.12 MB, 1144x784, hardstuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mags were mostly adverts
>often repeated same ads

They had to make their money somehow. game magazines mostly lived off of subscriptions and selling ad-space monthly. Of course they would run the same adverts for multiple months, or until they run their course and get replaced with news ads.

>> No.8308063
File: 392 KB, 897x1200, panzer_dragoon_saga_ad_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One of Sega's most bizarre magazine ads was for Panzer Dragoon Saga. This print ad was in the back of Edge Magazine. Edge was a pretty damn good gaming magazine. This Panzer Dragoon Saga ad is basically saying that the game has a small production run, and chances are you will never find it in store shelves. Sega's ad is reporting that you're not going to find a copy, so cut out the characters face and make a mask out of it.

>> No.8308131


Panzer Dragoon Saga was released in 1998, right near the death of the console in North America. But, in 1997, Sony were airing multiple TV spots for Final Fantasy VII:


Those TV ads were seen by millions of people regularly. FFVII is one of the best selling PS1 games of all time, and best selling games of that generation. Sega's FFVII 'killer' has a scant few magazine ads that told you the game was going to be hard to find.

>> No.8308149

Another interpretation would be that it is such a hot item that it will sell out. I doubt they were intentionally hyping the small print run, but it worked out that way

>> No.8308180
File: 3.54 MB, 3300x2249, 20211106_173753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Later Game Cave advert from a 1997 issue of GameFan. "Die Hard" from the magazines title was removed when they switched to Game Cave.

>> No.8308196

>>>8308063 (You)
>Another interpretation would be that it is such a hot item that it will sell out. I doubt they were intentionally hyping the small print run, but it worked out that way

It might as well be the same thing. I owned a Sega Saturn in 1998, and finding games anywhere to buy for it, outside of dedicated game stores like Babbages was hard enough. Things were already bad enough for the console at retail.

>> No.8308198

Has anyone ever downloaded the other masks from sega.com?

>> No.8308201

I bought all my Saturn games from video stores that were clearing stock. I got Panzer Dragoon, Virtua Cop, Sega Rally for the same price as regular rentals because the dude behind the counter accepted the rental price on the box, so around $3 a game.

>> No.8308225

>Has anyone ever downloaded the other masks from sega.com?

Sadly, the Panzer Dragoon Saga page was not archived:

and no, I never tried to go to the website back then.

>> No.8308396

Oh noooo we can no longer objectify women oooooooohhhhh nooooooo :(

>> No.8308402

Women seemed more than happy to objectify themselves, so fuck off.

>> No.8308403

>those slaves are happy look at them singing a jaunty tune!
Not how this works dude.

>> No.8308404

Women can’t be objectified, the are objects.

>> No.8308426

It's better than Atari Jaguar double-32 bit!

>> No.8308464

God those screenshots makes me want to watch old anime on a CRT

>> No.8308714

>not just taking the money your parents gave you to buy school lunch and pocketing it to buy video games

>> No.8308848

Boomers were at work not playing video games that was their kids you idiot

30 year difference methtard

>> No.8308852

I swear, if the boomie zoomie shit ain't bots, it's the most painfully boring people alive. I wouldn't respond to you, seeing as I don't go about screaming and hooting at every cockroach/worm, and I'm sure you get some validation from being told you're shit now. Consider this my boot. Any conversation is better when you stop speaking. I've enjoyed interactions with farts more.. Thank you for any moment where you've remained silent. If there's a God out there, bless them for every moment of your absence. When you invite me over for dinner, I fuck your wife, I piss in your sink, and I wipe my ass with your pillowcase. May you never be rid of the scent of a real human man.

>> No.8308854


Holy shit at those import prices. $105US dollars for a Saturn game in 1995? Neo Geo carts look like a pretty good deal at $235.

>> No.8308770
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>> No.8309248

Here’s all the swimsuits from this

>> No.8309281

Why were import playstations so fucking expensive?

>> No.8309352

Anti racism

>> No.8309359


>> No.8309447
File: 383 KB, 905x1173, goemon ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ad that launched a billion hair dye bottles
did anyone's school attempt to expel people who had blue hair? it sounds like such a funny late-90's situation.

>> No.8309586

Yeah, "muh sershel science" is 99% pozzed BS to promote ugly sexual deviancy.
Toilet paper is worth more than these "academic papers."

>> No.8309706
File: 12 KB, 400x261, playing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The target audience for video games was boys. Now companies shit on boys and try to attract a female audience even though they have never played games. Women and corporate overlords ruined this hobby.

>> No.8309712

Unfortunately, soiboys exist also.

>> No.8309747

>All that last of us 2 bullshit NEVER would have happened in even the early mid 2000s.
You mean the game being an unexpected switcharoo? MGS2...

>> No.8309760

>nostalgia thread filled with a bunch of /v/ 12 year olds posting shock adverts as they have 0 ability to accurately describe the time period since they wouldn't be alive for another 15 years
every single time

>> No.8309795

>>not just taking the money your parents gave you to buy school lunch and pocketing it to buy video games
I did this and also took the money I was supposed to use on buying a year book and put that towards games as well.

>> No.8309806

>Now companies shit on boys and try to attract a female audience even though they have never played games
Luckily for us they made sooooo many great games in the past we never need to subjugate ourselves to nu-gaming. Not too mention all the great games some people are making for old systems. Currently playing Xenocrisis but beat Micro Mages and Paprium last year.

>> No.8309863

Remember ign64.com?

>> No.8309868

Yes, culture wars stuff invaded schools in the 90s, so anything that was remotely controversial got you in trouble. I remember one guy wore a DOA tshirt with the bikini girls on it: half the day went by without a problem until some teacher went absolutely apoplectic about it and sent him to the office. They tried to make him wear some hair shirt from their grungy bag of lost-and-found clothes until he just called his mom to take him home early.

>> No.8309890

Soiboys are practically female.

>> No.8309926

Those two look like siblings.

>> No.8310187

>Why were import playstations so fucking expensive?
I don't actually know. Maybe, they had to deal with buying Japanese imports at wholesale, and just selling them at a marked price? But that magazine flyer is from a July 1995 issue of Die Hard GameFan. The Playstation was available in japan since December 1994, and it had not launched yet in America, as the system released in September 1995. Though, the Sega Saturn was already available in the US in July 1995.

>> No.8310501 [SPOILER] 
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Another random AnimeFan

>> No.8310504 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.60 MB, 3200x1929, 1636323743664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


part 2.

>> No.8310672

>I miss going through Street Fighter 2
I enjoyed making older kids mad af at me for beating them at SF2 in the arcades. God I miss those days

>> No.8311754

>Now every game has 10 thousand tutorials and QTE
overblown generalized criticism desu. literally every game came with an instruction manual telling you exactly how to play it yet everyone acts like it was this sequelitis larp where every game just wordlessly left players entirely to their own devices which just isn't true at all. in fact the real reason these games don't have tutorials in-game was just because of memory limitations. have no idea why this is always brought up in regard to retro vs modern besides retards patting themselves on the back cause they didn't need a tutorial to learn how to jump in mario

>> No.8311758

even at the time people said shenmue looked weird, especially the characters' faces. only weebs act like it was this revered masterpiece everyone thought was beautiful

>> No.8311771

yeah those sell to loser nerds like you who think they're living out their caveman instincts by jacking it to plastic anime figurines that can only exist because of modern neoliberalism. don't insult me by acting like this is some base instinct in men. base instinct is to fuck an actual woman yet figurine owners make every excuse in the book to stay away from them. odd how that works

>> No.8311796

game meant for teens and adults since no non-turbo autist kid could beat battletoads and thus can have fanservice
presumably some cartoon for 4 year olds

are we gonna cry that blues clues doesn't have giant tits now or something? this just how media for children works and always has

>> No.8311804

>posts a picture of a figurine only coomers buy
>"Uwooooh~ look at her feet! So sexy erotic bust and belly!!!"
those figures are extremely niche, come in limited quantities and are often imported.

>dumbest b8 on /vr/ so far
don't ask questions just consume product

>> No.8311806

after re8 came out literally the entire internet including the sjws who pissed in your corn flakes were jizzing of lady dimitri whatever the fuck, an extremely sexualized character in a modern game. and yet we constantly have to do these larp threads about how they've successfully banned boobs from all media or something just because modern developers desexualize shit to make it more palatable to their ever-younger audiences, no less to appease sensitive parents etc

>> No.8311807

wasn't the new Battletoads a complete flop?

>> No.8311827

Off the top of my head:
>Jurassic Park Trespasser
>Sin (although this one wasn't too bad just buggy)
>Battlecruiser 3000 AD

Admittedly that's just 4 and Sin was actually good once you patched it but those stick out in my mind. They're all PC games mind you, console games had to be finished and bug-free before they went gold back in those days.

>> No.8311857
File: 208 KB, 640x640, 51045--blue-seed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what Blue Seed is, but I do know that it also has a JRPG that was made for the Saturn by Sega. So far I know of Virtua Fighter Anime series, the Tekken OVA series (or Tekken: The movie) and Battle Arena Toshinden as 3D fighting games with animated series attached to them.

>> No.8313462
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>> No.8314372

What I like about this is how they always rewrite history. If you read magazines from those times, go to an arcade or some conventions you will know girls were a small number. In magazines their mails were celebrated by the authors or whatever. Yet, right now, the push is "women were a huge part of the gaming since the beginning". The best part is the lack of real evidence or footage beyond a video of a girl playing pacman in an arcade (this means millions of girls did it) or some e-celeb girl saying she totally played a game as a kid (this means millions of girls did it).

>> No.8315348

I miss my chai garden my ex stole my memory card and I had logged so many hourss

>> No.8315351

>posts mag from 2004

>> No.8315371

maybe they didn't want to be around swathes of stinky adolescent gamers who would all immediately start cumming that a female is giving them attention especially if they agree with you and see them as some kind of anomaly. same reason you aren't going out of your way to hang around ugly fat bitches or whatever.

>> No.8315582
File: 91 KB, 1048x166, will-heineman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women have always been involved videogames, bigot.

>> No.8315619

at this point i'm starting to think there's more mtf gamers than male gamers

>> No.8316192

Try looking up WIlliam Heineman and you won't get a result for this wiki page lmfao.

>> No.8317025

Back in my day from my experience:
>popular guys
>older men and women
>certain racial demographics

absolutely did not play much video games and would make fun of people that did. So it's really funny now to see these demographics crying about not being "included"

>> No.8317259

New cool shit coming out all the time
Tech advancing in amazing ways
Games getting bigger and more complex
Tons of creativity and quirkiness in retail disc releases on PS1/Saturn
Amazing perfect arcade poets
Kinda shitty controls and cameras and framerates through most of the 32-bit years
3D graphics not really matching up to the artistry of 2D until the Dreamcast
Lots of teams figuring things out as they went, in ways we often didn’t realize was kinda shitty until later
Squandered potential with some systems
Portable games stuck in the 8-bit era until GBA