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File: 4 KB, 256x224, Castlevania-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8281603 No.8281603 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Bullshit gaming forum lies
>castlevania isn't hard you're just a zoomer
Yeah alright let's just dodge Medusa heads and axe knights at the same time while making our way to fight death who can kill you in like 3 hits, and play through the most tedious level in the game with every continue.

>> No.8281606

>>castlevania isn't hard you're just a zoomer

I can't tell if you've been baited so hard you make a thread response, or if you're the one baiting.

Either way this is going to reach 250 posts easy. Good job.

>> No.8281664

It's not hard, you just need to replay it 1,000 times and only use the water

>> No.8281671

what where they thinking!?

>> No.8281739

It has spawn and despawn glitch and a lot of rng. the game is good, but these problems make it almost unplayable. I practiced and now I can almost finish the game without dying. but now i have to cheese the game and pray for good rng

>> No.8281742

>ITT: Bullshit gaming forum lies
OP is old enough to be here
Seriously dudelet. The game's not that hard. The problem is literally you. You're probably making all the classic zoomer mistakes. If you can't handle old games just stick to LoL lol.

>> No.8281746

Item management is a bit troublesome as you can get good rng and get crosses and clocks. but it is impossible to know this and you cannot carry 2 items. CV1 is okay. i still want to play the alternative version of msx

>> No.8281770

Truth. These games were pretty average for the time. There were way harder games than this.

>> No.8281969

That hall isn't even that bad. You should already know how to deal with knights from earlier in the level, once they're out of the picture is just dodge the heads. The bigger problem is that the hardest boss in the game is after it unless you holy water cheese.
Basically play the game retard.

>> No.8281989

That part is easy though. It just takes a certain rhythm to get through that hallway.

>> No.8282004

Difficult section of an average (in terms of difficulty) game.

>> No.8282023

I may be retarded because for me the holy cross was much better than the water because it also eliminated sickles the asshole likes to throw at you.

>> No.8282028

nothing is better than the Holy Water, you can stunlock him before he gets to do anything, poor guy has no chance
though if you want to fight him "honestly", cross is definitely the way to go, much more fun too

>> No.8282029

Maybe if you have three crosses otherwise you're still getting raped with how many goddamn sickles fly around.

>> No.8282037

The bigger bullshit with this game is that the Japanese version let you save and continue after each level. Only the international releases make you deal with replaying the whole game in one go. On the upside, levels 1-4 are pretty easy, up to Frankenstein anyway. Bigger deal when you gotta spend 20 minutes getting up to fucking death and his bullshit.

>> No.8282043

it's hard if not as hard as some nes games and pretending it's not is dumb but you can cheese nigh everything with the holy water
much like you can cheese nigh everything with alucard in iii and the cross in 4 (and i think the axe in 5 iirc)
just gotta learn the lay of the land

>> No.8282053

>gotta learn the lay of the land
hello boomer-kun

>> No.8282062

I always play the de-jap version, I'm 31 and I don't have to show anyone online that I beat it.

>> No.8282070

>Castlevania 5

We have a Castlevania connaisseur here, hear him out

>> No.8282075

i'm literally a zoomer who just likes old games :v
just beat metroid 1 for the first time a half hour ago and while grindin for health was a bitch, once i found out where all the shit was it wasn't so bad aside from mother brain
same with platformers really it's just ya gotta remember where the enemies are as opposed than where the items are

>> No.8282084

There is no Castlevania 5. Even Super Castlevania IV is actually a next-gen remake of the first game, called "IV" only in the Western release. Bloodlines is a side-story, x68k is yet another remake of the original game, and Dracula X was also a side series consisting of two games (the Rondo and Moonlight Nocturne, i.e. Symphony of the Night in the West).
Cheesing with holy water does not exist in any game. Bringing holy water to the boss makes some bosses easier, but you have to carry the subweapon throughout the stage without dying once. Using the holy water does not kill the boss outright either: you actually have to position yourself impeccably and time the throw with great accuracy. That's not "cheesing". It's knowing an advanced strategy and being able to employ it.

>> No.8282087

oh well i thought rondo was 5 my bad. thanks for the info.
and i'm pretty sure on those skull tower enemies you can just throw holy water and walk right through them, might be the same for other enemies. obviously not gonna help with the medusa heads much but ye.

>> No.8282101

never heard anyone under the age of 40 use that phrase

>> No.8282105

well ig i'm old spiritually then lol. idk

>> No.8282109
File: 25 KB, 800x600, castlevania-haunted-castle-image_2012-02-26_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can just throw holy water and walk right through them
Or whip thems everal times and walk through them. The whip even destroys the projectiles. They're weak to all weapons and subweapons.
That holy water helps you cheese bosses is a misunderstanding. It's a powerful subweapon in capable hands, but consider that you have to beat the stage AND the boss in a single try or else you lose holy water as you reset to the last checkpoint. Holy water makes Death in CV1 much easier, which is the source of the misunderstanding, but first you have to learn to beat the whole stage without dying once (holy water only spawns in the beginning) and then you must throw holy water in a very specific way that locks Death in place right above the ground. This is advanced stuff that's not even remotely as easy as youtube longplays may make it seem.

>> No.8282125

alright my bad then, ty for the information mang.

>> No.8282254

The Medusa Hallway is gonna kick your ass, but when you know what the game wants from you it's actually not as bad.
I always kill the bone pillar in the room below, grab the cross, and then destroy all the other candles in the room with it to get a head start on the upgrading. Then when I'm in the hallway proper, I try to time my cross throws to hit the medusas and axes, or weave between the medusas. The standing and crouched axe throws are destroyed by the standing whip. Then I'll usually be at level 3 cross before I hit Death.

Or you can get through the whole level without dying and use that Holy Water to brute force your way through.

>> No.8282280

>If you do all this ridiculous end game shit and have 99 of this rare drop you get from a rare encounter only found in one place in the game you can revive her
Zoomies will never understand

>> No.8282284

>ITT: Bullshit gaming forum lies
"Nintendo hard"

>> No.8282470

It's not that hard. I probably beat it over the course of a week or something when I was a teenager. Literally just practice, and you'll get it. Ninja Gaiden and Battletoads are hard.

>> No.8282516

Games were short back then, had to stretch out the game somehow. A good example of the opposite is Kirby’s Dreamland for the GB. Too short because it’s too easy. It’s fun, but paying a full price for it compared to Castlevania would leave me disappointed.

>> No.8282539

>Retarded child me
>The Odyssey Of Hyrule
>Video Gamer X posts the crash handler code he somehow found
>Well if he was right about that he must be right about other shit!
>Go to rumor page
>You can go to Sky Temple if you blow up all the gossip stones and name yourself a certain name and play all the way through the game up to spirit temple
>Follow instructions exactly
>Nothing happens
>Realize that I am a retard

>> No.8282786

Based zoomer. Keep rockin

>> No.8282795

Always face forward. If you never turn around they won't spawn behind you.

>> No.8282797

>doesn't have the triple shot allowing him to spam crosses or holy waters
Get good you piece of shit, the only legitimate challenge is dracula himself, even death is cheeseable with christian h20 tldr git gud or git dying

>> No.8282828

he peaked with the castlevania marathon

>> No.8282830


>> No.8282837

I can smell your fatness just by reading your post

>> No.8282909

Correction: its hard if you play with no prior knowledge how the game works. Once you realize how overpowered holy water is by freezing any enemy including bosses, you're game overing in single digit amounts each run.

>> No.8282934

I suck at games and the first Castlevania is one of the few I beat as a kid. There are only like six levels and the first few are piss easy once you get the mechanics down. The final boss was agreeably a pain, but if there's no challenge, there's no reward.
tl;dr git gud

>> No.8283175

I don't see how you can make any serious argument to classify Rondo as a side series entry. It's got a Belmont in the main hero role and the main villain is Drac. It was released on a console.

SOTN I can see as an epilogue to Rondo.

>> No.8283206

Checked ,the castlevaniathon, the dracula and frankenstein episodes were halloween kino

>> No.8283707
File: 76 KB, 474x648, Castlevania_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going on 40, and beat Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse for the first time today with nothing but shitty old man reflexes and persistence. The first game is much shorter and you can cheese most of the bosses.

>> No.8283821

even with all that, the holy water also takes out the axe armors really easily. i beat death for the first time using holy water. i found it easier. i've beaten him with the cross since then

>> No.8283832

If you thought this was hard don't even go near the X68000 version, you'll go insane within the hour

>> No.8283834

It's literally a flat hallway with no obstacles aside from consistently respawning enemies, if you just watch it for like 5 seconds you can easily figure out the pattern. This hallway is legitimately the easiest part of that entire level unless you're just an idiot that tries to rush it.

>> No.8283924

I've played through three loops of Castlevania Chronicles on the PS1 but I've never played the NES original, will I struggle or will I breeze through it?
>inb4 play the X68000 version instead of the PS1 version
Can someone give me a rundown of the differences, I hear it's something to do with hitboxes and the speed of the game (I already know about the resolution change) does this make the PS1 version easier or harder?

>> No.8283940

How to solve death's hall way. Step one, get holy water. Step two, make it to the hallway with the holy water without dying. Step three, walk towards the knights and wait till they start walking back. Step four, once they start stepping back jump and at your peak throw the holy water. It should then hit and kill the knight and any medusa that was heading at you. The trick is to keep moving forward in order to get momentum on the holy water throw. Good luck OP. If you need an example just watch some speedruns, some strats they use are really fucking easy.

>> No.8283986

You played original or arrange mode?
Original is close to the original, arrange was dumbed down to the point of toddler difficulty

>> No.8284027

I mostly play original mode, I only play arranged for practice when I haven't played in a while.

>> No.8284059

I'd rank the difficulty as
Chronicles original > MSX > CV3 loop 2 > Arcade > XX SNES > CV3 loop 1 > CV4 > Rondo > Simon's Quest > NES original > Chronicles arranged

>> No.8284085

And even then second form Dracula gets raped by holy water anyways.

>> No.8284090

use the holy water kid

>> No.8284129

congrats you old fuck

t. old fuck

>> No.8284176
File: 204 KB, 764x404, 1635507092058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those curtains always looked like a face to me. It reminds me of Constanza.

>> No.8284185

Im sorry but you have autism and its terminal

>> No.8284189

It's hard but I suck, and I've seen people play the game through 2+ loops. It can be done, and not in a cheap way. So it's just that I suck.
Some fools can play FFVII and max out materia, levels, and beat any enemy in the game without blinking(me). Same with all JRPGs.
Some people can beat NG, CV, and GnG.

>> No.8284193

Will never understand why people think this hall is so hard. The medusa heads have the same flight pattern every time they spawn. Just wait for them to go down and close to you and whip. Then jump towards the knight and whip on your way down, continue whipping until he's dead, repeat.

>> No.8284210

I have this issue where, if a lot of shit starts appearing on screen, my focus becomes chaotic and my brain begins thinking about which thing to focus on, rather than just focusing on something.
Distraction leading to mistakes leading to death.

>> No.8284405

I will never forgive you for putting this in my head.

>> No.8284408

>Megaman 2 is too easy

I can only assume this is the opinion of someone who has been playing this game every day for the last 30 years. The Wily stages are infuriatingly hard.

>> No.8284409

Thanks. It felt great after those last two stages. Hardest game I ever beat honestly. Thought I was going to get filtered for a bit.

>> No.8284805

I'm a zoomer, I've beaten all the classic numbered games, all of the numbered X games, all of the Zero games and the two ZX games. Mega Man 2 is pretty easy, 1, 3, 9, 11, X3, X6, X8 and all of the Zero games are way harder.

>> No.8284808

Despawn glitch can save you in this sequence. I found out by accident again. CV1 is so janky

>> No.8284851

>Alien Soldier is the hardest game ever

>> No.8284865

I handle all the Castlevanias just fine, but my brain just shits itself on Contra. A friend had the opposite problem when we were kids.

>> No.8285019

Tbh the stage is p easy aside from the medusa armor hallway. Thats the only part you have to practice if you want to keep the holy water

>> No.8285031

It's a hard game but beatable with practice. Make sure to have the cross sub weapon and the II or III multiplier against Death. The cross clears out his scythes and kills him quickly.

>> No.8285035

Reduced pareidolia is a consequence of autism.

Sorry, but you have Level 10 severity Turboautism.

>> No.8285048

If you wanna talk practice then just practice to keep the holy water and just spam death with it.

>> No.8285190

This game is so easy you can do it in about 10 minutes.
Git gud.

>> No.8285273

With the OHKO glitch, spawn manip and other glitches I don't remember. How do you categorize glitcheless in this game?

>> No.8285284

The world record speedrun is 11 minutes. Doubt most "good" CV players can beat it in about 10 minutes lol. Its more like around 20 to 30 minuted depending on you time beating dracula.

>> No.8285314

Castlevania 1/4 not being being hard is the one that really drives me up the wall. The autistic spergs around parts like this have their heads shoved up so far their own asses that they can’t even comprehend reality anymore

>> No.8285327

they might be hard compared to modern stuff, but relative to other NES games they are extremely fair
they have infinite continues for one, that's more than what a lot of games can say

>> No.8285438
File: 35 KB, 238x243, 1629324655700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but if you play the same part over and over and memorize each action...

>> No.8285620

You've been baited. What you understand is that claiming it's not hard is a way to show how big your vidya-peen. In reality they probably cried to their mamas, threw the controller against the wall and ressorted to savestates while claiming "It's NOT hard!!!". That or
>really it's not hard, I know because I've used this tactic I saw online that I'd never found by myself

I can beat Dracula X (SNES) and Bloodlines on a single life, and I know CV1 can be hard especially towards the end

>> No.8285630

CV 1 is easier than dracula x and bloodlines.

>> No.8286267
File: 30 KB, 480x360, Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread convinced me to replay Castlevania. Only hard part is carrying holy water to the boss which makes that whole level easy anyway. You have checkpoints that help you practice each section after character death. You have infinite continues. You have a way to cheese the boss with holy water. Hell, I accidentally beat him with the boomerang on one run which is how I remember doing it the first time. The first game doesn't compare in difficulty to Castlevania III, Rondo of Blood, or even Super Castlevania IV. You learn that holy water stuns enemies and even bosses early in the game. Observant players would notice the importance of holy water and it's completely natural then to lob it at the platform Death materializes above at the the start of the fight. It definitely wasn't a secret and I don't even honestly believe it's truly cheese. It feels like the intentional best way to defeat him. Has to be by design seeing as how they clearly knew it was effective against all of the bosses and enemies. In hindsight this level actually makes the game much more replayable than it would otherwise be. The whole game is a complete cakewalk. You could argue that Dracula presents a challenge, but how hard is he when you can infinite continue with full health in front of his door?

>> No.8286291

CV1 is honestly one of the easier classicvanias.

>> No.8286293

The end is a joke difficulty wise. Once Death goes down, you run past some bats, steal Dracula's pocket watch, walk past some butlers, and right into the old vampire's bedroom where you can infinite continue until he dies.
It's also a good way to crash the game. lol

>> No.8286331

>>really it's not hard, I know because I've used this tactic I saw online that I'd never found by myself
If you go back to when the game released, friends and family members that had beat parts of these games would talk and help eachother out. There was Nintendo Power and the Nintendo Hotline as well. The amount of players that solved this game without help was much higher back then. However, most still had assistance. I knew about holy water and how to defeat Dracula because I visited a friend's house and his mother had already beat the game.

>> No.8286552

Fuck stage 7 of rondo of blood. Fuck level 4 of CV and fuck fuck fuck stage 8 of IV

>> No.8286923

>It's also a good way to crash the game. lol
Depends on the version, IIRC. The Anniversary Collection had a ROM which had that bug, when it first came out.

>> No.8286932

3 is not harder and later X games are notoriously badly designed. That leaves 1, which is hard, and 11 which is pretty hard too if you try playing that buster only. 11 isn't retro though.

>> No.8286939

>i can take the level 3 holy water from frankensteins stage to the death fight 0 issue.
>constantly fuck up getting the cross in stage 08 before fighting the mummies.
I dont get the jump and whip i have to do to get the cross drop and the medusa heads fuck me because i always have to redo the jump.

>> No.8286943

i know exactly what you're talking about. the timing isn't intuitive at all for some reason. the best strategy i found is to use the axe from earlier in the stage, unless you die on the way. and then you have to make sure not to get the knife right before the fight. that knife has fucked me up many a time.

>> No.8286948

Hmm the axe sounds like a great idea actually.

>> No.8287353

I burst out laughing when I hit stage seven in Rondo of Blood. Holy shit that made my day. Giant bats with swords and the ground collapses under your feet. I think that's a personal fave of mine now. Level 4 of Castlevania only gave me trouble the first time I beat the game. Now it's a walk in the park. Stage 8 of Super Castlevania IV took me an embarrsingly long time to get through. Haven't faced anything tougher than the final two stages of Castlevania 3 though. Not by a long shot.
The mummies are easy to whip to death from the conveniently placed platform.
I had a crash today in the hall before death using the boomerang on the anniversary collection. Not so sure it's been fixed.

>> No.8287592

>friends and family members that had beat parts of these games would talk and help eachother out.

That's not comparable to looking at how the best players in the world do it on youtube. Looking it up on the internet these days would be like being friends with everyone who's played the game and being able to pick and directly talk to the bests among those.

>> No.8287647

boy does this post make breaking the ninth commandment tempting

>> No.8287745

>That's not comparable
>Literally compares it

>> No.8287929
File: 51 KB, 258x188, 1629819177690.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Death fight is crazy, but it's not on Yellow Devil level of crazy, so it's doable. I once beat it and died at the same time. (or Death was in its last HP). The thing is, the game may be hard, but you don't restart from the beginning every time you play, so it's fair.

>> No.8287934

It's hard by NES standards. These games were meant for kids. We're adults now so of course it's easy.

>> No.8288005

>We're adults now
looks legit

>> No.8288021

due to the credits system, i think every Castlevania is easier than Bloodlines

>> No.8288023

It's always the vertical sections that kill me in this.

>> No.8288029

So half the game? Jokes aside, the vertical hallway before the vertical autoscroller (i think it's the 2nd to last level) really fucked with me. but the boss is what truly filtered me in that level, couldnt figure out how to fight it

>> No.8288081

>he hasn't even played Castlevania 5
and this guy talks like he knows the series

>> No.8288202

death with cross IS hard
death with water is not
just be careful not to die and keep the water from the first screen

also theres a II/III powerup block in one of the walls of the preceding rooms iirc, if you do end up stuck with the cross
if you have at least 2 crosses you can stun the knights and block their axes. then you only have the medusas to worry about

captcha: AVRNG

>> No.8288209

oh yea the other big thing is to bait the knights
if you have water, jump and throw em towards the knight, then back up. the dumbass will walk right into it and die

this trivializes the whole hard part of the level imo

>> No.8288227
File: 550 KB, 600x435, 3C04F8D0-E45B-4B35-B618-4BA60CDCC874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no castlevania 5
Checkmate, retard

>> No.8288315
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1405517831012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally beat stage 9 in CV3
FUCK that bridge at the very end with the medusa heads and the rotating platforms. Died on that shit probably 30 times. Finally got to the boss with one hit left on my health bar and cheesed it with Sylpha's lightning spell, which I normally would be bothered by, but whatever, I don't care enough about beating that boss "fairly" if it means I have to suffer through that medusa bridge any longer.

>> No.8288540

didnt Bloodlines and Rondo come out before this?

>> No.8288723

That's hilarious anon. I did the exact same thing. Only used Trevor the whole time except for the doppleshitganger. Though I intend to go back and learn his patterns now that I beat the game.

>> No.8288741

I really don't buy into the idea that NES games were mostly made for kids. The marketing was definitely directed towards kids and family entertainment. Video games were often seen as a kid thing. There were most certainly some games made for kids. However, most of the library can't really be appreciated by kids, especially younger ones. The most "hardcore" NES gamers crunching these games were older teens or adults. That was my direct experience even though some anons here list games they beat when they were kids.

>> No.8288756

They were made for superior high iq anime Japanese autist kids, not brainless western Nickelodeon watching retard snotbabbies

>> No.8288804

>have an relatively easy time getting past that corridor
>game crashes for no reason
>play whole game again flawlessly
>game crashes on corridor again
>play whole game again third time
>game crashes on the same spot yet again
>learn that revision 1 of game is buggy and will crash with too much going on at once
>clear corridor with careful whipping
>game crashes at death boss
Now I truly know why people call this game hard. I need to buy myself a copy that has the later bugfixed revision.

>> No.8288813

>Fuck stage 7 of rondo of blood.
>spam Maria's roll
nothing personnel anon-tachi

>> No.8288815

BASED Konami providing an extra layer of challenge and depth for 80s gamers.

>> No.8288842

Bloodlines is actually easier because the enemies aren't as much of as threat, so as long as you can beat a stage once you'll never struggle with it again. Meanwhile in the other games several sections where basically rhythm games (Death corridor, that part with the stairs in CV3) where almost perfect execution was constantly required.

>> No.8289059

Hard Mode makes it even worse by replacing the Medusas with skulls that fly in random patterns. You can learn to get down the Medusas' patterns, but those skulls? No fucking way.

>> No.8289062

The thing about Bloodlines is if you go through the first half of the game with minimal deaths, you'll have a decent life reserve for the final stage. Passwords store your lives/continues as well, so if you eat shit on one boss you can reload the stage.

>> No.8289407

You haven't beat the game if you used Maria on any of the stages. That is a fact.

>> No.8289414

You clearly didn't blow on the cartridge hard enough anon.

>> No.8289421

Good. Her ending credits is worth infinitely more than your le gamer cred.

>> No.8289432

I'm saving a Maria only run for my eighties when Konami still hasn't released a solid new classicvania. Nothing to do with leddit gamer cred anon.

>> No.8289505

It's kind of a mixed market. Mostly kids, a significant minority of teenagers, and a tiny fraction of adults.

One thing that clouds our judgement is that the culture of the time revered hard games. Theres a ton of easy NES games like the Chip and Dail series but they dont get talked about as much.

>> No.8289990

jrpg don't take any skill, at most just time and grinding.