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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 55 KB, 719x402, backloggery-front-page[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8269232 No.8269232 [Reply] [Original]

In the era of things like ODEs and flash carts is there really any merit in trying to track your game collection anymore? Everything seems so...fleeting.

>> No.8269238

>tracking your game collection
or you could just be a functional, non-sociopathic human and play games that actually interest you instead of "collecting" anything. imagine having 28 games you legitimately enjoy and care about instead of 6000 ROMs or a wall full of baby poop plastic -- scary, I know.

>> No.8269241

But I like to show people what I own.

>> No.8269246
File: 34 KB, 700x671, 346264684632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By golly, trying to gamify gaming is the dumbest thing ever.

>> No.8269249

Back when my friends used this they used it to track progress on games, 90% of which were emulated.

>> No.8269257

If you enjoy only playing videogames then you should be fine with those, yeah.

If you enjoy physical collections then go for it.

>> No.8269258

If there was every any point in that sort of faggotry for you then there still is

>> No.8269260
File: 33 KB, 800x450, Xbawks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8269262

Making a list or schedule to do things that actually matter is a very important thing.
Why the fuck anyone would want to carry that mindset over to their leisure time, though, is a big mystery to me.
It's your free time. You don't need to structure it. Your life won't get better if you make yourself play a game you don't really want to just so you can check it off your list.

>> No.8269263

I only keep track of games that I bought, not pirated games.

>> No.8269268

I've actually forgotten I own certain games, although I don't know if cataloguing would have really helped with that.

>> No.8269269

Wow that looks incredibly gay. Is your memory that shit that you can't keep track of games you own or are you one of those dickheads who prefers to show off their collection rather than playing the games?

>> No.8269554

I have a private spreadsheet that I use to keep track of all the games I own, both digitally and physically. It feels nice to mark off a game as being completed, but if I don't like it after a few hours and I know I won't finish it, I mark it off with a yellow highlight rather than a green. No point in playing games I don't enjoy. I just like making lists too.

>> No.8270961

Backloggery is pure gamification of actually playing your games, which seems pretty fucked up. If you want to actually keep track of playing games in a meaningful way, HowLongToBeat seems like a better option, and if you just want to catalog what you own there are better sites or apps like Gameye. Or shit, a spreadsheet would be better even.

>I just like making lists too
Lists and organizing are too much fun. I recently cataloged and tagged my comic collection on Libib and it was more fun than making a list should reasonably be.

>> No.8271739

I couldn't do it myself but that actually sounds quite nice anon, are you an organised person?

>> No.8271794

ODE and flash cart fags are bringing us closer to that "you will own nothing and be happy" future.

>> No.8271804

Can't charge a subscription fee or revoke ownership with that though

>> No.8271808

Not really because that still involves owning a lot of hardware.
People paying for the Switch Online Expansion are steering us in the direction of that future.

>> No.8271816

This ugly website doesn't have anything on a spreadsheet. Or your brain or bookshelf

>> No.8271827

Also, that tagline
>You have the games. Play them.
I do play them, and I don't need your faggot website to do so.

>> No.8271895

Nah. Just you zoomies.

>> No.8272157

This site's alright for tracking games you've cleared if you clear a fuckton of games in a year and can't remember names. Would rather Spreadsheet or Notepad.

>> No.8272167

Anon, not to be mean, no one cares what you own.
Actually play the games and converse about the games them selves. Thats where the real action is.

>> No.8272173

Anon, you still have the binary and can do whatever you please with it. Modify it, play it, give it to someone else, etc. Its literally zero difference then owning a cartage you tard.

>> No.8272202

>It's your free time. You don't need to structure it.
On the contrary, the less free time I have the more I feel the need to structure it. I don't mean this in the sense of keeping a strict timetable for my hobbies but I like to keep a backlog and plan out what games I'm going to be playing next rather than getting home and wasting time staring blankly at a screen not knowing what to play. It's the same with movies, I decide in advance what movie I'll watch next so that when I have the time to watch it I just get home and start the movie rather than wasting my time choosing at that moment.

>> No.8272209

>I just like making lists too.
Same, I fucking obsess over that shit.

>> No.8272224

Then the service is not aimed at you. There's no reason to be this offended.

>> No.8272365

she, if you tell them it'll be harder to avoid them cause they'll disguise themselves as us.

I start doing those things every so often. I only track games I never played but wanted to. Then I realize that's too autistic for me as well so I just go back to playing whatever. There are people who track every game they played even a little bit. I think I'd be depressed if I knew approximately how much time of my life I wasted playing video games.

>> No.8272383

>doesn't require a subscription
>doesn't stop working when a server is down
But oh no, I can't touch and feel the plastic I paid too much for on ebay.

>> No.8272395

This, but unironically and without overpaying on eBay like a retard.

>> No.8272409

I've tried using this website before but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was actually playing The Backloggery instead of the actual game I was playing at the time. Not worth the time or effort to maintain, and it several times clunkier than a spreadsheet

>> No.8272437

I started using it when I was a teenager when my game collection was still in the double digits. Starting out with hundreds or thousands of games will be a nightmare to catalog regardless of what method you're using.
Adding or editing a game once in a while shouldn't take more than a few seconds.

>> No.8272508

I use backloggery to track games I've beat and played, not to track my collection.

>> No.8272589

This is the correct way of using it

>> No.8272903

Anon I assure you I own every ROM that I have on my HDD. Unless you're some sort of retard that believes in "software licensing" because some guy on ebay handed me a piece of plastic being a legitimate measure of ownership.

>> No.8272914

Having a file on a computer isn't owning shit, nigger

>> No.8273327

Structuring your free time is how you enjoy it instead of posting on a mongolian throat singing forum.

>> No.8273367

>things poor people complain about