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File: 180 KB, 267x373, Duke_Nukem_3D_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8266996 No.8266996 [Reply] [Original]

This is impossible, how're you supposed to beat this?

>> No.8267025

Get good

>> No.8267032

Shoot the bad guys before they shoot you and don't forget to use your items

>> No.8267038

What are you stuck on? It is a difficult game, I’m just curious where you are struggling.

>> No.8267043 [DELETED] 


>> No.8267062

Stop playing the Mega Drive/Genesis version for starters.
PC game is pretty easy, unless you choose "Damn I'm good", in which case you have to micromanage explosives or kill enemies near doors.

>> No.8267070

I thought that Genesis version was fictional.
It not only exists...but people play it?

>> No.8267073
File: 94 KB, 256x256, low testosterone Duke Nukem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I must really be good then

>> No.8267075

quick save and quick load

>> No.8267118

>how're you supposed to beat this?
Just crouch a bunch.

>> No.8267132


>> No.8267143

Let’s Rock is the optimal difficulty for first time players

>> No.8267153

It's Brazil-only and likely isn't what OP is referring to, but it's kinda harder, especially at the beginning.
Obviously it's not a direct port and closer to Wolf3D. Some people would certainly attempt to play it for the novelity and all that.
Not saying that it's hard. But it's tedious.

>> No.8267187

I don’t get it. What does his post mean

>> No.8267194

Play on easy and then when you think you’re ready, go up a difficulty and so on and so forth

>> No.8267234

Sick shit. Stay away for your own good.

>> No.8267685


>> No.8267751

Play this game since the came out.

Took a break a few years ago.

To get really good at this you have to use all the weapons. The freeze gun on high-level baddies, the Rockets should only be used on the softer ones when they cluster together.

Drones are a major pain you find those when you open doors and if you hear their drone close the door immediately and then just hover around it until they detect you and blow up safely on the other side. Otherwise just pick them off from a distance with chain gun with a shotgun don't use weapons on it then aren't hitscan.

The shotgun is okay for the lower-level but as you get up higher use the chain gun to Rockets pipe bombs freeze gun and the Devastator.

>> No.8267757

Freeze gun or specially the shrink ray on the higher-level Mini bosses works really well

>> No.8267828

>how're you supposed to beat this?
-Overuse pipe bombs around corners
-Shrink battle lords and assault commanders
-Find as many secrets as possible, explore a little
-Bait enemies in a room out into a trip bomb trap
-Find a jetpack ASAP
-Watch Civvie11's Pro Nukem series on youtube, fuckin old fat fuck's been playing the game for 20 years, knows the game like the back of his ass.

>> No.8268082
File: 509 KB, 1280x1000, civviesucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civvie's a fat retarded faggot.
>Sings the shrinker's praises as the solution to all problems.
>Doesn't think to shrink the babes in Bank Roll to save them from the explosives.

>> No.8268086

Drink the pee pee toilet water

>> No.8268168

how can somebody be bad at this jesus christ

>> No.8268181

You are the zen lord

>> No.8268213

Type: DNcashman and press the use key.


>> No.8268232

>This is impossible, how're you supposed to beat this?
Are you at episode 2’s battlelords? They’re the only stinky part of the game, and they can only be shrunk if autoaim is off. It rarely works otherwise.

>> No.8269213
File: 2.20 MB, 3456x2304, dukegenesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's Brazil-only

Akshuuuuuuually, Piko made a deal with TecToy and is now selling it worldwide.

>> No.8269218

Please recommend ways to improve.

>> No.8269251

Practice on a lower level and when you think you’re ready, go for a higher one. Different weapons are your friends, don’t stick to the shotgun or pistol for most of the play through. Remember to use your items too, the Holoduke works well and the jet pack lets you utterly break certain levels. Steroids aren’t the best when it comes to fighting because of how fast you go but they’re good for running away if you’re out of ammo or overwhelmed. Keep a cool head and save often

>> No.8269303

How the fuck are you supposed to get in there and clear that room out without the explosives going off? Its an almost certainty the enemies will set them off themselves.

What do you mean "save the babes?" You can either leave them or kill them. There's no savig them.

>> No.8269305

You shoot their feet. That's where the shrinker hitbox shrinks them

>> No.8269307

>What do you mean "save the babes?" You can either leave them or kill them. There's no savig them.
Doesn’t he self-destruct every level he completes?

>> No.8269316

like doom the hardest difficulty isn't meant for a conventional playthrough.

>> No.8269335

"damn i'm good" isn't that much harder, it just requires a bit more of map knowledge. I can beat an entire episode casually without saving, whereas I can't do that with doom.

>> No.8269425

ANot be a zoomer

>> No.8269527

Learning to minimize hitscan damage is the most important thing in the game. Corner peeking and stuff like that is basics, but you also want to know the enemy hurtboxes and how to obstruct their view to stop their attack mode. Most Duke enemies have 2 modes, a movement mode and a turret-style attack. Entering the turret mode resets the enemy's pathing AI. Because this behavior was optimized for 1996 PCs, enemies have trouble quickly switching back and forth between modes. Force them to stop attacking, then take advantage when the AI turns back on.

Also, this isn't Doom where the RNG will let you get the drop on hitscanners. In Duke they hit hard and they almost always hit first, so you need to treat damage as unavoidable and know when to prioritize aggression over health. If you get ambushed, it's often a better idea to sacrifice 50-60 health and clear the area right away than to retreat under fire and risk a dangerous second approach.
Always prioritize getting rid of hitscanners. If you don't have cover or there's a group of them, use rockets or pipebombs to kill them as fast as possible. Explosives are not that precious in Duke. Also, don't expect to stunlock any dangerous enemies.

The next big hurdle is learning how to fight interceptor drones. They have a unique movement AI that can be confused, but I don't remember the trick anymore. It's something to do with changing your vertical position after shooting them. Just practice with a jetpack until you figure it out. Also, you can stun them with a shotgun when they're approaching straight-on, learn to time your shots.

Use the E1 boss fight to practice against battlelords. There's a sweet spot where you're barely in each others range and your rockets will deal more damage than his hitscan. Practice this in case you can't use a shrinker.

I guess that's it. I used to run Duke saveless almost every day when it came out and I'm shit at FPS, so you shouldn't have a problem figuring out the rest.

>> No.8270478

To his credit, none would really think of trying this. Theres a bunch of bombs in the middle of the room; seems like a bug that they are immune to the explosion if they are shrunk.

>> No.8272289

>you can save and load on will
>"this is impossible"
holy fucking zoomer

>> No.8272534
File: 434 KB, 601x587, 1635195693087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a little challenging, but impossible?

>> No.8273590

Blow it out your ass.

>> No.8273656
File: 55 KB, 300x300, R&R_0280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Blood instead. It's easier.

>> No.8273870

This post was made by the Duke himself.