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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 12 KB, 250x250, 1371872932068s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
826420 No.826420 [Reply] [Original]

Thought this thread would do better here than in /v/

>> No.826424

There was this SNES game I played once when I was a kid, Not entirely sure if it was NES or SNES but I'm inclined to SNES.

Game Cover: Bald, shaolin monk looking kind of fighter guy with orange pants (hot colors) with a bead necklace perhaps and he's looking up to the sky in an action scene or something.

Gameplay: Sidescroller, he looked fatter in the game, the level layout sort of reminds me of castlevania, shoots fireballs out of his hands and you could get upgrades that gave you wings (the only one I remember)

There was a boss fight in the game involving a tyrannosaurus rex and the boss arena would be in a leveled down terrain once he appeared on screen.

That's all I remember, I've thought about this game many times over the past few years, please tell me someone knows this one.

>> No.826434

There were pterodactyls and meteorites falling from the sky in the cover..


>> No.826438


>> No.826439

The game you described sounds a lot like Karnov for the NES. Are you sure it was a SNES game? Google Karnov. It's got a bald monk on the cover, and a dinosaur.

>> No.826442
File: 45 KB, 300x420, nes_karnov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again. Is this your game? :)

>> No.826443

Holy shit....

Thanks so much man.. THank you


>> No.826448

A plattaformer for the NES where you used a guy with a hammer and one of the bosses where 2 big ducks(?) on each side of the screen.
There was a clouds world too

>> No.826449

Hahaha, no problem! =D

I know how it feels to want to play an old game, but yet you can't remember the title. >.<

You gonna download a ROM for it now? Or just try to buy one from Ebay?

>> No.826453

PSX Shmup

You play a toy wandering around a house shooting other toys. One of the toys/ships is a humanoid mecha with lasers, another is a biplane/triplane with missiles. Player 2 can plug in as a floating reticule that shoots stuff. Played it around 1998/99.

>> No.826603

Stop it with the emoticions

>> No.826653


Make me.

>> No.826663

I remember playing some weird Doom clone on PSX. As far as I know it was set in the desert (not sure if it was an Ancient Egypt or just generic desert area, though).

>> No.826668

Powerslave aka Exhumed

>> No.826713

Yes, this is it. Thank you very much. Is it any good?

>> No.826723
File: 35 KB, 350x395, gameboy_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puzzle game for the original Game Boy.

The main characters were two girls dressed in Playboy bunny suits (you know, ears, stockings etc.) and they pushed cubic rocks to solve puzzles.

The title was probably in Japanese and it's almost definitely older than 1997.

>> No.826724

it's okay, original version is on PC. Build engine game

>> No.826774

Pitman. Also seems to be popular on some pirate multicarts too; I've got two such carts.

>> No.827108

Visiting from >>822241

Fingers crossed that someone can help here:

Played a side scrolling shooter for hours as a kid in the same arcade section of a restaurant that housed Golden Axe and TMNT game. Don't remember it's name.

It had pretty good graphics. The first level was organic looking, much like R-type. As it progressed, the tunnel shifted up and the camera tracked up, leading to a miniboss or boss fight that was what looked like a spherical moon or asteroid with a mouth that you had to shoot until the outer shell was damaged. Also, there was a power up transformed the ship into a more humanoid or mech like form (though I seem to remember the base ship as being vaguely humanoid to begin with). No later than 1993.

Any ideas would be appreciated. It's been bothering me for months. Thanks in advance.

>> No.827161

Could it be Heavy unit. It was pretty good BTW


>> No.827176


Could it be Heavy Unit? It was pretty good BTW


>> No.827330



>> No.827372

Genesis game, you played as a barbarian girl, i think she was called shana or xana or something like that, hard as fuck when i was a kid, sidescroller where you could use a giant i think, there was a fire in the beginning, can't remember much more than that, would be nice to know the name

>> No.827417

Not actually a game I played, but I've been trying to find it for years. Saw it on the back of an old PC game manual.

It was a view of like a small planet with visible houses etc, it was made of dry, infertile soil, there was lightning and other natural disasters going on. I think the background was swirling brown, and the title started with "Poly-" or some other P word.

Looked like a B&W-type civilization game from far.

>> No.827429


>> No.827431
File: 256 KB, 900x584, 1366138579990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep asking about this one but nobody seems to know. Whelp, here goes again...

An older 90's DOS FPS game. Probably 93-96 in that ballpark, or at least when I played it. It was a demo/shareware that puts you in a small compound of buildings out in the forest or something. You could enter one or a few more of the buildings. There was either a decent amount of fog, or the draw distance just sucked. Graphics from what I remember were not really cartoony.

The only weapon I remember you getting in the demo was some sort of gun that trapped enemies in a sort of goop. The most descriptive thing I can remember about this game is that when you died, it showed a picture of your body with a caption saying something like "Your body was found sometime later with a note on it saying 'Stop wasting my time with these sissy-men!'".

I got this demo in the mail from an old subscription called Software of the Month Club, if that helps any.

>> No.827432

Golden axe?

>> No.828115
File: 95 KB, 756x540, 1371835353625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post-apocalyptic RTS.
One faction were hillbillies, their command centre was a trailer and they had pigs with dynamite strapped to them known as Exploda-pigs.
Another faction were tribals with dinosaur units and a big tree as their command centre

>> No.828381

Nobody has identified this one for me:

It was an overhead-view ANSI game, similar to ZZT and such games, but it could be played in split-screen two player mode. Also I think there was a map editor but I'm not sure about that part.

>> No.828397

I knew this game only as C:/hero
You were a guy who could either fight monsters, or sneak around like a thief. You died from literally everything - fail at sneaking? Dead. Smoked too much hookah? Dead. I remember the currency of the game was dinars
It was like SNES quality, I played it from DOS, so def not Thief or anything that new

>> No.828505

I think that was KKND.

>> No.828513

I dont think its KKND, maybe Tribal Rage?

>> No.828526

Quest for Glory, either 2 or 3; more probably QFG3.

>> No.828602

yeah it's QFG3, thanks

>> No.828808

Probably an easy one but i dont know it:

Genesis beat em up where you have a special where you can call in cop cars and rain missiles down and clear the screen. Also in co op you have to fight each other and the winner has to take on the final boss alone.

I thought was streets of rage until recently when I actually got SoR one and two and it wasnt what I was looking for.

>> No.829618

This has been bothering me for a long time, so I'm going to ask if you have any idea what this game is. There was this game I used to play on the PC a long time ago, maybe somewhere around 1992-1996 (sorry I can't remember more specifically, and I'm not sure if it came out around that time or was older). It was a top down space shooter game, and from what I remember you basically just fought against 3 other ships and the camera was fixed in the one location. I think you could buy upgrade between battles and stuff like that. For some reason I thought it was Star Control but after looking it up it isn't. Do you have any ideas what this game could be?

The background doesn't move, the arena you're in, is the whole stage. You could like select from 8 (or whatever number) of ships and you'd fight 1-3 of those ships in a match and each ship had it's own special abilities if I remember correctly.

>> No.829684

I'm pretty sure it is streets of rage 1.

>> No.829689

>Fight crime and save your virtual city from destruction on the Streets of Rage, compatible with the Sega Genesis platform. Choose from any one of the three virtual ex-police officers featured on this Sega Genesis game to combat secret crime organizations. Battle it out hard at the eight locations to accomplish your mission in this beat 'em up video game. Take the assistance of police car firing explosives using the special attack feature of this Sega Genesis game to defeat criminals on the street. Moreover, the good and the bad ending for this beat 'em up video game has been given for the player's discretion, so you get to choose the ending. Hand over the second game-pad to your friend and enjoy hand-to-hand combat sessions against villains on the Streets of Rage game.

>> No.832214
File: 42 KB, 512x351, 1319995269287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A PC game of a first-person dungeon crawler. I definitely remember that one of the spells was a giant glowing outline of a hand that would slap from side to side, then make a fist and pound the ground. I think one of the bosses was an old hag woman in a robe.

I played it for only a few moments at a friend of my parent's house, but I was amazed and started to get more involved in gaming as a result.

>> No.832238

Help me on this one!

Possibly a Real Time Strategy game
PC game
Problably win98 oe winXP game
Mechas involved
3D camera and graphics
Looks very polygonal
I think the predominant colors are green, brown, yellow
A war game I pressume

I play this just once on the house of a friend many years ago... He told me the name of the game, but I can't remember it!

>> No.832270
File: 796 KB, 1552x986, ARM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total Annihilation

>> No.832310


It looks like, but this isn't the game...
You can zoom in to a unit and play like a Third Person Shooter (but just like, I absolutely sure the game was an RTS)...

The buildings are very poligonal too, and I almost sure all the color are green, brown, red... It had mechas, like the ED-209 from robocop 'n' shit

Thanks anyways for respond anon!

>> No.832328

You played as some sort of red ninja, and your partner was a white dog that you could command to attack enenmies. If the dog took too much damage it would revert back to a puppy.
I think it was for the SNES.

>> No.832334


I can't believe I just found it!

Thanks for the reference annon!


>> No.832584
File: 96 KB, 640x673, house cross section.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

((This picture is not a screenshot of the videogame, but the perspective is similar, aside from depth))

TL;DR, Retro 2D computer game where you manage a house and its inhibitants, with a vague similarity to The Sims, but probably made earlier.

I've been searching for this game for a long time. I played it maybe 12-15 years ago. Perhaps this will be the time I finally find the game.

It was a 2D sims-like game (though definitely not any iteration of The Sims, or even by Maxis), which showed a flat cross section of a 3-story house (not including the attic), as if you were looking at it from the street and someone chopped off the front half of the house with a horizontal line cut running parallel to the street.

There were a few (4? 5?) characters in the house which you could assign to do various things around the house, including work around the house and directing them to where you could play minigames. They could move left to right, and I think up and down floors.

Graphically, it was all well drawn in a cute, kid-like style with similar kidlike dimensions/proportions for all characters, even the adults. The animation was minimal and limited to the characters and objects directly being manipulated, if I recall correctly. There were either a number of different houses you could choose from, or you could customize and decorate the houses to your choosing.

It had quite a lot to do, and I think it was point and click but it may have had more controls than that, I don't exactly remember. I don't think it was based on a strict calendar/time mechanic like Animal Crossing, but I think days and nights were generally differentiated and would pass with various consequences.

If any of this rings a bell, and the game you're thinking of is a PC game made around 15-25 years ago, give me a shout, I really appreciate any guesses at all, I've been wanting to revisit this game for a long while. Thank you for reading.

>> No.832620

It was a school we played in grade 5
Midevil themed pc game
You had to go around exploring midevil places and finding gold coins.
Can't really remember more then that.

>> No.832625

Was a school game*
Maybe around 1996

>> No.832641

I think I got that shit on a CD, it was mostly an educational game right? And you couold be thrown in jail by doing certain things?

>> No.832658

Little Computer People

>> No.832686
File: 74 KB, 500x500, the few the proud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit!!!! Just looked it up on google images and I'm 99% sure that's it! This game was the ideal one of my childhood, and I've compared many a game to it for over 10 years. Just to give you an idea of how happy you've made me. I cannot thank you enough.

>> No.833516

PS1 beat'em up game with coop. You have 3 ninja characters, one of them was girl. I think first level was some kind of cave,

>> No.834280

There was this PC Game, it run poorly on my 386 back in the day. It had space ships on vast green fields with escort missions, destroy the base and the such.

The game was extremely polygonal, almost no textures. You could choose from many ships and do some customization. There was two types of shot, the everyday laser blast and a cannon shot. You had controls for altitude, speed and everything.

There was a skirmish mode if I'm not mistaken with your team being majorly green while the enemies were red-shaded.

Thats all I can remember. It was a PC game that I rad directly from an unnamed CD my brother dropped me. It was in 2003, 2004.

>> No.834284

It was a SNES beat em up with a character named Norton. It had a Mike Haggar-like chracter too but that's all I can remember.

Game was awesome tho.

>> No.835434

It was one of those shitty little games on those old game downloaders like RealArcade or Big Fish Games. It was an RTS, where you had a certain amount of points allocated. You could spend these points on a few different troops, I remember there was a buggy that had a suicide attack, a tank that could go into artillery mode like in Starcraft, and a SCUD launcher. It also had a great map editor that I never really made anything with, but loved to play around with.

>> No.835442

This is an N64 game I vaguely remember playing at a friends house.

It was a top down sort of Diablo style game I think. It must have had 3 or 4 player co-op because I remember playing it with 3 other friends. I think we were all wizards or something, and I remember rocks falling from the sky and skulls frequently being on the overworld.

>> No.835443


Ice Climbers?

>> No.835449

Sounds like Gauntlet: Legends, maybe.

>> No.835452
File: 170 KB, 640x480, brawl-brothers-02[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brawl Brothers?
Could be it's prequel rival turf too, or the third game in the series, The Peace Keepers

Gauntlet Legends

>> No.835459


Gauntlet Legends?

>> No.835463

Rival Turf! or Brawl Brothers

Gauntlet Legends?

>> No.835496

A side-scrolling beat-em-up on Genesis where you create your own robot from different parts and beat up other robots. One of the parts is a chainsaw hand.

>> No.835513


Cyborg Justice

>> No.835568


Windows 95 or 98. DOS, I think. SINGLE level on screen. You collected hearts... or diamonds ? You used bombs or something; you might have been a dwarf.

It was a puzzle/logic game, if you did something wrong you weren't able to collect everything. I've been looking for it since I was a child and my memories are hazy. I can't for the love of God remember anything else, not even whether it had genuine platforming elements or no.
Graphics were crude.

>> No.835598


>> No.835617

iopq you skinnyfat loser stop playing vidya games
thats my job ok

>> No.835643
File: 58 KB, 640x378, godthunder2[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a long shot but, God of Thunder maybe?

>> No.835872
File: 334 KB, 651x600, apple2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-played it my classroom in first grade (1985,1986)

-monochrome green & black graphics (of course)
-Charlie Brown/Peanuts jigsaw puzzle game

-it give you say 12 pieces, you put them together as fast as you can , and get a score.

I searched and scoured the net and can find no record of this game. can anyone help me find a photo or video or something to put my mind at ease? any other oldfag remember playing this maybe?

>> No.835926


There are at least two ninjas in Kensei: Sacred Fist. Is it this?

>> No.835927


It sounds a lot like Boulderdash or any of the zillions of clones, but I can't believe nobody's suggested this before.

>> No.835976
File: 28 KB, 916x656, pnuss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scroungin' man. Now I'm wondering if I ever played this back in the day.

>> No.835978

It was a game (I believe to be) on the Super NES, or probably Super Famicom. It got coverage in an American video game magazine, at least. Visually, it was 2D.

The plot, I want to say, was something sort of like a technological Alice in Wonderland, but I could be wrong. It was a weird lab where you actually went into a girl's dreams to fight evil. It was not super-deformed or anything. I never actually played it, but it always just stuck out in my head as something that looked interesting. It was dark for the time, if anything.

>> No.835987

I doubt you're thinking of Jewel Chase, but I might as well throw that out there anyway.

>> No.835985

Been asking about this one for years- nobody knows.

Apple game?

You are a guy on a Mario Bros./Burger Time-like board. You walk around up and down the ladders and on the platforms carrying a wand while the enemies come after you. You have the ability to zap your wand down on the platform creating a hole to trap the enemy, but it takes multiple zaps. If an enemy falls into the hole, you can zap it and destroy it. The game's title had something to do with Halloween.

>> No.836010

appreciate it

>> No.836017


the first game here?

>> No.836030

This one always bugged me:

>mid-late 90s sci-fi FPS
>3 playable characters
>a catgirl, a lizardman (or other green alien), and a human
>They may have been bounty hunters?
>Played a demo on PC
>lots of tunnels and tight corridors, more like "dark forces" than DOOM

>> No.836060
File: 6 KB, 562x386, ap2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You walk around up and down the ladders and on the platforms carrying a wand while the enemies come after you. You have the ability to zap your wand down on the platform creating a hole to trap the enemy, but it takes multiple zaps.

Sounds like an earlier version of lode runner. They were released on apple.


the "Halloween-type name" confuses me though. Could be a lode runner ripoff with a Halloween theme?

>> No.836107

Did the game have a bunch of rooms/levels with a lot of red floors/walls in them? Did it involve pushing blocks around? I think I know what game you're talking about, although I dont' remember the name either. :(

>> No.836145

>on spectrum (may have had ports, not sure)
>main character looked like an egg
>extremely difficult
>only had one life

Can't remember it for the life of me

>> No.836158

Sounds a bit like Solomon's Key to me.

Was that ported to Apple computers?

>> No.836168

A Tennis game for PC

all I remember is that there was this one character who's catchphrase was

''ENTER.... EXIT!''

because his name was Exit

>> No.836164

Dizzy the Adventurer

>> No.836181

Thank you that's it

>> No.836225

Ok, this one will be very very hard because I have little memory of the game, but here we go.

The game was for the xbox... I think. It may have been for the ps2 or gamecube (now you are beginning to understand how bad my memory of this game is). Well I'm not very good at articulation so GREEN TEXT

>not very popular of a game
>third person shooter
>reminded me of starship troopers, I remember one of the first levels involved fighting aliens on an alien landscape with towering tentacle type things (think tyranids)

That is pretty much all I have.

>> No.836259

>The game was for the xbox... I think. It may have been for the ps2 or gamecube

wrong board fool

>> No.836291

Psycho Dream?

>> No.836312


>> No.836448



Are you sure? I can't find it under that name on any FPS list. Just the old 1992 DOS game side-scroller which isn't.

Was it canceled after the demo was released or what?

>> No.836559
File: 13 KB, 617x638, 1372024151861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Windows 95 or older
>playable character looks like pic related
>setting appears to be an underground mine in space (you can tell it's space simply because there are windows showing space in the background)
>there's some nuclear waste in the setting as well
>you can pick up orange/yellow cans of radioactive waste for some kind of add-on (restore health or extra life, not sure)
>character would burp every time he picked one of these cans up
>graphics were in that shitty 3D style that many 90s games used
>most likely a platformer judging by the gameplay
>you can see the whole level on one screen (as opposed to it scrolling or rendering as you move)
>most of the music was just this repetitive tuba-like music
>you can shoot missiles, possibly up to three times

>> No.836571

I got two here.

>90s PC game
>2D sprites
>you play as a short, fat, white guy with a backwards red cap
>he kind of looks like a stereotypical frat bro
>the highest difficulty was "mondo-" something
>if you select this difficulty in the demo version, your character will say something about it being impossible and will force the game back to medium difficulty

>also a 90s PC game
>came in floppy disks with a picture of a wizard on it
>gameplay is very similar to Raiden
>you play as a spaceship in a vertically scrolling outer space and you shoot aliens
>had creative names for difficulties
>easiest mode was "Coward", and hardest was "Holy Cow"

>> No.837343
File: 85 KB, 1024x768, abe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, so I'm looking for a game I played about 8 or 10 years ago on PC. It was a side scroll platformer. You have to jump over obstacles and avoid fire and gas that was bursting out of pipes. The main character was green and kinda alienish I think. Only thing I know fo' sure was that he screamed like a mothafucka when something hit him, or when he died. He looked like Abe, from abe's odyssee. Yeah guys, hope you help me. Been looking for this game for like six years.
>pic related

>> No.837412

I remember it being very dark and it had a choice between the characters.

>> No.837413

I just looked it up, I meant to say "In pursuit of Greed"

>> No.837571

A Turn-based Strategy game for the PC, probably at least 10 years old

You control a few mechs on a hexagonal(?) grid and try to destroy the enemies on the other side

There was no basebuilding or First-person mode, but I think you could upgrade your mechs in between battles

>> No.837639

Abe's Exoddus?

>> No.840984
File: 75 KB, 358x369, putt_putt_by_keijimatsu-d3fhc0f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a faggot and didn't check the catalog before I posted so my thread was closed but here is the OP:

The game I can't remember is related somewhat to the picture I posted, it's basically a blatant ripoff of Putt-Putt. You played as a little red buggy who is on a quest to find 3 (I think) missing spark plugs for your friend or else they were going to turn him into scrap (or crushed). At the start the main character is skipping stones on a river that's filled with car parts. I remember the main character had a baseball cap and a little flag on his antenna while the friend he was trying to save was kind of a fat nerd personified as a car. I remember encountering some frankenstein car that lived in a haunted garage and some diva car that you had to beat a maze to get to. I also recall some really fun car painting section... also you get to change your friend's oil at some point.

I have been scouring the internet using any words relating to this game I can think of, I was hoping I wouldn't have to come here at all but you are my last hope, if anyone knows the name of this piece of my childhood, please say , I'd really really appreciate it.

>> No.841024

This game was for NES. You were a ninja (it's not Ninja Gaiden) and I think mainly through ninja stars as a weapon. I remember the first boss was a huge bald guy. Like as tall as the screen.

>> No.841031
File: 7 KB, 400x300, wrathoftheblackmanta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrath of the Black Manta

>> No.841049


>> No.841369

wasn't that guys name "Tiny"?

>> No.842428

pc figthing game (win 95/98)
fighters were animals that could transform into mounstrous versions of themselves. stage map was conected by sewer tunnels.

is not Altered Beast

is not Brutal: Above the Claw

>> No.843202


>> No.843485

A game where you pick the number of players and planets on a map (In space). You take turns shooting at each other adjusting you angle, power, and type of ammunition. The planets' gravities affect your shot.

Been looking for this for AGES.

>> No.843494

Some version of Scorched Earth.

>> No.843502


>online game,
>Right around 1998-2000, I think
>Very obviously inspired by battlezone
>But had a campaign, instead of just a try to score high setup
>Some powerups, repairs, that kind of thing
>You used to be able to find it on Yahoo games.

Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?

>> No.843518


It came a bit later than that.

You were spaceships, you could fly around as opposed to shooting, forgot to add this.

>> No.844605

Not the guy who suggested Scorched Earth; but he's not wrong is he? That genre of games is called Artillery, I don't think there's too many of those. Might be worth looking up lists of Artillery games, or sites dedicated to the genre.

>> No.844635

Hmm, gotta be Uprising, no? Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising maybe??

>> No.844648

not sure if this belongs here, but its an old game, so fuck it.

An old web space game on the computer where you were a single ship and you basically took quests from places and could buy shit and sell shit. If i remember the text was blue. One thing i vividly remember is the weapons.

It wasnt 3d and was mostly a text interface but it had pictures. The battles were turn based i think, i dont recall.

>> No.844656

fucking lands of lore 1: throne of chaos

2 was full 3d, and is one of my most favorite games ever

check gog.com for all 3

>> No.844663

>tfw that poster might not check back in this thread

>> No.844710

NES game you were a ninja and the first level involved you climbing a tree with platform branches that you used to reach the top.

>> No.844717

Legend of Kage??

>> No.844726


Demon Sword my man. Such fond memories playing it with my uncle. Still a pretty great game.

>> No.844753
File: 10 KB, 224x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Nintendo game.

The game starts with a man telling his story, how he met a woman who robbed a bank. He knew she was bad news but went with her anyway.

The whole game is a series of slide puzzles like in pic related, the first one you assemble is one where they're driving the getaway car from the bank.

It wasn't the best game, but the song in the first level was amazing. I'd like to hear it again.

>> No.844765

Fuck yeah it is thanks man.
Thanks that was a really good guess

>> No.844837

There was an SNES game I played as a child. It seemed pretty grim at the time, but looking back, it was just killing robots or some enormous crustacean looking aliens.

It was an overhead shooter with a 2 player option and I remember the background being a black grid with green outlines. There were powerups to change your gun's pattern.

I vividly remember an early cinematic with "scientists" being scared off by some aliens. The first "boss" was, as mentioned earlier, a huge crustacean looking thing.

I know it's a pretty vague description, but I was no older than 11 when I played it and I never got past much after the first boss.

>> No.844872
File: 85 KB, 580x350, dariustwin413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be thinking of Darius Twin, my good sir!

>> No.844904
File: 9 KB, 256x224, 1640M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Operation Logic Bomb, good sir.

>> No.844907

That's not it.

It was an overhead view with one guy( two if multiplayer). I remember the distinct lack of color in the game. It was just a screen of black, green, and an occasional grey from the enemy's.

>> No.844916

Yeah, you're right, I raelly only listened to your crustacean part lolol. I'm guessing >>844904 hit the nail on the head?

>> No.844924

Dear God

That's definitely it. Operation Logic Bomb. You don't even understand how happy I am right now.

I'm more surprised at how warped my image of the game has gotten over time. Thanks so much

>> No.844983
File: 89 KB, 500x503, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>tfw I will never find this game again

>> No.845009


No problemo.

Operation Logic Bomb is a massively underrated SNES shooter. What made it so clever is that every additional gun and item not only helps you overcome the enemies, but each one is also used like a key in unique puzzles. It really helped the feel of progression.

I just saw your description while browsing and knew the answer, I've beaten 5000+ games I should probably look in these threads once in a while heh.

>> No.845031
File: 81 KB, 900x300, PBF246-Bee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If it helps, the people in the game looked similar to the folks in this comic.

>> No.845042

Terminal Velocity?

>> No.845046

Yes, you're the man we need! I try and answer a lot of them myself because I love helping people relive memories of their childhood so I research using hints people give, but I'm wrong a lot, too.

I literally spent 30 minutes searching for what you meant. I'm convinced now that there isn't any SNES puzzle game with exclusively sliding puzzles. Is there a chance it was a Japanese release only? I don't imagine you would have mixed that up, otherwise I am at an absolute loss as to what you're looking for ;__;

>> No.845074


I don't think it was a japan release, unless someone translated it. I played it in english.

I remember it was exclusively slide puzzles because the first one took me a half hour to solve (because I am an idiot) and I thought the next level would be something different. But, it was another similar puzzle.

It could be, that maybe it was a european release? I dunno. Regardless, you deserve a medal for looking, dude. Thank you kindly.

>>mfw I'm going to bed and someone's probably going to find it before 404

>> No.845081

Just out of curiosity, how did you know what game it was? Years of wondering and nostalgia gave me a weird conception of what the game actually looked like. It's undoubtedly Operation Logic Bomb, but my description was quite different than the game.

The only thing I remembered correctly was the first boss and the cinematic with the scientists.

>> No.845108

I will continue looking, no worries~ There are a few full lists of SNES puzzle games on the net, I've been going through them looking at gameplay and such. Also, I love looking for games like this, it's how I find new and fun games to play for myself as well.

>> No.845113


>pretty grim, killing robots, crustacean looking aliens, overhead shooter, black grid with green outlines, change your gun's pattern
>I vividly remember an early cinematic with "scientists" being scared off by some aliens.

What you talkin' bout, bro? Those are all pretty accurate. The only thing you were wrong about was 2-player.

>> No.845739

Holy... 5000+ games? I've only finished some 1000-odd games. o.0

>> No.846249

Do you guys remember the name of that PS1 isometric fighting where you could chose up to 4 fucked up mental asylum themed characters?

>> No.846285

RTS game. 2d isometric.

Played on W95/98.

Fantasy setting, RPG elements (units become stronger the more they fight).
You have to grow a lot of crops - food is depleting in real time, every unit uses it, so big armies use more and if I remember correctly - die if there is no food.
That's the biggest detail I remember about it - food management.

>> No.846309

SNES platformer where you start off with no weapons and if you head right you get instantly killed by a guy with a sword, i assumed you had to head left and find the sword but it was difficult.

Played it once at a mates house, never saw it again.

>> No.846306

titans of steel

>> No.846326

It was this blue guy who ran really fast along the screen. he was in some greet grass and collected rings. I think it was a genesis game maybe?

>> No.846370

Strategy type game, little creatures fall from a ceiling and you have to get them to the end of the level by assigning them various abilities like building bridges or digging

i think they had green hair?

>> No.846380


Knuckles Chaotix

>> No.846385



>> No.846394

That's Knuckles Chaotix 100%

>> No.846413

No, its a side scroller. I meant strategy as in you have to strategize how to best assign jobs to the workers. I suppose puzzle would be a better descriptor

If it helps, I remember it had 8bit reworks of famous classical music as its soundtrack

>> No.846446

it was for the pc, some sort of side scrolling platformer, The enemies were zombies? I think there was some sort of bad 80's radiation back story or something. I remember one of the zombie palettes being a chick in a red dress. You had fun weapons like flame thowers

>> No.846449

C64 or C128. Top-down helicopter shmup. I *think* it involved rescuing POWs.

Not Choplifter or any other well known helicopter game. I've gone through entire archives of Commodore games with no luck. Hell, at this point I almost think that I imagined it.

Assuming it exists, I probably got it in one of those multi-game box sets.

>> No.846454

Are you serious?

>> No.846481

Oh, it looked really similar to Raid on Bungeling Bay. Might've been a clone or something.

>> No.846526

pc game, puzzle, your dog get aducted by ovnis or something, you use mirrors against laser to deflect them and find your way thorugh the levels, I believe there were robots as enemies

>> No.846527

Prince of Persia?

>> No.846745

Super hard mode, because I barely remember anything about this game.

It was on the NES.

All I can remember is that one of the bad guys was a big creepy frog the same size as you. There were mossy rocks in the world layout. It was a top down view and occasionally you'd find yourself in a darker area.

That's literally all I can remember past being scared as a motherfucker the entire time I was playing it.

>> No.846759
File: 1 KB, 256x224, Blaster_MasterFrog_Boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blaster Master?

>> No.846780

PC game where you made pizza. I remember there was this spiked mouth where you could put ingredients to cut them into strips, dices and etc.

>> No.846787


Holy hell, thank you. You are a prince among swine.

>> No.846804

How about this.

Platformer game. You play as some weird little blue blob that can climb walls and gets weird powerups from swallowing different items that you can keep inside you. Might have been Genesis or SNES.

>> No.846817

smart ball/jerry boy, for SNES

Arino played it on GCCX

>> No.846819


It's like christmas in june. Thanks! I know what I'm doing this weekend now.

>> No.846838

Pizza Syndicate.

>> No.846841

playstation, around 1998
side on platform/puzzler iirc

you were a construction worker type guy with a huge hammer and had to break down tall piles of rocks.
cartoony graphics.

>> No.846864

Trash It?

>> No.846868

Sounds like Trash It

>> No.846878

solomons key?

>> No.846881

yes! thanks guys.

>> No.847528

Have one for PC. I remember playing a demo of it that came with PC Gamer. It was a first person view. You were a dude in a battle suit of some sort. Levels were huge. You could use a boost to jump really high in it. Could choose a bunch of weapons and you had a team with you that you could command. Levels consisted of destroying a bunch of stuff in bases. I think it had Terra in the name?

>> No.847549


I'm looking for a platformer released on windows 95.
I only remember the 1st level music and the fact that you had to throw darts to kills bad guys.

Here is the music I made on Fruity Loops as I remember :


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

>> No.847579

PC point and click adventure.

i think it's a christian game, the ONLY thing I remember about is when your dude stands in a place he can drown, some narrator/outside force says:

"IF [insert character name I don't remember] DOES NOT MOVE, HE WILL RISK DROWNING."

>> No.847587
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Hero Quest?

>> No.847659
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1200, 1367900175406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't get answered in the old thread, gonna try again
>its a PS1 game
>It is NOT a JRPG (so no legend of dragoon or lunar)
>3d, PERHAPS 2d side scroller though
>Its probably Japanese in origin though
>You play as a knight who had a pet dragon-thingy that was upgradeable
>it was featured in Tips and Tricks back in the late 90s with a strategy section

I really want to know what this is called.

>> No.847680


>> No.847748

game definitely looks interesting, but no, its not that.
When I said it wasn't a "JRPG" I meant typical examples, turn based etc, but it definitely had role playing elements and your character was a knight. It had kinda a clockwork knight vibe...god this is killing me, I'm literally thinking of a magazine I read over 15 years ago.

>> No.847767


pretty sure it's Dragonheart: Fire & Steel

>> No.847802

>Dragonheart: Fire & Steel
no, maybe I'm over emphasizing the "dragon" too much, it was this creature companion you could upgrade, it had a "cartoonish" vibe to it, IE not realistic, thus why I believe it to be japanese.

>> No.847806
File: 116 KB, 640x480, freddi1-3-full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humongous Entertainment made games like Freddi Fish and Pajama Sam on Win95.

>> No.847814


Guardian's Crusade?

>> No.847826

googled it.
Yep thats exactly it, thanks.

>> No.847841

And wanted to edit: My bad, I tried to exclude it as a JRPG when it definitely is, maybe it was that there isn't really a party beyond the characters Knight and Baby. Either way, definitely going to have to check it out now

>> No.847857

Dos adventure platformer. You're in a castle and have to kill monsters and solve puzzles to proceed in a metroid style manner. I think the main char might have been a wizard of some kind?

I played it a lot on my old windows 3.1 computer when I was a kid, but can't remember the name of it or much about it. There was another game I had called Clyde which was vaguely similar.

>> No.847863

hocus pocus

>> No.847884

Yeah, that's it. Thanks.

>> No.848078

Looking for a fantasy-themed platformer for Sega Genesis. When I say fantasy, I mean, it's like some kinda magical realm with weird creatures and stuff.

The first level you go up a hill (or mountain?), and the music sounds pretty new-age.

I'm sorry, this is all I remember.

>> No.848103

A very old arcade game where you're a ninja. I played it when I was very young, so I remember very little, only that it was very clearly a platformer. And, that at some point, you drop down a well or something, to an area where a large ball wearing a ninja mask is kinda just bouncing around the room, and you keep shooting shurikens at it until it explodes.

>> No.848116
File: 7 KB, 320x200, helious_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You play as a ball. IIRC, a purple one.

So, kind of like Helious, but it was strictly tile/grid based. I believe it hadd a lot of levels.

>> No.848431

Could it be one of the Stronghold games?
I dunno about the level up of the units, but food management was very important in those games and almost the same as you describe it.

>> No.848523
File: 27 KB, 489x261, MetalSlugZombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That zombie description sound like one of the zombies in Metal Slug 3.

But I don't think is that. MS3 was nos for pc, and the zombies were just in one stage.

>> No.848826

So NOBODY knows of this game?

Did anyone at least play it?

>> No.848857

it sounds familiar as fuck. I can almost picture it in my head, searched the net for a couple hours the other night and came up with nothing though sorry.

>> No.848860
File: 414 KB, 500x491, 1342660288449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was like bomber man but with a pac man type character
That's all i can remember
Oh and it had sweet music

>> No.848862

Well I appreciate your effort, I too searched for several hours finding not even a screenshot.

>> No.848879
File: 18 KB, 320x200, 62e14__3673-eradicator-dos-screenshot-gameplays.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could it have been Eradicator? Pic related?

And now for my own request. It's a standard point-and-click adventure game, but it's in some sort of either fantasy or sci-fi setting, and you have this weird pink dog companion who can take various shapes in order to solve puzzles. Any ideas?

>> No.848881

Looking for the name of an old atari game with "castle in the name"

It's a 2P game, each side has a base with different shield layers and you can fire missles across at each other?

Sorry not very descriptive, any ideas?

>> No.848960

>Could it have been Eradicator? Pic related?

Thats it! The guy who wrote executioners was close, just wrong "E word'.

As for your game? no clue. I played the sierra quest games but never tried series like discworld or Xanth, and so many other franchises.

>> No.848986

Awesome! Thanks for reminding me about it, too. Now I'm definitely going to play it again.

>> No.848992

is it like Warlords?

>> No.848994

Found it. TerraNova.

>> No.849013

It was a mortal kombat game, you could literally push your opponent onto an oncoming train while fighting in a subway station. Forgot the name of it..

>> No.849036

MK3. and you really coulda just googled that dude.

>> No.849276

Sounds exactly like Lemmings.

I recall something similar...except the character was sent to the moon and if I recall the red car has a pet dog. Used to play it all the time in grade school. Sorry I don't know the name.

There were two games I recall from my youth. One was on SNES and you played this samurai looking guy and as you progressed you got a sword (which you lost upon getting hit.) and a shuriken that flew around you. I could never get past the two dragons boss.

The second game I believe was on Sega Genesis. You played as a yellow tank thing that could shoot in three directions. It could jump and the game was a side scrolling type.

>> No.849508

Need help remembering a game (think it was on SNES) where they say "prepare to defend IO" and you fly around on a jetpack or something.

Also...is the game any good?


>> No.849515

NES game where you played as a tank in this square arena shooting other tanks.

>> No.849519

battle city

>> No.849521

Thank you <3

>> No.849531
File: 140 KB, 441x400, toy-commander.378322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really a shmup and it wasn't on the PSX but it seems to be Toy Commander on Dreamcast ?

>> No.849535

PlayStation 2D fighting game.
You can play as a centuar.
That's all I remember.

>> No.850114

That one NES game where you're a mustached man in a cap running to go and save a princess from an evil turtle.

>> No.850163

The Sims 2?

>> No.850185
File: 10 KB, 422x660, tumblr_mp1vi83nbd1qbzzgco1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post-apocalyptic sidescroller/shooter for NES/SNES/SEGA.
Main character was an muscular army type with short blond hair, sunglasses and had a beret on (I think).
Setting looks kind of like pic related.

>> No.850201

Total Carnage?

>> No.850207

No it's a horizontal scroller, kind of looks like power blade but with better graphics.

>> No.850252

This is a bit of a weird request since I haven't played the game myself, but remember hearing descriptions of it that sounded interesting but I completely forgot the name of it. All I remember is that it was some sort of computer game in which the final boss is a skeleton and the music that played while fighting him was basically droning noise, along the lines of Sunn O))) or something similar. It's probably impossible for anyone to know based on those sparse details, but you never know.

>> No.851228

No, it isn't. But thank you for suggesting. Stronghold is incredible.

I found what I looked for in the meantime.

Rival Realms. Quite an unknown game.

>> No.851465


Street Fighter 2010?

>> No.851542

Dropzone aka Archer MacLean's Dropzone

>> No.851582

N64 game where you fight a bunch of skeletons and the main bad guy is a vampire and he kidnaps your girlfriend or something? It's all kinda fuzzy. I only saw it played once when I was a kid.

>> No.851672


(Mega) Turrican?

>> No.851681

The one where the guy did the one thing and beat the boss.

I think it was on a Nintendo something? Or maybe Sega?

>> No.853060

>5th gen (I think)
>possibly a PS1 game
>possibly horror
>only released in Japan

The concept of the game is some kids or maybe teenagers investigate urban legends around the city/town.


>> No.853065



Is it this?

>> No.853070


No the screen shots I saw showed something that looked more like either a side scrolling adventure.

>> No.853078


Also it's not the Syndrome series

>> No.853149


More details required.

>> No.853941

No, not oxyd, it was played with the keyboard or gamepad. I think at least some of the levels had a space setting. Like I said, I remember the ball being purple ... or some shade of blue, possibly grey. I believe the way the movement worked - your position gravitated to tile centres, and the ball fit one tile.

>> No.854514

Sega Genesis game.
You played as an airplane with a face.

That's literally all I remember, but I played it at a friends house a ton and I really want to play it again.

>> No.854524


>> No.854568

Marble Madness?

Super Fantasy Zone? Not that Opa has a "face", mind you.

>> No.854634

>Super Fantasy Zone?

Nah that's not it. Thanks though.

>> No.854652

This was an arcade game at a pizza place from my childhood, so I'm not sure how good my memory of it is.

It was a first person view fighting game, but you didn't have much control of movement, you were sort of on-rails and baddies would run up to you filling up the screen. Near the beginning you were on a subway and guys would smash their way in through the windows, but you could punch/stab them and send them flying back out.

That's about all I can remember of it now.

>> No.854656

Got anything else? Side-scroller, top-down, is it a mech, is it anthropomorphic, are you going on the cover alone, early or mid 90's?? Anything at all?

>> No.854680

It's a side scroller, and you are an airplane with a face. I think you had to like dodge shit that game at you. That's really all I remember, it was kind of kiddy too.

>> No.854713
File: 137 KB, 214x300, Pond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Might you be mistaking James Pond (a fish) for a plane? Pic related. Because other than that, I got nothing.

Also, inb4 Cho Aniki

>> No.854835

I remember it as a strategy game mixed with adventure elements. You went around as a knight collecting stuff while the battles were rts oriented.

it had a massive library of weapons/etc but most of the models looked similar... and it was hard as fuck, at least when I was a kid.

>> No.854869

Aside from the RTS part, that sounds like one of the Heroes of Might and Magic games.

>> No.854884


Well, it was orthographic. Couldn't have been MM

>> No.855992

IBM PC. Late 80s or early 90s.
You manage a train which can contain railcars with soldiers or artillery, or cargo cars which contain mammoth pelts and things like that. It's a post-apocalyptic glacial wasteland where you fight off train bandits. The opening cutscene has a mammoth-head train, or at least my memory thinks it was.

Any idea?

>> No.856013

Early PC game, may have been VGA graphics.

You're on another planet and have mining vehicles and ore processors, and you MAY fight other dudes, can't remember. Each turn the terrain changes and sometimes the ground you're on disappears and you're in the ocean or somewhere else, and you lose the units when that happens... I think there were 2 different types of metal to harvest. Now that I think about it, it seems like a pretty cruel game tactic to change the terrain every turn, I think the reason they do that is to show the "alien nature" of the water level rising... and another random fact was one of the little dudes you control looked like a crab.

>> No.856576

Rage of Mages?

>> No.856694


Don't forget, that you are loved, op.


>> No.856728


>> No.856857

PS1 I believe. I feel like it had the word "gears" in the title.

I don't remember much but I think I was playing as a white haired protagonist, he had dashes (possibly double dashes) and was quite mobile, you spent your time fighting soldiers and tanks I think

>> No.856941


Awesome, that's it all right. And it's even more gloriously cheesy than I remember, good ol' superspy just strafing through life while the mooks line up to fight him one by one.

>> No.857286
File: 276 KB, 1432x890, the_mighty_transarctica_by_tzoli-d56d4lx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks... it's been a while. Just insane too is to find out about the massive 98-novel series it was spawned from. Doubt it's possible to track down an english translation of any of that series though.

>> No.857415
File: 404 KB, 631x627, 1372464549545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this is a tough one:

An edutainment game from the 90's with 3D graphics where you controlled an avatar that ran around collecting tickets to purchase new avatars. Some of them were like mechas, animals, whatever. I have no idea what the name or the goal was, maybe walking around some theme park? I just remember the ticket/coin/whatever collecting to get the new costumes or whatever.

It's been bothering me for years!

>> No.857456

Shit, there's been this game i've been trying to think of or find for years.
My buddy played it for PC

It's like a sci-fi survival game. It's kind of top down like baldur's gate 2.
Takes place on a colony or a space station.
you control the crew like "Commandos"
and there were aliens trying to kill you.
You could pick up and use random things to fight, like fire extinguishers, remotes, guns
There was a medbay you could bring guys to to heal.

Just remembering it again is driving me nuts

>> No.857473

I fucking loved that game too

>> No.857495

I've got one. It was basically like Doom, a first person "shooter" except you fought aliens with math problems. You'd approach a monster and you'd solve a problem to kill it. It was the same thing for opening certain locked doors or acquiring items, I think. My memory's really hazy on it though, haven't played it since I was a kid. My dad used to have to help me on some of the tougher geometry or trig problems cause I was in elementary school at the time. Surprisingly fun game though. I want to say it's called Mathblaster or something, but I don't think that's right.

>> No.857552

It wasn't Reader Rabbit-related, was it?

>> No.857597


>> No.857613

Nobody ever gets this one, but I'm posting it again anyway.

It was either for the N64 or PS1, probably N64, where you play as a fox with a sword or something. The first level is a pirate ship, and after that, you get an axe and go to some lava place. That's all I remember of the game.

>> No.857642

I've got two games.

One of them i'm sure most of you played. In the early-mid 90's it was a 2D game and you wandered around multiple levels of a building collecting parts to create vehicles and you would race these vehicles against the bad guy. The bad guy I think had white crazy mad scientist hair. That's really all I can remember.

The other one.... shit, it was around the same time period. But I can't remember shit about it. You would build vehicles and they would look 3D and you would have to balance the engines vs the weight of the vehicle, and you could build cars and airplanes, maybe boats, I can't remember. You might have had to race them, too. It had a more realistic look to it from what I remember.

>> No.857670

What was that game that came free on a lot of computers with something like Windows 95 or Windows 98? You were in a vehicle that could fly and shit, and you could get a bunch of power ups, and there were lots of hallways and rooms. No outdoors areas. It was like Doom but better graphics and in a flying/hovering ship rather than on foot.

>> No.857716

Yeah, that's it.

>> No.857714

Are you talking about Descent? You fly around in a little ship through mines and stuff and have to blow up the reactor deep inside then fly out again to a time limit.

>> No.857731

First game:

>> No.857738

yeah, I knew that was a popular game.

Second one is gonna by tricky though...

>> No.857940

I don't think so, it was 3D avatars on 2d rendered backgrounds, and I can't exactly remember what was the educational part >.>

>> No.858190

Not marble madness, sorry I didn't mention it was top down/2d. "Bumpy" sounded like it might be it, but it's not bumpy, or boppin'.

Okay, I checked
and didn't see one resembling what I remember, so ... I don't know, maybe it's something I misremembered, or maybe just really obscure and crude shareware. Either way, not remotely likely to be found. Oops.