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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 967 KB, 1300x839, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8263685 No.8263685 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most objectively best controller for playing retro games?

Pic not related.

Fuck that d-pad

>> No.8263716

I just use a DS4 on a 1ms monitor
But people in here will tell you to use the most unthinkable crazy wackass controllers you'll ever see, so don't expect any common sense

>> No.8263721

steam controller (touchpads, paddles, and triggers only)

>> No.8263758
File: 824 KB, 1512x2016, nes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original NES controller with usb adapter is my favorite. If I need more buttons, I just add another one.

>> No.8263808
File: 328 KB, 1800x1200, dims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can't think of a better all-purpose controller. You can find better single-platform options, but if you want something to cover everything, this is the least-compromises option.

>> No.8263818

X1 controller
This same "discussion" happens all the time. Answers is always the same. Get the X1 controller and fuck off.

>> No.8263820

Eh, I prefer the one OP despises. But it's a solid option either way. Can't go wrong with Wii U pro or a Saturn Controller either.

>> No.8263830

I use a wii u pro controller with a mayfire adapter.
>Godly dpad that doesn't fuck up you thumb after long sessions, analog sticks are very good too if you prefer that.
>Dpad and face button perfectly alligned while also having more than enough buttons for any game system
>Fits well with nintendo emulators and pretty much everything else because of it's basic but ergonomic design
>has both xinput for emulators and dinput for older pc games
>wireless along with having battery life that seemingly never runs out

>> No.8263832

The controller of the system the games were designed for, or failing that, a repro that got as close as possible.
For an all round option, almost everything until the 32-bit era could be done with an arcade stick, which were often 'pro controllers' of the time, but these days you can get one with proper arcade parts much more easily. There will be some exceptions for games with specialist (e.g. lightgun, trackball etc) or weird control schemes, but any controller may struggle with those. It's even fine (or preferred) for 32-bit consoles with 2D arcade ports, though by this era some of the 2D console only games might be designed with shoulder buttons in mind.

>> No.8263884

I need to know how you've mapped N64 controls to dual NES controllers

>> No.8263953
File: 201 KB, 2000x1463, hori_fighting_edge_for_playstation_42_-_tejar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have to give a lame answer like original xbox 1 pad but if you count retro as 2d only I would say a good arcade stick.

>> No.8263967

Ps2 esque controller

>> No.8263971

Tell me more about this adapter. I'd love to use my Wii U Pro for games again.

>> No.8263995

>if you count retro as 2d only I would say a good arcade stick.
Pic unrelated

>> No.8263997

I've never used that stick but what about it is bad? It's Hori so it should be good.

>> No.8264013

I don't know, but anything that doesn't have the pad in the primary position can fuck off.

That includes every single Xbox controller and anything else that copies that shitty zoomer layout.

>> No.8264017

>zoomer layout.
It's a better layout for non retro games.

>> No.8264019

Good thing this is asking specifically about retro then.

>> No.8264020

Not him, but I've been using one for more than a year. It's very simple, you plug in the wireless adapter, set it to xinput and sync the controller. The only thing I had to do was to input a button combination on the controller because by default the buttons are mapped like the Wii U instead of the Xbox 360, so they were all messed up (since most xinput games are mapped like 360). But you do that once and done, no need to do it ever again.

It's pretty much perfect and works with any game that supports xinput. The option for dinput is also there if you want, I never used it myself.

The only bad thing I can think of is that it doesn't support 4 controllers on xinput, only dinput. So it's kind of a pain to map the buttons if you want to play local multiplayer with friends.

>> No.8264076

>what about it is bad?
Have you looked at the surface? Count the number of buttons there? Even the filename gives away it’s a fighting stick. That’s not much for a “best controller” for 2d

>> No.8264197

>most objectively best controller
Terrible question from someone with a limited POV. There is no one controller that's best for Street Fighter II (6-button or fight stick), Doom (mouse & keyboard), and GTA III (any modern dual analog controller).

What is the X1

>> No.8264209

I assume he means Xbone.

Best controller is the DS4 OR DualSense. They are both supported natively on macOS.

>> No.8264213


>> No.8264272
File: 109 KB, 1485x952, ds4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8264274

>no cable
>shit in the middle

>> No.8264312

it b second place next to the dualsense

>> No.8264314

Is that anon who uses N64 controllers sideways here?

>> No.8264380

Sega Saturn pad for everything pre 95 (not counting the PSX)
PlayStation controller for everything else

>> No.8264618

Nothing really to it, I was using Project 64. The D-pad on the back controller makes good c-buttons. All game dependent of course.

>> No.8264626
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Hail to the king baby.

>> No.8264635

How much do they pay you to post this shit in every controller thread?

>> No.8264643
File: 3.90 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20210604_204556616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SeX controller is my favorite. The Dpad shits over anything Nintendo's made in the last couple of years.

>> No.8264650

I use a dualshock 3 because i found one on a goodwill for $5 and i can use it on both my ps2 and pc.

>> No.8264667

The WiiU pro controller is like the only controller with analogs that also has a good dpad. It's a pain in the dick trying to find authentic ones now though, I really regret only ever buying 2 when stores still had WiiU shit.

>> No.8264671

I have this exact controller and it rules. Overtook my SN30 Pro as my favorite for emulation

>> No.8264676
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Handlets need not apply.

>> No.8264683

I would use this whenever I played emulated SNES games with my little sister as a a kid. I'd usually use the S controller whenever I was playing something alone though

>> No.8264795

Actually impressive, I'd like to see a video of this in motion.

>> No.8264813

8bitdo fucking sucks. dpads feel like shit and they're flimsy as hell.

>> No.8264815

Fuck yeah nigga

>> No.8264816

Honestly a very solid, reliable controller. It just needs better sticks and preferably all digital shoulder buttons and I'd call it one of the best.

>> No.8265393
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anything else is a compromise

>> No.8265449
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Bliss Box with the controller of their respective console, what else?

>> No.8265463

It's not the bestest most perfect thing ever but generally speaking it's the best overall option due to being made by M$ for use on Microsoft stuff.
If not, native controller with USB adapter.

>> No.8265484

Fpbp as always.

>> No.8265505
File: 98 KB, 1500x759, 71E9jP4e1SL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one.

>> No.8265517

>Controller to USB adapter
>USB adapter to plastic box adapter
>Plastic box adapter to another USB adapter
Input lag on that thing should be so high you might as well play over mail

fpbp by the way, it's the least input lag if you're emulating

>> No.8265531

>all digital shoulder buttons
>excuse me my good man, CAPITAL controller you have here but you could make it shittier and less functional?
Fuck you, stupid. That would gimp every racing game.

>> No.8265537

There's plenty of other controllers out there that're well suited for racing games, and the analog triggers on the logitech controller are fucking horrendous. Be better to just trash them and go all digital.

>> No.8265665

For NES you should use a NES controller

For SMS you should use a SMS controller

For Mega Drive you should use a Mega Drive controller

For SNES you should use a SNS controller

For PS1 you should use a PS1 controller

For Saturn you should use a Saturn Controller

For N64…..you can throw that one in the garbage

>> No.8265670

The d pad is way too loud and clicky, it's distracting.

>> No.8265684

'fighting sticks' are just arcade controllers which you see the same standardised layout on other arcade machines but with just some of the buttons plugged. Arcade controllers would be fine for 99% of the classic kind of 2D game out there, barring mouse control or light gun style games you wouldn't use a controller for anyway.
On that model, it probably has Hori's parts which should probably get replaced.

>> No.8265689

basically true

>> No.8265692

I've been really happy with Hori's proprietary buttons and levers, honestly. No need to replace them unless you prefer another brand

>> No.8265714

After 20+ years with Sony controllers I gave Xbox Series controller a try and I like it. This new Dpad is cash compared to previous one I returned few years back. I still haven't tried playing rhythm games where asymmetric button layout used to fucked me up.

>> No.8265727
File: 2.59 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20210525_033743969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is loud. I play with headphones or loud enough to drown the noise usually.

>> No.8265927

the only non-shit 8bitdo product and it's actually awesome

>> No.8265930

the main issue with the lever is if you let go to return to neutral, it can bounce back so hard it can activate the opposite direction

>> No.8265969

Twin sticks are vital for MAME. Some games are nigh-on unplayable without them.

>> No.8265997
File: 57 KB, 357x307, pad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8266000


>> No.8266020
File: 23 KB, 259x224, laffey_huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8266026

Kill yourself

>> No.8266029

The iBuffalo has mushy face buttons that feel really cheap. The Saitek 990's has a better build quality, but the d-pad's worse and sometimes they have cheap rubbery plastic on the analog sticks.

As for the wired Logitech Wingman as well as a Sabrent, Sabrent fell apart instantly and the Wingman's better for SNES/Saturn games than N64(mainly due to the L/Z trigger being mapped to the slider), but has plastic analog sticks that can snap in half easily(but there are guides for 3D printing new sticks for them)

Still waiting for that dual-analog Saturn controller from Retrobit.

>> No.8266103
File: 83 KB, 1058x792, tqhAXbP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this when it fucking comes out.

>> No.8266178

Never ever at this point...?

>> No.8266196

i dont know about their newer products but their old sfc30 that they had to discontinue was pretty much the same as an original SNES pad but wireless and the buttons less mushy, especially the shoulder buttons. but i dont see a point in getting something like picrel, its a full fledged controller, nothing about keeping a retro feel alive or something, might as well go with a DS4 or something at that point

>> No.8266227

They improved a lot recently, Pro 2 is great and probably the best low budget cabled pad there is

>> No.8266239
File: 131 KB, 1500x1500, 7a20f413-2f9e-46c9-9b5f-8cdb32d125cc_1.1f0a2f6313f2fb2cd3c42f4566f44506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck that d-pad
Talk about getting filtered. The controller perfect for 3D games and work just fine for 2D.

>> No.8266258
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Fuck off retard

>> No.8266270

The Wii classic controller pro had a good d-pad in its rightful place

>> No.8266278
File: 18 KB, 240x240, artworks-000496823499-tmsaw4-t240x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My favorite youtuber says it's bad
Get your own opinion you fucking sheep.

>> No.8266363

Do Sony really have a patent on symmetrical analogue sticks and geometric (rather than alphabet) face buttons, or does everyone else have terrible aesthetics for no reason?

>> No.8266372

Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised by the d-pad.

>> No.8266387

out the window it goes

>> No.8266405
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, retrobit saturn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many years now?

>> No.8266413

lmao what the fuck

>> No.8266445
File: 1.29 MB, 2592x1728, PlayStation_Classic_Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS1 classic was a joke but the controller is great.

>> No.8266456
File: 96 KB, 1280x1280, hori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a new, modern controller, this is by far the best option out there. The button layout is weird and for fighting games, but if you're playing 2-5 button retro games, that doesn't matter.
If you want an old controller, it depends on the system. I like the Genesis controller.

>> No.8266459
File: 84 KB, 1226x691, genesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally really enjoy this. The price to quality ratio is fantastic and the layout with shoulder buttons covers the vast majority of retro consoles.

>> No.8266464

the dpad on them is excellent and they are as solid, if not more solid than an OEM snes, you have never used one. i have an sn30pro+ and if these existed 20 years ago i would have used it with everything, it's literally a perfect controller.

>> No.8266476

awful dpad and stiff triggers, don't recommend

>> No.8266478

The iBuffolo SNES style buttons are less mushy than my actual SNES controller, though I wonder if the latter just has age creeping up on it.

>> No.8266482

i have a sn30pro+ and the dpad has the same exaft issue as the pro controller, if i press down and then, without pressing the left button itself, move my finger sliiiightly to the left, it turns it into a diagonal
i can't fucking play strive with it because my character randomly crouches, so i had to switch to play it with my keyboard
i'm extremely disappointed

>> No.8266534
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+ a USB adapter.

>> No.8266584

It's why I prefer the original Xbox One controller d-pad.

>> No.8266601

Any known reason for two clear and two opaque buttons? It's a bit weird.

>> No.8266615

That the entire thing, OP. That controller is garbage and not comfortable at all.
Thanks for the dropped inputs, Nintendo. Was farming the hardware out to China worth the extra Yen?

>> No.8266617
File: 13 KB, 400x195, 342622453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to replicate the look and feel of a snes controller, but at the same time maintaining the white monochromatic aesthetic of the wii

>> No.8266626

So glad Nintendo cares for aesthetics so much while their hardware turns to shit.

>> No.8266645

That makes sense although it's weird they used snes design and not super famicom one even in Japan.

>> No.8266652

>white controller for white console
>with four buttons of four bright different colors
you're fired, mr designer-kun

>> No.8266716
File: 92 KB, 1280x960, 839-igry-dlya-nintendo-wii_99yr[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pure white console. Not a spec of color to be seen. It's like autumn snow on mount Fuji.
Couldn't they make four shades of gray or something for jp classic controller?

>> No.8266836

No, just no. The D-pad is legit garbage. I like everything else about it, but forget about playing anything that requires precise D-pad input.

>> No.8266892

seconding for this although it's pretty expensive. it was being sold at best buys around me for $100 which is ridiculous for a fucking controller. luckily i was able to order it online somewhere for $45

>> No.8266893

Actually based
Literally why would you need more

>> No.8266924

No controller Dpad feels as good and accurateas using keys on a keyboard

>> No.8267137

I'm gonna have a stroke!

Post your button layout for project 64 right fucking now!

>> No.8267152
File: 1.51 MB, 1200x1327, 1620484683896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if there's a non-expensive option to use an origional SNES controller on a Gamecube? I know about Raphnet, but it'll costs $25 plus shipping and tip to get it to me

I bought some cheap Komodo adapter, but it polls for inputs each frame causing it to miss inputs. Anyone know of any slightly cheaper options that don't suck?

>> No.8267159

if $25 is expensive for you, then you're in the wrong hobby

>> No.8267162

Not him, but being a third worlder with the dollar's price more than doubled really sucks.
Just fuck my shit up, /vr/ troopers. At least emulators on PC are free.

>> No.8267163

It's just a device that translates button inputs to another type of button inputs. There's no reason to shell out a lot of money for that, paypig

>> No.8267395

just stop being poor jose

>> No.8267405

there was a revision that fixes the DPAD but it's still in the wrong place.

>> No.8267437

>PS1 classic
this, this is the most solid all around option if you don't have anything against sony dpads
>1st party build quality for 15 bucks open box on ebay
>4 shoulder buttons for 5th gen games
>non detachable wired cable

>> No.8267442 [DELETED] 

>usb-c detachable cable
huge pain in the ass

>> No.8267446

If I had any NES controllers I would be trying this myself right now. You're a mad scientist

>> No.8267449

hell I wish it was USB-C, it would probably stay plugged in more easily than micro USB

>> No.8267537

you can fix everything wrong with the pro controller with a 5 minuted tape mod on the dpad. Then it's perfect

yeah it sucks that you have to mod it, but it's simple, easy and completely fixes the issue. If you have a pro controller I highly recommend it.

>> No.8267676


>> No.8267928
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 5e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two and I don't feel like opening them.
Plus I don't have any tape.

>> No.8268013 [DELETED] 

There are a number of (excellent) games that require duo stick control. Are you illiterate, or completely ignorant of coin-op history?
Easy to say that behind a veil of anonymity. I imagine that you'd be quick to run away with your tail between your legs if you were to encounter me in real life, faggot invertebrate. Pathetic fucking child.

>> No.8268020

There are a number of (excellent) games that require dual stick control. Are you illiterate, or completely ignorant of coin-op history?
Easy to say that behind a veil of anonymity. I imagine that you'd be quick to run away with your tail between your legs if you were to encounter me in real life, faggot invertebrate. Pathetic fucking child.

>> No.8268036

>Are you illiterate, or completely ignorant of coin-op history?
I hope you’re not mistaking microswitches with analog there anon

>> No.8268101

I found that today at a goodwill for $6. It will be a nice analog USB controller for my ps classic.

>> No.8268132
File: 15 KB, 341x256, super_joy_iii_pir7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great grip, great buttons, and a reliable analog stick.

>> No.8268382

MAME controls are completely customizable. Robotron plays just fine with two sticks.

>> No.8268384

Haha I literally had that and it was basically a plug and play device for nes roms. The analog stick for mine was just plastic and didn't move.

>> No.8268426

My lil bro had one, he was obviously disappointed but I was kinda amused by the form factor

>> No.8268504

Wait, am I understanding that you rubber banded two usb NES controllers to create one controller?

>> No.8268543

wired xbox 360 master race

>> No.8268648

Those aren't USB controllers anon

>> No.8268689

an analog stick is not as good as a dpad or buttons for microswitches

>> No.8268693
File: 55 KB, 450x357, n64iphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOOOOO. Touch screen controls are just as good a dpad + 6 buttons.

>> No.8268698

where did I say that?

>> No.8268703

I'm agreeing with you you dumb son of a bitch.

>> No.8268712
File: 112 KB, 1500x958, 61IG46p-yHL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not this? im curious

>> No.8268783

nothing if you like it, it probably has the lowest input lag of any modern controllers

>> No.8268829
File: 16 KB, 674x455, images (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I use wii classic controller with usb adapter, aside semi stiffy face buttons. It aint bad, and i love the analogue shoulders/bumpers and believe, they feel amazing in many games (too bad the classic pro replace them with digital ones and shitty ones and wii u one sucks ass)

I am however getting a snes wii version as well.

>> No.8268831

But, it aint dualshock

>> No.8268837
File: 1.06 MB, 729x765, 1631015879845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typicall Nintennies

>> No.8268912

Holy bas.... You ruined it with the last line. So close.

>> No.8268915

>For SMS you should use a SMS controller
>For N64…..you can throw that one in the garbage

>> No.8269168

Which I still find odd considering its bluetooth while xbox and logitech controllers are all USB/wifi

>> No.8269170

extremely based

>> No.8269179

It's a better layout when you're primarily using the analogue stick

>> No.8269191
File: 77 KB, 454x380, Squirtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS4 controller
PS4 controller
>Mega Drive
PS4 controller
PS4 controller
Xbox One controller
PS4 controller
PS4 controller

>> No.8269212

>Which I still find odd
it's not odd, it just has an extremely high polling rate

>> No.8269727

it's why the battery is so bad on them isn't it?

>> No.8269735

Full Retard

>> No.8269738


Why are the start/select buttons off center?

>> No.8269987

So, if I went first party for a general use, what would you fags recommend for linux? An xbox or a PS controller? I've been using a Logitech F310, Buffalo SNES, and 1st party Wii controllers. I've been mulling over replacing the 310 with an Xbox, PS, or (maybe) a 8BitDo Pro 2. You know, one of these or just do this shit >>8263758 then hang myself with it later.

>> No.8269993

I found that controller at Gamestop the other day and completely forgot it had the analog buttons. It beats the shit out of the pro controller by a mile due to that alone. I also have two of the SNES Classic controllers and they are very nice.

>> No.8270010

Aren't the analog sticks irritating to use with that form factor?

>> No.8270891

Page 8 already?

>> No.8270919

Yes, it is, if you adjust sensitivity.

>> No.8270958

Not that I found.

>> No.8270976

the 360 left stick placement is objectively superior ergonomically compared to the sony model, question really is do you accept inferior stick placement for the convenience of not having to switch out the controller whenever you want to play a dpad game.

>> No.8271142
File: 1.69 MB, 2304x3141, IMG_20211026_043317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to use this too for a long time but the 'RB' button stopped functioning properly 100% of time and needs a good push to work so I gave it to my brother for multiplayer shit. I got the next model and I love it. It's got much better plastic, feels better in your hand, the d-pad isn't as stiff it's perfect for a d-pad player like me and the analog feels smoother too. It's got way better build quality on everything really, even the buttons. It's got a ramble pack too which is awesome. It's wireless which I know vr loves but desu I like wrapping myself in a blanket and feeling comfy.
It's such a good controller for both emulation and not. It's just a little heavier that the wired model, obviously, and costs more, obviously. Bitch doesn't even come with rechargeable batteries or a charger, you gotta buy those yourself.

I'd say the white one is the king and the dark blue one is the prince.
>pic related

>> No.8271317

Have you had any connection issues with that 710? That seems to be the common complaint with it.

>> No.8271507

Your mother and father are the real joke here

Apologize and repent

>> No.8271796

I didn't say anything about a touchscreen. Other than the (very) occasional extraction of your whore mother's giant black dildo, do you usually pull stupid shit out of your well used ass, you attention starved simpleton faggot?

>> No.8271801

you're not very good at being insulting. should've just called him a gay nigger.

>> No.8271823

I didn't even read your post but whatever you're pushing sounds like pro bastardised emulation so it can get fucked.

>> No.8271839 [DELETED] 

I'm pushing drugs onto your nieces and nephews. Hopefully, they'll all OD. Their obituaries will make for a fine masturbatory aid. If you have nothing to add of substance, then keep your horse dick sucking mouth shut, you perpetually drooling 'tard.

>> No.8271945

no but you did say analog sticks are a good replacement for microswitches, I'm sure that you'll find a lot of people that agree with you there

>> No.8271948

Why don't the USB ones have high polling rate where they dont even need to worry about battery

>> No.8271954

I don’t think it transmits the same data rate through the USB port

>> No.8271959

Yeah thats true. i just meant other controllers like wired logitech/xbox ones. maybe a market for it who knows

>> No.8271965

Oh, well polling rates are set by the manufacturers usually, I think the Xbox controllers poll at 125hz or something?

>> No.8273889
File: 1.48 MB, 480x360, F710.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sometimes. There's times where it will mess up for like 4 seconds and act as if you are holding an input.
Maybe like once or twice every 3 months, discounting when it happens because of dying batteries of course.
I've reliably done S ranks on Cuphead and played Celeste (and other input heavy games) with no hiccups on it for very long hours straight and have had no input lag or dcs.

Just remembered you can't have audio in vr making the video almost pointless but I worked on it so may as well lol
Wanted to show how smooth the d-pad and analog are, and the rumble pak. It's also got a dedicated vibration button for uh... cutscenes :^)

>> No.8273891
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>Due to various factors such as manufacturing shortages such as IC chips, we've had to delay the release of the #SEGA #Dreamcast and Saturn Analog controllers. Rest assured, we are continuing to develop these in hopes of meeting everyone's expectations.
holy shit they actually said something

>> No.8273896

No one controller is good for all retro games.

>> No.8274261

then it would be too close to the y button

>> No.8275120
File: 1.14 MB, 1701x3024, 20211027_183114_copy_1701x3024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bad boy right here. It's surprisingly comfy if you don't have girl hands.
It took a while to get used to but now I play most slow paced games with it, retro or not.

>> No.8275158

>ctrl-f elite
>phrase not found
Real disappointed in you gentlemen.

>> No.8275165

Elite is a great controller but people will shit on it because of the price and because many were damaged by angry cod nerds so now they think it's not a durable controller when the opposite is true

>> No.8275180

Only issue I have is it occasionally refuses bluetooth connections, but that may be my shitty pci card. v2 btw. I never bothered buying the ekbok wireless dongle. Zero drift or misfires yet, and its held up to years of dmc5 when dmc3 and 4 have claimed several controllers over the years.

>> No.8276914

>For SMS you should use a SMS controller
Ask me how I know you're a retard

>> No.8278682

Have to agree with anon but go one up. This argument surely proves there is no universally perfect controller.
Personally hated psx style pads at first but ds does an acceptable job. Logitech f310 comfy. Great for pc and Genesis mini

>> No.8278685

This is just an xbox controller. why should i buy this

>> No.8278691

Anon clearly never used an sms controller.

>> No.8278697
File: 3.55 MB, 3200x2400, IMG_20211028_051555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNES controller. it's so comfy to hold. I made a SNES to PC adapter using an arduino.
>pic related
it uses a software "driver" (ie a program that reads the input from serial) to send out key commands to the OS. works pretty good. haven't tested input lag but there isn't a lot happening on the arduino side and my code is mostly efficient. the SNES driver is written in python though.
I had an NES version too but I took that apart but it's mostly the same setup.
I agree.

>> No.8278705

I just got this for my emulation box and it’s fine. Wanted something that would let me remap the paddles on the handles to other functions but you can’t which is annoying. The d-pad is fine but kind of slidey. I can push the dpad to the left and right in the plastic slightly which isn’t too noticeable but sometimes it’s fucking annoying. Not a bad controller but wish I waited for it to go on sale.

>> No.8278709

I have a collection of USB controllers, so I just change depending on the console emulator.

>> No.8278713

Are you in the SC discord? Regardless, you're my nigger

>> No.8278752
File: 20 KB, 278x247, Wha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNES to PC adapter using an arduino
>haven't tested input lag
>my code is mostly efficient

>> No.8278784

How's the stick drift?

>> No.8281238

does a ds4 work with pcsx2 pressure sensitive buttons? or should i just get a ds3 with scp drivers?