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File: 53 KB, 220x193, 220px-Kid_Icarus_Sky_World.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8262132 No.8262132 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently when I was 3 years old Kid Icarus absolutely terrified me. I loved watching my mom and dad play any other NES game, but if Kid Icarus was on I'd start shrieking and sobbing. One time I was with my mom in another room and heard my dad playing the game in the living room, and collapsed to the floor wailing. Any theories about why the game upset me so much?

>> No.8262148

Probably the sounds.
Or perhaps, being so young, you had some lingering memories of what the spiritual world is really like from before your birth and Kid Icarus hits too close to the truth.

>> No.8262152

That's a really interesting thought.

>> No.8262542

Maybe it was the creepy enemies? Those cyclopic octopus demons, the weird eyes-and-nose monsters, the GRIM REAPER... I dunno. Maybe you were just weird.

>> No.8262557

It's probably just one of those things. I had a similar reaction to Marvel vs. Capcom 2 specifically for a short period and I have absolutely no idea why. Even though it remains one of my favorite games, loading up the character select screen gave me a huge panic attack I hadn't felt before or since. After a bit I just grew out of it

>> No.8262578

You were probably just a faggot

>> No.8262609

>PlayStation intro plays in a dark room
>get kind of a creeping feeling up my spine that doesn't fully go away when the happy music of Crash kicks in

>> No.8262620

i played gabriel knights at around age 12 , scared the everloving fuck out of me

>> No.8262640


>> No.8262648


>> No.8262654
File: 46 KB, 720x480, 1617584040881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just like this when my older sister would play Silent Hill 3, but it's more understandable in that case since it's a spooky game. Now it's one of my favourite games ever and one I replay annually, meanwhile she can't handle horror stuff at all anymore. Go figure, huh.

>> No.8262681

the grim reaper in the game is kinda scary. the music changes and he freaks out.


>> No.8262726

Nuff said

>> No.8262742

I reckon this is the correct answer,especially as you made a thread about it

>> No.8262748

This still kinda happens to me on the second logo, and specially with PS2 with the red bad disc part

>> No.8264116


>> No.8264123

This is exactly what I was going to post

>> No.8264147

Kids are weird. The word survey use to make me taste a horrible taste and gave me panic attacks.

>> No.8264156

>second logo, and specially with PS2 with the red bad disc part
Second logo? Speaking of the red bad disc error, I just had that happen a day or two ago when I popped an imported copy of Gihren's Greed into my PS2. I've heard a lot of people are spooked by the error screen, but what exactly tends to be the scary part?

>> No.8264184

>Second logo?

I think he means the black background part of the PS1 intro, when the disc starts loading up.

>> No.8265230

For me it was Tekken 2 when you reach devil kazuya.
For some reason I ran away screaming from the TV when it appeared on the screen.

Only game that gave me that reaction, did not give a fuck about Resident Evil, Silent Hill etc.m but that fucking purple fucker scared the shit out of me.

>> No.8265373
File: 176 KB, 207x207, static.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you knew.

>> No.8265470

>gifted a Dreamcast along with a lot of burned games because my dad was a G
>stay up all night playing random games and seeing what they were
>Dino Crisis, Quake 3 and Shadow Man all spook me out and I turn them off after a few minutes each
>have refused to play any of them since

>> No.8265501
File: 106 KB, 1412x1076, FF7_Emerald_Weapon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can kinda see it. The background gets dark and he looks kinda disturbing in a low poly way.

For me it was when you went underwater with the sub in FF7 and Emerald Weapon would spawn in random locations, sometimes very close to you right as the scene loads, it was fucking terrifying, I was already scared of it way before I knew he was a superboss.

>> No.8265536

First person view segments on SNES' Jurassic Park game terrified me when I rented it. I was just so scared to actually feel like I was there.
Then my dad said "you won't get hurt in real life, all that can happen is a game over son"
Then I immediately noticed he was right and went on playing.
Ah, good old boomer parenting.

>> No.8266231
File: 40 KB, 610x343, Cuidado-con-las-guillotinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 years later I still feel uncomfortable when the prince walks close to the blades.

>> No.8266383
File: 34 KB, 600x450, madpiano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]