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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 742 KB, 1110x1529, pastleandwinbee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8261164 No.8261164 [Reply] [Original]

How are those 1ccs coming along, /vr/?
I'm currently grinding Twinbee Yahho on normal, what is the best charge shot? I'm experimenting with the homing bombs since they're apparently useful for the cats on stage 4.

>> No.8261832

Just picked up the Cotton/ Guardian Force Saturn Tribute. Shit's HARD.

>> No.8261890

>11 frames of input lag
Oh no no no...

>> No.8262268

I'm getting close to the FFV job fiesta 1cc, then I'll probably play some Dragon Quest VIII

>> No.8262281

And I thought it was bad on PS1.

>> No.8262307

I long should I expect to take to achieve a 1cc after starting a new game?

>> No.8262313

I don't know what happened, I typed "how long"...

>> No.8262378

It really depends, some are easy and can be done in one afternoon or a couple of days, some are impossible and can take more than 8 months like a Daioh 2-ALL, even if you have thousands of hours of shmup experience
Most games can probably be 1cc'd in 10-20 hours

>> No.8262745

Waiting for the Halloween Sale to get Mushi and Deathsmiles.
Also what happened to shmupgen?

>> No.8262769
File: 86 KB, 700x500, 1634867952957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I have to ask, how do you 1CC an rpg because that sounds interesting to me.

that's like asking how long should it take to read a book?

>> No.8262770


>> No.8262834

I downloaded Mark's shmuparch the other day because it sounded neat, but it doesn't recognize most games I put in. I want to play arcade Cotton.

>> No.8263103

Retroarch I kind of lame imo; I'd stick with the most recent mame or if you want something older but more simpler, shmupmame

>> No.8263115

Retroarch works on my machine through Final Burn Neo and MAME 2016. But I couldn't figure out how to apply auto-fire/turbo to games.

>> No.8263131

retroarch has it's own autofire for mame and FB neo but its not very fast, if you are using a gamepad or stick you'll need an external source for faster/custom autofire, as far as I know

>> No.8263329

How do you use the built-in one?

>> No.8263824

Not him, but I 1cc'd Dragon Quest 8. I beat the entire game plus bonus dungeon without a game over. Not really something you can prove but I remember being impressed when it happened.

>> No.8263827
File: 344 KB, 2048x1296, DQ8 undefeated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the pic I took, but last time I posted it anons accused me of turning off the console at a game over and it not counting, but I didn't do that so whatever.

>> No.8263840

1cc implies you managed to beat the entire game with one credit without any extra credits or continues, they're not the same as not dying once.

>> No.8263841

Hasn't the dev promised a fix?
Not that I'm super hopeful, seeing they are running them on an emulator.

>> No.8263858

That's nice sweaty but post replay with hand cam or it's a TAS.

>> No.8263862

Did Pastel get implants?

>> No.8263864

Beating it without dying would also mean no continues, thus 1cc.

>> No.8263897

>11 frames of input lag
Quoting a lying twitter post all the time must make you feel special or something.

>> No.8266343

Abadox is kicking my ass. I really get the feel that as long as I'm able to do stage 2 consistently everything else is going to fall into place. Pretty scared of the latter part of stage 6 though.

>> No.8266393
File: 146 KB, 1618x2100, 1632800901838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1CC DQ8
I'll try that for my next DQ5 run

>> No.8266418

Saw a video where someone did tests. Was that flawed?

>> No.8268102
File: 17 KB, 621x620, screeching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played the original arcade Twinbee today. I love it until I get hit once and then it's a miserable slog at the slowest movement speed I've ever felt in a shmup. If base speed was just a little higher I could deal but jesus christ.

>> No.8268585

Who drew this? It's a cute pic.

>> No.8268598

could somebody try batsugun special on fbneo core on retroarch and see if it has graphical glitches with the vulkan driver?

>> No.8268668
File: 709 KB, 652x762, DQR_Nera_and_Debora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>110 hours
damn son
I'm guessing that's not your first play through either

>I'll try that for my next DQ5
now that is a good game

>> No.8268951

Nothing was flawed, the twitter posts were perfectly correct and proved so by a
Mark’s video.


>> No.8268965

it's the most glaring criticism that has appeared since its release. 11 frames of input lag is fucking indefensible.

>> No.8269016

The guy that got 11 frames has literally the most Frankenstein setup ever.

He's using a dismantled 8bitdo Saturn controller that he shoved into a fight stick case that he has OTG wired to the switch (switch wired controls are actually 1 frame laggier than wireless. Yes really)

Then he's using a fucking HDMI to CRT converter to connect his switch to a crt and he's like "this is a fair test".

Like dude, maybe the switch doesn't respond well to being Frankensteind like that?

You know what he didn't test? The game just running on the switch in handheld with the normal controllers. Or the game running on a normal lcd with Bluetooth joycon. If he's getting 11 frames on a crt wouldn't that imply everyone else on a normal LCD would get, what, fucking 13 frames?

>> No.8269019
File: 931 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20211025-105327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's his controller by the way.

>> No.8269026

the devs said they are looking to patch the input lag problems so you know it's bad
wasn't he confirming what shmup junkie figured out with his setup?

>> No.8269056

There's a video of a guy recording it on his switch. He presses left, and after what feels like an eternity later, Cotton moves left. It's really bad. Someone else probably has the webm, I think it was from twitter.

>> No.8269108

Mark showed 11 frames, shmup junkie says it's 11 frames and before either of them this guy on twitter also measured 11 frames.


It's 11 frames, no one lied. End of discussion.

>> No.8269120


>> No.8269245

Why do people want to bury this news?

>> No.8270114


>> No.8270171

hey what is that zakobee doing.

>> No.8270191

what shooters on saturn has long stages? thank you for your help

>> No.8270376

I want to like the Ray games but they just frustrate me with how bullshit they are.

>> No.8270393

bros wold explosion demo on steam

>> No.8270498

I really don't like how slow and floaty Rayforce feels
which is a shame because it looks and sounds so great

>> No.8271454

picked up a Captain Skyhawk cartridge at a rummage sale yesterday for two bux, but now i cant remember where i left my NES. that might be in the attic. game looks pretty neat tho


>> No.8271512

Radiant Silvergun.

>> No.8271516

Go play Soukyugurentai if you haven't by now.

>> No.8271538

Multiple independent reports showed the input lag issue is bad. You gaslighting weaselly shit. As others have said, if it wasn't so bad then why did the devs announce a patch? Keep defending shit ports, you gormless mouthbreather.

>> No.8271701


>> No.8273278 [DELETED] 

Based, the superior Sega Saturn/ST-V shmup. Silvergun is overrated garbage.

>> No.8273372

Anyone got a good control scheme for a PS4 controller for sin and punishment? Or is it worth getting an n64 to PC controller?

>> No.8274040

Map the c-buttons strafing to left and right on the d-pad and map the jump to up on the d-pad, then your character movement is all in one place Right analog stick to controll aiming and then put shot/melee on R1. The shot lock on can go on any face button. I found to be a pretty comfy setup.

>> No.8274180

Same here, King. I can barely make it to stage 6 of Cotton 2 before exhausting all of my continues.

>> No.8274335

I watched the whole thing. Holy shit, that's bad. It's nothing more than a scam. Just emulate. There's still input lag, but FAR less input lag and you've saved your money and don't indulge this scam.

>> No.8274565

I don't like how this guy implies City Connection is bad. They already said they're going to work to fix it. If anything it's the Switch's fault. Look at how the new pics of OoT on it look, the console is a fucking mess, at least for porting older games.

>> No.8274590

11frames isn't the switches fault, it might add 1 or 2 frames to a port, not 9 or 10.
City connection released this shit without even play testing it properly. 11f tells customers that they don't care, and they are only fixing it after people made a stink about it. They didn't do it out of the goodness of their hearts, its going to cost them money, money the wish they could just keep

>> No.8275474
File: 250 KB, 550x349, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new shmupg on /vg
exciting times

>> No.8275996

Cotton Reboot finally coming to Steam next month lads

>> No.8276082

wew lad

>> No.8276623

I really don't understand why 11 frames is a big deal. It's just less than 0.25 of a second. I don't know how someone's eyes could physically notice something so fast. Maybe you really do have to "feel" it in the game to understand it, but it sounds like it's more of a big deal than it really is.

>> No.8277701

Sometimes you get one visual cue that requires a sequence of very time strict taps to dodge, go look at Gunbird 2 bosses, 11f lag will wreck you there

>> No.8277712

I see they're as fucking stupid as ever

>> No.8277814
File: 290 KB, 220x180, rain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a joke or false flag? Think of it in internet latency terms.
11 frames = 183ms lag
3 frames = 50ms lag

If you can't tell the difference between 183 and 50ms you're crazy or trolling.

>> No.8277824

>I'll try that for my next DQ5 run
I'm playing that atm and having a blast

>> No.8278256
File: 339 KB, 2048x1152, CtinjCtXYAAtYUi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what shmup is this froms?

>> No.8278316

They only announced they'd fix it after people gave them shit. So yeah, they don't get points for saying they'll fix the broken game they sold, and it's been a month.

>> No.8278319
File: 84 KB, 723x1000, Priest.(Dragon.Quest.III).full.2635011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any shmup discords or forums to visit and lurk? I started playing Dodonpachi more serious and can chain a few stages now

awesome, I'm a big fan too

>> No.8278332

If shmup discords are as bad as fighting game ones then don't bother
Just play by yourself and learn and get better

>> No.8278356 [DELETED] 

electric underground by mark msx
ultramania by gusto (futari ultra player)

>> No.8278440 [DELETED] 

Guscord is POPPIN
It's the place to be

>> No.8278538
File: 31 KB, 120x120, 608090249603710978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're either dead or cringe, or both. I hope you like shit memes.

>> No.8278615

what is the most normie shmup?

>> No.8278618

nowadays it's probably touhou

>> No.8278636

>new shmupg on /vg
>exciting times
should migrate there desu modderation is comfy

>> No.8278712
File: 86 KB, 450x364, 1624842926735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's the Shmups discord and Electric Underground's as well. But like someone else mentioned, the discords are pretty slow. There's also the shmups system11 forums. That community is decades old.

What generation of shooters are people playing? I'm mostly sticking to 16-bit games on the PC Engine and Genesis.

>> No.8278723

>What generation of shooters are people playing?
mainly late 80s/early 90s arcade games
I also play Cave stuff but that's pretty much it when it comes to "modern" stuff

>> No.8278842 [DELETED] 
File: 536 KB, 1922x1166, 1606274787470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What generation of shooters are people playing? I'm mostly sticking to 16-bit games on the PC Engine and Genesis.

the generation of shmups as indicated by the cool zoomer in pic rel

>> No.8279623

Ironically despite how hard it looks it's also pretty beginner friendly. The fact you can slowdown movement and the bullets generally go pretty slow makes it easier than it seems.

>> No.8280076


>> No.8280101

>caring about generations
I play what seems interesting

>> No.8280662 [DELETED] 

Lol so true

No clue but looks like a fantasy one

>> No.8280842

judging by this thread are there any good JRPG SHMUPs? seems like you guys are really into both

>> No.8280863

Undertale is probably the closest thing you're going to get to an RPG even resembling shmup gameplay.

>> No.8280872

Sigma star saga

>> No.8280938

I was told Radiant Silver Gun is an rpg-puzzle shmup by a top tier shmup player/youtuber

>> No.8281516

I'm only into JRPGs really

>> No.8281523

Shmups are for autists

>> No.8281543

I only go for high scores and don’t bother caring about 1ccs.

>> No.8281558 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 1134x1577, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only like shmups for the aesthetics and first few stages

>> No.8281564

it says benten in the text so I'm pretty sure it's cho aniki

>> No.8281576 [DELETED] 

the meme that shmups are for a select few, while jrpgs are for everyone is a myth that average midwit players spread to make their average accomplishments seem a bit better.
anyone can get any shmup score they want
anyone can clear any shmup they want

the few exceptions are irrelevant and obvious.

>> No.8281585 [DELETED] 

>anyone can clear any shmup they want
I'm not so sure, we're still waiting for someone to post the 2-ALLs

>> No.8281592 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 268x188, tardobtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not so sure, we're still waiting for someone to post the 2-ALLs
¡Ay, caramba!

>> No.8281608
File: 207 KB, 357x500, Phelios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me. Just jumping threads.

>> No.8281643

if you like that I'd recommend dragon spirit and dragon sabre

no; shmups are pleb tier, anyone can achieve any score or clear they want

>> No.8281715
File: 11 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone can achieve any score or clear they want
Then explain how come I can't beat any Strikers 1945 game? Yet I've been playing shmups since I was a baby and have over 7000 hours practice in the genre.

>> No.8281879


>> No.8283484

Has anyone played deathsmiles for the 360? What's with all the different modes, they all have the same stages but I don't know what the point of them all is

>> No.8283572

What do you play with? Keyboard, controller, stick, trackball?

>> No.8283596

Controller 100% of the time

>> No.8283979


>> No.8284056


>> No.8284559
File: 188 KB, 640x900, 31283_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

controller and keyboard

it's easy to get good at the shmups you like, just play them daily and you'll beat Strikers one day that's how I beat pic related

>> No.8284930

is this a konami shmup or parodius?

>> No.8285001

Twin Bee, so Konami

>> No.8286915

Stick, unless it's a game designed around analog movement (e.g. Geometry Wars), then I use a controller.

>> No.8286952
File: 291 KB, 810x1080, FAvJLC0VEAEKPG1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always play on stick because that's how I learned to play arcade gaymes as a kid

you could try asking in the superior thread >>>/vg/357512898

Fio > DQ girls

>> No.8286976
File: 181 KB, 1120x698, jaimers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

controller like my coach, Jaimers

too bad Fio looks like a dude ingame, they really cheaped out on her sprite & portraits

>> No.8286986
File: 17 KB, 236x293, aef7c371c225236e7fc3bc210bf2526b--slug-concept-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're supposed to stare at her concept art exclusive to the cd consoles.
Back in the day when I would spend hours just tracing over her concept artwork, listening to the sound test.

>> No.8287008

yeah her concept art (and fan art) are great, but ingame they gave her a man mug and tranny body

>> No.8287017

Is he using the analog stick or d-pad?

>> No.8287564

>he thinks saturn pad has an anal og stick
blind or zoomer or both

>> No.8287578 [DELETED] 

mark's dead now, too much shitposting from non players
gusto's kinda dead too, too much whining over gang stuff

>> No.8287587 [DELETED] 

>gusto's kinda dead too, too much whining over gang stuff
literally the last bunch of hundreds of posts are just straight shmup stuff

>> No.8287610 [DELETED] 

>saturn pad for shmups
meme don't believe it, pretty sure he knows arcade stick well enough

>you could try asking in the superior thread >>>/vg/357512898
must be a false flag I don't believe that's real

but where is the enthusiasm and bants? where's the scoop?

>> No.8287619 [DELETED] 

it's shmups, don't expect enthusiam
autistic community, banter is unknown to them

>> No.8287743 [DELETED] 

>lly the last bunch of hundreds of posts are just straight shmup stuff
Lying will get you to hell, don't lie bro

>> No.8287837 [DELETED] 

but it's true, go check it

>> No.8288918
File: 2.49 MB, 3170x2010, EliminateDown_MD_JP_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like more than Thunder Force IV

>> No.8289782

r-type pce music > r-type arcade music

>> No.8290184

Laggy faggot

>> No.8290263

Same as you. 16bit console era is comfy. Just 1cc'd Gleylancer on Genesis and Lords of Thunder on PCE prior to that.

>> No.8290710

What's your beef with Mark?
Pad hacking has been a thing forever in the world of arcade sticks and his setup for conversion to CRT is pretty much on par with some of the faster refresh rates available on LCDs, if not better. Take your bullshit spewing grudge holding ass somewhere else.

>> No.8290763
File: 41 KB, 1280x720, preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hi mark

>> No.8292030

>unironically simping for markgaysex

for me it's the late 90s/early 00s era that I like the most. Decent 3D or good 2D, neat games with good gimmicks.

>> No.8292543 [DELETED] 

Late '90s/early '00s was a terrible time for shmups, as most of the ones being made around that time were tranmaku trash which ruined the genre.

>> No.8292569

>psikyo still around
>gradius 4
>raiden fighters jet
>dangun feveron
>G-Stream G2020
>border downs
tranmaku became the most popular style but you still had a lot of variety

>> No.8292687

What do you recommend from that era?

>> No.8292738
File: 342 KB, 1061x1500, shmups assemble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many. What I could recommend from the late90s/00s era:

-Gunbird 2 or Dragon Blaze
-Castle Shikigami 2
-Giga Wing 1, 2 and Generations
-Mars Matrix
-Border Down
-Raiden Fighters Jet

That's a good mix of just about everything. Score focused games, gimmick games, "traditional" games. You'd be sure to find something you like from that set.

>> No.8293738 [DELETED] 

>electric underground by mark msx
I found this one ty
>ultramania by gusto (futari ultra player)
how to join this one?

>> No.8293770 [DELETED] 
File: 532 KB, 640x336, beam battle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-Border Down
based beam battle taste

if you're in Marks' already just search for ultramania there's a twitter link to it

>> No.8294250

Today I feel like doing bad decisions
Give me euroshmups to play. Besides Tyrian and Xenon, I know of them.

>> No.8294993


>> No.8296240

Is Kosame a good character to try clearing guwange with?

>> No.8296253

A powerful and focused main shot and the highest speed of all characters makes Light Rain (Kosame) a natural choice for many players. She also sports what is recognized (by myself, anyway) to be the neatest sprite in the history of all games ever.

>> No.8296620

I am a STG pleb who has only cleared a couple Touhous but that's in large part because I like the ability to slow movement to be more precise. Are there other series that have this mechanic?

>> No.8296669

check out Cave, DDP, mushi, esprade, most of their games have slow movement focus shot/laser etc

>> No.8296713
File: 2.29 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what other shmups have ym2612 music as good as this upcoming one?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgUvmLVkhzo
also tyrian is best shmup fight me

>> No.8296718

that doesn't sound particularly good at all

>> No.8296929 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't call shmups games, since they lack authentic gameplay, planning, strategizing and sitting back thinking about your turn carefully, they are more like recital games, where you practice a performance and recite it like memorizing a pi to 30 digits, something even small children can do mindlessly

>> No.8296931

I wouldn't call shmups games, since they lack authentic gameplay, planning, strategizing and sitting back thinking about your turn carefully, they are more like recitals or parroting exercises, where you practice a performance and recite it like memorizing a pi to 30 digits, something even small children can do mindlessly

>> No.8296964

anyone can get any score they want in a shmup
they are meant for small children anyway
look at mog for example

>> No.8297123

true, I 2-ALL'd the Strikers trilogy without trying
proof? jajaja

>> No.8297296

I've been Eightingpilled by playing Soukyugurentai, what other games by them would you rec?

>> No.8297305

Armed Police Buttwider or Mahou Daisakusen

>> No.8297306
File: 449 KB, 1200x675, E_jWeyRVgAYxWML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shippu Mahou Daisakusen

>> No.8297419

Batrider seems cool but does it have the weird autistic shit Garegga has?

>> No.8297423


>> No.8297425

nope, because Garegga doesn't have that either

>> No.8297460

>games rank increases if you fucking fire
>rank in general

>> No.8297496

that just gives you a way to manipulate difficulty, whereas in other games the difficulty is out of your control, why complain about it lol

>hurrrr it gets impossible!!!
wrong, people can beat it without suiciding or bombing etc

>> No.8297512

It's because it's implemented extremely poorly, dynamic difficulty is great when done well.

>> No.8297543

>It's because it's implemented extremely poorly,

>> No.8297554

Also wondering this

>> No.8297608

>games rank increases if you fucking fire

>> No.8297720

refuted here >>8297496

>> No.8297756

How do I emulate Under Defeat HD?

>> No.8297774

Sol Cresta looks like a fucking mess

>> No.8297793

google teknoparrot emulator
then find Under defeat HD here http://www.arcadeitalia.net/viewtopic.php?f=92&t=28448&p=352235&hilit=Goketsuji#p352235

>> No.8299134

Well, the original Terra Cresta has awesome music too. Seems like it's really popular in Japan as well.

>> No.8299138

People overestimate rank control in Garegga. If you play the game normally, you can pretty much make to stage 4 without ever controlling rank. Rank not resetting unless you hard reset the board is bullshit though.

>> No.8299631


>> No.8299639

Redpill me on how not to get filtered by Garegga

>> No.8299969
File: 1.04 MB, 846x586, dodonpachi 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a non-participant of the shmup genre i'm not sure i should be surprised that earlier cave entries didn't have the "tells" for hitboxes (i.e. the shining cores) that later ones such as mushihimesama and daifukkatsu did
given that the bullet hell was one of the newer subgenres at the time you'd think it would've made sense for them to make it evident, but then again perhaps nobody thought it'd be much of a problem early on
or something

>> No.8300060

you get a feel for it eventually, it's definitely helpful for some dense micro dodging parts but in general it's more of a bonus, not a necessity

>> No.8300070

it's not necessarily the function and application of the thing, but more both the visual effect and the later timing of its implementation
like, why not have added it earlier on so to make it more immediately clear, especially for a newer audience

>> No.8300342

hitboxes were already getting small before that, it was only a logical continuation
For example Same!3/Fire Shark (1989) already has a pretty small hitbox despite being a dadgame and playing exactly like a dad game, and in most dad games the last 2 or 3 pixels of your ship weren't even part of the hitbox, after a while you take it into account without even thinking about it
DDP not showing the hitbox made sense, we knew that the hitbox is always smaller than the ship and we mess around to see what's the limit, there was simply no need for that
then there's the issue of new audience, well yeah they didn't care, it's an autistic genre and after a while all devs stopped caring about beginners

>> No.8300343

noooooooo muh beginners everyone must be catered to

>> No.8300832
File: 1.44 MB, 320x240, 8Lq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drank too much and apparently I bought Prehistoric Isle 2 and Gigantic Army but I don't remember it.

I 1cc'd Prehistoric Isle 2 but only the easy JP version. It is a nice game where you are a helicopter. PI1 is cooler but way harder. I did not try Gigantic Army yet. I don't think it is a shmup. Also NOT RETRO sorry.

>> No.8301441

>it's an autistic genre and after a while all devs stopped caring about beginners
so why add the visible hitbox?

>> No.8301825 [DELETED] 

Just checked, it's literally dozens of post about players featuring cringe screenshots elixir-style. Nice gameplay discussion.

>> No.8301858 [DELETED] 

>waited for days for the one time that happens
and the difference is that's the exception there, you actually get the good stuff instead of 99% cringe

>> No.8302065 [DELETED] 

yeah sure it's like I care about random episodic shmup stuff about games I don't play buried between hundreds of posts about brap14, glossom or charlene, but that's cope lmao
shmup discord are so fucking useless cause no one plays the same games as me, simple as

>> No.8302071 [DELETED] 

and last I checked marks dead but still doesn't have the elixir printscreen mania, so that's a plus

>> No.8302085 [DELETED] 

gusbros... i don't feel so good

>> No.8302087 [DELETED] 

wot u ply
it's unfair to criticize a placeplace just because they play other games tho

>> No.8302170 [DELETED] 

>just because
learn2read then we can talk

>> No.8302178

Ah yes, clearly the he's using inferior solder which causes the electric signals to travel slower...

>> No.8302223

i don't know, aside from the blue ship, i can tell where the hitbox is just by the designs. transparent part for red, motor for the green ship.

>> No.8302510

for shit clear yes, her shikis the weakest at boss but decimates stages big time. Funny how the best 2 western scores dont use her though.

>> No.8303128

>Funny how the best 2 western scores dont use her though.
what's stopping you from crushing it with her?

>> No.8303208

if you can't see your hitbox then you're bound to get hit unfairly, dh

>> No.8303491

skill and being bitchmade

>> No.8303507
File: 13 KB, 300x218, munkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copymonkey bros...it's time to start scoring shmups

>> No.8304825

If I can only play and git gud (1cc, decent scoring etc.) at one (1) shmup. which one should I pick?

>> No.8304849


>> No.8304881

i already have westie gay rec with shishin

dont play and shes a pain in the arse scoring wise

>> No.8304936

>mog gets wr in ketsui

>id like to continue!

lmao every fucking time, enjoy your attachment and digital drug addiction you empty vessel, the dopamines over back to avoidance and depression.

congrats on wr though

>> No.8304981

Armed Police Batrider.

>> No.8305181

>SPS exposed as a fraud
weebs... i don't feel so good

>> No.8305209

what he do>?

>> No.8305212

got beat by a kid

>> No.8305232

doesnt make him a fraud you window licker

>> No.8305237

>play game for decades
>get beat by a kid that played for a year or two
sounds like a fraud to me :)

>> No.8305240

4 years and thousands of hours

>> No.8305282

>4 years and thousands of hours
and school drop out, no job, ruined his future, just to play silly game for audience of 100 people, the literal only parallel to this kind of self destruction is drug addiction.

>> No.8305283

yeah to imply that he made no sacrifices to beat sps is silly

>> No.8305297

yeah and sps had 6 months crippling depression....really makes you think

>> No.8305313
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x1024, monkey paw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can beat SPS.... The cost? Your education, future, life and eternal virginity. Do you accept? YES/NO

>> No.8305329



>> No.8305335

What's worse is that only his furfag and weird Kirby shit is on boorus, he's done so much more

>> No.8305360

cope wagie

>> No.8305361 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 125x128, 1635551323449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his twitter just got fucking lynced

>> No.8305385

A quarter of a second lag is extremely noticeable

>> No.8305398

Adapt, kid

>> No.8305538 [DELETED] 

mog is like 15, he has time to finish high school, finally get a kiss from a girl and fix himself now that kuksui grind is over. meanwhilst stocks are tumbling and you ain't getting youngers

btw was this u? >>>/vg/358722089

>> No.8305548
File: 317 KB, 704x528, 1611532400418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underplayed classic me thinks

hes like 15, he has time to finish high school, finally get a kiss from a girl and learn a skill now that kuksui hermit cope grind is over. meanwhilst you ain't getting youngers

btw was this u?

>> No.8305565

japanese people have no souls.

>> No.8305571

>that pic
rip chav

>> No.8305590


>> No.8305595

he's 19

>> No.8305753

The world record is real, the illness is fake.

>> No.8306225
File: 178 KB, 386x547, ketsuiWR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw my chance at being a young zoomie prodigy has passed forever.

>> No.8306263

>im so unmotivated
>tee hee got it (offline)!

>> No.8306392

1 hes 19
2 nice excuses because you shit your life away in the same way lmao

3 everyones getting older
4 like you he wont ever kiss a girl, thats part oif the addiction to hyper avoidance with games in the first place.
5 >learn a skill now the ketsui grind is over!
lmfao retard

6 that shitty cap is a lazy rewite of a sun tzu quote which you'd know if you ever read a book.


you can thank chinese mushroom farming for me not needing to work, hehe ;)

>> No.8306408

t. 40 yr old (bald) neet still sucking on mommy's teet

>> No.8306462

seethe and cope