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File: 141 KB, 220x307, Super_Smash_Bros_Melee_box_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8255626 No.8255626 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck competitive, can we just talk about how this is a pretty cool game with a nice soundtrack? The 1 Player mode is soulful and so is the trophy collecting minigame. Adventure Mode was unironically better than Subspace which is heavily overrated by Brawl apologists even if it was significantly shorter. Missions were easily at their best in Melee, same with Break the Targets. Plus, the entire game has this weird late N64 era sheen that makes it ooze with charm

>> No.8255640

Dont give a shit about competitive and I probably like Brawl more for Subspace, but Melee is always going to be special to be because its the last "pure" Smash game, as in no 3rd party shills, the biggest version of a celebration of Nintendo as a games maker with a shit ton of trophies and little easter eggs here and there, actual content you have to unlock through non brain-dead means. I would be perfectly content and excited if the next Smash is a reboot in a sense and goes back to Melee style, a focus on just Nintendo IPs and digging back into their more obscure characters and games for content. After the addition of the jew mouse shill taking Smash the farthest away from its roots that its ever been, it would be very refreshing to just go back to a pre-Brawl kind of Smash sequel.

Honestly, I think the only thing that ever bugged me about Melee was Dr. Mario being his own character and not an alternate color or something (i know this was before they did different costumes/forms) just because im an autist and have always been bugged by fighting games having the same character twice with a slightly different move set.

>> No.8255657

>Plus, the entire game has this weird late N64 era sheen that makes it ooze with charm
Dont know if Id refer to it as late N64 feel, but those launch titles for the system from Nintendo certainly have a look to them that made them feel next gen as fuck at the time, for me at least.

>> No.8256253
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>can't talk about Melee without having it attached to the competitive community
Fuck that shit. Anyone of average intelligence can see that Melee is superior to every game that proceeded it. They took everything from 64, improved upon it and gave us a ton of new shit on top of that. Gameplay is faster but easy to pick up. The skill ceiling is raised but the average normie will be fine just messing around with items or the numerous "special" melee modes. It was a party game for everybody.

Compare that to Brawl, where they gave us superficial shit like cutscenes and stickers but nothing that improved gameplay. Instead they just removed all the colour, sucked out all the soul and gave us third party shitters like Sonic and Solid Snake. All they did was slow it down, so grandpa can play along too (but he won't). Then comes along Tr4sh which was somehow even more soulless and the less said about the Switch port, the better.

>> No.8256335

As a casual game, Brawl is still better, even with some retarded choices like the artstyle

>> No.8256342

The whole smash franchise is absolute shit.

>> No.8256345

Is there one single game which wasn't harmed by the "competitive" scene?

>> No.8256354

I can't disagree with any of this. I still think Subspace was really good, though. I really liked the gameplay in Brawl too; I'm not going to pretend that tripping really ruined the game for me. Honestly looking back, the only Smash Bros. game I'm not really too fond of is Smash for Wii U.

You are now relaxing to the trophy theme.

>> No.8256369

Shrek Super Slam

>> No.8256403

I'm one of those people who only plays Smash casually, and still thinks Melee has the best feel. Never understood the need to make things needlessly sluggish. You don't have to be some competitive freak to appreciate a game that feels snappy and satisfying.

>> No.8256416

I kind of like the idea of a Smash game that's just a full reboot. Cut like 80% of the cast, and focus on a small but largely new cast of characters. Instead of Bowser, have Wart the Toad. Instead of Wario, have Stanley the Bugman, and so forth. Try to cap it off at maybe a 30 to 40 character roster, and make them all play really good, and get the balance just right.

>> No.8256436

30+ gamers everywhere are rejoicing

>> No.8256446

Smash Bros should be inherently about old characters first, with a few new ones sprinkled on. That's just how it is, and it's better that way. Mario, Link, Kirby, those are timeless. Ice Climbers, Ness, Pit, Game and Watch, those were really cool throwback characters. But who cares about Shulk now? He was a flavour of the moment pick, and now he just seems out of place.

>> No.8256531

That isn't a game, that's a style of life.

>> No.8256639

>After the addition of the jew mouse shill
haven't been following smash at all since brawl, which one is that?

>> No.8256641

Sora from Kingdom Hearts

>> No.8256663

Adventure Mode is 2.5 good ideas followed by complete half-assing, Melee's best single-player is the event matches. I still have memories of me and my brothers trying to beat Pikachu & Pichu

>> No.8256694

>Adventure Mode is 2.5 good ideas
because there's 2.5 levels and then it's just an arcade mode?

>> No.8256698

Marin's trophy has still one of the best 3D modeled feet.

>> No.8256703

What on Earth anon.

>> No.8256738


>> No.8256923

>no 3rd party shills
Stopped reading there. Third parties are literally begging Nintendo to be in Smash. All third party chars are extremely well known characters that do not need any promotion. Featuring in Smash is seen as an honor by third party studios. Sakurai literally published the story today of how Sora got in Smash. Disney executives ran into Sakurai by coincidence at a conference, asking HIM to put Sora in Smash instead of the other way around. Sakurai hadn't even bothered considering Disney's brutal copyright claims. Shills? Nigger you're pulling shit out of your ass.

>> No.8256954
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all-star mode underscores how movement optimized for fighting translates horribly to platforming

>> No.8256971

Do all fighting games have a fun singleplayer like this one?
T. Side-scroller fan

>> No.8257001

not even close

>> No.8257050

i'm not even that anon, but you stopped reading a reasonably level-headed post. even if you assume 3rd party characters aren't added just to shill, there's a lot of truth behind it: the newest smash games feel a lot less about nintendo's characters and franchises now then they have been. Nothing wrong with that. the game sells like hotcakes, so it'll probably never change, but i dont blame anyone for feeling like nintendo completely sold out the series (even if that's not technically the case)

>> No.8257058

and even then half of the Nintendo newcomers are generic weeb characters

>> No.8257127

I'm a die hard Smash fan and follow the comp scene closely and I have never ever heard that. They added Min-Min and Byleth as DLC for fucks sake

>> No.8257129

Oh yes and I forgot: PIRANHA PLANT. It's pretty obvious Smash is all about Nintedo with some legacy vidya characters guest starring.

>> No.8257208

I don't know what people saw in Subspace. The actual gameplay was boring and repetitive as shit. The only decent thing was the cutscenes.

>t. boomer who bought Brawl on launch day

>> No.8257227

>Stanley the Bugman
i thought the idea was to include iconic video game characters

>> No.8257235

>bought brawl on launch
So you weren't living on the eastern part of the US at the time?

>> No.8257248

It helps a lot if you were 13 when the game came out, like I was. Sweet cutscenes

>> No.8257254

I'm saying "try that on my Bugman" out loud to myself in an empty room right now

>> No.8257259

>It helps a lot if you were 13 when the game came out
Not every 13 year old is a retard with no taste who can stomach awful gameplay like the entirety of Subspace. All you had to say was "i liked it because they hyped it up in advertising and seeing characters I recognize in cutscenes made my peepee hard because there's a thing I recognize". The actual plot of Subspace was basically nothing, the cutscenes were in service of nothing.

>> No.8257265

Alright anon, just for you: i liked it because they hyped it up in advertising and seeing characters I recognize in cutscenes made my peepee hard because there's a thing I recognize

>> No.8257271

Honesty is a virtue, anon. Remember that.
Have a good day

>> No.8257274

You are a weird fag and I dislike you. You have a good one, too

>> No.8257301

>guy on 4channel.org is a bit rude and forceful about his opinions
>"you are weird"

>> No.8257304

No, I'm just trying out new material

>> No.8257317

I'm sexually attracted to men.

>> No.8257334

The idea in this case is specifically to favour more overlooked Nintendo characters.

>> No.8257348

but those characters are not iconic or worthy of being in a game like this, ever

>> No.8257360

Don't agree. They're B-listers, but they're interesting Nintendo historical relics, and that makes them cool. You know, like putting Ice Climbers or Pit in the game.

>> No.8257370

stanley the bugman is the fucking stupidest shit you could ever suggest and ruins any point you wanted to make

>> No.8257373

That's WHY he's cool though.

>> No.8257376

you might as well have suggested shrek you pathetic loser

>> No.8257380

I might suggest Popeye.

>> No.8257519

>throwback character
Earthbound came out five years before Smash 64. Xenoblade came out four years before Smash 4. They were both "flavor of the moment" picks. Plus, Xenoblade is still getting games, unlike Mother/Earthbound.

>> No.8257539

I mean when you think about it, it's kinda fucked up that Tatanga isn't in Smash Bros.

>> No.8257596

No fuck you they can both coexist.
Melee is the best smash game of all time and it's not even close. This is WITHOUT the cracked competitive aspect that gave us rollback for free by the way.
Little things like everyone having their target test, HRC having the back wall, events, extremely hard all-star, cute adventure mode, almost every character having weight, and other things missing makes it the GOAT.

Smash64 was great for the time but it definitely falls off with just a little bit of practice.
Brawl had a decent adventure mode but everything else is a downgrade.
Smash 4 is a travesty, the most unfun of them all.
Ultimate would have been nice without the gorillion characters. At that point just add everyone and make no-one special. Botched online is the fucking worst.

>> No.8257676

>HRC having the back wall,
not an image I wanted in my head

>> No.8257793


please stop the zoomer smash buzzords. thanks.

>> No.8257820

Subspace emissary was a massive let down for me.
And the lack of adventure mode in the wii u versions is criminal.

>> No.8257831

Subspace is great, but otherwise I agree completely.

>> No.8257832

The feeling of momentum in this game was the main thing that got cut from future games, and I have no idea why. The reasons they gave are absolutely fraudulent, they said it drove casuals away, when it was one of the biggest casual party magnets of the 6th gen, and that gen had Guitar Hero getting big. Casuals loved Melee in droves like everyone else.

So they took away playing with momentum, and never gave it back. People love playing with momentum, that's what set SMB apart from all the fixed-speed platformers it BTFO around its time and took off as a brand. Sonic games sold entirely on the pure fun of playing with momentum and made it the advertised focus. These aren't games that drove away casuals, the literal opposite happened. So why would you think taking momentum away makes them happy? Who is that insane?

>> No.8257838

I need to see evidence.

>> No.8257852

Super Trans Bros. Melee

It's probably worse than the original, I never liked it. I hate the dark and gritty art style too.

>> No.8257853

you do know that god can read your posts, right?

>> No.8257859

Then maybe he can post the picture.

>> No.8257864

what? there's momentum in the later ones

>> No.8257871

barely, when jumping out of a dash characters lose a fuckton of speed, as if they were underwater

>> No.8257895

And hitting people causes them to gain balloon physics out of nowhere now - they launch a distance to be out of reach and then stop so they can recover safely. There's no sub-game of chasing someone in their hit state anymore.

>> No.8257919

We were at the point with the last wave of dlc with people getting extremely pissed about first party characters getting added (even if some underwhelming) Instead of filling up every spot with 3rd party fighters getting more and more further from the series roots (like people wanting fucking Kratos and Master Chief)

>> No.8257925

What you just described is literally third party shilling? Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.8257931

I was 18 when Brawl came out so early stage manchild and i was super excited to play a coop sidescrooler featuring a bunch of the Nintendo characters i grew up with my best friends like we use to in stuff as kids like DK Country.

>> No.8257940

No. That narrative didnt start till Cloud was added. With Brawl it was supposedly guests with a strong tie to Nintendos history and before that it was characters from across Nintendos history.

Had Kojima's brat never asked to put snake in, i doubt Brawl would have started the trend.

>> No.8257952

N64 version is kino and all others dont compare to it
>If you dont agree you arent a smash fan

>> No.8257959

Stanley has officially been in more games then Ice Climbers, duckhunt or Minmin so you can fuck right the hell off, zoomster.

>> No.8257975

>character a part of Nintendo history, despite what an underage thinks

Go play that nick smash clone shit, you clearly were not alive to have played any smash before the wii u.

>> No.8257979

Try that on my Bugman bitch!

>> No.8257982

muh zoomers isnt an argument

>> No.8258013

Clearly it is if its a nuSmash player bitching about including a character from Nintendos history.

>> No.8258024

thats called ad hominem

>> No.8258070

Unfathomably based

>> No.8258115
File: 23 KB, 300x283, ISHYGDDT-3-300x283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third parties beg to be in smash
>but Nintendo has to pay millions for shitty ports of third party games

I legitimately wouldn't be surprised if Atlus, et al made more money from Smash than actually releasing games for the switch.

>> No.8258131
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smash Bros has become bigger than Nintendo and represent gaming history as a whole for better or for worse. Also third party brings in the big bucks so who can blame Sakurai for focusing on them the most.

>> No.8258392

I unironically believe captain falcon, Falco, ice climbers, fox, and mess are super smash bros original characters.

>> No.8258476

Yeah when the game came out I had my socks blown off. The fact they crammed in so much content with a short development period was phenomenal. The soundtrack was a huge surprise too. It has this level of impact to it other games don't have. Its probably the echo effect they added in all the music lol. Makes it sound epic

>> No.8258518

dangerously based

>> No.8258736

Fucking bugman stans back to >>>/kpop/

>> No.8258787

6th gen is now retro, you faggot. Do you know what retro means?

>> No.8258795

I do, you over 30 double faggot

>> No.8258798

>The feeling of momentum in this game was the main thing that got cut from future games, and I have no idea why.
>Who is that insane?

Sakurai has a very autistic view of what Smash is "supposed" to be about. He did intend for Melee to have deeper, more technical gameplay over its predecessor, but when people went and took advantage of that and developed a highly competitive scene with a high barrier to entry, that got him extremely butthurt, because to him, Smash is supposed to be essentially a gee-wiz pillow fight party game and nothing else. Every game since has been an effort to make sure that doesn't happen again, even if the gameplay itself suffers. Normies don't give a shit one way or the other, anyway, so as far as he and Nintendo are concerned, there's no real downsides.

>> No.8258834


>> No.8258836

To more directly address your point, though: momentum is one of those things that added depth and allowed for combos, chasing, etc., which can lead to deeper and, yes, more fun gameplay, but has the unfortunate side-effect (as Sakurai sees it) of creating a skill barrier of sorts, where you can lose because you don't know how to take advantage of the tools at your disposal beyond your character's moveset. Same goes for deeper techniques like L-canceling and wavedashing. But like you state, normies and kids don't care one way or the other, they'll play however they feel like playing, so in the end it's really just autism on the part of Sakurai: the game is a party game that should not be taken seriously, and anything that foments competitive play needs to go.

>> No.8259595

That's who the series was made for. Go ingest your Tidepod.

>> No.8259795

It's true, Super Smash Bros. Melee is the last genuine Smash Bros. game. (I'd argue the original N64 one still holds up.) For Super Smash Bros. Brawl they were on drugs and went out of their way to make it suck, and Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate aren't even made by Hal Laboratory/Nintendo. They're pure fan-service games. They have none of the ingenuity, originality, energy and spark that Super Smash Bros. Melee had. Remember that they didn't even originally plan to have Super Smash Bros. use Nintendo characters, let alone get a sequel. It was just supposed to be a party fighting game on the N64. Super Smash Bros. Melee only exists because it was popular, and even then they didn't plan to make another game. (Super Smash Bros. Melee was intended to be the last, the actual "ultimate" Smash Bros. game.)

>> No.8259807

>I'd argue the original N64 one still holds up.)
are there actually people saying the opposite
literally the only fault with the game is not having more of it which is presumably where smash remix comes in but i havent really played it much. honestly im not a big fan of them adding new characters, id rather just have the new stages and upgrades to single player modes etc

>> No.8259808

Man, you're unimaginative and boring. It could totally work, and have you ever played Donkey Kong 3? >>8256416 >>8257334 has a great idea but it will sadly never happen.

Nintendo gave up on interesting ideas for games in the Wii era/Seventh Generation.

>> No.8259817

Maybe saying there's not enough of it is just a roundabout way of further praising it, but the original Smash Bros. had plenty of content. Plenty of characters, stages, items, variety, and you get multiple modes and plenty to keep single-player completionists and multiplayer approaches interesting. It was definitely a very full package when it came out, I can't even think of many games to compare it to (unconventional party-style fighting game) besides Power Stone and Rakugaki Showtime. Eventually it would just inspire a bunch of clones. Both it and Melee really deserve to be considered among the most notable and influential games ever made.

>> No.8259842

To workshop a few more ideas, instead of Snake, you could have an Advance Wars character, Instead of Peach, you could have Captain Syrup or Mona. instead of Diddy Kong, you could have Dixie Kong or Donkey Kong JR.
I think you should probably leave the original 64 cast intact (though maybe you don't really need Jigglypuff or Luigi), but apart from that, anything should be considered cut-able.

>> No.8260180

This is actually true

>> No.8260190

Have you started a family yet, over 30 anon?

>> No.8260480

That's not zoomer speak. Is English your first language?

>> No.8261107
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>Advance Wars over Snake
>Captain Syrup over Peach
>Donkey Kong JR over Diddy

Holy shit. Please stop.

>> No.8261128
File: 2.33 MB, 1600x1400, 127341824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this once. A crossover but only with NES characters. 3 rows from the right are 3rd party but whatever

>> No.8261256

a man of culture, I see

>> No.8261481

To this day, the only thing bad about Melee was the roster and cutting Board the Platforms. Everything else knocked it out of the park:

>Amazing opening with the announcer still yelling the game title
>great unlocks
>great stages
>added trophies and they were all unique compared to later series
>added a shit ton of different game modes
>option selecting got nuts
>Best unified original soundtrack in the entire series before it went into "let's just throw whatever in a playlist" angle they took afterwards which gave later games a less cohesive sound direction
>Compared to Smash 64 single player still had a decent to do.
>Gameplay incredibly expanded upon, still the best in the series even if you don't consider the exploits

It's amazing what they did with such a small amount of dev time

>> No.8261490

Ultimate will always exist. I don't see why the prospect of doing something different for one game is so traumatic. Do you hate Street Fighter 3 as well?

>> No.8261537

>Ultimate will always exist.
So what? How does replacing Peach for Mona make any sense?

>Do you hate Street Fighter 3 as well?
I love SF3 but that got hate for years for replacing popular characters with nobodies. Doing for that to Smash would create a backlash 100x bigger due to Smash being this huge crossover event.

>> No.8261572

I would say keep the first party while condensing some fighters (like dr mario as a costume) and remove the 3rd party/replace with new first party.

>> No.8261606

I'd like if they let you pick previous versions of characters in the next game. Like, if I could play as Mario with Mario Cyclone instead of F.L.U.D.D. or something.

>> No.8261623

hold the fuck up
this is a great idea. a set theme for tight, focused aesthetics assuming everyone is represented retro-perfect, and a fair enough criteria for who gets chopped, who gets to stay, and who gets to join the fight. im down for this. id say Zelda, Kirby, Metroid, and Kid Icarus should get to keep some of their extra reps as well tho

>> No.8261913

Admit it, you tried to zoom up Daisy's skirt in the trophy viewer after looking at the back of her head.

>> No.8261929

Smash Bros was dead for me after they didn't add Keanu Reeves from Cyberpunk to Ultimate.

>> No.8262012
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>bugmen demanding stanley the bugman be added to smash

>> No.8262034

I'm honestly thinking about buying a Gamecube just to buy this game and play it with my wife who has never played it.

>> No.8262371

So you can have a different game, not the same game where people play the same characters they've been playing for the past 20 years, with extra bloat.

>> No.8264446

No, I looked up the skirt first because I was 8 years old and DidYouKnowGaming didn't exist yet.

>> No.8264476

>implying exploits are bad

>> No.8264631

Huh? Daisy's third eye was well known even back then. We would view it all the time.

That's not what I was implying. I was implying that even on the most casual level Melee feels the most fun to play. Melee detractors always try to say that Melee gameplay is ONLY good due to the exploits which is incorrect.

>> No.8264979
File: 8 KB, 235x215, images(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piggybacking off the idea other anons were discussing for a Smash specifically focused on old obscure Captain Rainbow-ass characters, can we have this fucker back finally? I used to think StarTropics was the most obscure and unloved Nintendo game/series but Mr. Stevenson has never made another appearance since Gumshoe. Gumshoe is ass-blasting hard kino and needs more love.

>> No.8265132

There's ways to freshen a game series without removing popular characters. Maybe redesigning movesets could help.

>> No.8265339

It's depressing to know that if you didn't open with "fuck competitive" you pretty much could not have had such a reasonable discussion about Melee as a game.

>> No.8265464

One of the first things me and my friends did when we got Brawl was try to look up Peach's dress

>> No.8267863

It's by far the best smash game

>> No.8267894

You're both going to hell for that, just letting you know.

>> No.8267912
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The menu screen alone is so soulful. Everything from the music to the sound effects makes it so good.

>> No.8267925

It's not removing anything. it's making a different game. The Street Fighter 2 cast weren't removed from Street Fighter 3.

>> No.8267956

Except Guile lol

>> No.8268001

I always loved how weirdly abstract it was. Still don't fully understand what's going on the background but in a good way

>> No.8268006

I do miss how Smash had a sort of spooky ambiance about it's menus, before Brawl

>> No.8268142

did anyone else like the realistic design they went for? they continued it into brawl and then toned it back down for the newer games

>> No.8268152

Of course. I think it's one of the things that really helps Melee stand out graphically to this day. I don't mind the more cartoonish look they went with in 4 and Ultimate, but I do kinda take umbrage with how scaled down hit effects, beams, etc. are compared to previous entries. Really not a fan of the colored trails when you get smashed either.

>> No.8268195

It works in Melee because it's such a step up in fidelity from 64, but in Brawl I think it's a bit much. It's weird looking at characters like Toon Link in that style. The later games strike a nice compromise where Ganondorf can stand next to Isabelle and neither one looks too toned up or down.

>> No.8269592

This. They went too far in Brawl

>> No.8269746

>which is incorrect

>> No.8269752

Definitely for worse. Part of the soul was keeping it focused on Nintendo crossovers. Third party characters being added is cool as shit in theory, but very strange and a bit cringe in practice.

>> No.8269758

I agree, the game where Mario beats up Pikachu got cringe when they added Solid Snake.

>> No.8269867

best trophy decriptions in the series. learned about so much stuff as a kid

>> No.8270048

Nowadays, Smash Bros is similar to "le super ultra dream match MUGEN game" made by that your hyperactive friend from middle school.

>> No.8270051

Not him, but you didn't need to call me out like that man

>> No.8270061
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i find it sad that they caved to kids and manchildren who think you can just add as many characters as you want without any consideration for balance
smash bros was always meant to be casual but there's a difference between easy to pick up and catering exclusively to people who don't bother learning a single character

>> No.8270070
File: 496 KB, 1272x711, machridersmashbros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melee was probably my most-played game as a kid. I've barely had any interest in competitive Smash ever since, but I think it fostered my interest in /vr/ stuff beyond the N64 and GB games my older cousins had.

>> No.8270073

Again, I think that's Sakurai driving the point ever deeper with each successive installment that it's a silly party game you play with your friends so you can go GEE I WONDER WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF CLOUD FOUGHT GANONDORF, have some giggles, then go on with your life instead of obsessing over whether such and such character is OP or not. If the gameplay has to suffer to achieve the intended "spirit," so be it.

>> No.8270082

Going by the recent age survey thread, I don't think it's a stretch to assume that at least half of the people on this board are here because of Melee. It did that for me too.

>> No.8270098

Ever since seeing the Piranha Plant being put in the game, I always had him as my number #1 left field first party pick. He's now #2, the current #1 is the yellow dancing egyptian cat.

>> No.8270934

Yeah it can't be understated how much Trophies likely introduced people to new stuff beyond their scope.

>> No.8271151

It is really underappreciated how much the Smash games serve a purpose as interactive musems of Nintendo history and in my opinion is one of the reasons why there's a decent group of zoomers that are relatively familiar with retro Nintendo but totally ignorant of everyone else

>> No.8271168

>the Smash games serve a purpose as interactive museums
>there's a decent group of zoomers that are relatively familiar with retro Nintendo but totally ignorant of everyone else
are you pretending that's a good thing?

>> No.8271185

I think that is a good thing that zoomers learn about old games, even if only about one particular company. If anything, the problem is that other companies don't do the same

>> No.8271212

Just speaking from my experience here, but even at eight years old I wasn't really dumb enough to be this way. I collected loads of trophies, read all of their bios and then went on the internet to learn more. From there, I learned about Sega, Hudson, Konami, Namco, Squaresoft, Enix, Tecmo, Capcom, etc. Its not like there's exactly a dearth of information about retro games online, and kids these days are certainly internet literate enough to go find that information.

>> No.8271261

>and kids these days are certainly internet literate enough to go find that information.
Even moreso back then, where it was much easier finding ROMs and websites hosting emulated /vr/ games. Does anybody else remember vNES?

>> No.8271482

Why? Peach isn't a real person, how could it be harmful in any way to look up her dress when the game gives you the ability to do so?

>> No.8271504

I've been saying this for years, even casually melee is the best smash game.

>> No.8271514

>Does anybody else remember vNES?
having all the NES games on a decent website was kino
those still exist but with much worse UI and they're probably bitcoin miners

>> No.8271524

I'd argue it's just as easy if not easier now, honestly. There are loads of subreddits about emulation and piracy and I would have to assume the average post-hungry youth would go there instead of here or a forum. Never used vNES but it sounds cool. I played most of my emulated games on Xbox when I was really young and by the time I had my own pc I was all about snes9x

>> No.8271565

Except casuals, kids, and Nintendrones don't notice or care about which Smash game has better gameplay. They just go NEW SMASH HAS MORE CHARACTERS THAN OLD SMASH NEW SMASH BETTER.

>> No.8271589

To be fair, Single player Melee has a fatal flaw, you can't use the C-Stick

>> No.8271595

>which Smash game has better gameplay
Even totally divorced from gameplay, Melee is the best game in the series.

>> No.8271617

The nostalgia trophies in Melee brought really did a lot for making people the feature on a pedestal, since the two games after didn't do them nearly as good. They had to make new assets and covered all sorts of games prior-- Brawl and Smash 4 were literally just asset pulls and the older systems were pushed further and further away due to not having a Wii era model they could just shove in. It was most blatant in Smash 4 where they advertised that console would have console themed trophies and 3DS would have portable... because it was just easier to copy and paste those models into their respective title.

It's why I don't completely hate the PNGs of Ultimate-- it at least let us remember things prior to the Wii existed.

>> No.8272434

Why would it to a real person?

>> No.8273410

That is pretty annoying, but I remember as a kid I never used the c stick because I was so used to not being able to lol so it didn't really bother me at the time.

>> No.8274018

yeah this was a great quality of life Brawl brought to the franchise

>> No.8274048
File: 3 KB, 107x125, 1633744705437s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So mysterious....bros.....bros i think games are full of Secrets......evil, dark secrets....secrets of bloodeyes and skeletons......oh nono guys i think this game has a mysterious evil beta tranny nigger jew aura to it.....the beytahs, the beytahs are coming to get me!!!!!! Ack!!!!! save yourselfs!!! The Mario 64 Beytahs are fingering my butthole!!!!! Uoh! spoooky!!!!!!