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File: 142 KB, 1440x1290, Ressy 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8253795 No.8253795 [Reply] [Original]

Best version of resident evil 1? I don't just mean the original vs the remake, i mean out of all the ports and fan mods, is there any definitive rendition of the first in the series, like an autistic fanmod that combines the best aspects of each port and version of the original into one package, instead of having to play 20 seperate versions for every little change?

>> No.8253808
File: 21 KB, 229x220, lookinggood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no definitive version, each version has its pros&con; either play the original PSX NTSC-U version, the Saturn NTSC-U version, or the PC version with rebirth patch

pic related is in anticipation of the inevitable zoomies and their upscale packs

>> No.8253809

Deadly Silence.

>> No.8253818
File: 57 KB, 900x900, 1631605931893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get the original OST version. Here's the description:

This simple project aims to restore content from the various releases of the game, such as the Beta, Trial, or original Japanese versions, including:

- The original uncut FMVs from the Japanese version, alongside the full-color opening scene from the French and German Director’s Cut release.
- The Mansion’s Bathroom from the 01/31/1996 Beta version, which allows you to grab an extra Clip after unplugging the Water in Jill’s scenario.
- The Mansion’s 2nd Floor Right Stairs wall message in blood, from the Japanese Trial Edition of the game.
- The Mansion’s 2nd Floor Main Hall unknown music track, in the scene when Jill meets Barry again (”it’s reeaally powerful”), sourced from the 01/31/1996 Beta version (only on Easy and Original modes).

If you'd like to play the Battle mode from the Saturn version, get the second disc from this one:


People seem not to like what this patch does to the original game though, so use the first one for actually playing normal RE1.

>> No.8253826
File: 247 KB, 600x300, director's cut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just play this version.

>> No.8253832
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>> No.8253876

Thanks fren, just what I was looking for

>> No.8253889

what about Director's Cut PSX

>> No.8253926
File: 3.35 MB, 1500x1000, 9e69c780-86dd-460e-a851-3f5f10cf9088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based skeletor
also, posting this pic from previous threads

>> No.8254209

How about the DS version?

>> No.8254227


>> No.8254256

I just play the original playstation version like everybody else did back in the 90s

>> No.8254261

the definitive version is the one you actually sit down and start playing

>> No.8254270
File: 43 KB, 400x400, 1599582393418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DS version is great. Please don't let anyone tell you otherwise. My two favorite versions of the game is the PlayStation Directors Cut and the DS port.

>> No.8254298

It's a neat handheld port but I don't like the new models and animations they used. It fucks with the enemy behavior because most attacks now have this excessively animated wind up that makes them ludicrously easy to avoid. On top of that, you can easily stunlock Hunters because some retard made their animation for getting up from the floor synch up perfectly with the shotgun's rate of fire. If you knock them down with it, all you have to do is keep the fire button held down and you'll floor them the instant they get back up.

>> No.8254440

why don't people like that hack?

>> No.8254482

DS version is not the original game. All the 3D models were redone, the player has new moves, some enemies have different AI, etc

it also looks like complete shit because of the lower resolution. The backgrounds are heavily compressed and everything was made brighter to compensate.

It's a nice version to play once you already know the game.

>> No.8255189

PC mediakite + REbirth patch
>uncensored FMV
>original japanese difficulty on first playthrough, american difficulty on subsequent playthroughs
>exclusive weapon unlocks
>uncensored gore from japanese saturn version
>quick turn/tactical reload (can be disabled if you're a purist)
with DCv2 hack you get:
>uncensored FMVs
>other restored content that adds nothing
go with DCv1 if you can do without rumble/uncut FMVs that you can watch on yt
far from definitive

>> No.8255571

Based RE DS chad. I was waiting for a handheld RE game since the cancelled GBC port, and fuck no Gaiden doesn't count. RE DS didn't disappoint. I liked the changes like reloading with a button combo, quick-turning, dedicated knife, and different enemy types in a single room in ReBirth mode. Oh, and the map, life indicator, and ammo counter on the top screen was beautiful.

The only points against it were that the multiplayer was half-baked, and the backgrounds looked like shit on a DS Lite or DSi screen.

>> No.8256771

It also butchers the soundtrack but I almost never see anyone bring that up when talking about it.

>> No.8256805

sega saturn

>> No.8257706

The original (NON directors cut) and the Saturn version are the definitive way to play the game. Other versions might be more fun, but when it comes to the authentic experience these two ways are the best. Resident Evil 1 was designed around not having auto-aim, so any version with it is essentially a significantly easier game in which the enemies/items were not balanced in time around this mechanic to make it more fair.

>> No.8257712

Original japanese release had auto aim, it was removed from the US release because rentals, faggot retard

>> No.8257719

no, it was not. do your research dumb fuck that is an opinion that has been repeated forever. Kamiya himself confirmed that auto-aim was added during the QA phase of the game. the game was not designed around auto-aim. PERIOD. it was added at the very last moment, weeks before release.

>> No.8257868

Just to back this up, there are pre-release betas publicly available too. The latest one I've seen is a debugging build dated Jan. 31, 1996 and even that late in development it still doesn't have autoaim. I think they also have the tougher monsters just like the original US release too, but I'm not 100% sure on that point.

>> No.8258104

So you're saying that they added auto-aim because they knew that it'd be a good idea to, and then took it out because they knew it'd make the game harder to stump rentals?

>> No.8258123

I got the longbox for the first time and didn't find it challenging at all.

>> No.8258219

>the QA phase
you mean the part where they repeatedly test the entirety of the game to ensure that it was designed properly?

>> No.8258443

>I think they also have the tougher monsters just like the original US release too, but I'm not 100% sure on that point.
I've played around with them a little bit. Enemies can't hurt you in the actual debugging build, but there's a timed demo from January 96 and they do the same amount of damage as in the US release in that one. With Chris, you die in 12 zombie bites in the demo vs. 15 in the final Japanese Biohazard release. The enemies have way, way less HP in all the beta versions though. Maybe for testing purposes or some other reason, I'm not sure, but zombies will often die in 2 or 3 pistol rounds.

>> No.8258470

>do your research
>In the game itself, the auto-aiming function was disabled and the numbers of ink ribbons found by the player were reduced. Capcom also planned to eliminate the interconnected nature of item boxes, meaning that items could only be retrieved from the locations where they were originally stored. This change made it in preview copies of the US version, but was removed from the retail release. This particular game mechanic would resurface in its remake as part of an unlockable difficulty setting. Shinji Mikami noted that they made the American version harder at the request of the American staff so that the game could be rented and not be completed in a few days. Mikami said that this version proved fairly difficult for Capcom staff, who had to play very carefully to complete it.

>> No.8258513

I'd suck a dick for a version of re1 that has the orignal, uncut color intro fmg, all the custumes they ever made for that version, and have it bootable on real ps1s

>> No.8258731

Depends on your preference
Completely obsolete unless you're REALLY autistic about the purposefully unfair North American difficulty.
>Director's Cut
The best version to get through legal means. PSX only.
>Director's Cut Dualshock
Easiest version to get legally. Same as above, but some words are changed and the music is completely different.
Has an exclusive enemy, an extra Battle Game mode. and some exclusive costumes.
Looks like complete dogshit on anything not a DS, but has some QoL features like a quick turn and dedicated knife button. There's also Rebirth Mode, but that's only usable on a DS
Best version honestly. Thanks to the rebirth patch it's insanely easy to get up and running. Just download the Mediakite version of Biohazard (Yes, the Japanese version) from archive.org (it'll take a while, but the site throttles download speeds for some reason). Then dump the contents of the disc to a separate folder labelled BIOHAZARD (obviously without things like autorun, etc.), download the Classic Rebirth patch, drop the .dll file it comes with into the BIOHAZARD folder next to the game's .exe, and it'll bring up a config file. Pretty simple.
The patch also adds in a quick turn and quick reload, in addition to having mod support (and yes, there is an RE1 modding community). It is also completely uncensored, unlike every other version of the game.

>> No.8260768

original burger release has no auto aim, directors cut does (like the original japan release).

if you want a harder game then go for the burger release. otherwise, directors cut is the way to go.

>> No.8261064

i played the director cut one in advanced mode with the best ending and i got a wonderul magnum with infinte bullets at the star of the new game. Then i played the remake for game cube in hard mode with the best ending in hope of getting a magnum with infinte bullets, but i did not got that. So i prefered the director cut version.

>> No.8261112

Classic Rebirth is fucking great but the game still crashed during a saveless run and it pissed me off.

>> No.8261559

pc version with a retro pc and powervr.

>> No.8261630

I actually came to prefer playing without autoaim. It makes the shotgun more useful for hitting moving targets and balances out the magnum and grenade launcher because it's much easier to miss a target and waste valuable ammo.
If they were going to have autoaim in later titles, I wish they would have spent some time tweaking it beyond the extremely basic way it's implemented in RE1. There has to be some kind of middle ground between "no autoaim at all" and "instantly snap 180 degrees and lock onto the enemy behind you."

>> No.8261734

Echoing Deadly Silence.

>Quick Turn
>Tactical Reload
>Tactical Knife
>Skippable doors and cutscenes
>On-screen map

Easily the most fun version of RE1 to sit down and play.

>> No.8262398


>> No.8262632

code veronica fucking sucks

>> No.8264390

PowerVR is a graphics chipset from the old days. JP, and maybe EU, only though. Here, have a video:


>> No.8264395

>JP, and maybe EU, only though.
I forget to mention that by that, I meant the version of the game thats compatible with that card, not the card itself.