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File: 17 KB, 496x168, SMB3-Level7_labeled[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
825338 No.825338 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw Pipe land is harder than Dark world in SMB3

>> No.826380

what is this bullshit with the named pipes? better be a strategy guide.
Also I'm betting it was harder because it only required one whistle to skip

>> No.826381

I had a lot of fun with Pipe land, it was just as difficult as it should've been. Dark world was just annoying though, those annoying convoy levels just drove me nuts.

>> No.826385

I have always called world 7, Plant World and world 8, Bowser's World

>> No.826401
File: 46 KB, 400x458, 1313885817079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' 7-7 and 7-8

>> No.826405

world 7 was hell as a kid for me, more so than world 8. But with years I actually find it not that difficult

captcha : succeeded amercm

>> No.826669

Fuck Pipe Land. Hated that shit as a kid.

>> No.826679


it is in your bollox, the hardest fucking level in the game for me is 8-1 without the secret passage

>> No.828328
File: 138 KB, 500x769, marioduh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Looking at your map.
>Realize for the first time the three separate land formations form pipes.

I feel so stupid, and yet so enlightened thanks to you.