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File: 1.87 MB, 3060x2440, N64-Controller-Gray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8250285 No.8250285 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people hate this controller so much? Once you realise it's three grips are intentionally supposed to be held in certain ways to play certain games it plays fine.

>> No.8250287

I like it just fine but the fact that its analog stick grinds itself to dust and easily loosens itself up is a major issue, these things were in no way built to last

>> No.8250292
File: 32 KB, 500x667, tumblr_8dca9563fc6578557c7aca1a56e2e8ce_866d91a5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's great once you realise how it's really meant to be held

>> No.8250315

Only retards and people who never owned a 64 say bad things about it. It's one of the best controllers.
>Muh joystick
All of my controllers are fine including the joysticks, because i took care of them.

>> No.8250332

What game are they playing?

>> No.8250378

Ur-Quaan is playing Mario, and some other time xe plays Zelda. The list goes on..

>> No.8250379

>works on my machine

>> No.8250796

There are a number of problems with it. My main problem with it is that they crammed too much shit into one shitty package. Only a handful of game use both the analog and dpad and even then not for anything they couldn't do another way. Not being a poorfag, I would have really preferred they had separate controllers for those if games weren't going to use them both.

>> No.8250818

>All of my controllers are fine including the joysticks
didnt own mario party huh?

>> No.8250823

There's nothing wrong with it, it's just incredibly alien and experimental.

>> No.8250837

You have to hold it slightly angled in order to grip it properly. If you hold it straight up and down, you will be grasping the analog stick and Z-button on the left, and your thumb will be positioned over the C-buttons on the right.

The A and B are not the primary button position for your right thumb unless you hold it slightly sideways. It's janky.

>> No.8250852

It's an ergonomic shitshow.
The INCLUSION of hardware features isn't the issue.
The PLACEMENT of the features is terrible.

>> No.8250858

It would've been an excellent controller if they sorted out the stick issues. Even if you set aside the build quality, the stick is just slippery and tires your thumb after a while. Everything else is good, the controller is comfortable to hold and responsive enough.

>> No.8250936

It's a fine controller but the dpad grip is just a waste of plastic. There's like a single digit number of games that even register dpad inputs, I think they could have just made it a two grip controller and told the 2D games to suck it up and use the joystick.

>> No.8251216

the playstation controller wastes plastic with its prongs - it was less comfortable than the SNES controller it was based on way less comfortable than the contemporary SEGA controllers at the time.

>> No.8251460

Did anyone else use their index finger as well as their thumb to control the control stick? Using the middle finger for the Z button. I found it much more comfortable and easier to control that way as a kid. I didn't even question it until I saw other people just used their thumb. Give it a try.

>> No.8251674

>it plays fine
too bad it doesn’t play good

>> No.8251701

Yes, i own all of them. We just didn't play mini games like retards...

>> No.8251712

Smash and Mario 64 fans still trying to convince everyone that these controls are good? When journalists say joycon is good, at least they get paid for it

>> No.8251717

The 64 controller didn't drift a week after you bought it.

>> No.8251792

You should have stopped replying because you sound like a retard.

>> No.8251967

zoomers are retarded

>> No.8252032

How do i sound like a retard?

>> No.8252041

Analog stick and shoulder buttons are shit

>> No.8252570


>> No.8252860

probably because you're retarded

>> No.8252910

kek retard

>> No.8253198

>play FPS games
>can't use the C buttons to change weapons

>> No.8253275

Saturn 3d pad was better.

>> No.8253287

This and based

>> No.8253289

Both were equally good for what they were designed to do.

>> No.8253292

Zoomies outed themselves and fell for a meme. Go back where you belong you insufferable faggots.

>> No.8253297

positively seething

>> No.8253298

Wat is an 'ur quaan' ?

>> No.8253310

oh, it's already time for the weekly "n64 controller
isn't bad" thread?

>> No.8253690
File: 308 KB, 861x511, d48rada-5c4b14f3-87d1-4ea7-9a63-acab2432f6fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"In our twenty thousand years along the Path of Now and Forever
we have dominated thousands of species, yes
but we have saved hundreds from extinction.
You imagine the threat of unknown invaders, or alien pestilence borne on the solar wind.
We have seen these. But you do not acknowledge your own worst enemy, yourselves.
We have found dead worlds without number, planets ravaged by atomic fire or gaian collapse.
These planets were not rendered sterile by outside forces.
They bear sad testament to the effects of unrestrained instinct and emotion
or simple ignorance.
We will prevent such mistakes."

The Ur-Quan Masters is one of the best retro games ever.

>> No.8253710

>tfw you realize that all this time N64 multiplayer games was meant to be played by 8 players

>> No.8253739

I mean, let's be frank, the quality of the controller is shit. And the C buttons were an interesting idea, but dual analog is a lot better. For the first of its kind, it got the job done very well.
When I was a kid, I only learned how to hold the thing once a game prompted me to use Z. I had no idea where Z was. When I finally found it, it clicked. Before, I used my thumb and index finger to pinch the joystick, but realizing I needed a finger for Z, I finally put my thumb on top of the stick. I had to teach so many of my friends the same way

>> No.8255180

The issue with the analog stick is a nightmare that with each passing year seems like the retro market will never truly fix. To this day there still isn't a third part controller or parts that are 1:1 with the original.

>> No.8256170

Mario Party 7 has 8 player through controller sharing. All the minigames are stick + trigger controls.

>> No.8256175

tfw I can't post the "how to hold the n64 controller picture" without getting a vacation for a few days. So I'll just say despite being physically large its form factor makes it cramped to hold and also the sticks go to shit very quickly and make playing the low framerate games even more unresponsive

>> No.8256176


>> No.8256195

so it's two really burly hands, right? Gripping the left and right handles. On the center handle - that's the secret, a meaty and stanky uncircumcised dick docks the center grip. The genius part is the background of the image, an out of focus short barreled revolver.

Now THAT is how you hold an N64 controller. It still doesn't make it a good controller mind you, but that's the trick.

>> No.8256801

It's ugly, tends to break and has t h r e e g r i p s
Design in general is not an art form, and this controller proves that. Nintendo was so obsessed with the trident shape (and very probably brand recognition) that they sacrificed the user experience. You had to change grip for every game you played. That's an extra level of discomfort added to the user, and generally bad design.

>> No.8257039

They fucked up so hard they made the best controller of all time a generation later

>> No.8257072

This level of delusion is why no one takes nintendo fans seriously anymore. The gamecube controller was so badly designed it prevented gamecube from being able to play most contemporary games. And those that did make it over suffered abysmal control schemes that made games unplayable like the SSX ports for example.

>> No.8257551

N64 is probably the best controller ever made. Certainly would be if the stick lasted longer. It revolutions controllers and the standard is still used today.

>> No.8257581

It's retarded because you can't use the dpad and the stick at the same time without moving to the other grip, also no camera control or using buttons to control the camera in a 3d space
just a shitty design at the beginning of 3d games before they figured out the optimal layout

the basic design wouldn't be perfected until the xbox controller came out, everything since then is just refinement of that layout

>> No.8257645
File: 24 KB, 525x210, banjoboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used my thumb and index finger to pinch the joystick, but realizing I needed a finger for Z, I finally put my thumb on top of the stick. I had to teach so many of my friends the same way
WTF, did you go to a special ed school?

>> No.8257794


Newsflash: N64 controller sucks, N64 library sucks and N64 sucks.

>> No.8257798

The joystick sucks and it's too awkward

Plus n64 has no games (other than the xtemely blurry 5 ok ones)

>> No.8257842
File: 72 KB, 958x994, EUuw9RgWAAAgBlo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8258227

Retarded zoomers

>> No.8258234

Post a single N64 game. I’ll wait

>> No.8258253

your mother

>> No.8258261

Bomberman 64: The Second Attack is the most kino bomberman and still to this day is a console exclusive

>> No.8258274

That’s not a game, my good bitch

>> No.8258278


>> No.8258449

Get meds

>> No.8259060
File: 76 KB, 839x480, (JPEG Image, 839 × 480 pixels).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3DO M2 controller was superior

>> No.8259070

>nostalgia goggle kids playing that shit controller with their tiny little 8 year old hands have no problems
Try it now, unless you've barely grown any since elementary school and still have tiny baby hands. Anyone with any decent size hands can't hold it in any good way.
You kids will do anything to glorify the fucking N64 and its library of complete trash because it was your first baby console, won't you?

>> No.8259454

>the standard is still used today.
lol the only standard in the industry is a twin stick clone of the dual shock and any system without the same number of buttons is seen as crippled. Even current day nintendo follows the standard set by sony.

>> No.8259471

What does it offer compared to a two handle controller? Obviously you're just supposed to use two of the three handles, but then you lose many off the inputs.

>> No.8259473

It goes full circle though. The Playstation controller was obviously following the SNES controller design before it added the sticks.

>> No.8259554
File: 116 KB, 640x640, 1233689485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me the A and B buttons are to close to the analog stick.

>> No.8259780

Nice cope, might as well say everyone copies atari because they used buttons not levers or dials.

>> No.8259805

the dualshock was just a snes controller with analogue sticks shown feasible from the n64; both Nintendo

>> No.8259806

>three different grip gimmick was rarely used, 99.999% of every single game uses the ‘left hand on the stick, right on the buttons’ set up
>mass excessive plastic
>pointless prongs, you take the far left and right ones off and it would still work
>camera controls often mapped to the c buttons, which is just awkward

>> No.8260050

The DS is a perfectly symmetrical controller it has nothing to do with the SNES one. The fact nintendo copied the symmetrical button layout of the DS is proof who's is copying who.