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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8248694 No.8248694 [Reply] [Original]

I beat this game. I fucking hate it. Only took 11 FUCKING YEARS.

>> No.8248698

doesn't count unless you finished green hill zone

>> No.8248734

I got the credits, so lick my dick, you little prick.

>> No.8249204
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>11 years
explain yourself

>> No.8249243

Mad Space is great if you're high as fuck.
Also I enjoyed the multiplayer.

>> No.8249251

I got filtered for a while on the Rouge stage with the 5min timer.

>> No.8249252

you mean you got filtered by crazy gadget/cannon's core as a kid and didn't play it again until 11 years later

that's not the same thing as taking 11 years to beat a game

>> No.8249284

I'm in the process of 100%ing it. Great game. I used to hate the mech and treasure hunting levels but now I see the fun in them.

>> No.8249351

For the longest time I believed the meme that this game is terrible and aged very badly. I finally replayed it this year and realized it was a solid game all along.

If sega had just further refined the adventure formula and kept the momentum they had with SA2 we would have gotten some true sonic kino.

>> No.8249371

game becomes 10 times better when you try to go for 180 emblems

>> No.8249390

The games from unleashed onward became almost completely autopilot, boosting through 3 lane roads and switching lanes to avoid spikes. It's so boring.

>> No.8249407

Based 100%chads. Sonic's stages are fucking insane to get all emblems on and the mech stages (just kidding, only Eggman's because Tails' are boring as shit) really shine on hard mode, especially goddamn Cosmic Wall.

>> No.8249416

Disinterest in the game

Your second statement is correct

Actually Mad Space made me say fuck it

>> No.8249753

Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 are dogshit games that I replay occasionally because I still love these shitty games like you wouldn't believe. Whoever was supposed to playtest them or edit cutscenes and just flat out didn't do those jobs, I want to give a hi five because they clearly knew what they were doing.

>> No.8250658

Can’t you just admin you enjoy something without it having to be ironic?

>> No.8250669

You can admit you enjoy something without having to pretend it's good. Like eating lard.

>> No.8250675

Played through SA1 and 2 about 10 years ago... loved 1, hated 2 other than Mad Space which was one of the only good parts of the game. I'm considering revisiting both games on my Sexbox, achievements will give me a reason to 100% SA2 but I can't really imagine going for 100% will make the garbage non Sonic/Shadow stages any better.

>> No.8251521

It's relevant to the discussion to say that you can admit something is bad while still also loving it. These games are like The Room of video games, in a good way.

>> No.8251539

there's a difference between ironic enjoyment and enjoying something that you know is poorly done
when you're watching a kung fu movie, you recognize the story is shit, but you enjoy it anyway

>> No.8251590

>11 years
It was released 20 years ago. I'm guessing you're underage

>> No.8251604


>got the credits

Bet you only cleared Hero Story, like the fag you are.

>> No.8252037

I cleared all 3, dipshit

>> No.8252135

>he didn't play the secret fourth story
Anti-Adventure sisters...

>> No.8252152

>you can't start playing a game after its release
You're the juvenile here.

>> No.8252161

I like how despite how divisive the mech levels are, everyone loves Cosmic Wall. Honestly probably the best level in the game that’s not from the speed segments

>> No.8252172

kys samefag

>> No.8252239

It does, retard. If you take 10 years to turn in a book to the library that's still 10 years too late to the librarian
Actually reading it for 10 years versus not handing it in until 10 years later doesn't change the fact it's still ten years over due.

>> No.8252242

They did, it's called 06. "Refining" is not a buzzword for "masterpiece" faggot.

>> No.8252250

>Can’t you just admin you enjoy something without it having to be ironic?
No, zoomer, liking something shitty is liking it because the badness makes you laugh. It's a different kind of feeling from loving a real good game.

But zoomers have autism and thus thinks there's only one kind of feeling in binary ways.

>> No.8252275

That's because they made the tank controls less shit by making him floatier and had less shit to BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP onto (until the auto rail sections)

>> No.8252379

06 is a glitchy mess where everyone including sonic is slow and controls like shit. So yeah thats not what i meant by refining faggot boy

>> No.8252392

>06 is a glitchy mess where everyone including sonic is slow and controls like shit.
And this isn't SA1/2, because?...
06, in concept, is SA3. Nothing more nothing less, and coping for 15 years is not going to change that. That game is exactly what SEGA wanted to do as a "refining" of that era. Hence when it flooded they retconned all of it. It's not like they made Unleashed because "lol why not?"