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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8239025 No.8239025 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth a try? I'm in the mood for a good shooter with fun weapons, and I've heard lots of positive things about it.

>> No.8239068

Yes, it's a great game.

>> No.8239089

fantastic game, has the coolest, most elaborate death animations in the industry, lots of cool weapons and level settings

>> No.8239182

it's laggy as FUCK but it's a pretty good game

>> No.8239195

the levels suck a little hard in this one. I wish I could enjoy it because it does have cool things like the weapons, effects and animations but the actual level design is so plodding, cumbersome, samey and bland. This is why I like Turok 3, it had well designed levels...they just ran at 4FPS and the game has never been ported.

>> No.8239285

The levels in that one are fucking mazes.
Great game but if you dont feel like running through mazes with teleporters everywhere for max confusion then don't play it.

>> No.8239503

Weapons are a step down from the first game and it's also much more labyrinthy, but it's still good.

>> No.8239692

If you play the PC remaster, there is quite a long time between save points, so keep that in mind. Personally I had to stop playing it, because I would frequently lose 20+ minutes of progress. Fuck that, I have a family that needs me.

>> No.8240349

>fucking mazes
Just knew your kind would show up. Imagine having to explore in a video game...
Knew you remaster screechers would show up too. Didn't expect all that cringe at the end of your post though. You should probably keep these posts too your social media accounts.

Forget the remaster OP, you should at the very least start off beating the OG to really appreciate the game. As for the game being a "maze" as long as you are not retarded, you should be able to figure out your way around the levels.

>> No.8240581

Its got everything people love and hate about retro shooters. The weapons are great but the maps are really intricate, even with an automap you can get lost. If you are accustomed to labyrinth level design, then you may enjoy it. If you are just starting out with the series play Turok 1 first

>> No.8240583

>there is quite a long time between save points
huh? you can save wherever at will.

Lots of fun weapons. Combat is basic and spaced out. I'd prefer more enemies like in Doom. Lots of backtracking too to previously inaccessible areas once you have the proper abilities.

>> No.8240687

I love Turok but fuck Turok 2.

Confusing as fuck maps, backtracking endlessly for missed objectives/missed nuke lairs/feathers
Backtracking to use the feather abilities

It's just a pain in the ass. And the level design takes the steepest nose dive of any videogame ever after level 3. Into straight "literally nothing but corridor" territory.

Great soundtrack, phenomenal weapon arsenal, really nice death animations and gore. But fuck the shitty level design.

I forced myself to finish it and can't bring myself to play it again.

>> No.8240692

It's ok, But compared to Turok 1 it's has horrible level design.

>> No.8240697

Filtered by lack of intuition and spatial awareness.

>> No.8240904

What's the issue with the remaster? I wanted to play it, 'cause I'm more used to PC shooters.

>> No.8240906

>What's the issue with the remaster?
there is none, autists screechs because nightdive simplified one hallway

>> No.8240959
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Still has the best soundtrack in the series and more memorable than other shooters soundtracks that came out around that time.

About the remasters,both games are solid but Turok 1 has a better modding scene

>> No.8241274

I got filtered by bad level design

>> No.8242328

Turok 3 is the best single player Turok and Rage Wars is the best multiplayer.
Turok 1/2 remasters by nightdive studios are the definitive way to play the first two games if youre going to play those.

>> No.8242341

Ehhh I would play any of the shadow warrior games instead. I think the turoks are overrated

>> No.8242464

>with fun weapons

Then you're gonna love that shit.

>> No.8242487

>Turok 3 is the best single player Turok

It should be noted that this is an extremely unpopular opinion.